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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Apr 06, 2021 3:44 am

Domestic Politics
Kushinda Mgawanyiko: People's Assembly Passes Two Compromise Bills April 4916
Special Session of the People's Assembly Votes in Favor of Two Harambee-Championed Bills

Following an extended period of division and debate in the newly hung People's Assembly in which representatives from the governing National Movement and Harambee parties have clashed with members of the opposition (and often, with themselves) over a number of bills the two parties have promised while on the campaign trail, yet have failed to deliver for the past two years of governance. However, some progress has finally been made and bipartisan effort, if only temporary, has been organized. The result of this bipartisan progress are two passed bills: the Renewable Energy Infrastructure Act and Tribal Autonomy Act.

The Renewable Energy Act began as a campaigning plank of the National Movement platform, which more generally promised the expansion of Liore's electrical grid to more reliably provide electricity to already connected areas and expand coverage to rural areas not already covered. This bill garnered flak from a vast majority of the Harambee Party, and more environmentalist and conservative elements of National Movement and the opposition. However, the two factions were able to compromise on an expansion bill that would refrain from pumping funds into the development of Liore's oil, natural gas, and coal based energy infrastructure, and instead focus on the caretaking of Liore's existing renewable energy infrastructure and it's further expansion, notably in the areas of solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy. The bill would also see the creation of a nuclear research and development program, given the task of propelling Liore into an age of clean and renewable nuclear energy, though the fruits of this labor are estimated to be years off without the aid of nations with existing nuclear energy infrastructure. The compromised bill was passed 232-68 with no abstentions.

The Tribal Autonomy Act was one campaigned on by President Kanu Afolayan and the Harambee Party. Seeking to further encourage Kitembo traditionalism by lessening the influence of a "modernized" state from the affairs of Liori tribes, the original bill would have seen a drastic devolution of powers to Liori tribes from the National and Departmental governments, effectively making tribes autonomous states within Liore. Some members of Harambee even proposed a drastic overhaul of Liore's local government map and policy, which would have effectively turned the Socialist State into a tribal confederacy. The bill was met with fierce resistance from virtually all members of the People's Assembly outside of the Harambee and from less radical elements of Harambee, who saw it as far too radical of a change that would destroy and replace the foundation of the Socialist State. Some members, led notably by Arch Minister of Home Nya Iwu, challenged too the idea of "further traditionalizing Liore," seeing it as a threat to the cohesion and freedoms of Liore. The bill was drastically changed in order to receive bipartisan support. The scope being reduced, the passed bill would still see the concession of powers to Liori tribes, including the ability to pass binging laws in tribal lands that aren't in conflict with National and Departmental law. However, the bill also included an "Appendix of Protected Rights," which outlaws numerous rights and freedoms that would be prohibited from being infringed by tribal governments, an addition to the bill due largely to the effort of Arch Minister Iwu. The compromised bill was passed 174-119 with seven abstentions.

The passage of these two bills are thanks largely to the leadership of a few members of the government and opposition who have since gained or solidified their national fame. Chief among these was Nya Iwu, the Arch Minister of Home and popular independent Presidential candidate, who oversaw the drafting of the compromise proposals and became one of the chief proponents of the bills within the government. Along with Premier Jabali Boro, the party leader of the National Movement, Iwu was able to unite the government in favor of the compromise, with other notable figures such as Issa Okafor, a now-popular Harambee representative from Yrasema, and Zain Kalejaiye, the leader of Free Liore's Nzurchanga caucus in the People's Assembly.

Polls Indicate Great National Support for 'Umoja' September 4916

Among the Kitembo people, there is an idea of 'Umoja' that has survived the tests of times. It is the idea of a single state uniting all the Kitembo peoples of Terra under one flag, and it's one that has long been popular within Liore, though never looked upon with a large degree of seriousness until recently. Recent statements from the Kuragao President, Charlie Nibogora, (who recently met with President Kanu Afolayan during a state visit to Kuga, Kurageri) that have been reported in KBC suggest that President Nibogora has serious consideration for the prospect of a union between Liore and Kurageri, and recent polls in Kurageri indicate that a vast majority of his countrymen share that same serious consideration. With Liore and Kurageri being Terra's only two states with populations that are overwhelmingly Kitembo, most believe that it would only be natural for Umoja two be achieved through the union of the two states. To gauge the current opinion of the Liori public on unification, a nation-wide poll was administered by the Ndidi Afolayan Academy of Politics to sample groups in each Department, with the sizes of these groups being proportionate to the populations of the Departments they represent. The poll revealed overwhelming national support for Umoja, with approximately 73% expressing that they "agree" or "strongly" agree with unification. In the Departments, Yrasema saw the highest level of support, with nearly 90% of subjects expressing some level of agreement, while Afolardhi had the lowest level of support, narrowly breaking 50%. In general, Liore's more rural and tribal regions were more supportive of unification while more urban and "Liori" regions had lower rates of support (with the exception of Araresa, which broke the national average with a support rate of 82%). This is thought in part due to the desire of "Lioris" to maintain dominance in the state, and the opinion that the industrialized cities would have to pay the most for bringing the Kuragoa economy and infrastructure system up to Liori standards in hypothetical unification.

Most serving Liori politicians and officials are yet to offer comment or opinion of the idea of Umoja or the NAAP poll, most likely not wanting to rock the boat of international relations. However, several firebrand politicians have come out in vocal support for unification, these politicians coming mostly from the National Movement but all other significant parties have spawned their own Umoja-proponents.
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Re: Liore

Postby Luis1p » Wed Apr 07, 2021 5:03 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:06 am

Domestic Politics
Mfalme wa Kabila: Jaali Saro-Wiwa Proclaimed High Chief of 'Imyi Kingdom' February 4920
Local Tribal Chief Jaali Saro-Wiwa Proclaimed High Chief of New Tribal Kingdom by Imyi Ámál

From seemingly nowhere, the long-dissolved Imyi Kingdom was brought back into existence following the calling of a traditional Imyi Ámál, or a meeting between tribal leaders of chiefs of the the wider spread Imyi people. These Imyi leaders, more than 400 of which were in attendance at the Ámál deep within the rural savannah of the Imyi Department, were seemingly spurned on by the recent reelection of President Kanu Afolayan and continued prominence of the Harambee Party in the People's Assembly, who have for the past six years guided Liore in the direction of further devolution of power to local and tribal governments and in the promotion of traditional Kitembo culture. The result of this days-long meeting was the resurrection of the Imyi Kingdom, a pre-colonial state that existed roughly in the area of what is today eastern Liore and western Istapali before being conquered by Western colonizers. Leading this new kingdom is the now-High Chief Jaali Saro-Wiwa, formerly a soldier in the Liore National People's Army and often-cited primatologist known for his work studying chimpanzees and bonobos in the Yrasema jungle. In recent years, Saro-Wiwa came to prominence after being elected Chief of his modestly-sized Imyi village following his retirement, becoming an outspoken supporter of the Harambee Party and for tribal confederalism, making him a star in the Imyi community and leading to his election to High Chief.

The exact amount of authority that the Imyi Kingdom is seeking for itself is not yet entirely known, but numerous leaders within the Imyi community, including Jaali Saro-Wiwa, have come out in the days following the Kingdom's proclamation to swear and reaffirm their loyalty and allegiance to, in the words of Saro-Wiwa, "the righteous People's Assembly of our land, our wider national home of Liore, and the great motherland of Dovani," and have assured government officials that the Kingdom will operate within the confines of the Liori constitution and law, acting under the definition of a tribe under the Tribal Autonomy Act of 4916. At the moment, what is clear about the Kingdom's authority is its unofficial influence and dominance over the Imyi tribes that have proclaimed themselves subsidiary to, with the Kingdom serving as an unofficial arbiter on tribal law and disputes between its subsidiaries.

People's Assembly Votes Massively in Favor of Unification Referendum' May 4920

With Liori politicians having slowly begun to break their silence on the topic of Umoja and unification with Kurageri over the past four years, the idea has become more and more prevalent and accepted in Liori political discourse, and it has now become regular for politicians to campaign on and promise their constituents to work towards achieving a united Kitembo state. Even President Kanu Afolayan has broken his silence on the matter, stating last year that "the unification of the Kitembo people under one state and one flag should ultimately be strived for by the Liori government and the governments of other Kitembo states. Such is the first step on the path to a truly united Dovani." With the wind in their sails, the so-called Umojanasiasa (a combination of the Kitembi words Umboja/Union and Wanasiasa/Politicians) have followed in the footsteps of Kuragao politicians, who two months ago passed legislation scheduling a unifcation referendum for September, have swiftly drafted, proposed, and passed their own bill in the People's Assembly which would schedule a referendum in Liore in September, aligning it with the Kuragao referendum. This bill, the Unite Our People Act, passed easily, with 267 representatives voting in favor, 24 against, and with 9 abstentions.

As in Kurageri, polls over the past few years indicate that support for Umoja in Liore remains strong, and has increased since the original Ndidi Afolayan Academy of Politics poll was conducted in 4816. Most recent polls put the current standing of the Liori public at a comfortable 79% rate of general support for the union of Liore and Kurageri, and even the most pessimistic of forcasts woudl suggest a landslide vote in favor of Umoja at the referendum.
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Re: Liore

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:06 am

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Re: Liore

Postby Reddy » Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:10 am

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Apr 15, 2021 4:14 am

Domestic Politics
Watu Wanasema Umoja: Lioris Vote in Favor of Unification Referendum September 4920
Voters in Mwibonde Participate in Referendum at Rural Polling Center

Referendum Results
Total: 18,577,418
Yes: 12,782,766 / 68.8%
No: 5,794, 652 / 31.2%

Departmental Breakdown
Department: %Turnout - %Yes - #Yes
Yama: 71 - 58 - 2,284,666
Araresa: 72 - 83 - 2,925,850
Pwanuu: 68 - 61 - 1,516,924
Afolardhi: 75 - 49 - 1,047,007
Vitafu: 62 - 62 - 836,454
Furutari: 63 - 69 - 757,247
Minaraha: 54 - 78 - 583,783
Yrasema: 41 - 92 - 537,039
Juuyada: 52 - 66 - 432,432
Mwibonde: 52 - 67 - 413,655
Imyi: 57 - 73 - 380,731
Arami: 63 - 77 - 394,289
Nefa: 49 - 64 - 259,034

The last of the votes in this month's 'Umoja Referendum' have been counted, tabulated, and reported; and the results are clear: the Liori public has voted massively in favor of unification with Kurageri. Though polls leading up to the referendum have overestimated the percentage of yes votes that would be given in the referendum, the percentage in favor of unification sits at a comfortable landslide just under 69%, with more than 12.5 million Lioris voting in favor, and more than half of eligible voters turning out to take part in the referendum. With Liore's results in and clear, the government will soon have the job of reviewing and approving the results, thenexecute the will of the public by contacting and working with the Kuragao government to transition to a unified Kitembo state. Already, President Afolayan has reportedly called his Kuragao counterpart, President Toro Hideki, to inform him of the results of Liore's referendum, which comes mere days after a similar referendum in Kurageri resulted in 78% of Kurageri voters chose to support unification with Liore. President Afolayan then addressed the Liori public in a live television address, extolling the idea of a united Kitembo people and the virtues of Kitembo culture. "Today is a joyous and landmark day in the history of our people," stated President Afolayan "Today our people voted overwhelmingly that we may be one and united, that borders may not separate the Kitembo of Liore and Kurageri."

Early stages of unification and constitutional talks are already being planned and beginning in earnest, with spokesmen for the government indicating that even the most generous unification plans currently being proposed would put the finalization of a Kitembo Union off by at least a few years. The work of the Kitembo people is now done, now must begin the work of Kitembo politicians and bureaucrats.
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Re: Liore

Postby Reddy » Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:52 pm

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Apr 19, 2021 3:56 am

Domestic Politics
Umoja!: Liore/Kurageri Finalize Unification, Kitembo Union Created October 4923
Kitemjiji, Ruba Island to be Union Capital

The dream of the Kitembo people has been realized: Umoja has been achieved. After three years of discussion and debate between delegations from Liore and Kurageri, the two Kitembo-majority states have, as of this month, united under a single political entity. The Kitembo Union (as it is officially named) has been created under a highly decentralized (but amendable) constitution, with the two Kitembo Nations of Liore and Kurageri maintaining relative independence and sovereignty when it comes to domestic social policy, but both ceding to the Kitembo Union authority over foreign policy and national defense, as well as common economic and infrastructural development, though segments of the constitution have alluded to future further centralization of power, including clauses such as "...the Kitembo Nations of the Union, in their pursuit of increasing cooperation and unity..."

The Kitembo Union will be governed and its policy directed by a bicameral legislature, with an upper chamber (the Baraza) made up of two 'Diwanis' from each sub-national (beneath the authority of the Liori and Kuragao governments) region in the Union, with one Diwani being required to be elected with 50%+1 votes and the other being appointed or elected at the discretion of regional governments. The lower chamber (the Mtukano) is made up of two national delegations, with 500 Representatives being sent by Liore and 300 by Kurageri, with Representatives being elected through party-based proportional elections.

Leading the Kitembo Union as its chief executive will be the President, who will, among other things, be given the power to direct the Union's foreign policy, the duty to head its armed forces, and the prerogative to form governing coalitions and the Union Cabinet. The President will be elected through an electoral college, argued for by the Kuragao delegation so as to ensure their representation wouldn't be washed out by the much larger Liori population. The electoral college allows the national governments to apportion electoral votes to their regions proportionately, with Liore receiving 300 votes and Kurageri 200 and requiring that Liore apportion at least 100 votes to its rural regions. The National Cabinet will be made up of Ministers serving as head of their respective Ministries, with the President given the power to appoint Ministers and form Ministries with the approval of both chambers of the legislature.

As of now, the Kitembo Union is governed by provisional appointees, including the Presidents of Liore and Kurageri. This caretaker government has the responsibility to watch over the Kitembo Union and begin the integration process between Liore and Kurageri until elections can be had and officials can begin to take their places. The first general elections are set to be held three months from now (January 4924) in which all seats will be contested.

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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Apr 21, 2021 3:35 am

#1 News Provider From Yamabiro to Kuga
Domestic Politics
Election Analysis January 4924

Presidential Electoral College (left) and Baraza (right)

Mtukano Election Results

Kheri Onwudiwe (Independent) - 395
Kanu Afolayan (Harambee) - 79
Nya Iwu (Free Liore) - 26

Independent - 19
Harambee - 6
New Frontier Party - 5
National Movement - 3
Socialist Caucus - 3
Free Liore - 2

Independent - 326
National Movement - 161
New Frontier Party - 103
Socialist Caucus - 88
Harambee - 82
Free Liore - 40

The long-awaited first general elections for the Kitembo Union are now concluded and the results reported. There are seemingly no partisan victors, with independent candidates and tickets topping both legislative chambers and winning the Presidency. In the race for the Presidency, Kheri Onwudiwe came out on top and is set to become the first President of the Kitembo Union. Coming out on top over several other candidates, with only Kanu Afolayan, the sitting President of Liore, and Nya Iwu winning electoral votes, Onwudiwe served as the Liori ambassador to Kurageri before being appointed to Liore's unification delegation and as a chief official in the Union's provisional government. Onwudiwe campaigned on an inward-focus platform, promising voters an administration focusing on the further integration of Liore and Kurageri into the Union, promising particularly to sponsor projects to link Liori and Kuragao infrastructure and encourage economic development in Kurageri. Onudiwe pledged also to pass military reforms to combine and expand the regular forces of Liore and Kurageri into a single Kitembo military. Reportedly, Onudiwe is already preparing a list of cabinet minister candidates comprised primarily of independents, with a few seats being reserved to attempt to gain the support of partisan legislators, notably from National Movement and the New Frontier Party, so as to add further onto his massive support among elected independents.
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Re: Liore

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:14 am

#1 News Provider From Yamabiro to Kuga
Economy Today
Baraza, Mtukano Pass Massive Infrastructure and Economy Bill November 4925
Proposed Liore-Kurageri Highway Construction would Increase Ease of Travel and Transport and Create Jobs for Local Kuragaos

Quite early into their administration, the Onwudiwe government has already managed to pass one of the flagship bills of the President's campaign. The All-Kitembo Infrastructure Integration Act (AKIIA), after spending months in debate over its scope and reach, passed with an overwhelming majority in both the Mtukano (568-232) and the Baraza (33-5), and was signed into law immediately upon being placed upon the desk of President Kheri Onwudiwe. The meat of the bill had to do with the construction of new and expansion of existing roads, highways, and railroads running between Liore and Kurageri. Currently, there are only two major highways and one railway running between the two nations, with a highway and railway running through Bakundu to Ligembe in the east and one highway running from Darobi to Gemi in the west. The several billion Liori Yen bill tasks the Infrastructure and Transport Ministry with tripling the arteries of overland travel and commerce between Liore and Kurageri, with the opening of two new railways and four highways. The results of these constructions would be great for the Kitembo Union due to the further integration of its two nations, and particularly Kurageri whose workers the AKIIA requires to make up a 70%+ majority on the workforce for the constructions and will no doubt benefit from an increased trade capacity with the much wealthier Liore. The bill however suffers from the drawback of Liori environmental regulations, which seeks to reduce overall large construction works and pollution outside of urban areas, and local officials in Liore's Yrasema Department have made it clear that any laying of roads or rails through the Yrasema Jungle (and especially through recognized wildlife preserves) is expressly forbidden and will not be allowed to occur, though some of these same officials have stated their willingness to allow the construction of rails in the far west of the Department adjacent to the Darobi-Gemi Highway.

To a lesser extent, the AKIIA included also fund allocations for the expansion of other transportation infrastructure nodes in Kurageri, namely sea and air ports. Kuga, the capital of and largest city in Kurageri, will be the primary beneficiary of these funds, and is slated to receive millions of Yen for the expansion of its airport's capacities, and the construction of several new port facilities in the city. High economic officials hope to see Kuga transformed into a major commerce hub within the Kitembo Union (one on par with Naranpa-Bakundu), due largely to it already being developed relative to other cities in Kurageri and its strategic location on Kurageri's southern coast, giving it access to global sea lanes not impeded by the Midway Canal. The final infrastructure provisions of the AKIIA had little to do with transportation, instead focusing on communication. The last provisions see a relatively small sum of funds being allocated to the connection of Liori and Kuragao telecommunication infrastructure, including the connection and upgrading of phone lines and internet infrastructure, and the integration of postage services. On top of connecting the lines of communication, these provisions will also seek to begin the process of bringing Kurageri's telecommunication infrastructure up to the standard of quality had by urban Liore.

The final provision of the bill had little to do with infrastructural integration, but rather economic integration. One of the hot-button issues faced by the unification of Liore and Kurageri is that of the overall economic policy of the united state. Liore has for over a century maintained a socialist system of economics and a nominally planned economy, with exceptions existing in a few special economic zones where free trade and enterprise are permitted but vigilantly overseen. Kurageri, on the other hand, does not share Liore's history of ardent dedication to socialism, and has throughout its history engaged in market economics to a varying degree of government intervention. This has begged the question of which economic system the Union will adopt across the entirety of its state, or whether it will even adopt a uniform economic policy rather than delegate such policy to the two nations. Proponents of the Liori system argue with the example of the tremendous economic and geopolitical success Liore has managed to achieve using the current system, while proponents of market economics attribute this success to the SEZs (citing noticeable uneven development between the SEZs and Liore proper) and instead argue for a universal system of regulated capitalism, while more others simply call for the delegation of economic policy to the nations for the sake of sovereignty. Which brings us to the final provision of the AKIIA, which (rather anticlimactically) doesn't provide an answer to these questions. Instead, the final provision instructs the Economy and Commerce Ministry to establish a Committee on the Union Economy, given the express goal of producing an informed assessment of the grand economic question (as well as other more minor questions, such as the adoption of a Kitembo currency) and to provide the elected government with a recommendation on how to proceed with regards to these economic policies.
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