Operation Steward

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Operation Steward

Postby Corvo Attano » Thu Nov 02, 2017 8:03 am

August 5 4296, Barmenian Airport
"Purpose of visit?"


"Your name is Hugo Bumgarner and you are from Dundorf?"


"One moment please. Yeah everything is good order have a great stay."

Hugo Bumgarner was at first glance a ordinary man. Clean record with some minor infractions like a speeding ticket nothing to big to deny entry to Barmenistan but also something to add to that sense of being normal. Little did the customs service officer know that this man was part of Operation Steward. An operation designed by the NIS years before for the express purpose of eliminating members of the Thaller family and causing as much chaos as can be.

Hugo Bumgarner stayed at his hotel went sight seeing and generally did what one assumes a tourist does until August 14 when he checked his designated dead drop. A message was there it said a place and an hour. He took a rental car and went to a remote beach the place seemed deserted until at about 0100 AM when other people started arriving in droves. At 0145 a submarine slowly pocked it ridge from the ocean. It was what they were waiting for.

Hugo Bumgarner watched as a couple of dinghy boats came up to the beach and everyone started disembarking equipment.

"Okay people gear up command is pulling all the stops on this."

"Whats the target?"

"The target is any thaller in the palace. Remember shoot to kill no prisoners including children. Remember you number and letter find the ones with the same letter you are assigned with them. The plan is as such team Alpha will hit the palace and take no prisoners. Priority targets are the Thallers and secondaries the ministers. Team Beta your job is to cut telecommunications again no prisoners. Team Charlie your job is to cut all power to the city and Team Delta you are to massacre anyone that tries to leave,enter or dare approach the palace."

"I will only say this once this is a time sensitive mission you need to have the targets dead by 30 minutes tops when the attack begins or you must disengage and get back here so we can get you out. Leave no witnesses. Leave no squad mate dead or alive there and take care which equipment you leave behind.
All of them are unmarked but don't leave firearms and such they may yet be traced back by any actually competent intelligence service."

"Good luck soldiers."
Fatherland Front

Nationmaster of Malivia
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Corvo Attano
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Re: Operation Steward

Postby Corvo Attano » Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:31 pm

In front of the Barmenian palace. It seemed like a another night. Night shift guards, bureaucrats and servants going about their business. Oh how little did they know.

"0235 the lights should have been gone by now."

"Wait for it."

"Wait for what we should go i..*lights go out*"

"0236 start clocks we are going in."

Malivian special NIS operatives sprung into action. Two operatives with Nota-23 silenced sniper rifles start firing at guards the indiscriminately. They go down without much trouble. The operatives are through the palace gates but not in the palace proper. The garden courtyard is eerily silent. Especially considering the operatives are getting ready to fire ROD-FA thermobaric missiles at the palace. That will sure wake everyone up. And in the confusion many will try to escape panicked but die from the smoke and the fire.

"Team A in position."

"Team B in position we got your back."

"Fire when ready."

Fatherland Front

Nationmaster of Malivia
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Corvo Attano
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Re: Operation Steward

Postby Corvo Attano » Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:59 pm

Little Jlemai woke up from her slumber when huge explosions rocked the palace. She didn't understand what was going on. She thought earthquakes rocked the palace until her uncle Nyfnyrkai literally shoulder slammed her door out of the way and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Jlemai get up now!"

"Uncle I am scared."

"I know Jlemai but I need you to be brave and get right up now. We need to go meet with your father."

So little Jlemai and her uncle did running through the palace halls trying to find their family. Until they did. Shame Malivian operatives were following them.


"My little tiger,"

"Who are these people Jemrjkai? Rebels? Terrorists? A coup?."

"I don't know they are way too equipped and organized to be simple terrorists or rebels. A coup maybe."

"Were is your son Set?"

"Brother came by he had an idea to go hide in the treasury vault with the rest of the family until reinforcements came."

"Novel idea why are we still standing here?"

"Because we aren't gonna make it."*Gun fire*

"The girl is still alive."

"The put her out of her misery its not like we can help her."*Gunfire*

"Oi we got Sultan Jemrjkai."

"Nice. Now were is the other sultan?"

"Weren't they talking something about a treasury?"

"To the treasury it is."

Sultan Intrsmor didn't know his brother was dead but he did know that they need to find somewhere safe to hide. These people whoever they were did not come here to deliver a message or capture and take them hostage. No these people meant business. When Internal Affairs Minister Slejman Gilgamesh burst into his room screaming the palace was under attack he was shaken out of his confusion by massive explosions. So he came up with a plan. The treasury vault is the safest...safeish "panic room" in the palace so that was Intrsmors plan. Get the whole family and stuff them inside. The alternative was getting shot if minister Gilgamesh was right.

"My king your brother is late."

"And? We have to wait for hi...*Gunfire*

"Fucking damn it! We had them."

"We can still get them their behind this damned able vault door. If it wasn't for this fat fuck my shoot would have hit!"

"WE DON'T HAVE THE TIME!**Lights come back on*

"Wow we really don't have the time."

"All teams final sweep when you are retreating we are moving out and take care to leave nobody back dead or alive!"

August 6 4296 01403 Offshore Malivia

"Status Report?"

"Sigh* Partial success sir."

"I assume you are down because of the latter part of the mission?"


"Don't beat yourself up over it at least you got one of those two sultans. Good thing they got a spare."

"Go rest the Mission is done. There is nothing more than can be done."

"On the bright side casualties were minimal only 4 injured and 1 dead."

"There is that though I would have prefer everyone coming out of that intact."

Fatherland Front

Nationmaster of Malivia
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Corvo Attano
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