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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:38 pm

"Operationa Arraconda" a Surprise Hit

The Luthorian film "Operation Arraconda" was a surprise hit in Yingdala, leading the box office on its opening weekend. Primarily set and filmed in Yingdala, the movie tells the story of a rouge Yingdalan official's plot to launch a mind control satellite through a monument to the Treaty of Port Morgan. The plot is ultimately foiled by Luthori.

Many critics panned the film, calling it a fantasy and a disgrace. One notable critic said, "Clearly, the film shows how Luthorians view us and that Yingdalans seek to control all people everywhere. This is a boldfaced lie - not to mention completely impossible and unaligned with Yingdalan values."

However, the audience loved the movie, with filmgoers citing it as a "wild ride" and "fun." Viewers praised the locations and filming - believing they showed Yingdala's natural and cultural beauty. One viewer stated, "Who cares if it is totally unrealistic? The movie was entertaining. Besides, the bad guy had what was coming to him."

Scholars have quietly praised the film - with even the Ministry of Rites and Education giving it a quiet endorsement, noting that a corrupt official was arrested and and human rights were preserved.

Filmgoers here and around the world will have to wait and see to compare "Operation Arraconda" with the to-be-released "Port Morgan."
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:01 pm

Economic Update: New Trade Deals and Revised Economic Policies Expected to Fuel Growth

After years of policy stability, Yingdala continues its positive economic journey to benefit consumers, businesses, and investors in the country. After many years of efforts, Tian'an has pressed forward on its mission to diversify its trading partners across Terra - leading to new trade and investment pacts which are expected to fuel exports and boost domestic investment. Additionally, the Central Bank of Yingdala and the Yingdalan Wealth Fund announced several new policies which will make credit cheaper and provide domestic-focused investment opportunities.

It is no surprise that Tian'an has continued its drive to expand global trade. High on the Eight Economies agenda, trade diversification has been a hallmark of Yingdalan policy. With the signing of new trade deals with Barmenia, Zardugal, and Dankuk - Yingdalan producers will have free access to additional markets for exports and investments.

The move to expand trade Dankuk was expected. After years of negotiations, the two countries finally ratified the agreement. Given historic, cultural, and regional ties, trade and investment between the two countries is expected to boom. His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven is quite intent on boosting economic ties with the Gao-Showa nations of Terra, which includes Dankuk. It is likely that companies and investors will take this intention into account for their economic activities.

However, the expansion of trade in Majatra was more surprising. Although Yingdala had signed agreements with Selucia and Jelbe, it had focused more on the Eastern Hemisphere. The deals with Barmenia and Zardugal - identical per the Yingdalan Model Treaty - were largely rooted in a desire to not just expand trading partners, but to rekindle historical relations. Barmenia is a Jelbic nation, while Zardugal and Yingdala once had close ties. The agreements make sense and can serve as additional entry points for Yingdalan commerce in Majatra.

Besides trade expansion, the Central Bank has announced interest rate cuts to 2.5%, down from the double digit rates of decades ago. A 50 basis point cut, the new rates will lower the cost of loans nationwide - allowing cheaper business expansion. Moreover, the new rate, believed to be the lowest the Central Bank will go, will allow ample management of inflation and unemployment. The hope is that the new rate will be the "sweet spot" to minimize inflation and maximize employment.

Additionally, the Yingdalan Wealth Fund announced a significant investment change - focusing more on domestic small businesses. Foreign government bonds, making up nearly one third of the YWF's portfolio, will be reduced to 10% over time, with investments that would have gone to bonds going to small and medium sized businesses (SMEs).

SMEs are expected to be the growth engine for Yingdala's economy. They will proportionately benefit the most from the new trade and economic policies - whether it is through direct sales of products abroad or inputs to domestic producers. From local restaurants, hairdressers, and other service providers to tech startups, SMEs will have the opportunity to expand cheaper, faster, and with support from one of Terra's largest investment funds.

Continuity will remain. Yingdala will continue to seek to grow sustainably, securely, and with the people at the center. All is done for the people.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:21 pm

Port Morgan Released to Popular and Critical Acclaim

The long rumored Port Morgan epic war drama has been finally released after two years of filming to popular and critical applause. Even after a month since its release, the movie has remained at the top of the box office. Critics and fans alike praised the film for its gritty realism and the focus on the conflict between duty and morality.

Set during the Southern Hemisphere War and its aftermath, the film tells the story of a mid-level bureaucrat, Shao Ping, in what was then the Directorate of Dependent States (Ministry of Foreign Affairs equivalent) and Colonel Fu Rong, serving on the front lines in Southern Dovani and then later in Yingdala. Both characters are flawed - believing in Yingdala's mission to bring an end to colonialism and Western involvement in Dovani, but each willing to set aside morality for the common cause and self-preservation.

Surprisingly, the central antagonists are the Zardics, Luthorians, AND the Xin Emperor and his supporters. While an anti-colonial movie, the story portrays the Xin Emperor as an immoral warmonger who was more focused on expanding Yingdalan power than practicing the Jienist values he claimed to support. The main characters Shao and Fu only come to realize this at the end - when Yingdala is devastated from invasions and must also bear the cost of managing new territories.

The Yingdala-Luthori conflict was portrayed in a most unflattering light. Some might argue the film was somewhat sympathetic to Luthori. Again, the Xin Emperor's regime was portrayed as anything but Jienist and willing to take advantage of a relatively minor political disputes and use it to legitimize war. While Yingdala emerged victorious to Luthori's humilation, the cost of victory was high. More burdens were placed on the Yingdalan people and colonialism was replaced with new version, Yingdalan protectorates.

Although the new protectorates were not a major part of the story, nor were they seen in action, the film hinted that one evil was replaced with another and built upon the same evil of the desire to dominate at all costs. It ultimately sends a message to Yingdala to refrain from the path of force and to always stay true to its Jienist morality.

Much has obviously changed throug the centuries, but Port Morgan should be seen as a warning to all nations: conquest and power isn't worth the degradation of the soul.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:52 pm

Son of Heaven Calls for Calm, Offers to Negotiate Between Beiteynu and Lourrenne

Geopolitical tensions are rising between the two largest powers - Lourenne and Beiteynu - and right on Yingdala's doorstep in Seleya. Both nations, far removed from the continent, could begin a conflict which would negatively impact Yingdala. Recognizing this concern, His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven has invited Beitenyu and Lourenne to Whale Island, true neutral ground, in an attempt to mediate the dispute.

The Son of Heaven's invitation reads:
Your Majesties and Your Excellencies,

We hereby request your presence at a conference on Whale Island on the sidelines of the World Congress to discuss and resolve your disputes.

As a friend to all, Yingdala is uniquely positioned to mediate. Moreover, given that tensions are rising on a continent upon which we are a member and which is next door, We are most capable of using our desire for peace to help you come up with an equitable and fair solution.

Maintaining the peace is paramount for your respectives peoples and the people of Terra. We know you are capable of doing your duty and seeing this through.

With the Utmost Sincerity,

Wu Fangxun
Son of Heaven

While Yingdala will use all diplomatic tools to help maintain peace in the East, Tian'an is not naive. Preparations will be made at home to insulate from potential economic shocks. The Imperial Armed Forces will likely increase training protocols and expand patrols. The Jienist way of peace and prosperity will endure.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:22 am

Yingdala Pleads for End to Beiteynu-Lourenne Hostilities as Conflict Shocks Economy

The Royal Council of Yingdala, with the approval of His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven, has issued a statement requesting an end to the Beiteynu-Lourenne conflict and warning Terra of the consequences of expansion.
The Royal Council of Yingdala, under the supreme authority of the Son of Heaven, who is also the Heavenly King, Sovereign, and Emperor of Yingdala, humbly requests the governments of Beiteynu and Lourenne to cease all hostilities for the good of Terra. Misunderstandings can be resolved through dialogue. Peace can prevail. It is not in the interest of either Beiteynu and Lourenne, nor the people of Terra, to continue down the warpath.

Yingdala will continue to call for peace between the nations and is willing to serve as an impartial mediator on the sidelines of the World Congress on Whale Island. We stand with all the other nations asking for peace.

There is no virtue in this fight, but only suffering. The wise leaders of Beiteynu and Lourenne know this and they are wise enough to turn the tide toward harmony.

May Heaven bless Terra and restore its peace.

Later, after the statement was announced, unnamed Ministry of Rites officials, responsible for Yingdala's foreign affairs, spoke anonymously and blamed Beiteynu for the conflict. The official said, "It is clear Beiteynu fired on Lourenne, who rationally defended itself. While both parties are completely responsible for escalating tensions, the primary blaim belongs to the Homeland State."

Though clearly words of support for Lourenne's cause, the unnamed official clarified that Tian'an would not be involved unless Yingdala - its people, sovereignty, or assets - were attacked. The government has been firm that it prefers a peaceful resolution - and quickly. It will not be seen to fight an unjust war, which the government truly believes.

The conflict was started over miscommunication, misconceptions, and a desire to dominate from both sides. There is no morality in this and Yingdala will not be part of it.

However, the country is facing the cost of the conflict. The Jiaozhou Stock Exchange and Tian'an Bond Market both saw massive selloffs - far larger than during the Aldegar Canal Crisis. As a result, the Counsellor-in-Chief's Office put a halt to trading to allow cooler minds to prevail. But this is unlikely until Lourenne and Beiteynu reach a peace agreement.

With the expected downward trend in equity markets, the Yingdalan government will likely need to step in. Policy measures are believed to be prepared - including further central bank rate cuts and additional injections of capital from the Yingdalan Wealth Fund (YWF). Direct consumer support is believed to be a last resort to avoid inflation.

Fortunately, trade will not be as impacted as during the Aldegar Canal Crisis. While costs of shipping and insurance are up, the Aldegar Canal remains open. With the additional seats Yingdala controls through a YWF subsidiary in Dalibor, Tian'an has pledged to vote with the Aldegarian government on all matters in the Aldegar Canal Council.

The Imperial Armed Forces will remain on heightened alert until the conflict ends, but there is no expectation Yingdala should be dragged into the conflict. However, should Beiteynu or its ally Badara, who has entered the war, attack Dankuk, Seko, Mikuni-Hulstria, or Tukarali, Yingdala will be forced to join the fight.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:41 am

Hubris War Update: Yingdalan Economists Sound Alarm on Beiteynu's Economy - Are the Tendrils Fake?

Since the Beiteynu-Lourenne conflict began, known in Yingdala as the "Hubris War" due to both sides self-belief and determination, Yingdalan economists have sought to understand the economic rationale behind the war - with some believing to have found it.

Cai Qian, a distinguished professor of international relations at the National University in Tian'an, published a paper with his colleague Professor Mao Yuanbo, an economist, of Jiaozhi University, effectively calling Beiteynu's economy smoke and mirrors - supported by Lourenne, knowingly or unkowingly.

In the paper, the professors outline their evidence for why Beiteynu's economy is false and will collapse:
1. Beiteynu's low population of just over 30 million people cannot support an economy the size of over 7 trillion LFS. The productivity simply isn't there - robotics and artificial intelligence simply aren't advanced enough.
2. Beiteynu's geographic makeup isn't conducive to such a massive economy. Too much desert and too little urbanization - due to the population size - are simply a drag.
3. Subsidiaries and corporate activities abroad cannot make up the shortfall from 30 million people. The capital required would mean significant international ownership, with these benefits flowing to other countries and would not be reflected on Beiteynu's economy.
4. Thus, in order for Beiteynu's economy to benefit, it would have required significant lending - meaning the Beiteynu's economy is very likely over-leveraged and the most indebted country in Terra by miles.
5. Given the low population and high debt, Beiteynu cannot sustain its economy and is on the implosion path - it is a matter of when not if.
6. Lourenne knowingly or unknowingly supported Beiteynu's claims through reporting and establishing an international concert. Of course, Lourenne benefited from this arrangement - although this may have only been a consequence of what it thought it was doing was in the right.
7. The current Beiteynu-Lourenne War - the Hubris War - will more than likely end with a strategic defeat for Beiteynu as its economy will crumble. It cannot support a prolonged war effort, nor the global economic disruption. Even if it defeats Lourenne in the field, it has already lost the war.
8. Even if Beiteynu hangs on, it will be saddled with an unpayable debt - making a default or repudiation inevitable. Governments and investors will lose trust and the Beiteynuese economy will remain stagnant for decades to come.

Surely, the paper is expected to shock Terra. Beiteynu will deny the evidence, as could Lourenne given their role in propping up a false narrative - even if duped. However, the evidence is quite clear. Has Beiteynu been playing Terra - including its allies - for fools? How long could Beiteynu's trading partners benefit when the economy is a ticking time bomb that would drag them down with it? Will we witness a new Yeudi Migration with the implosion of Beiteynu's economy? We are about to find out.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 20, 2024 1:02 pm

Markets Continue Negative Trend Amid Nuke Fears and Murky Economic Information Despite Policy Measures

Yingdala’s equity markets have continued to fall throughout the duration of the Hubris War between Beiteynu and Lourenne. No industry or type of security has been left unscathed, save for gold, critical minerals, and the defense sector. Unemployment has also crept up due to economic uncertainty.

While the country’s gold buying spree of several decades and growing defense industry has provided some cushion, it has not been enough to stem the economic impact of geopolitical tensions.

To make matters worse, reports of Beiteynuese nuclear testing and potential use of nuclear weapons has struck fear into the hearts of the people, businesses, and investors alike - preferring to make contingency plans and conserve resources to wait out the crisis.

Government policy has also done little to reverse the economic director upward. The Central Bank of Yingdala cut interest rates an additional 2,000 basis points, dropping the interest rate to 0.5%. This is the absolute lowest the Central Bank can go - making credit as cheap as possible. The Office of the Counsellor-in-Chief has also requested banks provide more but still quality loans to businesses and individuals if there is a reasonable chance of repayment. It has also begun preparing a large bailout package for businesses and consumers alike - exploring that dreaded path of potential inflation.

Additionally, efforts will be made to slash red tape to make forming companies, making investments, and doing business easier. Jienist morality - which includes health and safety - will be the only minimum requirements. This should help spur business activity - even if delayed.

For now, folks are content to save, plan, and wait. The light at the end of the tunnel must come first to act intelligently, otherwise it is all for nought.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 20, 2024 1:15 pm

Yingdala Sternly Cautions Terra Against Nuclear War, Requests Presence of Most Influential Nations at Tian’an to Discuss a New Terran Order

Reports of nuclear weapons activity and fears of real use in Beiteynu have sent shockwaves through Yingdala. The people come first, for nothing else matters without them. Thus, at His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven’s direction, the Government of Yingdala has issued a stern protest to the Beitaynuese authorities, summoned the ambassador for an audience, and released a statement on the current state of the Hubris War.

At the His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven’s direction, the Government of Yingdala expresses our deep concern about reports of nuclear weapons testing and potential use by Beiteynu. We urge Yishelem to turn back from this option. The people of Terra are worth more than anything. They are our greatest treasure. No nation should risk the potential extinction of humanity for political gain. It is immoral and goes against Heaven’s, who is also the Hosian, Yeudi, and Ahmadi God, precept - as well as international law.

We announce that Yingdala will respond to any nuclear attack that may harm our people, assets, or sovereignty at home or abroad - be it a direct strike or radiation - with the strongest response. We will use diplomacy first at all costs, but we will not hesitate to defend ourselves.

We have made these points clear to the Beiteynuese ambassador when His Imperial Majesty summoned him before the Dragon Throne.

Moreover, His Imperial Majesty realizes that this pointless conflict has been a lesson from Heaven. As such, He will be extending his arms and a warm invitation to the influential nations of Terra to a conference at Tian’an to discuss creating a new, more harmonious Terran Order.

May Heaven bless Terra!
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Mbites » Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:12 pm

"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:06 pm

Son of Heaven Offers Two Sacrificial Bulls to Heaven and the Lesser God of Terra in Bid for Peace

In a rare, public sacrifice outside the annual ceremonial calendar, His Imperial Majesty the Son of Heaven held two sacrifices of adolescent bulls at the Altar of Heaven and the Altar of Terra as peace offerings.

Broadcast on television and radio and steamed online, with open attendance, His Imperial Majesty implored Shangdi - the Supreme God, also known as Heaven - and the lesser god of Terra (akin to a Hosian saint) to urge all the leaders of Terra to work toward a peaceful and harmonious world, but to especially call Beiteynu and Lourenne to the negotiating table. The Son of Heaven also requested that Heaven protect all from potential weapons of mass destruction.

Sacrificial meat was distributed to the poorest among the attendees, a small gesture during these economically trying times.

Following the ceremonies, the Heavenly Palace announced His Imperial Majesty and other members of the royal household and the court would pray daily to Heaven, Terra, and the ancestors to restore and then preserve peace in Terra.
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