
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Istapali

Postby cm9777 » Sun Aug 27, 2023 9:31 am

Bombing at Pipeline Planning Site; 2 dead 8 Injured

A Hosnian fundamentalist group has claimed responsibility for an attack on a pipeline construction site just 10 kilometers from the Nsanian border. Construction of the pipeline is ongoing and was inching closer towards Nsanlosa. The group known as the Hosnian Brothership of Dovani claims the act was undertaken to defend a holy site that the pipeline runs through a While the land is not developed, records show the first Hulstrian colonists placed high value on the area and several priests may be buried there. Istapali President Yousef condemned the attack and indicated that the perpetrators will be hunted down. Representatives of the major Hosnian groups in Istapali meanwhile also condemned the bombing but suggested more transparency into how the pipeline might hinder access to the site.

The Brothership also indicated that further attacks would follow targeted at the construction of the pipeline if the work did not stop immediately.
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Re: Istapali

Postby cm9777 » Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:06 pm

Istapali Denies Extradition Request of former Emperor

Istapali President Qadriyah Yousef formally refused requests from the new regime in Nsanlosa to extradite former emperor Hundarra. Relations between the two nations had recently stablised with Yousef and Hundarraa's government agreeing to a new East Dovani Economic Community and the construction of an oil pipeline. The recent regime change in Istapali's neighbour has resulted in mixed reactions at home. While the political systems of both nations are now relatively similar, the Istapalian government is unsure about the intentions of the newly empowered republicans.

Yousef appeared to show a readiness to negotiate when he said that cooperation with Nsanlosa would depend on a mutual respect for the rule of law- referring to the recent attack on the Eastern Dovani Oil Pipeline and implying that Nsanlosa needed to cooperate in the ongoing crackdown against Hosnian radicals who are also active in the country. With such developments, the recent normalisation of relations and emergence of a partnership may be in jeopardy should the Nsanian side refuse these terms.
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Re: Istapali

Postby cm9777 » Wed Sep 06, 2023 9:48 am

President Yousef announces anti terrorism operation near Nsanian border

Istapali troops and police officers were spotted in several border towns this morning having received anonymous tips about the hiding places of the Hosnian Brothership whose members attacked part of the ongoing construction of a new oil pipeline to Nsanlosa. President Yousef confirmed the news in an announcement justifying the heavy handed response as a means to prevent future attacks. Reportedly, many suspected members were taken into custody and in one case a violent shootout resulted in the death of a suspect. However, many members were made aware of the operation and reportedly fled south towards the Nsanian border into less developed areas. Through interrogation and the seizure of computers and other items, it is estimated that up to 1000 millitants may still be in hiding in the border settlements without counting non-violent members and sympathisers of the group.

Reportedly, the entire span of the pipeline on the Istapali side as well as all border towns will be heavily manned by security personell and checkpoints set up for all paths heading into Istapali proper. From these new garrisons, patrols would also be undertaken in the southern direction towards Nsanlosa. The opposition has criticised the move suggesting the border checkpoints violate the freedom of movement of the residents and that non-violent opponents of the pipeline could be considered terrorists and arrested as well. Criticism also came from members of Yousef's own party for not undertaking similar measures in the rest of Istapali where some members are expected to be operating. Yousef however appears to have placed a priority on protecting the new oil pipeline and denying the group success in future attacks.
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Re: Istapali

Postby cm9777 » Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:17 am

Anger in Istapali as officers killed

Protesters have been out in the street all over Istapali protesting the deaths of several police officers in an incident in the Nsanian border. President Yousef has taken most of the blame. Supporters of Yousef and his ruling DRP have complained that their leader is too soft on the Hosnian Brothership and on the Nsanian government who is accused of giving shelter to them. Opposition figures meanwhile criticise the fact that police officers were deployed on foreign soil and had to face military personnel from Istapali’s southern neighbour, as well as trespassing the border and provoking Nsanlosa.

A new incident on the border has also come to light. A group of Hosnian worshippers attempted to cross the border from Nsanlosa into Istapali. Upon searching the worshippers, a single firearm was found which led to the internment of the worshippers on terrorism charges. Border guards from the Nsanian side also attempted to intervene with shots fired from both sides across the border. The location of the arrested individuals is unknown.
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Re: Istapali

Postby cm9777 » Sat Sep 09, 2023 6:59 pm

President Yousef resigns amid leaked airstrike documents

New elections will be held and the incumbent president's responsibilities will be jointly shared by his current cabinet. A leak delivered to various media sources showed presdient Yousef was directly involved in ordering the Istapali airforce to order an airstrike on Nsanian territory linked to the Hosnian Brothership group. Yousef was reportedly threatened with criminal charges for authorising a hostile action against another state without parliamentary approval and without consulting senior figures in the defense ministry. Once believed to be the great reformer of East Dovani and the vanguard of better relations with Istapali's southern neighbour, Yousef steps down amid major border incidents that could have easily escalated to war.

Yousef's cabinet have already agreed on talks with the Nsanian government. They seek to reach an agreement on the status of the border. Some terms include joint security of the oil pipeline under construction and a consultation process with Hosnian figures on how to continue with the project while respecting the exsiting holy sites.
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Re: Istapali

Postby cm9777 » Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:53 pm

Istapali Government demands creation of border zone due to terrorist threats

With the reemergence of border clashes between the Istapali and Nsanian sides, tensions are on the rise again. Istapali troops often conduct patrols unknowingly into Nsanian territory to investigate the activities of the Hosnian brothership, a group responsible for several attacks on Istapali pipeline infrastructure. With the lack of clarity of the territorial boundaries, Istapali foreign minister Jamba Oyinlola suggested Nsanlosa cede approximately 25 square kilometers of territory to Istapali along the southern border that would form a sort of buffer zone. Oyinlola suggested such a border region would largely cover the areas used by Hosnian groups to organise their activities from the safety of the neighbouring state.

"This is about the security of the entire region, we should not forget that the pipeline these terrorists are disrupting is one that will be of significant benefit to the Nsanian side too" claimed Oyinlola. He also offered that any settlements in the border region could maintain their economic links with Nsanlosa such as the Nsanian currency and that the buffer zone would be administered with the interests of both states at heart.
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Re: Istapali

Postby cm9777 » Mon Oct 23, 2023 4:31 pm

Istapali soldiers seize buffer zone

Istapali has gained a new advantage in its decade-long dispute with neighbouring Nsanlosa as the Nsanian government and armed forces remain occupied by a coup attempt by President Caala. While several anti-terror missions were stopped and hindered previously by resistance in the border area, Istapali forces have managed to seize the border zone of 25 square kilometers where the Hosnian brothership allegedly plans the majority of its missions into Istpali. Istapali foreign minister Jamba Oyinlola defended the move claiming that although the Nsanian side had not yet delivered a response to the demands, that the recent internal unrest in the country justifies the measure to maintain order, otherwise the chaos could be exploited by extremist groups to conduct further attacks into Istapali territory.

The Istapali government meanwhile has positioned itself clearly against Caala condemning the coup attempt and noting that the political chaos in Nsanlosa provides further evidence of the country's inability to combat extremist terrorist groups. Chancellor Galaan has been invited for talks to formally recognise the new territorial boundaries and cooperate more closely with Istapali in the future.
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Re: Istapali

Postby cm9777 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 7:18 am

Istapali Government Condemns coup in Nsanlosa, offers Chancellor Asylum

Government officials decribed the events in Haradesa as an outrage and also condemned the apparent activity of Dorvish agents in the country. According to Istapali foreign minister Jamba Oyinlola, the ongoing disorder further justifies the recent annexation of the border zone.

As a result of our military administration of the border region, the people of Nsanlosa now have a model again of what peace and order looks like. We have undertaken this action due to the long standing partnership and friendship between our two nations and in the best interests of both countries.

The now ousted chancellor Iree Gaarlan has also been offered asylum in Istapali along with any supporters or Nsanian individuals forced to flee the country amid the aftermath of the coup. Gaarlan has also received an offer from the Istpali Government to lead the administration of the new border zone under supervision. According to senior officials in the Istpali Interior and Foreign Ministries, Gaarlan would be a popular and credible choice. Additionally, the border zone could serve as a safe haven for opponents of Nsanian President Caala's coup.

We sincerely hope that Chancellor Gaarlan accepts our offer of asylum in Istapali and to administer the troublesome border region. As a capable figure, Chancellor Gaarlan represents the hopes and desires of the Nsanian people as they look on in horror at the illegal insurrection in Haradesa

With Istapali troops consolidating control over the newly annexed border zone, several successful raids have also been conducted. The extremist group known as the Hosnian Brothership's activities appear to have reduced in the area due to the raids and other members fleeing further southward. However, authorities assume that given the chaos in Nsanlosa, that coordinating and planning attacks from the new Istapali-Nsanlosa border would be difficult.
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Re: Istapali

Postby cm9777 » Fri Oct 27, 2023 11:14 am

Military Disaster: The Nsanian Disgrace for Istapali troops in border region

After two years of relative calm and little opposition to the Istapali presence in the border zone, the occupation force was expelled within a number of hours. Thousands are dead, missing or otherwise unaccounted for as the advancing Nsanian forces took many prisoners amid a mass panic amount the defending soldiers. It is understood that a lack of defensive precautions and Dorvish support in equipment and tactics for the opposing side allowed for such a one sided confrontation.

Nsanian troops have reportedly faced little opposition even as some isolated incidents occurred of troops crossing the original border. Istapali’s new interim government has immediately called for peace talks fearing a prolonged military campaign which could result in major cities falling under occupation. So called “Nsanlosa doves” have forced the original government to resign suggesting they jeopardised relations with what was supposed to be Istapali’s closest partner. Meanwhile the hardliners criticised the former government for not exploiting the chaos enough to permanently weaken the southern neighbour and for the significant military defeat now known as Die nsanische Schande (the Nsanian disgrace).

While Istapali has remained stable throughout the political chaos that occurred in Nsanlosa, this recent episode could mark the beginning of similar instability. The interim government pending new elections has already announced an investigation into the conduct of recent governments and their conduct in relation to the armed forces.
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