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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Fri May 10, 2024 3:47 am


HMFM Dame Diane Smith, in Lourenne, calls for new ASCA, supports Meridian Strait Accord
"Old agreement does not reflect current climate", says Smith

Eroncourt, United Kingdom of Lourenne
January 9, 5481

Dame Smith speaks before forum of foreign policy experts in Eroncourt earlier this week

Her Imperial Majesty's Foreign Minister, Dame Diane Smith, continues her residency in Eroncourt along with members of the Kalistani Defense Ministry to work with Lourenne on regional security. Speaking before the Lourennais-based Foreign Policy think tank Institut Politique Anantonais (IPA), Dame Smith outlined Kalistan's willingness to work with Lourenne to establish a new regional security regime which aligns the current practices in the Ananto Strait with Lourenne's interests in the Meridian Strait.

"Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress Nicolette I is moving away from the regime created 750 years ago governing the Ananto Strait between Kalistan and Dorvik," said Dame Smith, referring to the Ananto Strait Comprehensive Accord. "That treaty was more or less imposed on Kalistan by great powers, and no longer reflects the interests of the Primary Signatories: Kalistan has long held complete sovereignty over the entire strait, not just the 200 nm permitted by the treaty, and Dorvik isn't even a player in the Northern Seleyan region any more. As the old agreement does not reflect the current climate, Her Majesty believes that Kalistan needs a new treaty that reflects Kalistan's defacto status in the Strait, and codifies practices that Kalistan has been doing for more than 1000 years."

The Foreign Minister went further and said it looks forward to proposals by the Lourennais Government concerning the passage to the East side of Ananto, which is currently governed by the Law of the Sea, which Kalistan does not officially recognize. The Meridian Strait (historically the Lourenne Passage in Kalistan) is an international waterway that allows ships to circumvent Kalistan's restrictions in the Ananto Strait by travelling well away from Kalistan proper and more toward Lourenne. Kalistan has historically relied on both the 1st Fleet in Ananto and the Lourennais Navy to patrol the passage and conduct security operations there. But Dame Smith also noted that Lourenne seems open to the idea of imposing restrictions similar to the ones placed on the Ananto Strait on the Meridian Strait, and the Empress has signaled her willingness for Kalistan to work on enforcing restrictions on military traffic of foreign origin in the Meridian Strait as well. "Her Imperial Majesty's prime focus with regard to these two straits is defense of Kalistan and the isolation of the Southeren Anantonese Ocean from the conflicts in the rest of the world," said Smith. "As we have seen, occasional sparks can set off global conflagrations, and while Kalistan does not actively participate in those conflicts, we also do not turn away from our defensive doctrine and heavily armed neutrality. Lourenne's proposal to establish a demilitarized zone on the Eastern Side of Ananto which is similar to the one we have established on the Western side, Her Majesty believes, will add to that security, not only for Kalistan but also for Western Dovani, Eastern Seleya, and the entire Anantonese region."

The speech generated a discussion over regional security and logistics in the audience which lasted for more than an hour. Dame Smith said that as of the moment of her speech, there was no formal language around either proposal. "Updating the Ananto Strait Accord is something Kalistan can do itself, since it only concerns our National Waters, and nothing else," said Smith. "I anticipate working very closely in the coming months to develop a similar agreement with Lourenne to ensure that Her Majesty's interests for the Meridian Passage are fairly represented as I continue my work here in Eroncourt. I think after the work is completed, we will have two new treaties that govern the waters around Ananto which will obtain Her Imperial Majesty's approval, and will allow Lourenne the security it seeks as it moves toward neutrality."

Dame Smith has described her working relationship with her Lourennais Counterparts as "excellent", and feels that there is consonance between Her Majesty's goals with regard to Luthori's encroachment and the Government of the United Kingdom. "This is a reflection of a long and close relationship between our two Nations, and it serves everyone well, even beyond our borders for Kalistan and Lourenne to work so closely together. It is also our hope that friendly nations work out similar international and intra national agreements with themselves to further enhance their own security and to act as barriers against outside aggressors."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Fri May 10, 2024 6:47 pm


Kalistan selects Eshar band "The Starving Artists" to Represent the Empire in Baltusia
FOMAT XXV will be first time Seleyan Republic hosts the Contest

Eshar, Duchy of Odufaray
August 19, 5481

The Starving Artists, on tour in Odufaray, will represent Kalistan at FOMAT XXV

The Festival of Music Arts in Terra, or FOMAT, has been officially launched, and this has led to a predictable flurry of effort on the part of local and national bands in Kalistan to push out new music in an attempt to represent Kalistan. FOMAT XXV will be held in Ralston, Baltusia, and, like previous contests, will feature music from around the world, all competing for the FOMAT title. The 24th Edition, held in Kalistan during 5431, was won by Dundorf, who officially passed on hosting option earlier this year, opening the door for Baltusia to take the opportunity to host. While the contest is still seven years away, time usually works a little funny in the music universe, and both artists and labels know that the time is now to submit music for the contest.

Kalistan's nominee, as usual, is determined by radio poll on KRTVN's flagship music station, Radio 1. This year, the competition was fierce, with 64 different acts entering music. Over the course of two weeks, Radio 1 held a round robin with listeners calling, emailing and texting in their preference in head to head match ups between different artists. Most of the entries were either alt-folk, hip hop, or pop, as these acts have historically done well on both the radio poll and the contest. But this year, there were a lot that went head to head--maybe too many, as most of them cancelled out, and then one of those genres that had beaten out several other songs, tended to lose to one of the relatively few hard rock songs in the contest.

At the end of it all, the winner overall was judged to be a relatively unknown independent rock act from Eshar, Odufaray named The Starving Artists. Brother and Sister Andre and Mellie Arnhart from Eshar are joined by Nathan Black on Bass and Walt Richardson on drums. The song they enters, and which subsequently won also had the longest song title of all the entries: "Heroin (is Quite Passe, but I wouldn't give it to you f you were the Last Junkie on Terra)" Mellie Arnhart, primary song writer for the band explained the title in a recent interview: "No, its not an anti-drug song. It is more like a hate song about a pathetic dude I used to know. Its kind of funny when Andre sings it: He's pretty effeminate, and that makes it more kinda sneering and snotty, and less like "f--k you, I hate you..." which is how I wrote it, but I think he really gets the sentiment of what I was going for, and it really came out a lot better with him singing it."

When informed that they won, Andre, who was stoned and drinking at the time of the announcement, and incidentally performing in Springfield, reportedly walked off the stage to go pack, before the rest of the band informed him that the contest wouldn't be for seven years, and that he had to finish his show. It took the band several minutes to communicate this to Arnhart. Following his return to the stage, he promptly fell off the stage and bruised three ribs. Several days later, at a press conference held by ODEN, who is sponsoring the band's entry into FOMAT, Arnhart said, "No, this is the first I'm hearing about this. I'm not sure why this happened, but the song was like a breakup song. It was a fun little track, we had fun with it, but no, I don't think its going to win. I voted for (Vrassan Alt-Folk singer) Veronica Mark. Her song was so much better than like everything we've ever done. Like no offense to Mellie or anything, but we need better songs. I mean, yeah Baltusia? Cool Yeah, of course we will win. Mellie is the most creative person I know, and she writes such awesome songs."

The Band will travel to Ralston for the FOMAT Contest. But you can check out The Starving Artists' "Heroin (Is Quite Passe, but I wouldn't give it to you if you were the Last Junkie on Terra)," the track that won the Kalistani contest and will represent Kalistan, here:

Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Sat May 11, 2024 6:03 am


Chancellor Greets Luthori standdown in Baltusia
Signals reduction in Patrols on the Limits as Kalistan prepares to sign Meridian Treaty

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
November 8, 5481

Chancellor Newburg-LaRoc addresses National Assembly on reduction of tension

Chancellor of the Empire Kelly Newburg-LaRoc briefed the National Assembly today on several matters of foreign policy import. The speech came in conjunction with a decrease in tension in the Anantonese following the withdrawal of Luthorian Naval elements. During her briefing, the Chancellor noted that Kalistani regular units were already stepping down patrols on the Northern and Southern Limits in preparation of the full execution of the 2nd Ananto Strait Comprehensive Accord. "Her Imperial Majesty has ordered the Naval Minister to begin returning naval units in the 2nd and 3rd Fleets to regular peace time operations in the Strait, to end combat patrols, and to stand down from Alert. Over the next month, the stand down will be completed and most units will return to their barracks at Yoshimi Station and Port Swede," said Chancellor Newburg.

With regard to the closure of the Ananto Strait, the Chancellor reported that Her Imperial Majesty is awaiting the passage of the 2nd ASCA and the Meridian Strait Comprehensive Accord, which Kalistan intends to join before the Strait will be fully reopened. "The Empress is maintaining the closure of the Straits for the time being," said Chancellor Newburg. "But Regular Naval Units are being ordered to selectively enforce the closure ahead of the passage of both Straits Accords, which means Kalistani Regular Naval Forces will monitor all transits through the Straits but only turn back selected nations. Right now, Kalistan is restricting transit by Artanian and Majatran Flagged Military Vessels only. And the List of countries on those lists will gradually reduce to zero upon passage of the Meridian Accord." The Chancellor stressed that all flagged commercial traffic continues through the Strait unhindered.

Finally, When the Meridian Accord enters ratification, Dame Diane Smith will be recalled from Lourenne, along with the military detachment that travelled to Lourenne with her to coordinate Anantonese Response to the Luthorian encroachment. "Her Imperial Majesty's Foreign Minister will be returning to her post in Kaliburg following the beginning of the ratification of the Meridian Accord. Her Imperial Majesty is satisfied with the consonance between Kalistan and Lourenne over maritime policy in the Anantonese Ocean, and Dame Smith has done her job." It is widely believed that Dame Smith seeks to retire from public service, having served for nearly 4 decades already in her post, and a recall could be a step in that direction.

Finally, the Chancellor held out an olive branch to Luthori following their sacking of their Naval Affairs Minister. "Her Imperial Majesty has expressed a growing interest in improving relations with Luthori. The closure of the Strait was prompted by a foreign war, but if not for Luthori's surprise basing arrangement with Baltusia, Kalistan should have gone back to a peaceful posture there long ago. Instead, there was lack of all communication between the foreigners and local nations, and The Empress acted how any nation would react when they discovered that a nation with a history of hostility toward Kalistan has parked an entire fleet in our Backyard without so much as a diplomatic communique to even let Her Imperial Majesty know it was going down. Her Majesty congratulates the Luthorian Government for sacking the Minister who made this decision, and would like to welcome Luthori to send representatives to Kaliburg, so that the Empress may ascertain whether or not there is a modus vivendi that can be discovered between the Emprie of Ananto and Kalistan and the state of Luthori."

The comment was met with several boos from heretofore taciturn Conservatives Deputies who oppose talking to Luthori, but the Chancellor insisted that the Empress will command full observance of diplomatic protocol and decorum should a member of the Luthorian Government travel to Kalistan to open a dialogue concerning establishing peaceful relations with Kalistan. Following more boos from Conservatives, joined by more than a few Nationalists, the Chancellor calmed the crowd down by informing the hecklers, "Surely it is not your intent to suggest that you will not follow the Empress' directives? May I be the first to inform you that there is no future for you, if you follow that course of action. Not in this Party at least." With this nominally veiled threat, the boos ended.

The Chancellor finished the briefing with a closed door Executive Session, where the Chancellor briefed Party leaders of national security affairs.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Mon May 13, 2024 3:04 pm


Diplomatic Talks conclude in Kaliburg
Consular Services to be expanded into Embassy in Luthori, Luthorian Embassy expected

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
January 18, 5483

Negotiators from Kalistan and Luthori reach agreement on Embassy exchange

The long standing glacier between Kalistan and Luthori cracked yesterday as Kalistani negotiators agreed to expand basic consular services in Luthori to a full embassy. Speaking for the Kalistani team, Ms. Dana Probst, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Artanian Affairs Bureau, said "We have agreed to begin regular direct communication with the Luthorian Government on matters pertaining to building a bilateral relationship. Currently, the Empire maintains one consulate, in Fort William, and has passed all messages to the Luthorian King via the Dolgavan Embassy, but her Imperial Majesty, The Empress Nicolette has determined that Kalistan will open a full Embassy, and will appoint an ambassador to Luthori. She has determined that Kalistan should take Luthori's willingness to meet as a sign that we should begin to settle long standing differences between our two nations, and direct communication between her direct representative and the Government of Luthori would be in our interest."

The main stumbling block during this period of negotiations was a bloc of Conservative Deputies in the National Assembly who were loudly protesting the decision to even speak with Luthori. Leader of the Conservative Bloc, Florence Black, Deputy from Vrassa City, called several votes of no-confidence for Her Majesty's Government. After failing three times, the Assembly Speaker ruled additional calls to be dillatory. This led to a walkout of 16 Conservative Deputies, mostly from Vrassa, but some from Odufaray who were voting with Deputy Black. The National Assembly shut down as Black took to the streets in her home Constituency to protest the lack of "democracy" in Kalistan. Several attempts to arrange meetings with Black were thwarted by her refusal to show up to appointments. Finally, Black was called in by the Chancellor herself in a closed door meeting. Black emerged and announced her resignation over the affair, and four other deputies, also protesting the talks resigned from the Legislature shortly thereafter. The Chancellor asked the Duke of Vrassa to appoint successors for the resigned Deputies ahead of the next general election. The other protesting deputies were granted amnesty in exchange for dropping the protest.

The roadblock to further talks cleared, Her Imperial Majesty expressed support for the expansion of the consulate, and when details are concluded, will name a permanent Ambassador to Luthori. "This is the first time in anyone's memory that Kalistan and Luthori have reached a point where we can even begin to consider exchange of Ambassadors," said Probst. "We certainly hope for reciprocity from the Luthorian Government, and while the Shadow Foreign Minister could not commit their Government to anything during the talks, we consider this a positive first step."

Expansion of the Consulate will begin this year, and following the establishment of the Embassy, Kalistan said they hope to open an additional consulate in Luthori to expand services and encourage Kalistani Citizens to begin travelling and doing business in Luthori.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Tue May 14, 2024 4:33 am


Indie Rocker Michelle Love releases Debut Album on ARC
Overnights... with Michelle is an instant feminist rock classic

Sulari, Duchy of Suldanor
April 20, 5483

Overnights... with Michelle explores feminine sexuality and puts toxic masculinity on its head

Sulari Indie rocker Michelle Love pulls no punches on her new ARC release Overnights... with Michelle. The debut album has already received criticism from some corners are being heavily misandrist, and Love has been accused of hating men by several liberal critics. But 24 year old Love is not afraid of the backlash, and in fact welcomes it. "No, my music is not anti-man," said Love. "I just don't like these dudes who think they can do one thing, but hold their ladies to different standards. I've known more than my share of those guys, even here in Kalistan, and it's just boring. It's about time we thought about this and how it affects relations between the sexes."

Love's gritty, overloud guitar work, which is also for the most part underproduced, is representative of a growing submovement in the alternative and alt-folk scenes, called LoFi. LoFi focuses on shedding a lot of the studio tricks that accompanies a lot of alternative and hard rock. "It's like rock music for poor folks," said Love about LoFi. "Like Addisjah style hip hop, where they are basic about how they make their tunes, and somehow they bang harder than the pop rap stuff that the masses like." While her music would fit more into indie/alternative (more akin to The Starving Artists) than alt-folk, the fundamentalist sensibility is directly taken from alt-folk.

The LoFi aspects shine throughout the album, with really loud riff-focused amplified guitars that use minimal pedal effects, compact kits that keep time with simple drum patterns, and very intimate sounding microphones that record Love's dry vocals in what sounds like a soundproof closet. The LoFi sound is meant to be easy to record, and inexpensive, to allow even garage musicians to make loud music, and is a growing aesthetic in alternative.

Lyrically, Love doesn't mince words. Her songs are full of social commentary and sexuality. "Yeah, sex is political," said Love. "Look at the Empress. Think she'd be half as powerful if she didn't make men drool? Men have been governing with their ***** for centuries; and now we can see women governing with their ******** just as easily." The songs discuss gender relations in a way that doesn't sound preachy, but at the same time should terrify misogynists who may hear the record. One song's droning refrain repeats "Have Fear in your Heart," is titled "Brian", and discusses an attempted sexual assault which Love says was foiled by a "brave ass waitress" at a restaurant, who joined the narrator (perhaps it was Love, perhaps it was a fictional story, Love was unclear about this) in punishing over six days before "dropping him off" into Sulari Bay (again, how, or whether this actually happened, Love will not say one way or another.) The song is doubly terrifying because it has a sweet melody punctuated by gritty distorted guitars that make the listeners scared of the murderous insanity being described in the lyrics.

Love also has songs that celebrate the kind of goofy romance of crushes and new boyfriends on this record, which makes it quite schizophrenic feeling at times. But Love clearly knows what she is doing: "There is darkness all around us in the world, just beneath the surface," she said. "If I sang about it all the time, people would want to kill themselves. So you have to bring the love back in. I know, people have said they think I hate men. I don't hate men. I absolutely love them. I just want them to be good, and not look at women like something to knock around. Would you do that to your mom? To the Empress? No, then why would you do that to your woman? That needs to be pointed out, and also the good ones need to be celebrated too. To give the guys something to aspire to. See, guys, you can have this. All you have to do is be good." Love then laughs. "But you know, if they aren't we got something else for them, you know."

Love's first single, "Missile Man" is blasting its way up the Radio 1 poll, and the video is in heavy rotation on M-7. Love says that she wants to continue to make music, and has a four album deal with ARC. "Next record? Who knows. I mean, I just put this one out. But I've always wanted to try an acoustic guitar. I've literally never really written music for one, so that might be a challenge." Meanwhile, Love is on a Nation wide tour, and hopes to travel abroad at some point.

You can check out her debut single "Missile Man" either on M-7 or right here.

Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Tue May 14, 2024 9:23 pm


SPOTLIGHT: Dulnerstaad, Crown Jewel of Ananto
Northern City also home to diverse international community

Dulnerstaad, Grand Duchy of Ananto
August 1, 5483

Dulnerstaad sits on Beautiful Dulnerstaad Bay in Northwestern Ananto

Long called the "Crown Jewel of Ananto", the city of Dulnerstaad is one of the hidden treasures of the Grand Duchy of Ananto. It holds the distinction as Ananto's second city, being located on the North Western corner of Ananto, where it commands both the northern reaches of the Ananto Strait and also the wider northern Anantonese Ocean. This strategic city was one of the first cities targeted when Ananto was invaded in 3988 during the Ananto War with Indrala, but it has since rebounded spectacularly, and now serves as a vacation spot for residents of Kaliburg, who flock to its cool and sunny harbors and shorelines during the summer months.

Dulnerstaad has two main seasons a year. The Summer is considered Dulnerstaad's dry season, as dryer air from the Island's interior creates an offshore flow. Clouds clear up, the air is usually clear and dry and warm during day time hours, nights are cool and foggy, as the cooler wetter sea air rushes inland and condenses. This ebb and flow during the months of April through October create a climate which can be described as endless summer. The winter however is the wet season where Dulnerstaad is drenched by more than 25 inches annually on average. Rain fall is recorded nearly every 24 hour period during the rainy season, and sometimes winterstorms blow in from the Northern Anantonese Ocean which can drop half a foot of rain over a three day period. Dulnerstaad has excellent drainage to handle deluges like this, and is offset from the Dulnerstaad River by more than a mile to avoid overland flooding form these torrential storms. It never gets cold enough to snow in the winter in Dulnerstaad, with the most extreme temperatures only reaching the upper 40s on the coldest nights, but likewise, temperatures are similarly moderate in the Summer, with daily highs in August only reaching the lower 70s during August. The comfortable climate is an excellent trade off for the long periods of rain and fog that the city experiences.

Dulnerstaad has long been home to artists, musicians (including the late Jennifer Stepanov), politicians (including His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Fredrick I Ananto and Marguerite Beloit, who served as Premier and who was killed in the Kaliburg Earthquake in 4892) and educators (including those employed by the serene Ananto District University and Graduate School). The coastal city now serves primarily as a cultural center, where Kalistani culture mixes freely with people who originate all around the world, and a major Lourennais diaspora is located there, made up of the descendants of those who fled from political turmoil in the United Kingdom in the 4760s, and who stayed in Kalistan to make a new life. The Lourennais influence is still broadly felt in and around Dulnerstaad, as many shop signs are not in Vrassan and Egelion, as they are elsewhere, but Vrassan and Canrillais, and nearly a quarter of the population count at least one person from the original stock from Lourenne as an ancestor!

Dulnerstaad's importance as a military center has shifted east to Bozo River, but the city still houses the Dulnerstaad Naval Center which serves the Regular Navy as a training and expeditionary base, but which is more often used now by militia units who are training in the Strait. It nonetheless retains its influence over the Ananto Strait, and serves as a refuel and maintenance stop for Kalistan's 1st and 2nd Regular fleets. To officially kick off tourist season, Dulnerstaad hosts an annual "Fleet Week" in May, where sailors are given a 96 hour liberty pass in port, and regular enjoy some of the finest drinking, dining and dancing that Ananto has to offer. The Fleet Week competitions between ship crews tend to be a major draw for Ananto Tourism as well as local hospitality business, who usually make enough money in one week to cover the half the year when few travel to Dulnerstaad.

Dulnerstaad is not only a haven for tourists and recreation seekers, but it is also a thriving hub of light industry, commercial services and scientific research. There is a very active lumber and reforestation industry based just north of Dulnerstaad that supplies wood, paper products, and other tree-derived materials to Ananto primarily. This industry is also responsible for replanting about 40,000 acres of forest a year in the Davon Mountains, and is well known for its ecologically sustainable practices. Dulnerstaad also is home to the KalEnCon Geothermal Generator #3, which generates about 1/6th of Ananto's power annually. Annually, geologists from Ananto District University conduct experiments near the geothermal site to learn more about the island's vulcanism and plate tectonics, and many key insights about the formation of the Island and the geological history of Kalistan have been made there. Besides these industries, major commercial fishing and canning operations are centered in Dulnerstaad, and are coupled with several fish hatcheries and oceanic restocking operations to ensure sustainable supplies of seafood and migratory fish into the foreseeable future.

Many Tourists visit Dulnerstaad for the Wildlife

Nightlife in Dulnerstaad is very unique, and represents the many influences from the cultures who have called Dulnerstaad home over the centuries. A main influence in Dulnerstaad is the Canrilaise culture, which focuses on finer things in life. Most of the fine dining establishments serve Lourennais cuisine including artisan breads, locally crafted cheeses, wines, soups, quiche, and seafoods of all types, prepared by Lourennais Chefs to the current specifications from finest culinary institutes on the Dovani Mainland. Other restaurants cater to those with a sweet tooth: Dessert seekers can find the most intricately and delicately crafted sweet pastries, souffles, and custards in Dulnersaad, along with an assortment of geladas, sorbets, and sweet and savory crepes. If Lourennais food is not to your taste, Dulnerstaad also features excellent establishments that showcase cuisine from Indrala, Dolgava, Egelia, and Seko, to name a few. Additionally, the Kalistani Culinary Academy is located in Dulnerstaad, where Anantonese chefs often attempt to outcompete one another creating elaborate salads, entrees and desserts for visitors. Dulnerstaad is a food lover's dream.

The club scene in Dulnerstaad is a lot different than in most other parts of Ananto. Dance clubs and discos often feature the best new international music available. Dulnerstaad tends to enjoy electronic music more than Kaliburg, but there is also several major hard rock venues in Dulnerstaad to cater to that taste. Dulnerstaad has its share of RF venues as well, though the style isn't as popular in the north as it is in Kaliburg. The northern city also offers a number of bars and wine rooms where clients can sample alcohols and liquors from around the world.

While Dulnerstaad is a popular tourist destination, many people actually come to see wildlife. Dulnerstaad's position between the Anantonese Ocean and the Ananto Strait makes the spot a popular destination for many species of fish, as well as a very well populated spot on the migratory paths of aquatic mammals. Sea Lions especially like to visit Dulnerstaad's rocky shores, where they sun, rest up, hunt, and find partners. Each year, hundreds of sea lion cubs are born at the nearby National Maritime Preserve, and during this time, rangers are on duty full time to ensure that curious visitors and sea lions, who can become very territorial, do not interact.

A main industry in Dulnerstaad caters to those who visit the town to see the aquatic wildlife: Charter Boat rental does well over ₭1.3 million a year catering to visitors who want to go deep sea fishing, or snorkel on the reef to see beautiful fish, or see migrating whales, dolphins, sea lions and seals. from the Maritime Preserve. The Marine Preserve also features the beautiful and educational National Aquarium, which stocks wildlife native to the area and works closely with Marine Rehabilitation to help heal injured animals.

If you are planning to come to Dulnerstaad, please take the time to research local accommodations. During the summer months, hiking and backpacking in the nearby foothills of the Davon Mountains is very popular, and there are several camping areas with stunning natural views overlooking Dulnerstaad Bay and the Anantonese Ocean on the trails. In town, accommodations range from small bed and breakfasts and locally owned motels all the way up to most luxurious accommodations in The Hotel Grandview Dulnersaad to meet the travellers' interests and preferences. But you will want to pick the sort of experience you have in town and in the area, to get the most of your time here.

The Grand Duchy of Ananto welcomes you to Dulnerstaad!
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu May 16, 2024 5:25 am


KALNAPECO Issues Warning for Oil Investors in Kalistan
"Supply set to run out in 25 Years", said KNP Chief Engineer

Sulari, Duchy of Suldanor
April 18, 5484

Twilight for the Kalistani Oil Industry, as Operations will draw to close

Engineers working for KALNAPECO have reported that there is at most 25 years of oil left in proven reserves in the Ananto Strait, signaling an end to domestic production of petroleum in the Empire. "The supply of oil in the Anato Strait, which has brought Kalistan prosperity for many long centuries, is finally at an end. We still have some proven reserves of easily obtainable crude oil on the mainland," said Dr. Jenna Martin of KALNAPECO, "but the shift to clean energy decades ago for domestic energy did not slow down exploitation of oil in the Strait, and that reserve, which has served our Nation for so long is nearing the end of its life. The supply will last at most 25 years more, and then it will run out." Martin noted that the reasons that the Strait reserve is running out of oil is because drilling didn't end, it was just exported to Lourenne and Lodamun and then sold to the world.

"There is still reserves further to the south in the Anantonese Ocean," said Martin, "But those are outside the Straits, and therefore, KNP will not be able to explore for oil or expand operations there. Unfortunately for our partners, this means the end of a very profitable trade arrangement, but it was always going to happen, and the only question has ever been when." The 'when' is now, said Martin, who quickly added, "Our onshore stocks have been carefully managed and have been mostly capped because they are only used to continue to supply petroleum for industrial materials and plastics. Those reserves can continue to serve Kalistan indefinitely, which will ensure KALNAPECO's continued operation, but they do not offer enough production annually to meet fuel demands of the Empire, and so, for any vehicles which continue to burn fossil fuel, we will need to begin importing gas and diesel oil from abroad."

As Kalistan leaves the oil market, it is unknown what effect that this will have on other nations who have relied for a very long time on oil from the Strait. "We think Lourenne will be alright: They have diversified their energy supplies and seem to export most of the oil they obtain from the rigs that they manage. Lodamun will likely be fine as well, because they have multiple sources of oil for their energy needs. But we are thinking more along the lines of those who our partners sell oil to. There is a possibility that the loss of one of the major suppliers in this part of the world will have effects on the regional economy, which we can't foresee at this time."

The clock is now officially ticking on KALNAPECO's longstanding Ananto Straits operations. "We are offering this warning to give our Partners time to figure out what they will do. This is not some sort of 'peak oil' sensationalist speculation on the part of KNP. 25 years and then its done. We hope Lourenne, Lodamun and those who rely on Kalistani oil will have enough time to prepare, because operations will end, and when they do it will be like someone flicks a switch. At that point, we will need to ensure that the wells are secured, the platforms are dismantled, and the Strait can return to its natural state. But have no doubt, this is the last generation that Kalistan will be able to exploit oil reserves in the Ananto Strait."

On the news, KNP securities took a sharp dive in the Kalsie, before bottoming out and then slowly rising to finish about 1.23 KRB a share off for the day.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Fri May 17, 2024 1:18 am


Kalistani Scientists begin work on developing Biodegradable Polymers
New Program sponsored by KPN will convert sustainable plant oils to plastics

Yoshimi, Duchy of Suldanor
September 9, 5484

Dr. Brittney Giovani, Researcher at Yoshimi's University of Kalistan experiments with plant based polymers

Following KALNAPECO's (KPO) stunning announcement earlier this year that exploitable oil in the Ananto Strait will run out within 25 years, the National Government in Kalistan has committed to spending more than ₭25 Million to begin researching plant based polymers, with the aim of creating a renewable, sustainable formula of converting plant-based oils into polymers and plastics, to help reduce depletion of land-based oil reservoirs in Suldanor. The aim is to create renewable, biodegradable sources of plastics for everything from packaging to auto production, and allowing the Empire to further move away from fossil fuels.

"There are a number of plant-based sources of oils that can be converted to plastics," said Dr. Brittney Giovanni, who has been appointed to lead the main research team from the University of Kalistan in Yoshimi. The University has received a grant of ₭1 million from KPO to work as seed money to set up laboratories on campus and begin hiring staff to perform experiments. As part of the grant, that founded the Yoshimi Plastics Laboratory, the University of Kalistan has purchased several parcels of land in Suldanor north of the Lucid Morass to plant test crops.

"Our aim," said Dr. Giovani, "is to determine the oil content per acre of land of various crops, to see which crops yielded the highest volume of oils, whether those oils are amenable to conversion to polymers and plastics, and whether we would get better quality plastics by combining different varieties of plant oils." The laboratory will also research biodiesel production, for the purpose of supplementing and eventually replacing the diesel derived from petroleum and fossil fuels. "We will start by experimenting with biodiesel mixtures, and eventually seek to develop full replacement diesels."

The KPO grant will be matched by public money from the Ministries of Science, Energy, and Industry for a period of 25 years aimed at finding biodegradable alternatives to petroleum based products. "Some crops we will be experimenting with are the soybean," said Dr. Giovanni, "which we don't plant a lot of in Kalistan, the seeds from the Jatropha plant, which is a succulent that grows in drier parts of Suldanor, and the seeds of the Morninga plants, which are native to Indrala, but may grow in Kalistan. All of these plants have seeds and nuts that yield a huge quantity of oil per volume, and could successfully serve as sources of oil for plastics and biodiesel additives. We are also beginning to explore the use of seaweed, which is virtually inexhaustible in the Strait, and can already be converted, using existing science to plastics. All these crops offer the additional benefits of sequestering carbon dioxide, and helping to control climate destruction."

Deputies were excited about the potential for turning plant based oils into plastics. Grant Turner, Deputy for Yoshimi, stated "This will not only provide valuable scientific research for Kalistan, but could also be a game changer for countries who want to divest in fossil fuels and move to sustainable, renewable energy and industrial chemical sources which do not pollute as much as petroleum exploitation, and can lead the world away from oil. The KPO announcement is a blessing in disguise in that it gives us the political impetus to make the shift once and for all." Other deputies focused on the potential to create jobs in Kalistan. "The opportunities that this emerging industry, created out of necessity, will offer are breathtaking," said Melanie Waltrip, Deputy from Sulari. "We look forward to creating jobs as well as helping free our country of the outdated reliance on fossil fuels. According to KPO, we could see as many as 500 jobs created in my own home district alone around this new industry. I would be for it even without the potential to put food on the plates of 500 families in Sulari."

The jumpstarting of this research initiative, while being spearheaded by KPO, is also supported by the National Assembly, the Government, and KalEnCon, who has themselves committed ₭10 million over the next 10 years to help spur the research. The Government of Suldanor has officially welcomed the research program, as well as the adjacent agricultural operations in the southern part of the Duchy.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby BananaZebra » Tue May 21, 2024 12:33 am

Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Tue May 21, 2024 4:38 am


Kalistan puts final touches on New Luthorian Embassy
Located in Fort William, its opening will signal next step toward normalization

Fort William, Luthori
October 18, 5486

Kalistani Embassy on Embassy Row in Luthorian Capital

Built in a style of architecture reminiscent of most National Buildings in Kalistan, the new Kalistani Embassy building in Luthori is nearing completion, signaling the continued moves toward normalization between Kalistan and Luthori. While there is still no news about Luthorian attempts to establish an embassy in Kalistan, the future home and workplace of the full embassy staff in Luthori has been under construction for the last several years. Designers were given a budget of ₭14 million to design and build the structure which will eventually serve not only as the official offices of the Direct representatives of Her Imperial Majesty to the Luthorian Government, but will also contain various interest sections, including economic, diplomatic, and defense sections. Currently, the Fort William Consular services have been moving out of their previous offices and into the Ground floor of the new Embassy while the top floors are still being built.

"What's next?" asked the Assistant Foreign Affairs Minister for Artanian Affairs, His Excellency Zachery Westmoreland. "Her Imperial Majesty and the monarch in Luthori will have to agree to exchange Ambassadors. We are not sure what Luthori's plans are: So far we have met with their Shadow Foreign Minister, who has no power in the National Government, but who was sent to convey Luthori's interests in warming relations with Kalistan. But Her Imperial Majesty has said that she will not dispatch an ambassador to Luthori without an agreement in place for Luthori to name an ambassador to Kalistan. All things being equal, Kalistan is not the inferior to any nation on the Globe, and the Empress has made it clear that she will stand on her rights and insist upon full reciprocity from Luthori on all matters, or there will be no exchange. It is her Imperial Majesty's sincere hope that this oversight among the Luthorian Government and by the Luthorian King is merely that, just an oversight, and the King will issue a formal delegation to Kalistan to work out the details of the Embassy exchange soon."

Once these details are resolved, Westmoreland said, Kalistan will dispatch an Ambassador to Luthori to serve as Her Imperial Majesty's representative to that government. The designated Ambassador, who it appears will be Lord Mayor Henry Winston, who currently serves as mayor of the Free City of Eshar, will then move to Luthori with his family, and will take up residence in the Ambassador's Suite inside the Embassy. The Embassy will be staffed with full compliments in each of the sections, including a special projects section, whose job it will be to analyze news from the Luthorian capital and report back on happenings in the foreign Capital. Once the Ambassador's Luthorian Counterpart is in place, treaties and state visits can be worked out directly with each monarch's direct representatives, rather than having to do it through back channels.

Security will be maintained by elements of the Nordic Corps, who will be redirected to Embassy Duty. The new Company will be designated "The Empress' Select Battalion" will serve as Embassy Guards at embassies across the Globe. Streetside, Luthori will provide security for the Embassy. "Her Imperial Majesty will likely call for extraterritoriality in Luthori. Assuming Luthori intends to send an Ambassador, limited extraterritoriality will also be granted to the Luthorian Embassy," said Westmoreland. "But Kalistani Law does not offer diplomatic immunity, nor will the Empress seek it from the Luthorian Government. Our staff will of course observe all Luthorian Laws."

The Embassy is expected to finish construction in February of next year, and the Ambassador will be dispatched as soon as Luthori agrees to name an Ambassador to the Empire, and suitable accommodations are found for the Ambassador and their staff." Westmoreland was optimistic that Luthori would take the next step toward normalization soon.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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