Great Gao-Showan Uprising in Greater Hulstria

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Great Gao-Showan Uprising in Greater Hulstria

Postby Reno » Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:52 pm

OOC: This thread is intended for me, players of Greater Hulstria, and other related entities to role-play (and post news) about a Gao-Showan uprising since 3355 to undetermined date, with a mostly-determined result. If you are not already part of the role players that have been invited to involve, please contact me or maybe other players and discuss your involvement before posting. Uninvited posts might be ignored without warning.

Edit: Since I am a bit occupied these days, posts might be slow, and thus, current progress on next post can be tracked here.
Last edited by Reno on Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Resident Chinese/Cantonese, upholder of Gao-Showan civilisation.
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Prelude: Entrance (1)

Postby Reno » Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:10 pm

"A story we shall tell; a tale greater than a folklore long ago. Let us tell a great, fantastic, tremendous fairy tale..." - Alice in Musicland, Prelude

Veilchen, Crownland of Hilgar - September 3355

It was a cold, autumn night in the city of Veilchen. It was one of the largest cities in the Crownland of Hilgar, the south-east Crownland of Greater Hulstria proper. Lying at the eastern side of the Schnee-Berge Mountains and sat on the southern edge of the Great North Dovani Plain, this city was considered to be the cultural centre of this country, for it was uphold as the apex of the co-existence between the dominant, but immigrant Hulstrian people, and the native, now-minority Gao-Showan people. Located close to the legendary capital of the first Gao-Showan state ever, Veilchen was also one of the larger homes for the Kunihito people, where they utilised the cooperation between the people and founded their business and other means of living to benefit from it.

At the west side of the city stood one of the monuments of the success of the native people to adopt to their new native land - the Arima tower. It was one of the taller buildings in this city, and was a multi-functional skyscraper that housed numerous services provided from the eponymous Arima Corporation. Being one of the oldest Kunihito companies in Hulstria, and by far one of the most successful, the Arima clan had been regarded as the product of co-operation and fusion of both ethnicities, as their frequent and generous sponsor towards cultural co-operation works and related charity marked their existence and good will in the heart of many people, Hulstrian or Kunihito.

A black saloon, clearly in possession of some rich people as its brand and inplied price suggested, quietly moved into the parking lot of the Arima tower. Once parked, the driver of the vehicle, a young Hulstrian lady in black suit and white glove, left her seat and opened the door for her master sitting at the backside of the saloon.

The passenger was a middle-aged Hulstrian male in his fifties, as his slightly whitened hair and moustache showed. Despite the physical body starting to age and degenerated, his pastel-blue eyes remained shape and focused, as his mind was still active and was always ready to launch himself into debate if presented the chance. Like the driver, he was also wearing a standard black suit. His name was Leopold von Siebold, a previously low-visibility scholar in Hulstrian history that had since become the leader of the Alleanza Nazionale, or National Alliance, a conservative political entity in the country. Despite the otherwise unknown background of the party, it gained surprisingly wide popularity, almost managed to win a majority by itself a few years back. However, this would change after tonight, or rather, it had already started changing, as Leopold once again invested himself in deep thoughts.

"We have arrived, milord." The servant quietly said to her master, to wake him from his mind. It was a common trend for scholars in ivory tower like him, thinking too hard that would not notice any other thing even if he was set on fire. Once broken from his mind and returned to the tangible world, the middle-aged man turned to his driver and slowly nodded in gratitude. Picking up a suitcase beside him, Leopold then entered the Arima tower proper.

As it was already late in night when he arrived, the glass hall of the reception had been almost emptied, and the lights that lit the entrance of this palace had been mostly switched off, leaving but a dim undertone for the darkened empty hall, with only the emblem of the Arima clan, and thus the corporation it owned, gently shining into the face of the approaching Hulstrian duo. As the clear sound of shoes walking on the cold floor caught the attention of the receptionist, she looked up and looked into the face of Leopold, whom had stopped in front of her.

"Welcome to the Arima Corporation, mister. Is there anything I can help you?" Although being of Kunihito descent, the receptionist spoke fluent Hulstrian towards Leopold, complete with standard greeting and expression, even though both of them knew the other really should not be here.

"Yes. I would like to meet with sir Arima." Leopold replied, with fluent Kunikata, the language of the Gao-Showan people native to Hulstria, or rather, its predecessor, the Kunihito Empire of Gao-Soto.

"Do you have an appointment, mister?" The receptionist replied, this time in Kunikata as well.

"Arima Senne." Leopold replied once more. While most people in the country, especially those who did not speak the language of the Gao-Showans, would recognise it as the name of the daughter of Susumu Arima, the head of the Arima clan and all its properties, it also meant, in Kunikata, "there are no". Given the name of many females from Arima clan, a play on their name seemed to be a common theme among its members.

"It will do, mister. Sir Arima is in his private conference room. I will notify him now." The receptionist bowed to Leopold again, before gesturing towards one of the functioning lifts at the side. With a bow in response, the Hulstrian scholar moved towards the lift with his servant, who followed him without a word. The lift door closed, and the lift started moving upward into the glass tube that encased it at the exterior of the building.

The skyline of Veilchen in night shined through the glass exterior of the lift and entered it, barely illuminating the duo as they approached their destination at the very top of the tower. It was almost completely silent in this small compartment, with the only thing audible being the small sound of machines running, and the slightly unnatural breath from the servant. Although standing upright and still, it seemed that she was a bit nervous for the meeting to come, even though she would not be able to participate. The one who was going to participate, though, were noticeably more calm.

Her lips broke for a while, as a word within tried to escape. However, the lips soon closed, and the silence continued until it reached the top floor, which was reserved for the most important personnels. Knowing that she was not part of it, Leopold merely nodded to her, before leaving the lift and walked into the corridors, while the glass door closed once more, and sent her back to the earth.

His first stop was not the conference room for the meeting, though, but a room of changing and resting beside it, a place meant for tired executives to take a short rest, bath, and a new clothes to continue their work to better the Arima Corporation. Leopold was not one of them, though, as he opened his suitcase and took out his clothes.

After a while, the Hulstrian man left the room once more. However, he was no longer wearing his black suit. Instead, it was a traditional, black, and plain Kunihito garment. With the appropriate dressing straightened for basic etiquette, Leopold entered the conference room.
Resident Chinese/Cantonese, upholder of Gao-Showan civilisation.
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