A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Sun Nov 29, 2015 1:40 pm

20:13, The Tzar's Meeting Room, The Imperial Palace, Petrovgrad, Trigunia.

Tsar Ivan sat in the meeting room, a room with a 30 foot long oak table at the center where most meetings between the Tsar and any foreign head of state would take place. He waited for the person whom he had requested for, arrived. The Large Golden Doors opened and through them came a short figure. "Sir, you called me?" said Artur Raskalov, Chief Aide to the Tsar. "Yes, I did come, have a seat," said Ivan. Artur sat at the request of the Tsar and gazed at him until he spoke. "Have you prepared my reports?" Asked Ivan. "Yes I have sir, they are in your study." answered Artur. "Good,very good." Ivan said as he poured himself a cup of alcohol from a small flask next to him. "Is the staff ready for their arrival?" he questioned. Ivan called for the Minister-President to come to the palace to have talks about the situation in Kafuristan. "Yes, They have prepared a feast for him when you have finished your talks with him." answered Artur. "What are these talks about sir?" asked Artur. "A certain situation in a certain nation in a certain place." answered Ivan. "Is it Kafuristan sir?" asked Artur. "How did you know?" Ivan replied. "My sister she lives there, she has told me may things about the Channs and their reign over the nation." Artur added. "Get the Vanukean Ambassador here now, if he asks why, tell him, I said to come," Ivan demanded. "But he will be sleeping sir, I wouldn't like to wake him." Artur said. "I could not care, If he was sleeping or not, I want him here now, send a motorcade to his house if you need to." Artur nodded and went off to the Bashnya Battalion to assemble a motorcade to be sent to the Vanukean Ambassador's house.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kafuristan » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:48 pm

OOC: WARNING - this post contains adult language

OOC reference: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3913&p=93878#p93878

09:56, al-Kasraj, Abi'nadi Province, Kafuristan

"Another election, another god-damn Channite farce!"

The chant seemed to have begun organically - no one could tell who'd been the first, but now everyone, easily a thousand people, was yelling it at the top of their lungs.

The Gao-Solentians had slashed their whip across the back of the Majatran Kafuris just one more time. Fifteen years of occupation, fifteen years without a valid opposition, and then when one was born it was kept on the side lines through political shadowplay - gerrymandering and voter intimidation, the Dragon Guard and Dragon Assassins always in the minds of the people, their guns and their fists speaking volumes to the supposed inclusion that the "Noble House of Chann" promised in their legislation. And still the Channites stole everything from the Majatrans, still the Majatrans were drafted into military service and submitted to such horrors that they came back as husks, Akeem's forgotten.

When the men in black masks, shouting Khilaf and throwing rocks at the windows of Channite stores began their dirty work, it was not just them who took up the cry. Men and women, children began to throw - knowing that the destruction was futile, that the stores would rebuild and that the DG and the mercenaries would soon arrive to bring their heavy weight to bear - but they began to throw nonetheless. It was cathartic, in a way, to watch the glass shatter and to hear the screaming, smell the sweat and to work in common effort toward a goal.

Al-Kasraj was awakening.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:09 pm

05:12, Cockpit, Strategic Fighter Bomber, 35,000 ft over the Ocean of Freezing Cold Blue Wet Stuff, 500 miles from Hutorian Arctic border.

"How Altitude are we at?" asked Captain Fillip Saitov to his partner Lieutenant Oleg Urakov who sat next to him. "35,000 and stable sir." replied Oleg. "Fly heading 230, transponders and Communications 1 Radio and 2 Radio off." ordered Fillip to Oleg. Oleg, turned the Heading knob on the flight panel as a purple line on the monitor moved as he turned the knob to the left. He proceeded to turn of the transponders and communication 1 and 2 radios. Oleg looked down at the frozen water below and said,"Looks Cold as hell down there.". Fillip said nothing, his mind was on the objective of the mission, he ignored every single question Oleg threw at him to start a conversation, who did not want to talk, he only spoke when he had to give an order to Oleg. About 100 miles from what the Trigunians knew Hutorian Radar could reach Fillip spoke. "We are about 100 miles from Hutorian Radar reach, prepare yourself,". Oleg nodded and strapped his belts across him. This was a precaution if they had to make a Combat Turn or in-case Fillip ignited the after burners. Fillip looked down at the Radar Monitor, as he saw a triangle (A triangle being the symbol for a Radar signature which is moving towards the aircraft) coming closer and closer to the center (The center being the position of Fillip's aircraft). He looked to his left as he saw a Fighter Jet of the Royal Hutorian Air-Force flying at the side of his Fight-Bomber. The Pilot in the Hutorian Fighter had a camera and he was filming the events. Fillip and Oleg waved to the camera as he pushed on the throttle and ignited the after burner. Quickly he made a combat turn tried to flee from the Hutorian Fighter, but after 5 minutes the Hutorian Fighter caught up with the Fight-Bomber once more after the after-burner caused a massive decrease in fuel for Fillip's aircraft. Fillip knew that the Hutorian Fighter was here to escort them out. "Oleg communicate with Green Sea Fleet, tell them we are coming back home, Mission has been compromised." Order Fillip. Oleg nodded, turned on the Transponders and Communication 1 and 2 Radios and began communicating with the Green Sea Fleet's Aircraft Carrier, the TKVM-Petrovgrad. Fillip and Oleg knew that they were going to be shouted at by their Wing Commander. They knew their mission had caused diplomatic row between Trigunia and Hutori once more.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:51 am

The Tzar's Meeting Room, The Imperial Palace, Petrovgrad, Trigunia.

The Large doors opened as the sentry guard shouted,"Presenting His Northern Majesty, Autocrat of Trigunia, Great Prince of Trigunia, Grand Prince of Brakov, Grand Prince of Lesnov, Grand Prince of Radin, Tsar of Vrosnok, Tsar of Zarvosopol, Count of Pattergrad, of Kommenovsk, of Morozorota and other territories, Prince of Rodshyadam, Grand Protector of the Bear's Den, Sovereign of all Northern Territories, Tsar of Tsar, Sovereign of Sovereigns, Marshal of the Empire, Conqueror of the Hulstrian Empire in Trigunia and in Keris, Highest Hussar of Radin, Guardian of the Holy Vatikan, Hetman of the Alazinder Cossacks, Patriarch of the House of Zubkov,Tsar Ivan I" Minister-President Boris Mizenov stood up waiting for the Tsar to walk in. After the Tsar had walked into the room, he gestured for Boris to have a seat. "Thank your Majesty" Boris said. And as a reply Ivan nodded his head slightly. "Sir, I have come to speak to you about your recent statement," Boris said. Boris was not like the "come and have a go, If you think you're hard enough" type of Minister-President. "What, was their a miss translation?" Ivan replied. "Well sir, the Government feels that the statement was bold,bash,unnecessary and an embarrassment to the Empire." Ivan arched his eyebrows after hearing the government's opinion of his statement. "I do not think this government sees the larger picture." Ivan shook his head and sighed as he prepared to unveil his intentions with the situation in Likatonia to Boris. "You see my boy, there once was a United Kerissian Socialist Republic, which ruled Keris and Northern Hemisphere, and the situation in Likatonia is one of several opportunities for us to rebuild the mighty empire." Ivan had a grim look one a face a grin could be seen slowly forming as he stared blankly into a floral arrangement. "But sir, we would be cause instability within the region, we would be calling for international attention, I mean supporting a rebel group?" Ivan looked at Boris shaking his head. "Boris, you have no balls, who says that we have to do it publicly?" Boris became confused after hearing the Tsar's strategy. "You see, I have it all planned, I make the statement and I have you denounce it, saying that I am suffering from mental challenges, you publicly support those democratic fools in Likatonia, but secretly we will be adding oil to the fire by secretly arming the Rebels."

"Our name doesn't get called, you don't have to pace around your office looking for lies, but if they do, it would most likely not happen, I want the VRI on the ground in Likatonia by tomorrow, If i have to personally call Mishnev (Jaromir Mishnev, Head of the Foreign Intelligence Inspectorate, VRI), I will." Boris seemed as though he was not in support of Ivan's plan. "You know, your Foreign Minister likes the plan,I even had him send a communicate to fool those idiots in Brīvībapils (The Capital of Likatonia), he did it without hesitation, he seems willing to restore the once superpower known as the UKSR, just do as I say and we would not have a problem, mess up and I will put you in your grave." Ivan said. Boris left the room as he walked to the door of the Palace. Ivan sat in his spot still contemplating on his plan and the grin would turn into a smile and a laugh.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby MapleUnity » Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:19 am

Streets of Nidograd, Gokitan, Likatonia

National Guardsman Bruce Ilkinits turned slowly and looked down the row of houses, training to strain through the bright morning sun. A fog was slowly boiling above the one-story derelict semi-detached buildings, and his body shivered through the early March morning breeze. Right behind him was four of his team members, and behind that several national policemen looking thoroughly frightened. If Bruce was being honest, he wasn't thoroughly comfortable with the situation either. As a conscript out of college for the National Guardsmen, he wasn't entirely full of courage. This was his first "live moment" as his drill sergeant had reminded them earlier that morning before the bumby ride in the armored personnel carrier. Why the show with the APC? Bruce had asked his bunkmate before getting on board. To show them we mean business was the curt reply.

Bruce knew he meant the rebels. It had been all over the regional news. The Gokitan regional base in Esirovo had even been temporarily put on lock down due to concerns over rebel activity. Of course that hadn't been leaked to the news, but more surprising to Bruce was the fact that the arms shipment lost by his full time counterparts also hadn't been reported on. Not that that made it any less real, or easy on his stomach this morning.

Suddenly Bruce saw what he was waiting for. A single green flare shot up out of the fog at the far end of the street, and Bruce motioned to his followers to move forward. Anxiously crouched low, they sprinted across one lawn, then the second, and finally the third. The footsteps of boots were dampened by the morning dew still wet on the grass. Behind the house, he could see an identical team approaching the backdoor.

Guns aimed forward, Bruce lined up on the doorway. Across from him was his bunkmate, looking as frightened as Bruce was feeling. Adrenaline pumping, Bruce hammered on the door while the remaining guardsmen lined up as they had been trained. The policeman at the back of the group yelled, "Policija! We are coming in! Policij-"

The end of the shout was punctuated by the loud retort of a gunshot, breaking glass, and the screaming of the officer right behind Bruce. Looking back, Bruce only saw him fall in a mist of red spray. Turning quickly, but in what felt like a lifetime, he backed up and kicked at the door. Pure training and adrenaline kicked in. He hands steady, the Likatonian version of the Lodamese rifle quickly shot two retorts and the man inside the door went down. Moving forward, Bruce entered the building with his bunkmate behind him and two guardsmen following. Shouting could be heard outside as sirens descended on the house.

Quickly up the stairs, Bruce met the top of the landing and moved to the first room on the front side above the doorstep he had just entered. With his gun trained on the door, his bunkmate kicked it in swiftly. Before he had the opportunity to pull the trigger, Bruce recognized the half dozen men in the room had their hands up and were on their knees. "Don't move! Stay down! Don't touch those f*cking weapons!" The words almost seemed to come from somewhere else. He kept his gun trained on them, as guardsmen zipcuffed them. Finally lowering his weapon, Bruce checked outside the bedroom window and saw the fog starting to lift on the sleepy city.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:37 pm

08:12, Unknown Location.

It was a high level meeting organized by the Tsar. Around the table sat key persons of Trigunia's Internal and External Security Apparatuses. Director-General of the State Security Directorate (GBD) , Colonel general Adam Sultanov, Director-General of the Foreign Intelligence Directorate (VRI), Lieutenant General Jaromir Mishnev, Inspector-General of the Inspectorate of Military Intelligence (IVR), Major General Damir Timofeyev, Director of the Federal Information Service (FIU), Abram Goncharov and Director-General of the Directorate for Naval Intelligence (UVR), Major-General Ilya Sungatulin. These men who among the group of individuals who spied and killed for the Bashnya. Although they all knew each other hostility was not low between them, especially between Sultanov of the GBD and Mishnev of the VRI. During the prime of the UKSR, the VRI was the Foreign Intelligence Arm of the GBD,but after the Fall of the UKSR where most of the Federal Internal Agencies were divided the VRI became an independent agency from the GBD. It has been the legacy of GBD Director-Generals to try to bring the VRI back under the banner of the GBD. Although the GBD has created its own Foreign Intelligence Arm to replace the void which the VRI once filled, they will always have a tabanca for the VRI's Intelligence tactics, something no other agency could master. But during this meeting that hostility was not seen, not in the presence of the Tsar were the two officers going to bicker with each other like children.
"Gentlemen, I have called for this meeting bring together Trigunia's Top Intelligence Minds." The Tsar said as he started the meeting. He stood on his feet, chairing the meeting as he looked into the eyes of the various intelligence directors. "Now I trust you have all been briefed on the situation in Likatonia by your various secretaries and what not?" asked Ivan?(Tsar Ivan I that is) Looking around the table at the various faces whom nodded at the questioned raised by Ivan. "Now, just to get this all clear, what ever is said in this room, stays in this room, do you all understand?" asked Ivan? And Once again they nodded as a response to the Tsar's question. "Now, I know that you all may have read the newspapers where you saw that the Boris (Boris Mizenov, the Minister-President)said that i was mentally ill..Do not take it seriously, It was intentional I told him to say it...I am well and functioning more than ever." the Tsar assured the men around the table. "Now, I am going to cut the small talk and let Sultanov speak on how the GBD is going to contribute to my plan, surprise me Sultanov. Sultanov stood up and began addressing the meeting,"Now Gentlemen, I have advised my Intelligence Arm to begin to process of transferring our agents to Likatonia to take up spots in key positions," Sultanov stopped as he was finished with his statement. When he went back to his seat, Mishnev stood up and began to speak,"Hello Everyone, I would like a joint approach to this plan when it comes to the VRI, I will need the IVR's radio jamming abilities, the FUI will be needed to breach Likatonian Government websites for important information, the GBD's abilities to kill with silence, and the UVR's ability to read sonar readings, I will be speaking with the Inspector-General of the Inspectorate of Satellite Deployment and Development, Colonel General Branislav Leshev on using one of his satellites." Mishnev sat down as the Tsar stood back up.
"Alright Everyone, we know what we need to do, if you need to go with Mishev to clarify on anything, you may go, If you want to assist the GBD on their plans you may go, for now this meeting is dismissed," said Ivan. And as they were told they went with their respect partners and began formalizing the operations as Ivan smiled as he knew that his plan is about to unfold.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:55 am

20:13, Apartment, Drasnoyorsk, Lukaron, Republic of Likatonia.

After recently arriving to the North Western Seleya nation, they were tired. All four of them sat down on a couch and blankly stared at a picture on the wall. These were the four agents tasked with carrying out intelligence operations within Likatonia for the VRI. "That is just beautiful, look at it, the detail." expressed Yegor. "Don't get moist there Yegor, it's just a painting," said Robert. "It's a profound statement," said Nikofor. "Don't get all artsy on me Nikofor, we all know you are dumb as you are stupid," Sventlana. These four had known each other since they were six years of age, their friendship was tight. Sventlana sat in the middle, between Robert, Yegor and Nikofor. She held onto Yegor and Nikofor's knees since they were the two who flanked her from her left and right. She used their knees to pull herself from between the cluster of men to stand up. "Pigs," she muttered before walking into the small kitchen. "What is this!" She shouted as he saw the appalling state of the kitchen. "It looks like someone shit and smeared it all on the walls and in the skin." she continued. "Why the hell do we always get the run down places when those high-class idiots from the GBD get these 5 star rooms in 5 star hotels." She had a short tantrum before shouting,"Jesus Jaromir if we are spying for your bosses at least give us something good in return, Like i mean the $7,000 a month can't even pay for medicine, utility bills and other shit combined!" Yegor, Robert and Nikofor all looked into the kitchen at Sventlana silent laughing at Svetlana's rage over the dirty kitchen. She looked at them with a face of discontent,"What are you dick licks laughing at," The three men stopped laughing seeing that her anger was now centred on them. "Don't you want to go check the bathroom?" Nikofor said. Svetlana did a slow burn to look as Nikofor,"Why don't you go check if you've growing some already, because it seems that Tatiana isn't feeling anything down there," she said as she grilled Nikofor with a comeback. Svetlana opened a cuboard which was closed by a fast rotting door. As she pulled on the doorknob the door broke off and pieces of wood began to fall out from the rotten door. "Oh My God!" she shouted above her lungs as her eyes opened out. She became enraged. She stormed back to the chair, and stormed to the door of the apartment. Nikofor, Yegor and Robert were all laughing at Svetlana's reaction for the shabby apartment. "I am going to meet with the GBD contact, Maybe by the time i return you three would have found your brains," she said before slamming the door. By the force of the door slamming, it rocked it off of its hinges making it fall to the door. In the distance they would hear Svetlana shouting,"Rrrrrrrrrraaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" as she walked down the stairs.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Thu Dec 24, 2015 4:24 am

08:12, Abandon Warehouse, Petrovgrad, Vrosnok, Trigunia.

"I was always the low end man, they actually used to call me the whore since i was the money being used the most like a plastic man's sausage, Ha Ha Ha!," He howled. Staring into the interviewers eyes to see for anything suspicious about him, for he did not feel this was just an ordinary interview, but he went through with the plan. "My Name? Hmm...I have always wanted a mighty name.......a name that would sound like the roar of a lion......Let's call me Vitomir," he said. Vitomir knew that releasing his actual name would endanger his identity and the identity of his colleagues. "I had to deal drugs, I even had to kill and I was so good at it, It got me a promotion," Vitomirsed to....left them a few years back....they almost got me killed over a dog." the reporter responded. Vitomir shook his head as he could tell that he was lying, because he knew that once you join the Unseen, your membership fee is your life, you are there for life, try to leave and they will hang your head stick for put it on public display. Vitomir watched how the Interviewer's staff were constantly watching him. "Can we pause so I can take a smoke?" he asked. "Sure, I think we can stop for now," the interviewer responded. Immediately he got up and walk outside the building to light himself a cigarette.The building was a run-down milk warehouse which from the front looked like a well-organized establishment but at the back was a run-down Milk Factory."You worked so hard on painting the building and making it look presentable from the front, to lure your targets," Vitomir said as he smiled and walked back into the building, onto a balcony over-watching Petrovgrad. From a large distance away, he saw the glare of what seemed to be the glare of a piece of glass. He inhaled a small puff of the cigarette before throwing it off the balcony. He walked back into the building with a smile on his face. Walking back to Interview room he sat back onto his seat, and asked,"Can we move our chairs towards the window, I want some natural light,this darkness is too much." The Interviewer looked around to his staff,"Alright." They both took up their chairs and moved it to the nearest window in the room. "Ah Perfect" Vitomir said as he and the Interview both planted the legs of the chair on the floor. "Alright can we continue" asked the interviewer. "No, wait, can I have some water?" asked Vitomir as he began to test the patience of the interviewer. "Water, we don't have water here sir, may we continue?" the interviewer answered. "No water, how about alcohol or juice?" Vitomir said. He watched as the interviewer's foot began to fidget which showed he was growing impatient. "Don't tell me you guys have no refreshment, this isn't a real interview if there are no refreshments," and with that the Interviewer snapped. He drew a pistol from the inner pocket of his suit jacket and pointed the weapon at Vitomir. As the interviewer drew the pistol his accomplices drew their guns and pointed them at Vitomir. About six guns were now pointed at Vitomir. "Now this isn't fair is it? I mean six guns at one man, seems a bit like overkill." said Vitomir calmly. "Shut up!" shouted the Interviewer. "My mother and father were whores, because of you," shouted the Interviewer. "Who do you work for son? did Boris send you seven to kill me?" asked Vitomir. "They wanted your head so I am going to deliver it to them." said the interviewer. "Wait, because of me your mother and father were whores? Son I don't even know who you are, but if i did, I'd say, Your mother and father were whores long before i came along." Out of rage the interviewer slapped Vitomir with the barrel of the pistol, causing Vitomir's face to be slightly bruised. Vitomir laughed at the interviewer and his team. "It's a dog eat dog world out there, and you have no place to be there,survival to the fittest" said the interviewer. Vitomir lighted another cigarette, inhaled the nicotine and then threw the cigarette onto the floor. "Survival to the fittest? Well it seems you forgot the first rule of survival, a real hunter always watches where he steps." Immediately a bullet came racing through the window and into the Interviewer's left temporal lobe and exited through the right. Another six bullet took out the remainder of the Interviewer's accomplices killing them instantly. Vitomir watched as their motionless bodies dropped to the floor. Vitomir made he sign of the cross and placed a piece of paper in the interviewer's motionless hand which bared the letter,"R". Vitomir left the building as he walked to his office in the GBD.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:43 pm

13:14, Conning Room of the Ballistic Missile Submarine TKVM Yazov, International Waters East of Davostan.

Since last we heard from the TKVM Yazov it had snick through Kalistan's Radar Net and Conducted Missile Drills. Now the Yazov and her crew are back at it again, but this time in Aoi Lagoon, some miles off the coast of Davostan.

The Submarine was completely quiet, communications had been cut, all talk and chatter put to a cease. The silence was maddening for the regular person. But these men are custom with complete silence. The propellers could be heard slowing down as the submarine got closer to Davostani Radar Net. Captain Ruslan Shubin looked out the windows of the conning room, something he would do everyday as he watched the various fish and aquatic life pass by the submarine. Their mission, nothing unusual, locate weak links in Davostan's Radar Net whilst testing to see how far can they reach into the Coast of Davostan. 1,300 ft and dipping the submarine began to sink deeper and deeper into the ocean. It was always a risky mission for a Ballistic missile submarine fitted with four SLBM's and 2 500mm torpedo tubes to be carrying out a covert operation like this. That is why Captain Ruslan Shubin commands the submarine, being one of the navy's finest submarine commanders, he has been commanding this submarine for more than fifteen years. Since silence was needed for the operation to be successful, Shubin nodded at one of the junior officers as it signaled for the activation of Magneto hydrodynamic drive. (this method used water as a propulsion system to move the submarine without using moving parts such as the Propeller, thus throwing passive acoustics out of the window.) This Magneto hydrodynamic drive was a unique project made during the Yegorovich Administration in 3869. It was so expensive that currently the Ministry of Defence has ordered to cancel production of another submarine like this. Thrust units at the side of the submarine would activate after small circles at the side of the submarine would open, pushing the submarine forward. Shubin walked down to the Control Room and whispered to the helmsman,"Activate Silent Running."This enabled the submarine to generate zero noises, it was now undetectable by Davostani Radar, the steadly advanced deeper into the Davostani Radar Reach.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:39 pm

OOC: Cool stuff, The Hunt for Red October is one of my favourite movies.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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