
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:42 pm

OOC Source: Pinterest

Kalibaka: The Kingdom of Dorvik and Federal Republic of Istapali have signed a arms deal agreement worth a total of 3 billion. The new agreement, signed by delegations from both parties in Kalibaka, would see Dorvik provide Leopard tanks, small arms equipment in addition to training and basic advisory support for the first few years. A total of 150 Leopard tanks will be sold to the Istapali Army, all provided with a desert camouflage and additional equipment. The new small arms to be provided to the army will give it a new standard rifle for its infantry, the G-36, as well as providing a variety of handguns and the proper ammunition. To make sure the equipment remains usable the National Defense Company will also be given the right to produce ammunition within Istapali for use in the new equipment.

One of the more major parts of the deal includes the selling of three MEADS units (medium extended air defense system). These units will be placed on strategic undisclosed locations and will protect Istapali air-space with a additional layer of medium ranged air defense systems. The MEADS is considered one of the top air defense systems in the world, giving Istapali good capabilities to defend against possible aerial threats. With the MEADS additional training and advisors will also be provided, to ensure proper use of the system.

The total deal will thus cost 3 billion for Istapali but will greatly improve the fighting capabilities of the ground forces, who have until this point been working with outdated equipment but will now be provided with modern assault rifles, side arms and as per order from the Defense Department, new uniforms and additional gear such as helmets. It is the latest effort by the Istapali Army and the Department of Defense in expanding and modernizing the ground component of the Armed Forces, with a planned reorganization of the ground forces also presumably underway, changing the divisional structure from brigades to divisions as the main bulk of the force. The Department of Defense defended the arms deal by saying that, "instead of developing our own costly main battle tank and additional small arms equipment, we decided to go with proven systems that have already shown their worth on the battlefield. This does not only mean better performance on the battlefield but is also less costly, allowing us to put more resources in developing other equipment on our own."

When it comes to infantry fighting vehicles and other ground based systems the Department of Defense could not yet fully comment. But with tanks and small arms now coming from Dorvik many speculate that the army might have enough funds to fund project for the development of their own equipment, making the recent arms deal a clear win both on the financial front and the military front.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:20 pm

OOC Source: The Guardian

Kalibaka: Istapali will send its first entry to FOMAT in the form of Marumbe, with the song "Ooel". The artist, who has been getting popular in Istapali particularly for the youth, sings in the native tongue. He has been playing music in Istapali for over 10 years and only recently climbed the ladder to become one of the more popular new artists in Istapali.

The song will be a modern one, focussing on the new influences that are entering Istapali and giving it a traditional twist. The song has been praised by outside observers for its original tone and the daring choice for one of the native languages in Istapali, while some has expected the current official Dundorfian language to be used for the song.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 19, 2021 5:05 pm

OOC Source: Military Times

Kalibaka: SHOCK! President Suso has, as confirmed by the Department of National Security and several government sources, been killed in a bomb attack on his motorcade in Kalibaka. The president, who has served as President for over 6.5 years, was on his way back to the Lime Palace when a bomb detonated, presumably just below the President his car. What followed was a scene of utmost chaos, with police agents rushing towards the now burning wreck of the car and others trying to cordon off the area. Immediately after the detonation a emergency protocol was announced which called in units from the Gumbuktu National Guard and introduced a emergency situation for the capital, forcing many citizens to remain indoors. After around two hours the news reached us and other institutions and news outlets of the death of the President, which was presumably determined ten minutes after detonation. Immediately after the determination of death the Speaker of the Assembly Sutay Kayode (who is per constitution the Vice President) was escorted to the Lime Palace in a undisclosed vehicle and subsequently sworn in as President. Kayode then ordered the Federal Police and other authorities to declare a state of emergency for the entire country until the perpetrator of the attack was apprehended.

Kayode, who became speaker 5 years ago, is a 54 year old politician who has been known for his hawkish stance when it comes to the armed forces and his ability to show leadership, sometimes being described as a "leader of steel". President Suso was loved by many, with his approval rating at a high of 78% upon his death and him largely being credited for the massive economic boom Istapali has been experiencing. Newly sworn in president Kayode will have a hard time ahead as people from all sides of the political aisle will demand an answer to the question: how could this have happened? As we speak the new President has convened a meeting of cabinet inside the Lime Palace and has reportedly already talked to the leaders of parliament. Pahali Sanneh from the DRP has been elected the new Speaker of the Assembly in a emergency session and she has already spoken with Kayode about the situation. The perpetrator is still at large, with Federal Police, National Guard and specialized military police launching a full scale manhunt.

It is still unclear when a funeral will be held, with many expecting a state funeral to be organized for president Suso, one of the more popular presidents in recent memory.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 19, 2021 7:48 pm

OOC Source: Africa Intelligence

Kalibaka: President Sutay Kayode has proposed a large act to parliament which would create a new intelligence and security apparatus consisting of several agencies with different tasks. The act, named the National Security Act, introduces the creation of over four new agencies, the Bureau for Internal Security (BIS), Foreign Intelligence Service (FIS) , Executive Security Service (ESS) and Central Intelligence Service (CIS) all serving a different purpose in the name of National Security. The BIS will be tasked with monitoring and neutralizing domestic terror threats and helping police forces with heavy crime investigations. The FIS would be in charge of foreign intelligence, espionage, neutralizing hostile cells and other classified tasks. The ESS will be tasked with the protection of the cabinet, including the president, and in some instances protecting federal buildings such as parliament. The Central Intelligence Service has a more passive role, tasked with protecting Istapali infrastructure and government institutions from cyber threats as well as playing a coordinating role for the other agencies. In the act all newly created agencies would be under the umbrella of the Department of National Security.

The NSA is a reaction by the new president on the attack that shocked the nation and killed President Suso. President Kayode has been suffering from a average approval rating since the attack, with many seeing him as illigitimate since he was not elected to the position. His approval rating is hovering around 52%. To turn the tide not only on his approval but also in the effort of learning from the attack the Lime Palace has now proposed the NSA, meant to better protect Istapali citizens, the istapali state and Istapali politicians. A early estimate suggests that the new act will cost around 110 billion once passed but would greatly increase security in the country. The DRP, with a majority in both Senate and Assembly, will likely easilly pass the National Security Act, marking a new chapter in Istapali and the intelligence/security communities.

Another major headline is the arrest of the likely perpetrator of the attack on the president, Gibril Baldeg. Baldeg, as announced, is a 22 year old communist who has been part of the Communist League of Istapali, a minor political organization. Baldeg reportedly was angered by the capitalist and free market approach of the Suso administration as well as the cutting of regulations and the expansion of the Armed Forces. Baldeg hoped, by killing the president, he would end these policies, not realizing that President Kayode himself is more conservative then Suso. Baldeg is currently beng held at a undisclosed location with the Department of Justice announcing its intend of holding a military trial for him, which would allow the death penalty to be given.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:07 am

OOC Source: PV Magazine

Malaka: In the state of Malaka the first nuclear power plant of Istapali has been officially opened by President Sutay Kayode. The plant, which was under construction for nearly 6 years, is the first of five new plants to be constructed over the span of 20 years. The second plant, planned for the state of Fayes, is already 2 years into construction with only minor delays. The new plant has been named after the late President Suso and will thus be called the "Suso Nuclear Energy Plant". President Kayode stated that the plant is a "hallmark of engineering" and marks a new chapter in Istapali energy production. It will significantly increase the energy independence of Istapali and, if all five are completed, is set to provide over 30% to 40% of Istapali energy needs. While many see the project as a step towards further self sufficiency for the country outside observers seem concerned about Istapali its ventures into nuclear energy. Some still blame the recent earthquake in Northern Istapali to possible secret nuclear operations by the administration, something that has not been proven and has been denied by authorities. But if these rumours are true the finalization of the power plant could make the entire process more efficient.

The Suso Nuclear Energy Plant will produce energy for Malaka state, Feskuo state and Sio state, providing a large quantity of their energy needs. Istapali is reportedly getting its uranium from both small deposits in the country itself as well as nations with larger deposits, namely Hutori, with the pledge that it will only be used for energy production. The second nuclear power plant is scheduled to be complete within 4 years, with the entire project already costing billions for the federal and state governments.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:22 am

OOC Source: MSN

Liore: As the Department of National Development releases one of its final reports on its Water Management project more facts about its possible consequences for surrounding nations are coming to light. While its clear that the countless of Dams and water management projects in the plan are having a positive effect for Istapali our neighbour, Liore, is possibly seeing a water problem emerging. Following the construction of a set of large dams on key rivers within Istapali several Liore agencies have rang the alarm on the state of the river water levels in their country. Some reports indicate that in several large Liori rivers water levels have dropped by over 30%, causing not only problems for nature in the area but also creating problems for the local population. Many villages surrounding the rivers still use the rivers to dump their trash or to drink from. With a normal waterflow the river can manage to clean itself and take the trash away from the villages quickly, allowing them to drink from the river as well. But with water levels dropping trash and sanitation is getting stuck in the river, further polluting it and causing local villages to suffer from disease and a lack of proper drinking water. Furthermore the drop in water levels is causing difficulties in the travel for freighters, which are getting stuck on more and more occasions or forced to turn back due to low water levels.

In Istapali the dams are having positive effects, with the dams producing large amounts of electricity for growing Istapali cities and allowing local governments to better utilize the water to irrigate crops or clean for drinking water. Where Istapali first suffered from frequent droughts and water problems it is now managing to fix these problems, no longer making water a rare commodity for many ordinary citizens. The evolving situation is however putting a strain on Istapali-Liore relations. While the Istapali government has already expressed its willingness to work with Liore in solving the problem a easy solution doesnt seem likely, as the dams are there and will not be taken down, forcing Istapali to possibly divert some more of its water to Liore, putting the future of the Water Management Project at risk. While a dialogue is reportedly ungoing, it remains to be seen if the two sides can come to a compromise.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:08 am

OOC Source: Vertipedia!

Kalibaka: Canbar Aerospace Engineering has announced that it has finalized the design of the H-V Utility Helicopter and has seeked permission from the Department of Defense to start assembly line production on the H-V class. The Department of Defense has already put in a order for 50 of these new helicopters meant to be used in both a limited air support role and a transport and insert role. The new helicopter will be a valuable and versatile addition to the air force its arsenal and will also be used within the army, which will receive around 20 H-V Heli's. Canbar competed with several other companies including TaalTuray, known for its work on the S-12 Cobra. In the end Canbar created a cost efficient and well performing helicopter that suited the needs for the military. TaalTuray and the other competing company, United Dynamics, have announced that they will be working on their own private project which is supported by several lawmakers from both parties. The project is rumoured to be centered around a heavy transport helicopter, using the research they performed for the utility contract to create this new design. The Department of Defense has stated it will not provide support for the project but will be open to testing it and considering it if it proves to be a success, likely a strategy to not attach funds to a new project.

The Department of Defense has been working with a number of companies in the past few years, cutting costs on certain projects by allowing several companies to compete for projects. While this has proven to be a good strategy, delivering results and allowing costs to remain limited, the sheer amount of projects has forced DoD to take a step back until next year, when funds are likely to be replenished. Still the department is eager to see the result of such a development project which would, without initial backing of financial supprot from the department, be a cheap domestic project that could still benefit military capabilities. TaalTuray and United Dynamics have however announced that if DoD is interested it will partially incorporate the costs of development for the project in the end price.

The H-V helicopter is likely to start its assembly line production once approval has been given, which is expected to happen within the month, marking another milestone for the domestic weapons industry and granting both airforce and army a new asset to work with.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:40 am

OOC Source: EDMTunes

Kalibaka: A new and exciting platform has emerged in the tech hotspots within the Istapali capital of Kalibaka. As the Hutorian Lexington Entertainment is working on several projects to kickstart the Istapali tech sector one noticable company has gained its attention, making use of the under construction high sped internet network that mostly spans the urban centers of Istapali. The new company, calling itself Lifebook, has launched their platform with a similar name around a month ago. The new platform allows users to create a account and share memories, photo's, opinions and more with others, creating a "book of life". The platform has, since launch, racked up over 2 million unique users with the vast majority coming from Istapali. The company CEA Abe Awkwada has stated that he believes Lifebook could grow with 1 million users a year if not more. Lifebook is receiving aid from Lexington entertainment, which is providing expertise on how to run the servers that the platform runs on as well as marketing help to get the word out. Awkwada his dream is to introduce Lifebook to a wider global audience, "allowing the world to share its memories with everyone. Creating a collective story of our life's to enjoy in its entirety!" Users have been positive about the platform, enjoying the fact that they can share photo's and video's and appreciating the comment features currently in Lifebook. The company has announced it is working on more features such as planning events and sending private messages. When these will be implemented is currently not revealed.

The deal struck between the Hutori and Istapali governments has caused a boom in tech startups which is now seeing its effect in urban areas, with young entrepeneurs trying their luck in this new and exciting bussiness for Istapali. The uptick in activity is also a positive for the economy overall, with the Department of Economic Affairs stating that since last year the economy has diversified significantly, with revenue on oil exports remaining the same but revenue from other sectors seeing large increases, aiding the Istapali economy into diversifying into different fields.
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:35 pm

OOC Source:

Ugwu: Yet another earthquake has hit northern Istapali last week exactly 1.5 years after the first quake hit the region. This new earthquake had a magnitude of around 6.0, making it a heavier quake then the one before. As it currently stands no reports have come from New Englia about the earthquake causing problems, with only minor aftershocks being felt in our neighbouring country. In Northern Istapali damages have been greater then the previous earthquake. With some roads being damaged and poorly build housing succumbing to the pressure of the tremors. As authorities from both state and federal agencies arive on the scene many, both in the north and accross the country, wonder what might cause these shocks in the first place.

While the Istapalian government continues to state it is unusual natural activity that is hitting the region experts from several global institutions have rang the alarm bell, stating that they believe something more sinister might be happening underground. In a petition signed by over 100 renowned scientists from accross the globe the collective of nuclear scientists, earthquake experts and energy experts, state that they are "82% certain" that the Istapali government is hiding a nuclear program from the international community. After carefull analysis by several agencies the tremors and initial quake do not resemble a "natural earthquake" and the absence of proper aftershocks also seems to confirm these analysis. The scientists have send their petition to the World Congress, urging the body to at least consider the possibility of Istapali trying to develop their own nuclear weapon. President Kayode has firmly denied the accusations, calling the collective of scientists, "a band of attention seeking scientists determined to make money over the backs of those losing their homes to a naturally occuring earthquake." He further called on the international community to, instead of investigating these "wrongfull claims", help Istapali authorities in rebuilding the properties that were lost during the earthquake.

Since the finalization of the first nuclear power plant for Istapali suspicions over a possible nuclear program have been rising, with this latest incident sparking intense debate on the origin of the quakes and the motives of the Istapali government, which has felt isolated since the creation of the Dovani Pact and has stated before that it intends on, "Working tirelessly to protect Istapali sovereignty and ensure that our bilateral approach to diplomacy and trade can be preserved."
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Re: Istapali

Postby Rogue » Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:38 pm

OOC Source: Umaizi

Kalibaka: Its been months since the formal opening of Istapali its first ever nuclear power plant. But the moment it was opened problems started to occur. The plant did not go operational and many were fearing the failure of the entire program. In a moment of desperation construction of the second power plant was halted by the Department of National Development and the three planned reactors were cancelled. But, thanks to cunning work from the Department of Foreign Relations, a new deal has been struck that enabled istapali to at least make its current reactor produce the energy it was meant to produce. Secretary Dembo Gassama visited Yingdala last week, a first for such a visit to the largest economy on Terra. Gassama and his counterpart discussed a variety of topics, including the current security situation in Dovani. But, after a day of talks, the two released a written statement announcing the creation of the "Istapali-Yingdalan Nuclear Agreement".

This agreement, as the name suggests, will see Yingdalan scientists be send to Istapali to start up the Suso Nuclear Powerplant and train Istapali plant workers how to keep it running, staying tere until Istapali is capable of fully running it themselves. Furthermore funding to operate the plant will also be provided by Yingdala, allowing Istapali to keep it running without the risk of major costs. Yingdala will also provide Istapali with uranium, something Istapali will pay for. The Yingdalan scientists will also train a variety of Istapali counterparts, ensuring that Istapali can document the information about nuclear power generation and subsequently run more plants itself if capable in the future.

In exchange for this support a groundbreaking Free Trade deal between the two nations will be signed, seeing tarrifs on goods from both nations eliminated and also granting Yingdalan goods "preffered trade status" which means that Yingdala will be seen as a prefered trade partner. This free trade deal means opportunity for Yingdala, which will have a new major export market for its products, while it is for now also a plus for the Istapalian economy, which is experiencing a diversification and thus the new goods being produced might find a cheap market to be exported to. President Kayode has however been forced to answer a variety of harsh questions from reporters, who have accused him of selling out Istapali in order to run a mere power plant. Kayode, while firm proponent of bilateral trade and Istapali isolationism, has stated that the deal marks a "test" for the Istapali economy and that his administration will still abide by isolationist principles for the remainder of his term.

This deal thus allows Istapali to finally start up its only nuclear power plant and grants trade opportunities for both nations. But with presidential elections out 2 years from now, will this move of change by the Kayode administration mean a election loss?
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