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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Sat May 02, 2020 1:17 pm

Vascania News
Police Respond Violently To Protestors In Bhapor
December 4749

Bhapor City - Police conflicts with demonstrators in the city of Bhapor have left dozens injured and five people in intensive care. The youngest is only 5 years old, and was fired upon by mistake after a police counter-terror operation went wrong in the city embroiled in constant unrest. Furthermore, Vascania News has learnt that these were some of the police brought in from other states to counter unrest in the region.

Officers were responding to reports of terrorist sympathisers planning to disguise as peaceful protestors in order to get close to officers. Their plan was suspected to be the use of bricks to break police lines and then capture police as hostages. Police attempted to uncover the terrorists before their plan could be achieved, after a tip was given at the local police HQ, however they mistook innocent civilians for the plotters. According to one eye witness, police thought that a group of bricklayers working on fixing a shop damaged by looters were in fact disguised would-be-assailants. Law enforcement is rumoured to have used small-game hunting rifles and tasers against the group.

Outcry has been fierce in response to the injuries sustained, though nobody has died as of yet. Many, including Bhapor Mayor Mohan Shrivara, have questioned why potentially deadly weaponry was used against civilians based only on 'a suspicion' - as Mr Shrivara put it. Speaking to Vascania News, the Mayor said this:

The police have shockingly overreacted based on a suspicion alone, causing massive hurt and worsening the situation in our beloved city. Why police would use hunting rifles before even questioning the suspect is beyond belief. These Rajutti police simply seem to think that all Bhaporis are criminals and a threat to them. I see no other explanation that the most vile form of racism.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Mon May 04, 2020 12:49 pm

Vascania News
7 Dead After Bomb Blast At Police HQ
December 4750

Bhapor City, Bhaporistan - Seven officers are dead and fifteen have been injured after a bomb was detonated inside the Central Law Authority building in central Bhapor. Terrorist activities against police have started to ramp-up after protests were broken up by police weeks ago, but this is the largest single loss of police life since the unrest began two years ago.

Some Bhapori political figures have said that the bomb blast is a violent reaction to police brutality, in particular several deaths associated with overzealous policing during the region's many sporadic riots. Mayor Mohan Shrivara, of the Bhapori Socialist Party, had to cancel a planned general strike when he heard that police were willing to use armoured vehicles to 'force' people back into their homes. He has today condemned the attack, but has made clear that his demands for economic justice and social justice remain the same as they were before the attack and that he views the Governor General as partially responsible:

This was a cowardly attack that does nothing but hurt our cause and divide our community. My thoughts are with the families of those who have lost someone, as they are with all those who have lost loved ones in the protests. Terrorism can never have a justification, but it can have a reason. We will continue to see terror attacks and violence between brothers and neighbours so long as the federal government refuses to take serious steps towards social justice in our region. May we bring the terrorists to justice, and justice to all Vascanian people.


Incumbent Government Wins Re-Election
December 4750

[size=120]Sangora, Kalam Nadu - The federal government has won another term of office, with the right-wing coalition winning 402 seats out of 750 in the parliament. The Action Alliance defeated the divided centrist and leftist opposition parties after a campaign centred around affordable housing, tenant rights and minority ethnic issues. The left failed to convince Rajutti and Kalamese voters in the country's developed mid-north and south-east coast that they would be able to maintain the nation's growth, though they made major advances in the poorer western parts of Kalkalistan.

Governor General Harijen Fudalam won on the second round of voting with 52% of votes, having fought hard against three major opponents: the socialists, social democrats and green party. Here at his Sangora HQ, he used civic nationalist rhetoric to convince the nation's growing middle class that the socialists were 'a threat to stability' and 'a force for disruption'. The left generally focused on what they branded the 'clear rent crisis' in poorer cities and agricultural rural areas. Cultural issues still played a major part, and ethnic divisions were exacerbated in the results.

The governing coalition has promised a return to law and order in the troubled region of Bhaporistan. Some left-wing commentators have suggested that anti-Bhapori sentiment drove the lower middle class in Rajuttistan to vote 'against their own economic interests'.
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Re: Vascanian Empire

Postby Locke1342 » Mon May 04, 2020 1:13 pm

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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Wed May 06, 2020 10:17 pm

Vascania News
Massive Raid Uncovers 30 Militants In Bhapor

Bhapor City, Bhaporistan - Police have revealed that a successful raid on a militant safehouse in Bhapor has led to the arrest of around thirty suspected terrorists and enablers. Increased violence in the region has led to escalation by law enforcement in their anti-terror tactics, culminating in a series of high-profile operations. This is among the most successful so far carried out, with apparently no injuries being sustained by any officers involved. The government hailed the action as a sign of 'better things to come' in the 'long road to reuniting our country'.

Other commentators are less positive. Some have noted that this violence has potentially damaged international perception of Vascania, while others have asked the government to accept offers of aid from nearby nations to resolve the situations as soon as practicable. Offers of aid from Noumonde have yet to be accepted by the government, however the Minister for Health has suggested that in the event of a major terrorist attack, foreign medics could be called upon to lessen the strain on local services.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Thu May 07, 2020 11:05 pm

Vascania News
Jawahar Kamal Killed, Bhapori Revolutionary Front Claims Responsibility

Kayal Island, Rajuttistan - The Minister for Internal Affairs, Jawahar Kamal has died in hospital after an assassin fired several shots in a chaotic scene. He is survived by his wife and five children. Kamal was visiting a local police station as part of the government's "Support The Authorities" campaign when he was fired upon by a militant who managed to slip through his light security detail. Two of his bodyguards are in critical condition, while the assassin himself is still on the run.

The Bhapori Revolutionary Front has claimed responsibility, in the first major attack on federal politicians during the civil unrest in Bhaporistan. The BRF said that they planned the attack as 'a form of just retribution against the fascist state who murders our women and children in Bhapor'. The militant group is one of several separatist organisations that have turned to violence, although few public figures have been seen as under threat until now. The Governor General reiterated his support for the government's campaign against the militants in Bhaporistan, but added that his own retribution would be 'ten times more severe than anything these scum can bring forth against our great nation'.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vascanian Empire

Postby Pragma » Sat May 09, 2020 8:22 am

How To Spot Menstruating Women In YOUR Temple? CRAZY LIFEHACK!!!
By Prem Joshi

All good Vasakani can agree of the dangers that menstruating women pose to our most holy sites. Their dirtiness shall offend the Gods and the spirits of our ancestors, which will of course bring DROUGHT and FAMINE upon our homes! Thousands may DIE as the supermarket shelves are emptied by VICIOUS Bhapori raiders, and YOUR children - dear reader - will probably be among the victims. We will lose the next war and the next sixteen after that, bringing further dishonour to our nation and likely causing more droughts and famines! These are the most MILD possible results of angering our deities with so unclean a presence.

In spite of all this, liberal-lefty lunatics have once against threatened YOUR children with DEATH as they demand the presence of DIRTY ladies at EVERY temple! The socialist, marxist, neoliberal, globalist snowflakes are picking up menstruating women by the truckload and pushing them into temples dedicated to our most holy beings. Why? Because Metz said very clearly in his writings that children must be STARVED TO DEATH in order for the revolution to succeed!!! Think about that before you vote against the government next time!

Furthermore, some of these unclean women are in fact TRANSGENDEREDS who are trying to gain access to the ladies' toilets at our most SACRED sites. Not only do they threaten the women, almost all of these delusional men are, actually, BHAPORI - which makes them even more dangerous and at least three times more likely to sexually assault a woman. This is not to say that all Bhaporis are Transgendereds, but most Transgendereds are Bhaporis - or at least Khoni.

The question becomes, how do you tell when a transsexual, Bhapori, SEXPEST MENSTURATOR is in your midsts? Well, I - Prem Joshi - have discovered that if you throw flour at a menstruating woman, she will almost always respond angrily and even shout at you. This simple but effective lifehack can help you route out the dangers in your temple. Simply carry a pound of flour to your next devotion to the Gods of the earth, pick out a woman who seems to be in a persistent amount of pain, and let 'er rip! If she is angry at you, you have detected a threat to YOUR CHILDREN'S LIVES!!!! Furthermore, there is a rumour that milk will curdle if placed within five feet of a transgendered - but I would not advise trying this as it would require getting within molesting distance of one.

I hope these tricks serve you well, my friends, as we work to make Vasakana a purer place. Please remember your flour next time you go to temple, and do not forget to be vigilant of the Bhapori menace!
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vascanian Empire

Postby Pragma » Sun May 10, 2020 10:04 pm

Vascania News
Bhapor Fire Consumes 15% of City

Bhapor City, Bhaporistan - A large fire has spread through the restless city of Bhapor, destroying tens of thousands of buildings. At least 54 people are dead and hundreds are injured as the dangerous blaze tears the city apart. Fire services from across the vast nation have been re-routed to help the meek efforts to contain this extraordinary event which is unrivaled in recent Vascanian history. The city's mayor, Mohan Shrivara, has suffered severe burns to 67% of his body and may die in the emergency room, which is now far past capacity.

Police have stated they believe that the extremist Bhapori Revolutionary Front may be responsible, after years of attacks on politicians and police. The BRF denies any involvement, and says it is 'far more likely' the blaze is either an accident or, in fact, the fault of the police - 'trying to frame the freedom fighters as dangerous enemies of the public'. The situation continues to develop.
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Re: Vascanian Empire

Postby Pragma » Mon May 11, 2020 10:20 pm


Alright, I'll say it: I HATE BHAPORIS
By Ranjithan Chanakya

Alright, I'll say it. I do HATE them. I hate their way of speaking, their way of dressing, their way of burning themselves alive to make a point. I know we're all meant to act as if they're victims, but let's be honest about what they are: they're the VILLAINS.

The Bhaporis have spent the better part of a decade complaining and blowing up anyone who tries to help them. They do it because that's all those people know how to do. Kill, thieve, rape, attack, assault and scream into the night. They call themselves supporters of freedom while they make our public servants feel afraid. They make our noble police officers fear for their lives, as they have to explain to their children that Dad might not come home one night. They use terrorism to make us feel TERROR, because they know they're the cause of all their own problems - but they just can't handle it, so they blame us! This is the classic, uniting trait of the mentally ill, the addict, the drunk, the psychopath, the infidel. Most Bhaporis are all four!

Some liberal lefty loons may say that it's wrong to judge them all by the actions of a few. Bullshit! I've never met a single Bhapori who wasn't a thieving bastard. In fact, I've never met a single person who has met a single Bhapori who wasn't a thieving bastard. They commit more crime than any other group in our nation. There are poor people among every group, but only Bhaporis think that the solution to their problems is to take from others. They cry wolf when they are attacked, but we all know they're pretending. They're all liars, as proven by the way they stab anyone who tries to help them in the back.

I'm going to be honest to you, dear reader: we need a solution to this problem. These are not humans, they are vermin. They are the root of most of the problems in our society, causing crime and death. We cannot allow our nation to be destroyed by these scum, we must finally face up to our duty to stop this group. I obviously wouldn't encourage murder or genocide. Certainly that's not the right first step. The government should start by stopping them from breeding, as this is the humane way of removing them from the genepool.

Of course the cucks who run the Action Party would never come out and say it, I hope somebody will finally come to the national stage on a platform of removing these rats from our motherland. Do not fall for their cries of pain, their apparent desire for mercy. Remember: they are not friends, they want to kill you. I hate them, because they want to kill us. I hope you hate them too.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Vascanian Empire

Postby Pragma » Thu May 14, 2020 7:25 pm


New Left-of-Centre Government Promise 'Reconciliation'

Popular vote projections.

Thikkonagama, Kalam Nadu - The Social Democratic Party has succeeded in capturing a commanding plurality of the nation's seats, winning 312 of 751. They won by large margins with the educated middle class, the poor, ethnic minorities and people who live in urban areas - a coalition which allowed them to overcome the right-wing Action Party's advantage among the lower middle class and Kalam or Rajutti voters. New Prime Minister Subhas Luitail said his party recognised 'the gravity of this moment' and took upon himself full responsibility for 'mending the divides within our society'.

In a nation that has been plagued with internal divisions, these results were extremely clear indication of how the nation is split. It was the two dominant ethnolinguistic groups, Kalams and Rajuttis, who overwhelming voted to preserve the status quo. It was an alliance of minorities, many of whom would have previously voted for local parties at a federal level, who gave the SDP the support it needed to get across the winning line. Luitail fought an aggressive campaign on tackling inequality and solving inter-ethnic divisions. The Action Party fought on a tough-on-crime narrative that was undermined by criticism from their own coalition partners, the populist Community party, who called them 'ineffective at tackling crises'.

Full results:
Action Party - 237
Social Democratic Party - 312
Democratic Socialists - 54
Green Party - 49
Community - 47
Minority Parties - 35
Minor/Independent - 17

Report: Bhapor Fire Was 'Accidental'

[size=120]Bhapor City, Bhaporistan - The fire which decimated the city of Bhapor was started 'accidentally', says a new independent report commissioned on the tragedy. The event, which claimed 189 lives and cost billions in damages, was officially ruled an accident after the vast majority of eye witness accounts pointed to the origin as having been a small bakery in the city's poor neighbourhoods. Jamal's Fresh Bread was the likely start of the fire, though the Jamal in question was uninjured.

The investigation looked at evidence over a period of months from eye witnesses, first responders and any other persons of interest. It had received some criticism from left-wingers before the Social Democratic Party took over federally, who questioned whether or not the finding would be influenced by a desire among federal officials to keep the police blameless. These fears have mostly been alayed by the new government's endorsement of the findings as they are, ruling out revisiting the subject and instead encouraging people in Bhapor and throughout Vascania to 'start work moving on from this fire and onwards to a better and brighter future for all Vascanians'.

Mohan Shrivara, former mayor of the city, very nearly died after the fire - suffering severe burns to two-third of his body. Today, though he has several continuing medical concerns, he is back into politics in a big way. His Bhapori Socialist Party won the state elections in a landslide with him at the helm, leading to his election as premier. He has promised to work with the new federal government to reconcile the decades-long dispute between Bhaporistan and the nation as a whole, calling it 'an opportunity to move forward in a progressive and uniting manner'.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vascanian Empire

Postby Pragma » Sun May 17, 2020 10:05 pm


by Prem Joshi

As my readers may now know, the LEFTIES have taken control of the government. Of course, this was because all Bhaporis were allowed to vote twice and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS were shipped over to help out. It's a sad state of affairs, but don't worry friends. When the world finds out about #LuitailGate, he will be swept out of power!

You see, dear reader, this SWINE was a humble member of local government before he won the election. He represented a wealthy part of Kayal Island, and so was invited to all the swanky cocktail parties. At these parties, he fraternised with GAYS, UNMARRIED WOMEN and LIBERALS - no doubt conspiring with them to bring an end to our civilisation. It has come to light, however, that Luitail stopped being invited to these parties for one particular incident that was too far even for the SICK PERVERTS who run that godforsaken island.

You see, dear reader, this SWINE STANK OF B.O.. Yes, you read that right. Luitail showed up to a swanky party in the well-to-do suburbs VERY SMELLY. At first, I could barely believe it - I thought perhaps I was being preyed upon by foul liberal pranksters. However, I have now received credible reports that Luitail was dis-invited from all further parties after appearing one night so SMELLY that multiple guests had to leave, including the mayor of the town herself.

I ask you, dear reader, can we really trust a VERY SMELLY man to run our government? What if lawmakers are left unconscious from his foul odour? What if the Emperor is confronted with his stinky ways? Our very culture as a non-odorous nation is on the line here, and so I encourage all my followers to tell their friends and family about this foul man's transgressions. May we all be blessed by the god of nice-smelling-things!
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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