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Re: Medina

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:27 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Sat Dec 05, 2020 9:25 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
December 4856
Medina Makes Moves to Reestablish the Nation in International Geopolitics, After 50 Years of Pseudo-isolationism

After over 50 years of laying low, Medina has announced its reentry to the global stage. Previously the loudest power in the so-called "Third World" of Dovani, they faded from the limelight at the end of the first decade of the 4800s. Earlier this month, at the 30th anniversary of the first Vicereine, Rayyana Kohli's, death, the newly elected Vicereine, Arusa Mahesar, made the formal announcement that Medina would be come a cosmopolitan nation once again. Mahesar, elected to her position in 4850 by the 11th Board of Experts, is a new scene in the nation; being 22 upon her appointment, she is younger than any of her 3 predecessors, with Rayyana Kohli being 26, Nassrin Lanjwani being 42, and Sajiyya Khawaja being 46. Her youthfulness is exhilarating to the people; election turnout for the 4753 election was higher than any point since the 4700s, and the MJZ increased it's electoral support in the Assembly of Deliberation via its affiliated electoral list.

The Vicereine pictured in her office in Madinat es-Salaam just after her election.

The new Vicereine stated that she would support any movement in Dovani targeting Western imperial powers, and would work together with other nations to increase solidarity and relations. Some accused her of neo-imperialism in her time before becoming Vicereine, when she served as the associate ambassador to Utembo while going to the University of Medina, Madinat Campus due to her expansionist views. Her office's official stance is that "Dovani should act as a united front to stand up for itself—and Medina, with a long history of being the leader of Pan-Dovanism, should head that United Front." Where this plan will go, no one knows, but it seems likely that with her and her new ally, Zubair Hussaini, the President, they will follow along those goals.
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Re: Medina

Postby Rogue » Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:55 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby jamescfm » Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:47 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:16 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sat Jul 22, 2023 2:19 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official and true news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
February 5334
Medina to have a state visit to Beiteynu, plans more visits, passes minor reforms

Her Eminence Hina Saifi, ruler over Medina for the past 30 years has seen a tumultous rule, nevertheless she has managed by the grace of God to push the nation forward. After centuries of silence, Medina has mostly focused on the mining industry, expanding Ahmadi principles and maintaining the trusted status quo. Despite apparent anti-Western positions of past leaders, the President Lizam Buledi, who chairs the cabinet formed of Secretariats has proceeded to pursue a diplomatic meeting in Beiteynu, via the foreign secretary, equivalent of the foreign affairs ministry.

The move is a surprise, as the nation, mostly against Yeudis, has saw this move as a great step in modernizing in some manner to allow the nation be more in pace with the current world. Voices within the political elite are more and more diverse on the topic, once considered taboo, now deals with exploiters and morally bankrupt nations has once again been initiated. The government, recently approved after the falthering of the old one on the basis of public backlash against their corrupt behavior, has also planned other reforms.

Among some, they have planned liberalization on women rights such as education and voting rights, given that since the regime had been installed, even though it had more progressive reforms, it has soon reverted into a more traditional Ahmadi regime. False accusations nevertheless, given that the regime tries to stay true to their faith, unlike the West. Nevertheless, tax reforms and plans for inviting foreign capital, as well some plans for combatting corruption have been added to the list. The cabinet also announced more visits, such as possibly to Lourenne or Dorvik.

Given the strong opening up to the foreign nations considered exploiters, protests have arised, putting the Board of Experts into scrutiny for allowing such propositions to pass. The vicerine herself has stated that a decision will be reached. The visit to Beiteynu had been fruitful, so far, with Shaoor Jadgal reaching a beneficial deal for Medina to lead to major investments in the region, stimulating the decaying overly regulated economy and prompting a sense of modernization. Aside this, Medina has seen more Hosian proliferation in their lands recently, mostly due to Ameliorate missionaries.

President Lizam Buledi addressing the nation

Despite the ban on parties, and ambigous laws on freedom of speech, a new political force in Medina has appeared, the Radical Civic Democratic Party (ریڈیکل سوک ڈیموکریٹک پارٹی) or else said Bunyaad Parast Shehri Jamhoori Jamaat. It has started to agitate and cause havoc in the pious nation, leading many to astray. What we know is that it lobbies strong secularization, a left leaning social democratic regime and a "proper" democracy. Nevertheless, the current regime will endure, as it is divinely inspired to lead our nation to a better staet of matter, for all, as well protect Dovani nations from Western imperialism.
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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:19 pm

Aawaz - The Voice - The true democratic opposition
The Voice is an ever increasing present news source in Medina and outside, representing the interests of pro-democratic forces against reactionary isolationist government
Corruption in Medina reported through the roof

Madinat es-Salaam - July 4334
The Voice is a recent news source, newspaper and online platform for radical elements within Medina that have been itching to reform the nation. Long past the socialist regime that tried to reform Medina radically, long past the independence of this supposed glorious nation, the facade of a democratic regime turning to it's true color: a theocratic sham of a regime, authoritarian , paranoid of new trends, fearful of the outside, boasting about being sovereign, boasting about the glorious constitution and the living standards, but the reality is that the nation had relied too much on a weakening mining industry.

Given the lack of proper resources, our economy had stagnated for a while now, heading toward crass irrelevancy as Vascania continues to be a looming threat, as western ideals continue to lead to prosperity, while in recent times, the right to free speech and of the press have been broken down ever so slightly. The government barks about ridding of needless bureaucracy, yet it creates more legislation to prevent investigations within the elite, the government barks about true deliberative democracy, yet the opposition is banned, with a supposed neutral Board of Experts clearly stacked with Ahmadi radicals.


The theocratic regime, that is, has only brought reactionary and outdated policy, even on economics, despite the attempt at populist reform, the corruption emanating from the regime has crushed any hope for true improvement in the domain of education or healthcare, more busy nowadays with instilling Ahmadi values, despite ever increasing secular thought and wish for a more liberal, or in some circles, more leftist economic model. Protests that were peaceful throughout the centuries were violently suppressed, with opposition leaders charged for committing blasphemy or being homosexual.

The regime has became so corrupt, even the democratic process is rarely utilized correctly, with many bills not respecting the procedures, or even call for a deliberation. What referendum we get, it is often rigged in favor of what the party wishes to see enacted. The party has hid itself from public eye, looking like a simple organization, a guiding principle, however the power of it has been increased. An investigative mission over the time of a year led by our journalists found out the poor state of our prison system, the many political detained people, unlawfully arrested in the name of democracy..

We as well revealed many of our public officials taking in bribes with an eerily easy manner from our sting operators. A video was also produced of a live attempt at tampering with the voting ballot. The purge itself undergone in recent months has targetted mostly fallen out of grace military generals or cabinet members, people paddling a need for reform or simply not being obedient enough. These inner party conflicts, fragile sham democracy and the expelling of any true discussion over the issues has caused lot of strife in our nation.

Many people are discontented and are demanding reform. Soon enough we shall see light come out once again and the regime fall where it is it's place, in a grave.

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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:17 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official and true news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
January 5336
Unlawful cabinet removed, Medina under siege

The western powers have corrupted the minds and souls of our nation, as series of top generals and including the current cabinet had to be arrested. Following recent legislation to grant women rights and even secularize, as well visit Beiteynu and striking deals that the Vicerine, as well the BoE found not in compliance with the Constitution or the moral fiber of our society, has proceeded to use the national guard stationed in the capital to quickly intervene, discharging the current cabinet, arresting many of it's leaders, including President Lizam Buledi. The foreign secretary, Shaoor Jadgal, with some diplomats and less important cabinet members have stayed in Beiteynu, where they have formed a government in exile, an illegitimate regime.

For now, we thought that the West has changed, but even the slightest opening up to the exploiters has led to them proliferating Hosian faiths throughout the nation, pushing for degenerate values such as allowing women to do things that would hurt their pure nature, against their interests, leading them to contempt for God's laws and properly ordained hierarchy, as well as we saw, anti-corruption measures, as a subversive act as found in declassified documents that they searched to usurp power and lead to a coup d'etat against the rightful regime.

Even if the regime is unlawful, such dismaying moves to destabilize the nation for political gains of unlawful and foreign-backed opposition is not what we want. Their newspaper, The Voice also has been behind promoting civil violence against the police forces, vandalizing several mosques, as well talking of persecuting Ahmadis. Regardless, this talk of foreign intervention in Medina, the Beiteynu backed support for an illegitimate government, Vascanian inter-mingling in local affairs, as well sabotuers within our own ranks forced our hand.

The government has without delay charged many of the arrested corrupt politicians with treason, blasphemy, unconstitutional behavior, abuse of power and bribery. Other crimes such as terrorism and conspiracy are pending, as some of the lower ranking officers in the army found out to cooperate with outsiders had plans of bombing the Vicerine's palace, including owning guns at their residence, a thing not allowed by the customs of our nation. Furthermore, the vicerine Hina Saifi has made a thorough speech explaining the situation:

While the desire for reform is real, and that the passions are not always in line with Ahmadi principles, we must remain peaceful and focused on preserving our nation's spirit. Given that the colonial powers have already abused us, we strived to maintain what is ours, but despite our respectful decline of foreign interference, they have lied to the people with backed media from abroad to turn Medinian against Medinian, to erode trust in the revolution we succeeded, to tell us how democracy actually works, to instigate violence, prozelytation and even a potential coup.

This is not what we expected from the outside, and while we will attempt to reestablish foreign relations, we want them on our terms, for once, the colonized shall have it's way, just as the colonizer had it's way with us for too long! The humiliation suffered from Endralon and other foreign nations mingling with us for their war with Vascania and not only will never be forgotten. We shall not forget what they also did, by spreading false ideologies to lead us away from God, such as the brutal socialist regime that had to be defeated in a bloody civil war.

People, lend me your ear, hear me out, we shall improve, as we always do, maintain true democratic principles, divinely inspired, toward a better future for all of us. Let us put down the passions instigated by unlawful outsiders wishing to stray us away, to sell our national spirit for a quick buck in their international corporations, to prevent a desecration of the rich history and culture we have, to instill a sense of patriotism and fervent belief in God. Let us rejoice, for we have stopped them in their tracks, God bless all!
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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Jul 27, 2023 9:02 pm

Aawaz - The Voice - The true democratic opposition
The Voice is an ever increasing present news source in Medina and outside, representing the interests of pro-democratic forces against reactionary isolationist government
Prison system in frightful conditions

Madinat es-Salaam - August 5338
Poor prison conditions

Penal reform has been slacking in Medina, a nation where honor killings are still legal, a nation where death penalty is administered for offences such as homosexuality or even apostasy, in such nation, the prisons are nothing more than slave camps, with little chance of prisoners of getting out of prison, and even if they get, they most certainly went through large amounts of abuse. One of such abuse is the labor they put through, endless hours of exhaustive work without payment, or even proper conditions to dwell normally. The food rations often are lackluster, with dubious ingredients or sometimes not offered.

The prison cells were reported over-crowded, dangerously unhygienic, with human feces surrounding the corner of the walls, insects observed all around, while the bunk beds are often too few to accomodate everyone. The sinks and sewage system are often breaking down, putting the facilities on stress, These details were revealed after several inspections by our journalists, some filming, some doing photos or writing down. Nevertheless, some of them got arrested on charges of sedition or disturbance of law, a legislation in place to prevent any investigation into the police's enforcement of justice, an act supposedly "safeguarding the duty of law enforcement to ensure safety for all".


On another note, we found many detained prisoners to be imprisoned for minor offenses, such as being political opponents, shoplifting, or even for making jokes about Ahmadi religious principles. Some are renown religious leaders of various other confessions, as well it is often observed that prisoners get beaten for no reason or for most minor or non-sensical offenses, The guardians often disregard prison infights as long as they are not riots or have an important prisoner breach. Many do not even have formal training to be officers or watchmen.

Lack of janitors, proper cookers, or even literacy/social programs to help the detained, any kind of green space or sport area makes it hard for most of detained people. Coupled with a tropical hot environment and long working hours, and the sentences, even if short, look exhaustive. Many contract HIV from unsafe or unwanted sexual intercourse, as well other serious diseases due to lack of proper sanitation. Police brutality is not uncommon, though corrupt officials have left a true black market to form, around guns, opium, drugs and prostitution.

In prisons cigarette cotraband, luxury items, while outside, beyond borders, clans and oligarchic structures eat on state funds and strike deals with smugglers and drug cartels to allow illegal plantations to flourish, alongside export of these "goods" abroad for masses to enjoy. The problem has gotten so worse, spy networks could have an easy time penetrating the border barriers.


To take immediate action against this, we published a paper showing clear statistics that recidivism rates are through the roof, and despite best governmental efforts to suppress crime, petty crime, murder, kidnappings, honor murders and even sexual assault continue to exist as a problem. Tourism is killed, people fear for their lives and proliferation of illegal weapons allow bad actors to gain grip over the nation.

Our sources are on the hunt for more clues and shocking truths, as we dwelve further into the spurrious situation. Our newspaper will encourage several secret meetings between differing civil society members to reach consensus on a sensible penal reform, calling for the public, secular or religious to know that forgiveness, education and welfare of people is truly important, even for those who do wrong. Lui Bei, an immigrant has also told his story of how hard is to be as a foreign immigrant, laboring in unsafe expansive state mines for moghuls who only look after their pockets.

Medinian National Penitentiary, a feared prison, one of most brutal and max security prisons

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Re: Medina

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:59 am

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official and true news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
October 5338
Medina demands Beiteynu to extradite the emigres
Medinese President addressing the situation

Medina had taken a position on this. With riots and illegal protests ravaging the urban areas, the newly installed President, with approval of the Vicerine has stated the following:

In our attempt to apprehend the traitors, those who tried to sell us off to the foreign menace, some of the thugs, ringleaders of this move to corrupt our nation, have taken refuge by mere luck of being there in a diplomatic mission, in Beiteynu.

I understand to a limit that Beiteynu drafts a response, however it is time for Medina to have them extradited, to be brought back to justice. Our men have already caught most of perpetrators, however we have these goons left.

This glaring and bold speech was accompanied by Vicerine's speech as well , trying to find a solution to the debacle and assure Medinese justice will be delivered. Parts of Ahmadi community around the world has cheered Medina on their prompt action on infidels.

Regardless, Medina is looking toward soothing internal turmoil, as the police has received new equipment to deal with riots. The military has also given a hand to help ease the tensions and bring back law and order on the streets.


In other news, Medina announced elections for the coming year 5339. The elections will feature the same system of voting, allowing people to express their voice, while picking the best candidate, in line with Ahmadi principles.

The voting shall occur in a period of three days, as well feature new roster of candidates, prompting popular support. Medina also has on track to undo many of the ill informed so called reforms.

However, our regime will be more keen on cooperation, with state visits planned to nations like Nsanlosa or Bazgaristan. Part of this change will also be changes in the budget and government spending.

As for social issues, the religious figures shall be consulted for a clear path for our nation.
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