The Yishelem PostDiscussions with Kalistan on groundbreaking Seleyan partnership underwayNovember 5377Yishelem, Beiteynu - Seleyan relations have been a matter of contention within the Medinat Department and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in general since the beginning of the 53rd century. The continental-wide tour in
5286 although offering various diplomatic and commercial avenues across the decades, did very little to establish firm relations with any particular Seleyan country. Unlike the continents of Artania and Dovani where Beiteynu has maintained increasingly strong relations with Kundrati (and now Luthori) and Lourenne and Dankuk accordingly, closing in now on 100 years of diplomacy, foreign affairs in Seleya have been scattered, seemingly without a long-term strategy, despite the Medinat Department's extended efforts to solidify a diplomatic network even as back as
5301 when Yishelem entered into discussions with Eroncourt on exactly the same topic (which later became one of the most impactful alliances in the world).
Whereas Dorvish and Trigunian relations are widely considered one of the most complex situations by the Medinat Department mostly thanks to the Olami Trade Association's lobbying on maintaining a good standing as to not implode the notable commercial avenues with either, foreign affairs in Majatra represent an oxymoron in Beiteynuese diplomacy; simply put, our country disregarded its own continent for the better part of 100 years - excluding its key alliance with Istalia back in
5288 - that is, until it led the reinvigoration of the MSO (now MSCO) in 5301 and transformed the continent from
5321 and onwards.
A move that made Beiteynu the uncontested leader, finally realising Yishelem's strategy of ensuring deterrents in Beiteynu's backyard, with the Migrant's Pass, the Jelbek Peninsula and the Majatran Sea notwithstanding. However, things have become more complicated since
5325 and especially in
5366 when Cildanian relations fell off a cliff effectively placing the island country in the pits of isolationism in the region and, of course, the infamous cut off of channels with Vanuku
later that year, marking the beginning of what most now refer to as the Majatran Cold War; a simmering pot of a blunder of geopolitics in the continent.
Back to Seleya, it has been hard and even impossible to find a suitable partner (outside Lourenne). The complete collapse of relations with Rildanor - the first country to enter the Reshimat Hara (Luthorian: Yeudi Shitlist) - in
5292 and the addition of Valruzia to the same list
almost 100 years later once again had killed momentum in firmly establishing relations with Seleyan countries. Mind you, shipping companies continue to remain active in Valruzia, which now falls under the same category of complexity with Trigunia, recognising the difficulty in influencing Beiteynuese shipping to go hand-in-hand with our foreign policy. The appointment of one of the industry's most powerful men to the position of Ramatkal [Benjamin Benowitz] offers a testament to shipping have its own, independent beating heart. By far, the one country that has shown promise in relations, is Tukarali, which the Olami Trade Association has scheduled a visit to.
Which brings us back in full circle into the importance of the ongoing discussions with Kalistan; a groundbreaking, stable and potentially suitable partner in their non-alignment policy in global affairs may help Beiteynu elevate its game of facilitation in the world and ensure the safety and prosperity of Yeudis and Yeudi entrepreneurs in Seleya for the long-term. A deterring relationship built on an equal footing of understanding.
The Medinat Department has confirmed that a draft of the
Beiteynuese - Kalistani Partnership Agreement has been forward to the Government of Kalistan.