Vunt Ascension Conference

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Vunt Ascension Conference

Postby AntScales » Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:31 am

Official Conference of the Vunt Ascension
July 3391
Grand Hall of the Telamonese Palament Building

Telapolis Central News=Host News Agency

Good day Telamon and Greater Terra. I am Victoria Kashsson, Chief Reporter of the Tealapolis Central News Agency and your host for this evenings events. As I'm sure you know, late last year, our beloved monarchs, the Kansars, abdicated all posts in Telamon in favor of the House of Vunt, a rather unknown branch of the recently departed House of Arinidi. Earlier today, it was officially announced that Parlament had approved both the Kansar abdication and the Vunt ascension, as well as having declared Felix Vunt, Head of the House of Vunt, High King of the Tela. Tonight, we will meet not only the High King, but his extended family who are to take on several key posts throughout the Kingdoms. Just to let you know, the emblem that flashed upon the screen before I began to speak has been confirmed by the Royal Heraldic Society as the official shorthand emblem of the Vunt monarchy, more specifically, our High King and Queen. I do encourage you all to stay tuned in and pay close attention, as this is our first chance to hear our new leaders up close and personal, to question them, and to evaluate their merit. This should be a night to remember.

Also, should any notable guests show up today, we will be sure to point them out to you as we do notice them. For the moment, this is Victoria Kashsson, signing off. "May God Bless" the "Land of Hope and Glory."
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Re: Vunt Ascension Conference

Postby AntScales » Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:24 am

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome back. Again, this is Victoria Kashsson, your host for this evening. As I stated before, this will be a night to remember. I have yet to describe to you all where we are. This Grand Hall is no mere meeting hall at the service of the Parlament of Telamon. This hall is set up for official functions just as this. And, just to clear up any earlier confusion, this is not a press conference. This IS the official declaration ceremony for our new Royal Family and their platform presentations. But, you'll see that as the night comes. Coming to the stage now, ladies and gentlemen, is the Tillfällig
Talman för Parlament. For our non-Telamonese viewers, that is Temporary President of the Parliament. This position is currently held by The Right Honorable Sixton Markusson, MP. He was appointed upon the Kansar abdication to relay decisions of the Parliament, direct its proceedings, and assist Queen Dagny in heading the interim government. He will be relinquishing that position to the newly appointed Konungens Hand, His Royal Highness Mircea Hampus Sandu Vunt, Crown Prince of Telamon, Grand Prince of Sevescia, 1st Duke of Kirimerdam. The Heralds are now calling for silence.

"Silence! All rise for the Tillfällig Talman för Parlament, The Right Honorable Sixton Markusson, MP." [a single horn blew from the upper balcony as the President of the Parliament came onto the stage and took his place behind the podium, readjusting the microphones as he did.]
Sixton Markusson

Good evening my fellow Telamonese and citizens of the world.
Tonight, we come here not just to introduce you to the men and women that will steer the future of this nation, but to officially announce them and to hear their plans for this nations. I'd like to begin by giving you a brief account of what has happened over the last year.
In a surprise move in the latter part of last year, our beloved leaders, the Kansars, abdicated and left our nation in near anarchy as they returned to Solentia. Now, I know all of us were greatly dissapointed by their decision and surprised by their replacement. Surely our beloved Kansars wouldn't leave us in the hands of such an obscure House? Well, I'm telling you they did, and it's a great thing they did so. Over the last year, I've coeme to intimately know the new High King and his family, specifically our Lordkansler Queen Dagny of Antepec.
Not only are they a noble, kind, intelligent, strong people, but they are of a similar culture, and that DOES mean something. I'm not encouraging racism or superiority here, but the Vunts speak our language, they eat our food, and they understand us, and that counts for a LOT. But I'll stop making controversial comments before i loose my job. What I really want to say is that we have nothing to fear. We have a bright future ahead of us and I trust the "bats" to lead it, as should you all. Now, by order of the High King of the Tela and the Parliament of Telamon, I do officially relinquish my position as Temporary President of Parliament as recognition of the ascension of the official government of Telamon.
Now, what you've all been waiting for: I do introduce our High King and High Queen. All rise, by order of the Parliament of Telamon, I do bring proclaim Felix Caj Michael Vunt of Vunt His Royal Majesty Felix I Vunt, High King of the Tela, King of New Majatra, 1st Duke of Telapolis, High Lord of Telamon and Protector of the Realm and Raluca Mathilda Vunt, High Queen of the Tela, Queen of New Majatra, 1st Duchess of Lund, Duchess of Telapolis and Lady of Telamon!
[trumpateers from all corners of the room blew their silver horns as the High King and Queen came onto the stage from opposite ends.]

Good day, folks. Just a quick word before our new monarchs begin to speak. If those comments had have come from any other politician, he would have immediately been called before the Parliament Committee on Ethics. But, this comes from Sixton Markusson, the MOST respected figure outside of the royal family. His words carry significant wait and they just may be the deciding factor for some citizens in regards to their opinions concerning the new royal family. Here they are ladies and gentlemen. I no longer have to refer to them in broken titles. Here they are, ladies and gentlemen of the Telamon, High King Felix and High Queen Raluca.

Felix I Vunt
Raluca Vunt

[The monarchs met at the center of the stage behind the podium, embraced, kissed on the lips, and turned to the audience. Eight seat appeared from beneath the stage, two larger than the rest. The crowed erupted in applause and a few hoops and hollers appeared. A very joyous reaction all around. High King Felix raised his hand for about a minuted, attempting to silence the crowd, rather unsuccessfully.]

Thank you. Truly, thank you so much. If you will entertain your new sovereign for a few moments, I will tell a small anecdote. When I woke up early on September morning, I receive a pone call from men I hadn't heard from for many years: my Arinidi cousins. They informed me that they were relinquishing all of their positions and thrones to the senior descendant of the 1st Count of Vunt, which was me. So, I got on the phone, arranging my affairs and preparing to uproot my close family to Telamon. A few weeks later, I received a visitor: the Emissary of the Kansar Household, informing me that the Kansar family had abdicated ALL thrones in Telamon on my behalf. Well, to say the least I was suprised! But, I knew what I had to do. I set out, scouring family trees to fill posts and looking through binders of Telamonese politicians and businessmen to fill my cabinet. First off, I'd like to say I had IMMEDIATE success. I was able to fill my cabinet and ministries with a super majority of Telamonese citizens and I was thoroughly impressed. It made me SO proud to be named High King: I was now leader of a nation with a higher percentage of qualified personnel than, in my judgement, any nation in Terra. That will be improved upon in my education reform, but that will be left to Our Hand at a later time tonight. I'll sum up by saying thank you. I could have been easily ousted by the People's Interim Parliament, but I wasn't. You chose my wife and I as your leaders and I am eternally grateful. I WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU. TELAMON WILL NOT FALL. GOD SHALL BLESS THE LAND OF HOPE AND GLORY AND I WILL LEAD US IN BECOMING MIGHTIER YET!!

And that, ladies and gentlemen may have done it. His use of common Telamonese phrases and his personal assimilation of our speaking preferences do show an effort on behalf of our new monarch to become TRULY Tela, not just King of the people, but one of the people. And the affection these two show, as the High King helps his wife onto her throne and takes his seat! Now, he will begin declarations of royalty, or he will once the room quiets down. We Tela are a truly enthusiastic people and this crowd, at least, is falling of the High King. [camera returns to the High King and High Queen as they are both handed parchment documents.]
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