Badaran Civil War

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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:39 pm

Combat In The Capital Continues As Last Chance Peace Accords Drafted : November 4254

Coalition Fighter Fires Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher - Dar as-Salam, al-Samarya

Combat in the Capital continues as Coalition Forces carry out attacks before escaping into residential areas. Convoys destined for the front lines have been targeted as Operation Wrath Of Kings fighters, which have been cut off from the main advance some 57 kilometres East, attempt to aid their allies in their attempt to break through Government defences. Violent clashes on the outskirts of the city between more conventional forces are continuing, with many unsure of the outcome of what appears to be the final stages of the conflict.

Badaran Government forces have continued to secure the Commune of Marakesh, with Operation Marakesh Shield drawing to a close. All remaining Coalition Forces are redeploying to the new front line in al-Samarya. The fighting in al-Salmania, however, has continued to stagnate, with Bad al-Mira playing the pivotal location on the Southern Front.

Badaran Military T47 advances through village - Marakesh/al-Samarya border

In the Capital, preparations are being made for the proposal of a last ditch peace accord, to end the war before anymore lives are to be lost. However, how successful this resolution shall be is uncertain, and mainly depends on how much either side is willing to give up for an end to the conflict.
Last edited by RedReaper on Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:12 am

Badaran Government Collapses As Coalition Breaks Defences And Seizes Capital : March 4255

Coalition Tanks Arrive Victorious - Dar as-Salam, al-Samarya

The Badaran Civil War is over. In a surprise attack, thousands of Coalition Fighters broke through Badaran Government Defences and advanced unhindered into the Capital.
Several Coalition double agents inside the Badaran Military set off explosive charges in key military and logistical sites, causing a cut off of communications along the al-Samaryan front line. As the Badaran Army lay paralysed, the remaining Coalition Forces in al-Samarya broke through the Dar as-Salam defensive line in a lighting strike.

Coalition Technicals Fire On Defensive Positions-Dar as-Salam, al-Samarya

Coalition Technicals and armoured vehicles, which far outnumbered the Badaran Army west of the line, seized the initiative and drove straight on into the Capital.
The Badaran Government was taken completely off guard, with several military officers being captured in their homes. Mass surrenders of troops occurred, as the Coalition victoriously marched down Revolution Square towards the Assembly Building.
Within hours the remaining government staff, trapped in the Assembly hall, capitulated.
Abdul Amari is currently unaccounted for, with reports of him fleeing the country. Current reports are sketchy as to the wearabouts of the other Cabinet members, although most are suspected to have been among those captured in the Assembly Hall.
It is unknown as to what will become of Badara now. We recommend that people remain calm and indoors.

Coalition Fighters March Towards Revolution Square, Dar as-Salam, al-Samarya
Last edited by RedReaper on Sun Aug 20, 2017 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Sun Aug 20, 2017 11:07 pm

Abdul Amari Returns From Exile To Begin Revolutionary Activity : November 4259

Ta'r Fighters Move Weapons And Supplies - Unknown Location, Badara

Abdul Amari, ex Delegate Leader of the Republic, who has been in exile since the Coalition seized control of Dar as-Salam, has revealed his return to Badara in a recent video released from an undisclosed location. Abdul Amari began by addressing the Badaran people;

I have returned to take back Badara. I will not stop until I have achieved victory, or until I have died trying.

He then addressed the General Assembly Of The URSR;

I have for the past 5 years been living in exile amongst my supporters, the Istalian Communist Party. Today I have returned to Badara for the first time and will not leave these fair Islands until the Communist Party Of The Revolutionary Union is returned to power in Badara, and the Coalition terrorists which dispelled us in 4254 have been brought to justice for their crimes. We do not seek the URSR's direct support, we shall find that among our people, among the workers of this fair land, who have toiled and sweated under the oppression of the Capitalist system for 5 years too long. It is time for revolution.
Long live Communism! Long live Badara! Workers of all nations unite!

The footage from the video release showed Ta'r Fighters, the new militant wing of al-Aitihad in exile, transporting heavy weaponry and supplies to various enclave positions.
The United Conservative Forces and the Coalition Central Command have so far not commented on the developments.

Ta'r Fighters Continue Transporting Heavy Weaponry - Unknown Location, Badara
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:34 pm

Federation Of Assemblies Votes CPRU Back Into Power As Worker Paramilitaries Force Coalition Out Of Governance : April 4260

CPRU Supporters Celebrate In Revolutionary Square-Dar as-Salam, al-Samarya

The Federation Of Assemblies voted the CPRU back into a majority in the Revolutionary Delegate Assembly today, after 5 years in exile for Abdul Amari. The CPRU leader, who recently returned to the country, led a victory march down Revolutionary Square to the Assembly Building in Dar as-Salam. The United Conservative Forces, political wing of the Coalition, were forced to abdicate the Assembly after Ta'r Fighters and other armed citizens of Badara assaulted the Revolutionary Palace, which for the past 5 years has been the seat of power for the Coalition regime. There was an exchange of gunfire but the UCF delegates had already fled. The 'King', the real power behind the Coalition, declared war on the new CPRU government soon after;

Welcome to your reckoning baby! Your you know the commies. You try to attack our cities... Our factories and other shit... You will die... We are Going to WAR!

Abdul Amari, addressing the crowds gathered around the Assembly Hall;

Today is a great day for democracy and socialism in Badara. The struggle continues.
Last edited by RedReaper on Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:33 pm

Coalition Insurgents Redouble Their Efforts As Peace Negotiations Stall Over Beitenyese Airbase : October 4273

Beitenyese Air Base-Coalition Occupied Territory, Northern Marakesh

Coalition Insurgents within their final stronghold in Marakesh have increased guerilla activity following increased tensions between the Badaran and Beitenyese Governments. The remaining members of the Coalition Central Command, thought to be located within the plains of Northern Marakesh, have been fighting an Insurgency since they were forced out of government in April 4260.
The border between Badaran Government and de facto Coalition territory has been relatively calm due to the negotiations between Badara and the Coalition's main supporters Beitenyu. However recently the negotiations over the Baofluz Accords have ground to a halt due to the Beitenyese government rejecting calls to remove their Air Base in Coalition territory.
The Air Base was built during the Coalition Regime period after the Beitenyu-Badara Cooperation Treaty was signed granting Beitenyu military access to the country's land, ports and air space. The CPRU, upon reestablishing control following the Federation of Delegate Assemblies election which led to the ousting of the Regime, withdrew within days from the treaty during a drive to reverse all Regime laws and agreements and to hamper the Coalition's renewed insurgency. However, so far Beitenyu has failed to uphold its end of the treaty, wishing to 'negotiate' a new deal concerning the base. They have cited the failure of the Baofluz Peace Accords in the Badaran Revolutionary Delegate Assembly, as justification for maintaining military bases to support the Insurgency. However, the Badaran Government stated that the only thing stopping the Baofluz Accords passing is the opposition from the United Conservative Forces, the Coalition's Political Wing and main ally of Beitenyu within the Badaran Revolutionary Delegate Assembly.
Abdul Amari, Delegate Leader of the Republic, has called upon the Security Council to help support Badara to have the Beitenyese Air Base Removed. However this has prompted the Beitenyese Air Force deploying nuclear capable bombers to Kafuristan, within strike distance of Badara and Istalia. Amari made the following statement in a press release to the BNC;

The War has lasted almost 30 years, and yet the Beitenyese government still seeks to eliminate the CPRU and end Socialism. My message to the Democratic Yeudish Party is, "Give up. You will never win this fight, as long as we still live."

Badaran Patrols On The Look Out For Insurgents-Northern Marakesh
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Sun Oct 15, 2017 11:02 am

Coalition Surrenders After 41 Year Conflict : September 4287

Coalition Prisoners Held By Badaran Military-Coalition Occupied Territory, Northern Marakesh

The Badaran Civil War is over, after 41 years of near continuous conflict between the Badaran Government and the Coalition Central Command. After sporadic fighting, the Central Command's main headquarters in the mountains of Northern Marakesh were finally seized by Badaran troops. The De Jure leader of the Coalition, Karan Jabbar, was captured by Badaran Special Forces while he attempted to escape the complex disguised as a local shepherd. He is currently being held in the maximum security section of Marakesh Central Prison, Ras el-Haram. Jabbar, who has been sentenced to multiple death sentences for treason and crimes against humanity, is to face execution by firing squad some time in the next 4 months.
Usama Safar, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the PPB, had this to say on the conflict coming to a conclusion;

I am overjoyed by the Badaran People's victory over the Counter-Revolutionary forces which have plagued our great nation for so long. Al-Aitihad have been greatly involved in this struggle from the start, and I believe that upon witnessing this great triumph, Amari must be smiling from paradise.

'The King', unlike Jabbar, is currently unaccounted for, with many believing he may have fled the country with Beitenyese troops after the evacuation of the Northern Marakesh Air Base.
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