
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:08 pm


Bier Qassem
14 February, 5408(Backdated)

Prime Minister Hanaan al-Aydin has announced the passage of the CRCEA, which will establish a Citizen’s Reconstruction Corps to aid in the rebuilding of Nashwa. Though the program has been established, it will not begin active efforts in Nashwa until it is deemed safe by the government.

Minister of Infrastructure Yusri el-Allam has announced a project to rebuild Nashwa’s most critical infrastructure and rebuild residential districts in cities across the island, coupled with Minister of Health and Social Services Umar el-Mohammad ordering the Director of the Department of Welfare to establish payments to the worker’s of the CRC program and shift government policy from unemployment relief to unemployment reduction.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:13 pm


Bier Qassem
23 July, 5408(Backdated)

In a televised address General el-Yamin announced the capture of the city of Espirdi and the long-awaited capture of the so-called Caliph, Harun al-Hashim.

The hard-fought siege lasted months, costing the lives of an estimated thousands of soldiers. Numbers from the rebel side are much more bleak; the rebels prefer to fight to the death than surrender. The government estimates that since the beginning of the conflict over 100,000 rebels have died, either by the hand of the government or taking their own lives to avoid capture.

The crowd of soldiers cheered at the news, embracing and crying with joy. Soldiers of Badara, Kundrati, and Deltaria alike embraced as brothers, celebrating this tremendous victory.

With the leadership of ASiB collapsing, they have declared they will cling to the city of Sutan until the last man. “We shall not lay down our weapons until the Caliph is free.” said an unknown ASiB general in a radio broadcast throughout Sutan.

With the Caliph held in military prison, the president has once again reaffirmed his desire to send the genociders and terrorists to the ICC to stand trial, believing that a trial within Badara would be too controversial and inflammatory. “The final siege has begun,” the president declared yesterday, referring to the siege of Sutan, the last city occupied by the forces of ASiB, which began earlier this week. A massive coalition force faces down.

The city of Sutan has been re-built as a fortress and stronghold for ASiB. It is unrecognizable, with no evidence left that it was once the site of a city save the husks of towering buildings that the rebels have used to supplement their makeshift walls.

Row upon row of trenches stand between the coalition and the city, and the government has warned progress on the siege will be perilous and slow.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
Posts: 312
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:13 pm


Bier Qassem
19 January, 5409(Backdated)

The CoR has announced the passage of an act to provide funding for memorial of those who have lost their lives in the civil war and the recently discovered genocide. PM al-Aydin delivered an address to the CoR in which she was visibly crying, joined by many of her colleagues.

We must commit to memory what has happened to our people. We must not let ourselves forget the consequences, the loss of this insurrection. We must move from religious fundamentalism to a liberal and tolerant attitude. Those who still wish for an end to this government’s secularization initiatives, to our shift from trying to govern in accordance to the Prophet, I simply ask why?

Look around. This is the end result. It always will be.

I prefer to govern in the name and will of the people, not the Prophet.

This disgusting and senseless loss of life will not go unpunished. Those who participated will be brought to justice, and dealt with in the harshest manner.

The memorial will be built in Bier Qassem, with plans to include artists from Beiteynu, Kundrati, and Deltaria as well.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
Posts: 312
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:21 pm


Bier Qassem
20 June, 5409(Backdated)

The army has announced success in the ongoing siege of Sutan. According to General el-Yamin, the army has almost reached the city outskirts after having fought through trench after trench.

“Most of the losses are behind us,” el-Yamin assured the nation. With an estimated million dead in total on all sides and including civilians, the government warns that the economy and the nation will experience a shockwave after the war ends, followed by aftershocks for decades.

According to Minister el-Allam, “...this will not be an easy process. This will not be quick, this will not be painless.” The nation braces for impact, as the president prepares to rebuild the island and return the refugees to their homes.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:21 pm


Bier Qassem
24 March, 5410(Backdated)

The President has finally addressed the crowd outside his Palace.

My people! I bring you peace!

The Republic has prevailed against those who would destroy it, and the rebels are defeated! Sutan is ours, and their tiny outposts that remain are being picked off one by one! Those who betrayed their people and nation shall be sent to the ICC for prosecution, where they will be shown no mercy by unbiased judges as opposed to possibly sympathetic Badaran judges. May they rot for their crimes.

The Republic has stood strong, and it will rebuild. We must stand united in this effort, we must act as one people for the greater good of all. The CRC will begin its efforts later this year, once it is cleared by the Ministry of Defence.

I thank you for fighting for you nation, and I thank all in the international community who helped defeat those who sought to bring this government down.

With the end of the Civil War, many now await the government’s plan for the post-war nation.
Last edited by BananaZebra on Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
Posts: 312
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:22 pm


Bier Qassem
31 June, 5410(Backdated)

The CRC has begun its reconstruction efforts, sending over a million government-employed laborers to Nashwa. Initial focus will be on highways, railways, schools, and hospitals along with building residential units to begin to resettle the island.

The government has announced a project to rebuild oil fields and refineries throughout the island as well, and has promised to recruit nearly half a million more to do so. The oil trade is crucial to Badara’s economy, and many view it as a necessity to restore the economy and rebalance the nation’s budget.

With a million already employed in the program, the unemployment rate has begun to decline. This combined with the policy of cheap business loans and expensive private loans, business has begun to regrow and heal in Mu’tasim, with the total unemployment rate falling seventeen points to 53%.

As citizens regain purchasing power, businesses have seen huge upticks in profits. Many business leaders are surprised by how optimistic the situation is looking. Obviously the nation has a long way to go to economic recovery, but it seems to be on the right track.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
Posts: 312
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:23 pm


Bier Qassem
20 January, 5411(Backdated)

[size=150]The “al-Ghanem Miracle” has shocked many economic observers. The president’s policies have shockingly lowered inflation from roughly 200% to 59% in just about a year, as well as unemployment from 70% to 39%.

This doesn’t mean the Badaran economy is healthy or recovered - but the progress is absolutely stunning. Using profits from restored oil fields, the president has expanded the CRC and the scope of its projects to include the employment of nearly three million people and infrastructure projects throughout all of Nashwa.

Currently, the reconstruction effort has exceeded predictions with government observers estimating that much of the island will be at least bearable to live in.

Prime Minister al-Aydin, herself a native of Nashwa, gave a speech in the partially restored city of al-Burqiyaa.

It will not be perfect, and these will not be the cities and homes you left behind. I know it will be hard, but as we return here to Nashwa we must make this our new home. We must move forward and get back to our lives. We must heal.

The government plans to begin resettling the cities of al-Burqiyaa, Abu Yacub, and Ras al-Ulima by the end of the year.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
Posts: 312
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:23 pm


Bier Qassem
30 April, 5411(Backdated)

After long negotiations between Minister of Finance Samir el-Mansour and Nadia Arnault - the Chief Financier and President of the Royal Development Bank (RDB) - the government has announced that the RDB will begin to help to finance an increased reconstruction effort.

With this surge in funding, the government has nearly eradicated the unemployment crisis. Formerly, 70% of Badarans were unemployed. That number has fallen to just 22%.

The loans from the RDB will surely help the government pay the nearly four million now employed under the CRC. The government promises job guarantees to all those currently employed by the CRC, with a program to get them hired by businesses once they re-establish their operations in Nashwa.

The government remains optimistic about the efforts.

With the resettling of Nashwa underway, the refugee population has dropped from six million to just two million. The massive compounds, once overfilled, now look like ghost towns. The government has announced its pleasure at the speedy progress, and promises to keep up the efforts in the coming years.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
Posts: 312
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Re: Badara

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:23 pm


Bier Qassem
5 February, 5412

President al-Ghanem has announced he will not seek re-election and will retire at the end of his term later this year. Pundits and observers stand shocked, as the President is currently enjoying the highest approval ratings in his entire career in that office. Even with his advanced age, the general consensus was that he would run again.

In his place, the party has nominated Prime Minister al-Aydin a native of Nashwa and a woman. The President has celebrated this decision, voicing his endorsement of al-Aydin. Polls suggest the Prime Minister will win in a landslide, with her approval ratings at an all-time high as well.

The PM has announced her platform, one of radical change in the nation.

Environmentalist proposals, education reforms, and grand plans to modernize the nation and create a “Majatran Juggernaut,” and transform the nation into a liberal, secular, and internationalist democracy.

This left many scratching their heads, as it was expected that a more moderate platform would be adopted to foster a sense of national unity.

Her plans are ambitious, but they may be exactly what Badara needs at this moment, and to secure its future.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
Uniós Párt | Partidul Unirii (New Endralon and Kizenia)
Posts: 312
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Re: Badara

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:27 am

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