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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:13 am

The Yishelem Post
HA to pursue "unshackling" the Agency from counter-intelligence limitations
November 5398

- Medinat Department "waves away the frenzy" of continuous allegations made by the Dolgavan Government; MOFA set to respond instead
- Agency reports curious ratifications in the northern hemisphere by the pillars of former, and persisting, hegemonic alliances
- Gas prices set to continue going up, while consumption declines as volume of imports projected to shrink
- Embargoes against Kafuristan from Jelbe and Vanuku underway; Kohav debates naval blockade with the highest ranks of the Beiteynuese Government
- Shipping industry reported to be in talks with 3 sides on replacing Kafuri oil and gas imports
- Knesset confirms BEILACT/5399 on the restoration of the Yeudi Monarchy set to be submitted by Q2
- Diplomatic delegation planned to travel to Hutori to attend royal funeral


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Throughout the decades since the emergence of the Agency's first intelligence scandals in the 5290s - with the ultimate incarceration of its Director, Cunnington Marit - the Beiteynuese Government and most, if not all, subsequent administrations continued on a path of increasing transparency and solidifying more and more limitations on its conduct on both intelligence and counter-intelligence. And with good merit, since the MOIA's organisation kept getting its hands dirty again and again, with no remorse; the Cildanian meddling and the murder of Noah Kadiyot being of the most recent incidents.

The Terran Remediation Agency has arguably been one of the most pivotal vehicles of the Beiteynuese Government in Yishelem's rise in global affairs in the last 200 years, painted by more than a dozen incidents and situations across the world; from killing a Prime Minister, to toppling a dictatorship in Dankuk and (allegedly) wrecking Cildania. The Agency's legends apparently trace to a single "why", set to be revealed in the book series, The Meddling Affairs.

Suffice to say, HA's move in granting the Agency its former authority and liberty is presumed to be met with mixed feelings across the board.

Despite the introduction of the Lavian (satellite agency) and the Allink network of reconnaissance satellites, the Agency's traditional methods of "boots on the ground" and "blending in" via long-term operations and incursions has been the main point used by the Office of the Director. Kavin Mahorit of the Kohav did stand in favour of a potential BEILACT to "tone down" the Intelligence Oversight Committee's transparency mandates, citing the Agency's past joint operations with the navy's commando units, presumed to be included as part of the Beiteynuese Naval Command's tactical response forces around Kafuristan.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:29 pm


MOFA Yoffey says Dolgava's PM words are 'hateful'
The Foreign Minister replied to the PM of Dolgava, who said Beiteynu is a 'police state'.
August 18, 5398 (backdated)

in other news:
- the country can't wait for King Elias Ishmael IV!

YISHELEM, ENDILD - The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Paz Yoffey, said in a Saturday remark to the press that the words pronounced by the Prime Minister of Dolgava outside the Beiteynuese Embassy in Aikum, in which was said that Beiteynu is acting irresponsibly and in an authoritarian manner, even defining the Medinat as a 'police state', are hateful and at the limits of anti-Yeudism.
In particular, Yoffey criticised the decision by the Prime Minister to hold a rally outside the embassy:
[...] a foreign Government elected official held an hateful rally outside our embassy...someone could have been seriously hurt, being inspired by those words!
- Paz Yoffey

Yoffey also decried the words used by the PM:
We've been called authoritarian, irresponsible, unhinged and dangerous, and accused of violating the rule of law. I would like to remind that we haven't decided to support a murderous regime in Kafuristan which violated the rule of law multiple times. Authoritarian? We are a very well established democracy, we allow political competition and I'd remind that past goverments have always been accountable by an independent judiciary...the PM's claims are lies.
- Paz Yoffey

But the Minister refused to consider ceasing relations:
These words were certainly painful to hear, especially how they've been expressed...but no, we are not interested in an escalation and therefore we'll keep open diplomacy in Aikum.
- Paz Yoffey
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Luis1p » Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:15 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:24 pm

Equifund Hadashot
Sato launches LORA line of theatre ballistic missiles
January 5399


Amshinov, Beiteynu - Theatre ballistic missiles are otherwise known as short-range, with a greater range than tactical missiles used in battle and lesser then those of intermediate-range (with ICBMs after that) that span continents, hence the term "in-theatre". Ballistic missiles are essentially based on the premise of artillery, but with additional propellant force to exceed the usual distances of ground and naval artillery weapons.

Presented by company executives in 5388, Sato's unveil of the Hetz line of anti-ballistic missiles (those that counter ballistic missiles) was complimented by the publication of a product pipeline pertaining to the research and development of both an exoatmospheric hypersonic anti-ballistic missile for the Hetz line and an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). The latter, however, fell to the trappings of lack of interest and funding.

The regional tensions in Kafuristan have however expedited programs, with the company launching the LORA line of short-range or theatre quasi-ballistic missiles for, curiously enough, the Beiteynuese Magafaim's (ground forces) southern divisions towards Barmenistan.

Sato will develop and produce the LORA with Kundrati Defense Contractors, continuing their partnership from the Hetz line.

Editor's note: we've said "ballistic" too many times.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:29 pm

The Yishelem Post
BREAKING: Navy recalls supranational Zaar Fleet from Hanzen to Alduria
February 5399


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The latest report from the Beiteynuese Naval Command concerning the frenzy of naval operations has one rather curious element: the Zaar Fleet redirected to Alduria has been downgraded in its DEFCON status. Contrary to the other 2 Zaar Fleets in Istalia and Alduria and the Reshout Carrier Strike Group in the Majatran Sea operating under DEFCON 3 (weapons armed) as mandated by the 2nd Azhara, the supranational CSG composed of Lourennais, Kundrati and Luthorian forces led by the BEINS Mizrahi aicraft carrier has been downgraded to DEFCON 4 (battle stations ready).

Sources from the Beiteynuese embassy in Alduria have hinted that the Kohav, in reaching out to Alduria and Lourenne to receive approval to redirect the fleet and dock in the former, notified both military commands that the stationing of the forces would be "temporary".

We have no further information as of this time, with Kavin Mahorit of the Kohav declining to comment.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:44 am

The Yishelem Post
BEILACT/5399 set to restore Yeudi Monarchy at the turn of the century
May 5399


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Amidst the turmoil in the continent, a piece of good news has made the Beiteynuese rather excited this morning; the Knesset has began voting on the highly anticipated BEILACT/5399, which will see the transition of the State of Beiteynu to the Homeland State under the Yeudi Monarchy, with the re-ascension of the House of Elior to the Throne of Yishelem, after thousands of years. With minimum governance amendments, the Beiteynuese Government will operate in 5400 and onwards under a Steward of the Throne. The Rosh Ha'Memshala will also be given the title of Royal Ramatkal (Chief of Staff).

Aviv Imo Aristocrat-Goldbloom, daughter of former Prime Minister Sharon Goldbloom and Nathaniel Aristocrat, wife of Prince Edward of the Luthorian House of Orange-Villayn-Armstead will serve as Mertza (Steward) of the Yeudi Monarchy and Mahzik (Holder) of the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems and the Throne of Yishelem, until such time as a proper King or Queen is found and the transition is fully complete over the course of the 55th century's first decade.

Social media has been ablaze at the obvious, although still unconfirmed by the Beiteynuese Government: that Elias Ishmael, Aviv Imo's son, is the future King.

Nefarioiuem Aristocrat, the Deputy Ramatkal tasked by the Amira Administration to coordinate the transition, made the following statement:

Yeudish heritage traces back to Ariel and Elior during the Qedarite Migrations; Yeudish heritage reached its pinnacle during the Sacred Monarchy of Beiteynu; Yeudish heritage has endured the test of the Yeudi Diaspora of the 1500s.

As a proud member of the House of Elior, I daresay that the proper re-ascension of our legacy and our historic monarchy will be a great day for the world.

Tov yoter lehoulam!

BEILACT/5399 is set to pass in January 5400, at the turn of the century, marking December 31st 5399 as the last republican day.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:34 am

The Yishelem Post
Agency to provide Allink access to the O3
May 5399

- Medinat Department schedules visits to Tukarali, Lodamun and Likatonia, in a frenzy of geopolitical manoeuvres amidst the Kafuri crisis
- Katerina Sheket to visit Baofluz in an attempt to extend Yishelem's appreciation for the overwhelming support received by the continent
- MEA stirs in the dark as withdrawals sound the alarms on the organisation's inevitable path to oblivion


Yishelem, Beiteynu - An intelligence convoy led by the Director of the Terran Remediation Agency and a joint task force from the Medinat Department and the Kohav (Military Command) will participate in the O3 Intelligence Sharing Summit in Lourenne. The invite extended by the Palace of Oisy and by extension the IRSA earlier this year includes further Lourennais and by association Beiteynuese allies and partners, set to gather towards the formation of the Omnes Oculi Ordinatio (O3), a joint platform for allied intelligence sharing.

The timing is not entirely coincidental, as northern intelligence chatter has spiked amidst the Kafuri crisis.

Ever since the Lavian's (satellite agency) foundation in 5378, the Beiteynuese Government has maintained a policy of intelligence sharing with Yishelem's own allies, set into action a few years later, when Hanzen first received access to the console.

The MOD's launch of the Allink network of reconnaissance satellites 4 years later brought the policy in full circle, when a decade later the Allink went live with Istalia, Kundrati, Dankuk, Pontesi, Alduria, Hanzen, Luthori and Lourenne receiving access rights via their liaison offices in Amshinov.

The Director of the Terran Remediation Agency confirmed this morning that Beiteynu's participation in the O3 will be complimented by access permissions to the Allink from further states such as Kanjor and Lodamun.
Last edited by TRA on Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:00 am

The Yishelem Post
"We will not bow our heads", says Sheket
May 5399

Yishelem, Beiteynu - A leaked memo hinting at the presence of active negotiations through back channels between Aldurian officials and the Ba'athist Regime in Kafuristan was the main focus of Beiteynuese media in a press conference by the Medinat Department, this morning. Katerina Sheket, after completing her statement on the planned visits to Jelbe, Tukarali, Lodamun and Likatonia, was bombarded with questions about that leaked memo, instead. Is it true?

Evidently strained by the entire situation, Sheket managed to barely avoid denying nor confirming the memo and the negotiations, leading to a barrage of articles and commentary on social media. The Medinat Department seems to be under insurmountable pressure and "prone to errors".

We will not bow our heads to a regime that holds the continent hostage, kills indiscriminately and uses the Yeudish, our people, to advance an agenda.

A feeling of "stalling" lingers with the Beiteynuese Government, as it seems to be making moves that are anything but direct.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby TRA » Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:54 am

At the threshold of an energy crisis
June 5399

- Shipping and petroleum executives meet in Baofluz to discuss drilling in the region


Tel Bira, Beiteynu - Embracing globalisation in commerce has its vices: you're also embracing the risks and pitfalls of cascading effects and domino reactions, accepting the fact that a needle falling on a floor can end up causing a hurricane in the end. With Beiteynuese trade being arguably one of the most interconnected networks of commerce in our world today, the coup in Kafuristan has inevitably become the needle.

But what's the hurricane?

An energy crisis; not exactly about energy itself, but more about everything else.

For those of our readers unacquainted with the situation and raising their eyebrows at the ominous projections of various financial institutions as they scramble to make sense of the Olami Menayot's (Stock Market) consecutive downturns, here's the gist:

The needle

The Ba'athist Regime in Kafuristan overthrew their government, killing 4 Beiteynuese citizens in the process. They called the deaths a "reprieve", triggering Yishelem's fury as it doesn't take Yeudis being harmed very lightly; it's a heritage thing.

The dominoes

Beiteynu issued the 1st out of 3 warnings that eventually lead to war.

Kafuristan cut its oil supply to Beiteynu. Then came the 2nd warning.

Kafuristan cut its gas supply to Beiteynu; this time, threatening to cut exports to the entire continent, as the MSCO and Beiteynuese partners popped their heads in support of Yishelem's military and diplomatic moves to counter the Ba'athist Regime, which it kept refusing to recognise.

Meanwhile, Kafuristan had hanged 2 more Yeudis. Markets then felt it, despite already knowing it.

After a series of events, Kafuristan finally cut its exports to Majatra.

The hurricane

Remember the vices of globalisation and how Beiteynu is a rather interconnected network of commerce?

Well, here it is.

Ominous forecasts, projections of downturns and increased prices lead to "keeping your wallet closed". Less spending, less imports. Less imports, less exports. Less trade, less circulation. Less circulation, less investments. Less investments, less capital. Less capital, less cashflow - back to less spending and repeat.

The hurricane, as it zooms in, will begin feeding itself not only in Beiteynu and Majatra, but across the globe.

That interconnected market, remember?
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby BananaZebra » Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:50 pm

Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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