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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:08 am

IZQUIERDA- The Voice of the Kalistani Left
SP Spokesperson Georgia Smythe announces New Reciprocity Deal with Labour

Dual Membership, Unified Dues Structure Approved

Kaliburg, Ananto
February 17, 4105

Spokesperson Georgia Smythe of the Socialist Party of Kalistan released a statement to Izquierda which could change the face of Kalistani Politics.

"We would like to take this opportunity to announce a change in our policy on exclusive membership. The National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party passed a resolution at their January meeting which acknowledged the changes in membership in the Labour Party. In response to Labour's unilateral decision to permit dual membership with the SP, the NEC has agreed to provide reciprocity for membership. Henceforth, all members of the Socialist Party are also entitled to maintain dual membership in the Labour Party as well. Additionally, the dues paid by dual members shall be set at which ever Party has the lower dues structure, or 10 Rubles, if the LP does not collect dues. This is a considerable savings on the 175 Rubles which is currently the dues for rank and file members of the SP. These changes are designed to promote a general left wing agenda in Kalistan's government, as well as to encourage fraternity between our two Parties. Dual members will be permitted to build a new factional caucus within the Socialist Party of Kalistan to keep their separate political leanings.

"We expect that many SPers will rush to adopt dual membership, especially due to the reduction in dues for dual members, and those ideologues who can't see a way to adopt the more general leftist identity can continue to maintain separate political identity. These changes passed through the NEC unanimously and will be ratified by the Convention in October of 4106. Thank you."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:57 pm

Hussein Welcomes SP Relationship
Member of Labour Central Committee believes nothing should be off the table when it comes to further collaboration

Kaliburg, Ananto
Feburary 11, 4106

Khalil Hussein is one of several prominent Labour politicians who want to consolidate the relationship with the SP

A passionate speech was delivered by the Labour Party Trade and Industry Spokesperson Khalil Hussein at the most recent party congress in which he called for the Labour Party and Socialist Party of Kalistan to further their already close relationship. Mr Hussein, speaking for the first time since his election to the position, claimed that both parties had a duty to defend the left from the rise of fascism. In what is seen as a ground-breaking speech by some, Mr Hussein said;

We have seen over the past year, that Fascism is most certainly not dead in Kalistan. The Revolutionary People's Party showed us, in their short time, that there are still those in society who seek to undermine freedom and democracy in the Republic. Therefore, I believe we, the Labour Party and the Socialist Party, have a responsibility to remain united and cooperative in order to maximise our appeal to the Kalistani population. If we are not working together, then we can't possibly hope to maintain our position as the government of the day.

Having said this, we must explore the options available to us. Permitting dual membership and then significantly reducing fees was a fantastic start and I congratulate the Premier and my good friend Maggie for their work on that. Does it go far enough, though? We have to be pro-active and continue the work we have already started. The alternating endorsement of Presidential candidates served us extremely well in the last century but there were still occasions when the Left found itself in the clear minority. There was undoubtedly more that we could have achieved in the CIP era! If this means forming an electoral pact in the future, that should not be off the table.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:05 am

Socialist Party of Kalistan looks to broaden base
Demise of Fascists and Centre Democrats opens door for Unified Government

Kaliburg, Ananto District
March 28, 4106

Premier Carrangus pleased to announce Reorganization of SP Caucus Structure, names two new ambassadors

The Leader of the Socialist Party of Kalistan announced major changes in the Caucus structure of the Party to further accommodate new dual members of the LP and the SP. As the ties between the LP and the SP grow closer and more members sign up for dual membership under the new dues structure scheme passed last year, the NEC of the SP has decided to formally recognize the Labour Caucus within the broader Party. Premier Carrangus announced the changes in a news conference at SP Headquarters earlier this week.

"We specifically welcome the comments of Comrade Lancaster and then CC-LP member and Trade Spokesperson Hussein, and are glad to hear openness to cooperation and the restoration of the deep political ties between our two Parties which characterized much of our first fifty years of working together. In light of these overtures, it is my pleasure to make public the decision of the National Executive Committee that henceforth, all dual members of the LP and the SP will be entitled to form and participate in the new Labour Caucus of the SP. The caucus will retain the following rights and privileges:

* they will be allowed to elect and keep their own leadership;
* they will be entitled to sit members in SP cabinets as Labour Caucus Members;
* the Labour Caucus will be entitled to participate in divided government schemes with the SP- if a Socialist is elected President of the Republic, a dual member will be eligible and preferred to serve as Premier, should a full member of the LP not be eligible or interested in serving;
* while acknowledging the overall outcomes of all SP conventions in terms of leadership, the Labour Caucus will be entitled to promote its own platform alongside the National Platform;
* In all matters, Labour Caucus dual members will have full voting equality with all regular SP members in the National Convention;
* Labour Caucus members will receive an equal share of seats on the National Executive Committee, maintaining, as always, gender parity;
* and finally, Labour Caucus Members will be eligible, at any time they deem it necessary, to break with the SP and rejoin the Labour Party.

These changes were made by the National Executive Committee specifically to reflect the great influx of Labour members into the ranks of the SP within the last year as dual members following the reduction of dues and the removal of exclusivity restrictions. We are thrilled to have endured, together, the last of the fascist threats to Kalistan, and welcome efforts to further integrate our two Parties in the mid-term."

In other news, the Socialist Party has sent signals which indicate that they are likely to endorse President Phillips in the coming elections. This will mark the first time the SP has endorsed a Labour candidate since the secret-not-so-secret endorsement scheme between the two Parties fell apart at the beginning of the contentious Berg era. Said Dr. Pamela Vincent, political scientist at Kaliburg District University: "[Michal] Jones-Terrance is planning to retire at the end of this term, and so the SP is unlikely to name a successor to the former President at the top of the ticket. It will be more likely, given this new affinity between the Parties, that the SP will go with the LP's President, and spend the convention in October celebrating a new era of comity."

Finally, two new Ambassadors have been named to the Kalistan for C campaign. Dave Holloway, a Brethrenist Clerk from Suldanor, has been named to join the team. Holloway holds advanced degrees in foreign policy and theory, and following completion of his program, has served on the foreign policy team with the SP. In addition to Holloway, the SP has also named ODEN-Ananto Chief Carmella Suarez to the Ambassador Team. It is believed that this nomination was made as the SP begins a new push for ODEN adoption globally. Both Ambassadors have been flown recently to Ananto, to meet with the current Ambassadorial team as they prepare to launch on an extended embassy to Majatra to drum up more support for Kalistan to be nominated to the Security Council of the forthcoming World Congress.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Oct 18, 2016 8:47 pm

Aided by Labour Caucus, Socialists Take Supermajority of Seats
Carrangus invites LP in for formal Unification Discussions

Kaliburg, Ananto
January 15, 4107

Premier Carrangus appears on stage with Edward Curti, Provisional Head of SP-Labour Caucus to celebrate victory in the Polls

Following an exciting victory in 4107 elections, which also saw the establishment of Socialist Government in all District Assemblies, Premier Carrangus called President Rowan Phillips to congratulate him on his victory in the Race, and has extended an invitation to Labour Leadership to begin to discuss formal unification talks.

"I think, if this election has demonstrated anything, it is that the people of Kalistan prefer us to work together. We are making remarkable progress in our efforts to be elected to the Security Council, we are patching up our relationship with Baltusia closer to home, and we are looking forward to a unity in purpose and function between the SP and the LP."

The premier spoke of a deal which is being floated which would essentially unify the two Parties into one single Party. The new super Party would brand itself "Left Kalistan" and both the LP and SPoK would keep individual designation and their own leadership structures within the Party. Both Parties would retain the individual right to dissolve the partnership at any point. Both Parties would be guaranteed a portfolio in all LK Governments, and powersharing between offices of President and Premier would occur.

"We are always open to negotiation on all of these points," Carrangus said, "And I suppose the next couple of years will be about that, if the LP is interested. But it is clear that we are both now aligned in the same direction, and it is clear that Kalistan responds best when we work together."

There is also rumor that a census will be in the offing. This will be the first census in several hundred years, for the purpose of determining the ethnic, cultural, and linguistic makeup of Kalistan. If we receive more word about this, we will definitely report on it.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:08 pm

Phillips: No More Whispers, I Want Unification
President of the Republic becomes latest figure to back plans to create a single party representing Kalistan's left

Kaliburg, Ananto
January 15, 4107

The re-elected President of the Republic makes his position clear

As President Rowan Phillips was re-elected unopposed and Labour and the Socialists once again secured all 750 seats in the National Assembly, it became clear that negotiations to merge the two dominant parties in Kalistan would begin. Though many have been reporting that leading figures on both sides had been preparing an arrangement for months, President Phillips used his victory speech as an opportunity to make his position apparent.

Comrades, we have done it! Once again, the red flag flies high in Kalistan! I am privileged to stand in front of you as your President once more and I hope that I am just the first in a long line of left-wing Kalistani leaders. The passing of the Libertarian Socialist Agenda in the run-up to this vote, reaffirms this government's commitment to the cause of ethical socialism and the dual economy. I can only thank the Socialist Party for their fantastic support on the bill and in the election as a whole.

Now, that brings me to the focus of my address. As well as serving as President, I also serve as the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and the parties most senior elected official; therefore, my views and my public comments hold a large sway. I want to use that power to make something very clear, and it pertains to our relationship with the SP, there should be no more whispers, I want unification. In spite of our marvellous success in recent times, there was a lengthy period where the Left did not control the government of Kalistan. We have to ensure that we do everything in our power to prevent that happening again. In my view, that means unifying the two parties into Left Kalistan.

It's a poorly kept secret, I understand, that we have been pursuing this matter for a while now. Hopefully, my statement today, combined with that of the Premier will path the way for an official deal to be secured. Long live the Left!

Though no definite time scale has been adopted, the Labour Central Committee is already believed to have made contact with their Socialist counterparts. With no immediate pressure and agreement on most issues, negotiations are unlikely to be drawn out unnecessarily.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:09 am

New Party, "Left Kalistan" to form

Final details to be worked out between Labour Caucus and Socialist Caucus following formal Unification

Kaliburg, Ananto
August 4107

Premier Carrangus receives Ovation of Assembly as Formal unification is announced

On September 15 of this year, the Labour Party and the Socialist Party of Kalistan will formally unify in a single Party known as "Left Kalistan". LK will formally represent all Leftist partisans in Kalistan. Premier Frieda Carrangus and Labour Leaders, including President Rowan Phillips have finally concluded a deal to unify the two leftist Parties, while protecting Labour and Socialist Integrity within the unified Party. Details of the merger are as follows:

1. A new Party, Left Kalistan will form from the formal unification of the Labour Party and the Socialist Party of Kalistan. Kalistan will officially revert to One Party Rule.
2. Each of the old Parties will represent a Caucus within the new Party.
3. Each Caucus may keep their own leadership structure in place, especially the Central Committee (LCC) Structure of the Labour Party and the National Executive Committee (SNEC) of the SP. Each Caucus will be entitled to an equal number of seats on the Party's National Committee (LKNC).
4. Each Caucus may hold their own conventions within Left Kalistan. The Conventions are empowered to pass resolutions, elect their own officers, make nominations for the LK National Convention, and adopt draft platform proposals for the LK National Convention. The LK National Convention will occur in October prior to general elections, and Caucus Conventions will occur no later than the previous August 1.
5. Each Caucus's officers shall be entitled to keep a caucus designation after their names, L for Labour, S for Socialist.
6. LK will guarantee proportional representation for the Caucuses in all Officer Seats, guaranteeing across the entire cabinet gender equality.
7. LK will utilize powersharing, whereby the Candidate for President will always be from one Caucus, and the Premier will be from another. This will essentially restore the principle of divided power. The Caucus which controls the Presidency will not lose a seat in the cabinet as a result of winning the race.
8. Each Caucus will keep its official Organ, The People's Press for Labour, Izquierda for the Socialists
9. A single, sliding dues structure will be instituted for all members.
10. LK will commit to the maintenance of the Dual Economy, Ethical Socialism, and Kalistani Libertarianism.
11. LK will commit to seeking recognition of Kalistani Culture through the CP.
12. Either Caucus may, for any reason, or no reason, break this union with proper notification of both the other Caucus and LK as a whole.
13. Kalistani Ambassadors abroad for the Kalistan for C campaign will represent Kalistan at-large going forward.

Said Carrangus about unification:
"A new day is dawning in Kalistan. We intend to work with our brothers and sisters in the LP to fully integrate our two Parties into the new Left Kalistan. United, we will end the unnecessary competition between our two Parties. Working together we will see a the sort of cooperation which, fifteen years ago, I don't think I could have dreamed possible. And it is all because the leadership of our two organizations have been willing to work together for benefit of all of Kalistan. I am thrilled that we are moving into a new Era. Following the unification, Our government will put forth a snap election to get Left Kalistan seated as the Single Party in Kalistan, and then we will go forward from there. I will also begin moving a CP forward which will protect Kalistan's unique cultural characteristics. This is an exciting time for all of Kalistan, and represents years and years of hard work, sweat and perseverance. We welcome our comrades with open arms, and look forward to a bright future together!"
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:28 pm

The People's Press
Labour Party and Socialist Party to embark on new journey as 'Left Kalistan'
Kaliburg, Ananto
September 14th, 4107

Today marks the end of the Kalistan's Labour Party as an individual legal entity. As of tomorrow, Left Kalistan will become the sole party in Kalistani politics and this is likely to be followed by a call for early elections. Since its formation as the Kalistani Free People's Movement, the party has had many ups and downs although it's hard to disagree that it has been extremely successful in government. When they were formed the KFPM took an antagonistic and reformist stance, particularly under James Harrison's leadership. Harrison was eventually 'overthrown' by Luca Curti, who took a radical approach to reevaluating the party's position. By rebranding as the Labour Party and rewriting the constitution, Curti established Labour as a force to be reckoned with on the Left and developed a close relationship with the Socialist Party. Since Curti retired, the Labour Party has been headed by the religious Jim O'Connell, the controversial Ana Berg and most recently Maggie Lancaster, who has been crucial in the creation of Left Kalistan.

Finally, some notable party figures are acknowledged here:

Karen Omobo- Party Founder and First Party Leader
James Harrison- Party Founder, Leader and Deputy Leader, Constitutional Court Justice
Francesca Totti- Party Founder and Deputy Leader, Constitutional Court Justice
Ella Ferrero- Party Deputy Leader and Kalistani Defence Minister
Luca Curti- Party Leader, Deputy Leader, Kalistani President, Premier, Internal Affairs Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister
Florence Orlando- Party Deputy Leader and Kalistani President
Serhat Aslan- Party Deputy Leader and Kalistani Foreign Affairs Minister
Jim O'Connell- Party Leader and Kalistani President
Ana Berg- Party Leader and Kalistani Premier
Maggie Lancaster- Party Leader
Rowan Phillips- Party Deputy Leader and Kalistani President
Tony Curti- Kalistani Foreign Affairs Minister
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:10 pm

SPoK renamed Left Kalistan, and call snap elections
Socialists to form "Socialist Caucus" and welcomes "Labour Caucus" members

Premier promises Single Party Rule going forward

Kaliburg, Ananto
January 10, 4108

As the era of divided government fades into memory with the passing of the Labour Party as a separate entity out of Kalistani Politics, and both Parties are fused organizationally into a single Party, the current Premier of the Republic, Premier Carrangus has called special elections, and has promised that "Left Kalistan" will be the future of Politics in the Republic.

"Long have we suffered the periodic interruptions in an otherwise regular trajectory toward a Leftist State. That is over. Following the Special Election we will move a bill which will fundamentally alter the Constitution of Kalistan and make our nation a single-Party state. We will preserve internal differences- the Founding caucuses of Left Kalistan, the Socialist Caucus and the Labour Caucus will form the back bone of the Republican Government going forward. In the short term, our goal is to institutionalize the transition to single Party rule, but we also need to lock Kalistan's social libertarian principles in treaties, and ensure that a cultural census is completed as we adopt a cultural protocol. Finally, we need to ensure that our efforts to obtain the Selayan seat in the World Congress are redoubled and we would like to reemphasize efforts to build ODEN worldwide.

"The changes we will see will be superficial. We will still posses divided leadership at the top of the government due to a powersharing agreement between the Socialist and the Labour caucuses. Our cabinet will maintain a divsion within as well. But going forward, Kalistan will leave the notions of Liberal Democracy behind and reorient completely toward Kalistani Libertarianism and Ethical Socialism.

"I would like to thank my Partners in the Labour Party, especially Speaker Lancaster and President Phillips for working on integration with the SP. Their efforts have been invaluable to the smooth transition in the process, and we look forward to a new era of cooperation with Labour to ensure that the interests of Kalistan's workers are first and foremost in national legislation. The time has come. Its time for Kalistan to once and for all move Left."

Snap elections have been called for the end of the month, and the matter will be resolved within a month.

These are exciting times, and the transition period is expected to last 10 months.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:16 pm

Foreign Minister Curti to travel to New Endralon to propose Friendship Treaty
"Signals appear positive", says Curti

Vrassa City, Vrassa District
August 15, 4108

Foreign Minister Tony Curti, (right) son of former Labour Leader Lucca Curti (left)to open relations with New Endralon

Foreign Minister Toni Curti is scheduled to travel to New Endralon later this year to open relations with its northern Neighbor. While these talks will be preliminary, Curti said,
"We think we should begin as soon as possible. My mission will be to open talks with the aim of building a diplomatic bridge between Kalistan and New Endralon. We think that relations with New Endralon can lead to diplomatic and cultural exchange, but more important, an expansion in trade and commerce. We would think that New Endralon would be an excellent trading partner and would give us an important entrepot for Keris. Kalistan could supply New Endralon Steel and Petroleum from our national industries, as well as other things that we manufacture here, while opening up our import markets to Kizenian and other Keris goods. Finally, it is important that we discuss security in the Anantanese Ocean, which washes both of our shores. Kalistan will be looking to play a larger role in the neighborhood, and we need to sound out New Endralon's positions on this. Signals from a few of the actors in New Endralon look positive, but that is based on our initial impressions."

Curti looks to leave by the end of September. Curti's calendar is very full at the moment, engaged in ongoing discussions with Istalia and Huwa Mumenhes at the same time as he looks to visit New Endralon. "These are preliminary discussions, I want to stress. We are sounding out the Government at this point. They may or may not be receptive. But it is finally time to open these discussions, and so I will head north." Curti's visit is expected t last 3 months.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:58 am

LK Welcomes era of One Party rule
As first act, LK moves support to Istalia for Seat B

Kaliburg, Ananto
March 15, 4109

Premier Carrangus announced passage of single party rule, and support for Istalian Republic

Ironically, the least important news of the month is the passage of the Single Party Bill. Kalistan will now be ruled by Left Kalistan, and all other Parties will be explicitly outlawed. Caucuses have already begun forming in Left Kalistan, with the Liberal Caucus being the first caucus to register within the Party, and then followed on by the Socialist and Labour Caucus. Going forward, all new contenders for power will join the Left Kalistan Party, and will struggle for power within the Party Apparatus. This move has been in the works for the last couple years, since the merger of the Labour and Socialist Parties, and finally has reached full fruition with the passage of the Single Party Act.

The most important news, however was Kalistan's defection from the Jelbanian juggernaut. Jebania had been Kalistan's pick for Seat B for the Security Council of the world Congress in the upcoming elections. Jelbania had received the support of the five state Ahmadi Bloc, and in return for Kalistan's support, the Ahmadi Bloc had endorsed Kalistan. With the switch to Istalia, the future of support for Kalistan by the Ahmadi Bloc is uncertain. Said Tony Curti, Kalistan's foreign Minister, of the switch,
"Look- we have nothing against the Ahmadi Bloc. We simply feel that Istalia is a better match for Kalistan. We know that support for Jelbania was controversial, especially among our Selayan neighbors. Jelbania only just recently outlawed slavery in their country, even after they had received the support of Kalistan. It was just too tenuous and controversial a match for Secular, republican, and left-libertarian Kalistan.

"But why Istalia? We feel that Istalia is much closer to Kalistan, ideology wise. Closer than Beiteynu, closer certainly than our old rivals in Vanuku. Istalia is a social democratic multi-Party democracy, they have wide relations with other nations around the world, including several that Kalistan is also a Party to. Most importantly Istalia is not a controversial choice, as far as we are aware, with our neighbors in Selaya. We find that not only is Istalia much closer on almost all counts to Kalistan, but we are not aware of any issues that our neighbors in Selaya have with Istalia as a nominee in Seat B. If we win the election, we will need to ensure that our constituency's interests are also looked to."

Would this move mean that the Ahmadi Bloc would drop their support for Kalistan? "I'm not sure," the Foreign Minister replied. "I would hope that the Ahmadi Bloc would appreciate that Kalistan is standing on principle. But whatever happens, even if Kalistan loses the election over the defection of the 5 countries of the Ahmadi Bloc to another nation, we will still be able to argue that we are square with our principles. To be clear- there was nothing specific that Jelbania did to lose the support of Kalistan. Istalia is simply a better fit for Kalistan, and will better reflect our values as a secular, free nation. We welcome further discussion, but at the end of the day, it is very unlikely that Kalistan will change its support in Seat B before the election."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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