Dovani War

Major internal and international armed conflicts including armed uprisings, civil wars and multi-state conflicts.

Re: The Dovani War

Postby lewiselder1 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:00 pm

Dovani Union Leaves Southern New Alduria in Ruins as it Retreats Back to Temania to Face Down the NC
January 4425


- DU retreats to Temania, utilising guerrilla defences and secretive tunnel network to defend against coming onslaught
- Retreat leaves a path of destruction in their wake
- Minefields causing casualties in militarised areas: civilians at risk
- Azeez silent on invasion of Vanakalam

As the Northern Council faces down the DU troops in northern New Alduria, the Dovani Union has been busy preparing for war at home. Now, they’re apparently ready to fight: or is it flee?

What DU troops remain in southern New Alduria have retreated to Temania and reinforced existing defences further in the continent, disappearing into the vast tunnel network developed there.

Meanwhile, they’ve left behind a trail of destruction in their wake; after burning down the farmland, they elected to plant land mines in strategical locations. Aside from slowing down the enemy and taking out a handful of troops — there have already been a couple of isolated reports of casualties — officials are warning of the risk to civilian life. However, the Dovani Union has insisted it has offered evacuation into Temania.

Elsewhere, Azeez has been silent on the controversial invasion by Xsampa-Hanzen of Vanakalam. Azeez backed the victorious democratic forces in the Vanakalmese Civil War, but couldn’t risk breaking apart the Dovani Union by supporting them now. Sources close to the Emperor have hinted that he may be sympathetic with T. Sagana’s cause and looking to find a middle-of-the-road solution. Only time will tell how it all plays out.
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby CanFly » Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:28 pm

Talmoria Joins War Against the Union
October 4425

Talmorian troops entered Stratica and Ntoto, opening another front in the deadly Dovanian War. Talmoria has long claimed to be the protector of the Esinsundu countries of southern Dovani and has taken this chance to liberate Stratica and Ntoto from foreign domination. Talmorian military quickly struck at border defenses in southern and eastern Stratica hoping to overwhelm enemy forces with ferocity and surprise. Fighting at several Stratican forts has been fierce with Talmorian forces generally making ground, but there has not been a conclusive battle on either side. Talmorian Chief Haile Melesse also announced that the Talmorian Royal Navy will be assisting in future military operations in western Stratica. The Royal Army also invaded Ntoto to the south of Talmoria, but the advance has been met with resistance in the densely forested border areas. Whereas, the Royal Navy has had more success on the sea. Talmorian ships have begun targeting coastal fortifications and other locations of interest with little resistance from enemy ships.

Talmorian Royal Army in the Liberation of Stratica
Call me Eagle!

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Re: The Dovani War

Postby Auditorii » Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:55 pm

Zardic Federation eyes involvement in Dovani War
November, 4425

Zardic Eastern Command (ZAREASTCOM/EASTCOM) Commander General Arkadio Sparteno (Zardic Marine Corps) spoke at a press conference earlier today discussing the Zardic position on the conflict in Dovani. "First and foremost the Zardic Armed Forces are eyeing humanitarian support to the region. The people of Dovani are our primary concern. War is hell and quite frankly, this war on Dovani isn't helping anyone. We've reach out to allies in Dovani and are hoping for some positive response. Second, the conflict is a wide-scale conflict that sees a radical and tyrannical regime lookings to swallow a continent. That is something that we cannot have. Simply put. We're eyeing all possible solutions and are actively working with assets in the region." If Zardugal does intervene in Dovani it will likely side with the Northern Council forces located out of Ostland, reports have surfaced that diplomats from Ostland and Zardugal have met in several possible locations and are actively discussing defense and economic relations. Ostland is widely considered to be one of the more stable Dovani states and has been a friend of both the Northern Council and other governments and alliances, likely benefiting from money and defense aid. The Zardic Federation government issued a blanket travel warning for all nations on Dovani that are considered "post-Colonial" nations, with the exception of Ostland.
Image Dorvik | Image Zardugal | Image Ostland (FBC)
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby Luis1p » Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:58 pm

Lourenne, Keymon, and Talmoria begin Operation Eagle, The Liberation of Statrica
24th October, 4425

2nd and 3rd Paratrooper Brigade invading Statrica (left), Operation Eagle Map (right)
OOC: (Top and bottom for those on mobile)

Since Lourenne joined the Northern Council in the defense of New Alduria, The Ministry if Defense in Eroncourt has carefully been eyeing the southern border in Statrica. Statrica, part of the Dovani Union, was allegedly moving troops around their northern border. Lourennais Military Officers at Point Militaire Un claimed this as "preparation for an imminent invasion of Lourenne". Immediately, after communication with Talmoria and few representatives from Keymon, The Ministry of Defense drafted Operation Eagle which called for an immediate invasion and liberation of Statrica from the Dovani Union. The plan was divided into 3 stages, an aerial invasion, a ground invasion, and a naval invasion. Joined by 5,000 Keymonite troops, the 2nd and 3rd Paratrooper Brigades were deployed to central Statrica via plane and were given orders to meet up in Samedza. The 4th, 5th, and 6th Infantry Brigade were given orders to take Sovu and Nece while maintaining a a surrounding position around the capital. While ground troops fought to take their objectives, a naval invasion would occur that would ensure that all Statrican naval fortifications would be destroyed and that the coast would be secured on all sides. The plan was approved and set into action.

Early morning on the 12th of October, the operation began. Talmorian troops quickly invaded Statrica from the west and northeast. The 2nd Lourennais Response Fleet ,stationed in the Anantonese, led the naval invasion to the western Statrican shores. Joining the 2nd Lourennais Response Fleet was also the Talmorian Royal Navy. The Lourennais Infantry troops used the traditional Épée Silencieuse tactic to quickly regain land. Talmorian troops have faced heavy resistance in eastern Statrican near the borders of Ntoto. The 5,000 troops from Keymon have been mostly used as reconnaissance troops for the advancing army from Lourenne. Currently, battle is intense and is outside the city limits of Sovu. The forces from the Dovani Union are strong and now the region more than the international coalition. The capital is till safe under the hands of the Dovanui Union as resistance in the capital is extremely difficult to push through. It is expected tha a new front in Statrica will last for a decent amount of time as a result of heavy resistance from DU forces. Talmorian officials have also begun pushing into Ntoto. Lournnais officials will create another plan to successfully liberate Ntoto as well, however that is still far from completion as the war in Statrica has only begun.

More to come
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jul 19, 2018 4:54 am

Northern Council Liberates New Alduria; Airstrikes Begin Outlying DU Member states

Admiral Kyle Wright from his headquarters in New Villyan has made an announcement that all of New Alduria has been completely liberated from Dovani Union occupation. The Medinese Invasion army from Temania was entirely expelled from numerous rearguard actions, and a slow but methodical advance to clear our the DU landmines and traps they left behind. With New Alduria liberated and the nation secure, the Northern Council forces are, currently, holding back from advancing into Temania, though many believe this is simply the Northern Council waiting for the New Aldurian Defence Force to be trained up further, and more reinforcements from Hutori to arrive.

The New Aldurian Defence Force has been undergoing a steady and consistent training regime by Hutorian reserve elements that have arrived exclusively for the training of the New Aldurian Defence Force, which has grown from 3 Brigades to 6 with an additional two still to be raised. While the bulk of the NADF haven't seen combat yet, the training and equipment being flooded to their forces are expected to serve as force multipliers against eventual combat operations in Temania.

Following the victory, the Northern Council went through a vast reshuffling. Admiral Wright is expected to be relieved as Northern Council Supreme Commander Southern Dovani, as the Northern Council wants to refocus it's effort on the ground force with currently Major General David Ashcroft, commander of II Corps, fully expected to be promoted to full General and appointed as the new Supreme Commander for Northern Council forces on Vascana. Wright meanwhile is expected to be appointed head of Operations for the entire Eastern Hemisphere following his wide successes.

In the air, Northern Council Air Forces have begun a through air campaign in multiple theatres, opening up the war along the continent and driving the point home to Emperor Azeez that the Northern Council can strike any target it wishes. The 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th Tactical Air Forces have begun deep strikes against Statrica, Temania and Kimlien from air bases in Lourenne and New Alduria. Even Medina and Xsampa haven't been immune; ports in both nations were privy to harsh naval and airstrikes from the marauding Dovani Operations Fleet, which pursued the remnants of the Union Navy east, and has been striking their port facilities and naval yards.

Northern Council Order of Battle

Northern Council Security Assistance Force - Vascana
I Corps - Western Operations Area
- 14th Infantry Division (Hutori)
- 2nd Brigade (New Alduria)
- 1st Ground Response Brigade (Lourenne)
II Corps - Central Operations Area
- 10th Armoured Division (Hutori)
- 8th Armoured Reserve Brigade (Hutori)
- 1st Brigade (New Alduria)
III Corps - Eastern Operations Area
- 1st Marine Division (Hutori)
- 2nd Ground Response Brigade (Lourenne)
- 3rd Ground Response Brigade (Lourenne)
- 3rd Brigade (New Alduria)
IV Corps - Reserve for Combat Operations
- 6th Airborne Division (Hutori)
- 1st Airborne Brigade (Luthori)
- 1st Paratroop Brigade (Lourenne)
New Aldurian Security Assistance Force - Reserve/In Training
- 16th Combat Brigade Group (Hutori)
- 4th Brigade (New Alduria)
- 5th Brigade (New Alduria)
- 6th Brigade (New Alduria)
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:50 pm

Northern Council Prepares Massive Operations on Vascana

The arrival of additional Hutorian combat assets, and the promotion of Lieutenant General David Ashcroft to full General has all but confirmed the long standing rumors the Northern Council will go from playing defense of New Alduria over to offence against Medinese Occupied Temania.

Freshly arrived from Hutori are the 2nd Armoured Division, 5th Infantry Division and 7th Mountain Infantry Division, in addition to the 2nd Marine Division, along with two additional reserve Brigades (the 15th and 17th Combat Brigade Groups), for a total of some 130,000 Combat troops, which join the already deployed 150,00 troops already in the field. With 280,000 Troops now deployed in New Alduria it constitutes the largest deployment of Hutorian soldiers since the Wolfsheim War. In addition to the ground forces, several squadrons of Fighters, from the legendary 5th Fighter Wing, have joined with the 3rd and 5th Tactical Air Forces that currently deploy out of New Alduria and, more importantly sighted, the 1st Independent Strategic Bomber Squadron of Hutori's feared 13th Wing. The 1st ISB Squadron are the Hutorian HB-0 Ghost Stealth Bombers, and are fully confirmed to be capable of being nuclear equipped. While all analysts dismiss that the Northern Council would have these Bombers equipped with nuclear bombs, they are equipped with Castle Crackers, the heaviest and most powerful ordance in the Hutorian payload, outside of their nuclear warheads, designed specifcally to demolish bunker complexes.

Adding further verification to the rumor of a coming Northern Council offensive was the appointment by Northern Council Joint Headquarters of Lieutenant General David Ashcroft to Northern Council Supreme Commander Vascana (NOCTOSCV) and his promotion to full General with Admiral Kyle Wright recalled to Bekenial where he has been appointed NOCTO Chief of Operations for Dovani, making him the commander for the entire eastern hemisphere and the de-facto commander in chief of the Northern Council and it's allies against the Dovani Union.

New Aldurian Defence Force formations have been sighted in the line with their Northern Council counterparts, having been trained and drilled by the Northern Council trainers for the last year. Major General Kirk Drake, commander of the New Aldurian Security Assistance Force, the Northern Council organized unit for training the New Aldurian Defence Force and peacekeeping purposes, has stated the current class of the NADF is the strongest they can be, and while more reservists are being trained, the one in the line should be capable of holding their own against the DU Conscripts.

The physical disposition of the Northern Council units deployed to New Alduria says a lot about the expected fight; 2nd Armoured joins 10th Armoured to form a full Armoured Corps to serve as a primary shattering fist to rapidly conquer the nation, 2nd Marine Division joins 1st for the battle along the coastal flank and from their reputation as some of Hutori's most hardcore soldiers, and to keep sheparding along the NADF units assigned to them, while 5th Infantry and 7th Mountain, are mixed use formations designed for the varied climate and geography of Temania, with 7th Mountain specifically for clearing out the expected resistance to be found in the southern mountain ranges.

There is no date set for the offensive, but all analysts fulls expect the Northern Council offensive to commence in the next six months.


Northern Council Order of Battle

Northern Council Forces Vascana
CO: General David Ashcroft (Hutori)

First Army - Western Operations Area
I Corps
- 14th Infantry Division (Hutori)
- 2nd Brigade (New Alduria)
- 1st Ground Response Brigade (Lourenne)
V Corps
- 7th Mountain Infantry Division (Hutori)
- 15th Combat Brigade Group (Hutori)
- 4th Brigade (New Alduria)
- 5th Brigade (New Alduria)

Second Army - Central Operations Area
II Corps
- 10th Armoured Division (Hutori)
- 8th Armoured Reserve Brigade (Hutori)
- 1st Brigade (New Alduria)
- 8th Brigade (New Alduria)
VI Corps
- 2nd Armoured Division (Hutori)
- 17th Combat Brigade Group (Hutori)
- 5th Infantry Division (Hutori)

Third Army - Eastern Operations Area
III Corps
- 1st Marine Division (Hutori)
- 2nd Ground Response Brigade (Lourenne)
- 3rd Ground Response Brigade (Lourenne)
- 3rd Brigade (New Alduria)
VII Corps
- 2nd Marine Division (Hutori)
- 6th Brigade (New Alduria)
- 7th Brigade (New Alduria)

IV Airborne Corps - Reserve for Combat Operations
- 6th Airborne Division (Hutori)
- 1st Airborne Brigade (Luthori)
- 1st Paratroop Brigade (Lourenne)

New Aldurian Security Assistance Force - Reserve/In Training
- 16th Combat Brigade Group (Hutori)
- 9th Brigade (New Alduria)
- 10th Brigade (New Alduria)
- 11th Brigade (New Alduria)
- 12th Brigade
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:01 am

Resistance in Statrica; Dovani Union Blames Lourenne for ‘Imperialist Attack’
September 4426

“The reinforcements,” said a spokesperson for the DU military branch in Statrica this, “were never intended for invasion.”

It’s a claim the DU has repeated countless times: since the Lourennais and Talmorian invasion of Statrican soil — alongside Ntoto, attacked by Talmoria, an ally of the Northern Council.

“The Lourenne government justified their invasion by saying that we ourselves were preparing for one. Surely you see the logical fallacy here. This is a powerful, powerful enemy nation sitting right on our border. And you’re telling me that it’s wrong for us to reinforce there? We have no reason to invade Lourenne: what we want is a unified colonies. We care little for this first-world land. But instead of talking to us, instead of inquiring or negotiating, what do the first-world modern day moerialists do? They assume the worst, as always with the colonies, and send their might and muscle to strike us down.”

“Well, no more. Statrica, and Ntoto like it, knows the truth: this is no’lineration.’ This is an attack on a Union they democratically entered into, and why? Because the thought of a former colony readying for defence is disgusting to them. Now, surely, the world can see it as it is! This is nothing but proof of their imperialism — no, this is an attempt, yet again, by a first-world government to dethrone a democratically elected President and force a nation that happily entered into our Union to withdraw.”

“Do they think that we can merely settle for this? No... no. The colonial people are strong. The colonial people are powerful. And — look, let’s be honest, Statrica... the Union has always been controversial for them. A thorny issue. But what we can all agree on is that this attack, this so-called ‘liberation’, is an affront to democracy and world peace. And we can’t have that. Our forces in the area are trained and ready; the Statricans know their land better than any foreign first-worlder, and its showing.”

“That’s why the enemy is traveling through our jungles, looking for a fight. But they won’t find it. That’s why, at night, when the foreign imperials go to sleep — that’s when we strike. That’s when a whole camp wakes up to find a crack team in their base, mowing down the enemy.”

The impassioned rant today from this dedicated spokeperson comes after the DU announced that it had held most ground in the nation, utilising a vast tunnel network built across the whole Union and a highly trained, specialist guerrilla army that outwits the conventional militaries of the NC.

Last week, one Talmorian deployment thought it had finally disconcerted a hidden entrance to a major underground’s network, a rare occasion for the enemy troops. Instead, it was merely a decoy, a labyrinth with no end rigged with explosives.

It’s not all rosy, though. Locals in Statrica are divided on the Union: some view it as selling out to Medina, while others embrace colonial nationalism and see the first-world as the enemy. Regardless, the invasion is unpopular, but can either side continue to muster support from locals, or will the front collapse for both?

The situation in Temania, where the NC is prepraring to invade, is less dire: here, most locals support the Elpire, or at least the Union, and thus the DU has been able to use even more unconventional tactics. It is believed that whole villages have been deserted and booby trapped, with ambushes set up across the nation and many farmers providing supplies almost free of charge. Similar guerrilla tactics are expected to be used by the Medinese Imperial Army and Xsampa-Hanzen Military deployment there, however the real trump card the Union is expected to play is the involvement of the specialist Istapalian Elite Forces, the Union’s most highly trained and best equipped troops, which are believed to have been deployed to the region long ago.

These are the scalpel sitting quietly in the Union’s toolkit: low in numbers and easily secreted in hidden bases or even camoflagued in the open, these troops can be left out of sight for months on end, and then strike with the utmost precision and skill when the moment calls. Their involvement in the Medinese War demonstrated their immense ability, but Azeez was often accused of under-utilising their capabilities. Now, could the DU finally capitalise fully on their skill? Or will the NC elites trump them in what will no doubt be one of the longest, weariest, bloodiest battles of the Great Dovani War?

Only time will tell.
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Jul 21, 2018 10:17 pm

List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby Maxington » Sun Jul 22, 2018 9:13 pm

Reprinted from
Kazulias Nyheter: Dispatches from the Front.
Kazulia at Conflict: Kazulian Armed Forces enter Dovanian Conflict
Kazulian Armed Forces enter Dovanian Conflict through airstrikes and coordinated counter-insurgency raids.
Kazulian attack helicopters in support of the Armed Forces' Strike Force tactic.
14th October, 4427.

The Xsampan advance in Statrica appears to have been halted through the recent entrance of a much needed player, the Kazulian Armed Forces. The Kazulian Air Force conducted a series of sorties against Dovanian Union positions in Central and Southern Dovani, aiding Lourennais, Keymonite and Talmorian forces in their advance towards the liberation of Statrica . Kazulian aircraft reportedly struck training camps, troops barracks and munitions storage facilities across Dovani, acting on intelligence both garnered from the Defence Intelligence and Security Organisation (FESO) and shared between the Northern Council coalition. Kazulia absence from the conflict had forces the Hutorian Armed Forces to take up the heavy lifting, as the nation is spearheading most operations against the Dovani Union. A spokesperson from the Department of Defence stated that the Kazulian Armed Forces' introduction to the conflict means that a significant amount of pressure could be revealed from the Hutorian Armed Forces. Coordinating aerospace forces were Kazulian Airborne early warning and control aircraft brought along with the Air Force during their strikes to ensure a quick organisation of the intelligence shared between the respective brigades and divisions.

The Lourennais, Keymonite and Talmorian Armed Forces launched a fresh offensive with the aim of liberating Statrica from Dovanian Union occupation, coined Operation Eagle. Although the initial offensive had been successful, the advance has been slowly down due to extreme resistance by Dovanian Union forces. Kazulian aircraft acted as close-air support aircraft for Lourennais, Keymonite and Talmorian forces, carrying out airstrikes against targets within the city of Sovu and counter the advances of the Xsampan Armed Forces who had launched a major offensive in an attempt to counter Operation Eagle. Spokespersons from the Department of Defence stated that amidst the short comings of Operation Eagle, Kazulian Commanders will meet in Erincourt to discuss options for success. With Xsampa sending large amounts of divisions towards Statrica, Kazulian Commanders believe that either two things must occur: (1) Kazulian Commanders guide the Lourennais-led Operation from the role of combat advisers or (2) the Lourennais-led offensive is re-worked towards coordinating offensives, sharing intelligence and maximising combat effectiveness.

Although the Kazulian Armed Forces has entered the conflict, the presence of Kazulian troops is expected to be limited mainly due to geopolitical issues. To this end, around 50,000 Kazulian troops are being transferred from across the various NC nations to be combat operational in Dovani to form the nation's counter-insurgency strategy in support of mainland operations against the Dovani Union. It has been reported that Paratroopers and Special Operations forces are to be deployed to mainland Dovani for the counter-insurgency strategy. Coined "Strike-Force", the counter-insurgency tactic utilises the element of speed and intelligence to obtain its objective; crippling the enemy's capacity to wage an unconventional war. Based on utilising around 5-8 helicopters and supporting aircraft, squads of paratroopers or special operations forces are airlifted as near to the target as the terrain would allow. Prior to their landing, the attack helicopters would strafe the enemy position to soften the assault for the paratroopers or special operations forces. Upon landing, helicopter-born will begin their sweep of the terrain whilst aircraft-born paratroopers will assault the position. By the time paratroopers leave their aircraft, the helicopter-born squads would have established blocking positions. The umbrella goal of the tactic is to strike the enemy with overwhelming force and firepower and to prevent their escape through reserve forces capable of pursuit. Coordinating the assault is either a reconnaissance vehicle pivoting on a observation point overlooking the target area or either a helicopter or surveillance aircraft scanning the terrain below.

Prior to an assault, the enemy had to be located. This was the task of reconnaissance units who would infiltrate enemy villages and gather intelligence. Once the intelligence had been gathered information would be relayed to command centres, whereby the location, composition and disposition of the enemy, potential escape routes and potency of civilian contact would be assessed. Once this is done, a strike force would be dispatched. Serving to disguise the sound of other helicopters and aircraft inbound. Attack helicopters will be called in and corrections to their fire made by the reconnaissance teams. Upon completion the attack helicopters will maintain a holding pattern around the target area, prepared to be used against at any time. The helicopter formations containing helicopter-born troops would be sent in, flying nap of the earth to minimise noise. Before ordering squads to be dropped into the target areas and helicopter to dust off, the Strike Force Commander would order the attack helicopters to cover their advance and order reserve units to conduct false insertions to confuse the enemy. The attack helicopters will return to their holding positions on the flanks of the target area, preventing the enemy from utilising the escape routes highlighted by the reconnaissance teams. Secondary objectives of the strike force is to display to local villages/clans the power of the Kazulian Armed Forces and the larger Northern Council and to deter villagers from joining the insurgency by visible successes and the threat of being "hunted down" by a strike force. If an insurgent force is to escape through tunnels, a squad or squads would be assigned to track them down and eliminate or capture them. This will require the attack helicopters and transport helicopters to temporarily withdraw for refuelling and munitions. Upon the enemy retreat, reconnaissance units will mark the routes and tunnel taken by the enemy whereby units are dropped in the path of the retreat, thus preventing their escape. Upon success the strike force would withdraw from the target area and in some cases move onto another with immediate effect.

The tactic had been crafted with Kazulia's experience in counter-insurgency operations in the past. As they face an enemy utilising complex tunnel systems, the strike force tactic aims at combating the enemy when they either: (1) bring out from their tunnels and assault or (2) are caught off guard on the surface.


Kazulian Armed Forces - Order of Battle (to be added with NC forces)
Active Combat Units
1. Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Alpha)
3. Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Bravo)
4. Stormesbrigade (Strike Force Charlie)

Reserve Formations
10. Panserinfanteridivisjon
2. Panserinfanteridivisjon
6. Panserinfanteridivisjon
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby CCP » Mon Jul 23, 2018 11:30 am

DU Needs Leader with Nuts This Big, says PM Babpiboon: 'I got. Azeez don't got.'



  • Babpiboon pans Azeez for ambivalence on Vanakalam aid force
  • Babpiboon claims late-Pres. Kumar fully agreed to Vanakalam's entry into Xsampan Empire before death
  • Babpiboon likes Sagana and willing to cooporate with her due to head injury
  • Xsampa-Hanzen fleet unloads 500 child soldiers to hold port city

Xsampan-Hanzen Prime Minister Kamnan Babpiboon came out guns blazing in reaction to news of Medina leader Wiqar Azeez's seeming equivocation over the Xsampan Empire's incursion into Vanakalam territory. At a press conference today, the Prime Minister said Azeez's apparent lack of support could weaken morale in the Dovani War fight and could even cause the still young Dovani Union to decay.

Know what? Always used like Azeez. Always like cause he tough. He fight hard. But this shit he try do? I make Vanakalam move then he come try bite my shit? Look bitch. Back up. Okay? Back up. Take care Hutori in ass. Take care Hutori. Hutori still in ass Azeez. Hutori still in ass, and you here try make problems for south front. I got south front Azeez. Okay? I got shit, okay? Cause I want say you: careful kay? Be cautious, kay! Wangdue on way out, know? Wangdue old shit, you know right? You know. Cause country no more stand for dement words. You want violence? You want death? See what I do Hoi Nghia rebel? See what I do Kemlien? Don't play, kay Azeez? Be cautious! Kay? Never ever say silence again kay? Silence is threat. Everybody know what silent mean, kay? Silent mean you for Vanakalam bullshit kay? So silent is threat. Never ever threat my Xsampa-Hanzen again kay? Cause I take your lil baby DU and make shit mine okay? I make shit mine. I fuck shit up real bad if need to kay? So say right next time. Cause can take your shit. Can be consequence. Like nobody ever see before. Can be consequence. Be cautious for me, kay? I know you good guy, you just old. Maybe you don't have dentures in when they ask you kay? So is okay. I get. I get. I understand good, kay? Just get teeth back in mouth so talk right next time, kay?

Meanwhile the Prime Minster sought to put steel behind his words by ramping up harsh tactics in Vanakalam's port city of Gaigram, causing some to fear a repeat of the scorched earth strategy Babpiboon is thought to have ordered against Kemlien rebels in the city of Hoi Nghia. The press pool embed has reported observing disembarkation of at least 500 child soldiers from Xsampa-Hanzen's small naval fleet on Vanakalam's west coast. The battalion of child soldiers have reportedly been given orders to shoot-on-sight any and all persons in or near the environs of Gaigram Commercial Port. Though all civilians quickly evacuated the port on seeing the fleet's approach, Vanakalam authorities are known to be making efforts to retake the strategic foothold. Further afield, a small squad of combat engineers have been spotted working quickly to line entry points and the perimeter of the port with unmarked anti-tank and anti-personnel land mines designed to maintain a defensive berth against any attempted incursion by Vanakalam forces or officials. It is not known whether the naval fleet has any intentions or capacity to mine the coastal perimeter, though the press pool embed has confirmed sighting Xsampa-Hanzen soldiers attaching what appear to be drum barrels to the sides of conscripted commercial vessels abandoned by merchants during the rushed port evacuation. Several helicopters have also been placed on patrol in the port's seaside airspace and are reported to be regularly setting ablaze the ocean surface, presumably in an attempt to inspire apprehension amongst any seaside approaching force. Despite his force's aggressive tactics, Prime Minister Babpiboon has maintained to increasingly incredulous reporters that the Xsampa-Hanzen fleet is not an invasion force, and is simply in the region to aid the Vanakalam government.

Look, I say you last time, 'don't say dumb shit.' I say you. Then I see news, news say 'Babpiboon invade, Babpiboon war for Vanakalam.' No! Stop say this dumb shit. Not true! Shit not true! No! Tambethra tell me come. Me Tambethra have plan. We plan thing. Tambethra me already make deal. Vanakalam want come in empire. Vanakalam want come. I no make. Me President Tambethra say all this. We plan for months months months. We make deal together. Take months. Cause Vanakalam, I say you was mess. Shit was mess! Civil war shit fuck shit up Ev-Ry-THING! Tambethra want recover. Tambethra want peace. So he say, 'Babpiboon, you strong guy, you good guy, got big nuts.' I say 'yeah Tambethra, your country shit. What you want?' He say 'Look Babpiboon, like deal you make with Xsampa lot. Like deal lot. Want say you, see if should make deal for Vanakalam.' What I sposed say? Huh dumb shits? What you think I can say him? I say no? I say no, man ask for help? Come on, I say you already don't be dumb. Don't be dumb shits. I nice guy. I good guy. I help. You good guy, I help you, no problem. So I say 'yeah Tambethra, you good kid. No problem. I work out.' I go back talk Wangdue, I say Wangdue we doing this. Wangdue say you charge everything, you run shit. I say him 'yeah I know!' Then me and Thambethra we talk, I say everything good, he say okay, he say he get Vice President girl for do paperwork. I say 'good.' Then he dead! Did I shoot? I kill? Was me shoot Thambethra? No! I don't do shit! I just try help! Then you dumb shit come make shit up for news then make Azzez be dumb, make Sagana scared. I like Sagana. She tough. She good. I like strong woman. Strong back. Lay in real hard! I like. Is good for things. Her head just hurt. You know she got hit head. So hard for think now. Now she mad me cause you dumb shits make shit news. Shit's lie! Shit's lie! No invade! Just there help! Look: you want help!? You want clean shit up!? You don't want war? Go tell news I say, 'Sagana, call me. Don't be mad sweetie, don't be scared. I make you feel good, I make head better, kay? You make good head for me too, kay? Thambethra already make all plans for country and you do good, you carry out good. I see election. I see how you do. You do good. Fuck commies in ass. I see you do. You do good. You good girl. So we work okay? We work out. Don't be mad, kay? Just call, kay? We be good. We work out.
Last edited by CCP on Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
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