Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

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Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Wed May 31, 2017 12:36 pm

The Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni is born!
The new central-majatran Entity arise under the flag of Democracy while the Istalian contingent is preparing to leave

The flag of the Federal Republic, historical flag of the previous democratic unified regimes

HELIOS - Into the Federal Constituent Assembly, in front of the representatives of the two regions of Mossavi and al-Najd, elected in November, the provisional Head of State Mattā ibn saʻlman ibn ʻamin declared officially the foundation of the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni.
The Constituent Assembly, the provisional Head of State and the provisional Federal Committee (former known as Transitional Official Committee) will remain in office for an year until the official approval of the New Constitution.
The political leaders of the two regions are debating about the future setting of the Federal Republic for more than an year, even since before the referendum, debates which brought it up again the historical contraposition between the kalopians and the wantunian.
However, the threat of the communist giant pushed even more the two communities to overcome the differences to huddle together and stand against the common enemy which is perceived as a threat to the lifestyle of both communities.
For this reason, most part of the experts and analysts foresee that most likely the Constituent Assembly will agree on a Parliamentary Republic in which a purely ceremonial figurehead Federal President will have to be alternately a kalopian and a wantunian, the legislative body will be formed by two chambers: one will represent the people of the federation proportionally to the number of voters, while the other will be composed of representatives of the states. The executive finally will be lead by a Prime Minister expression of electoral or post-electoral alliance between the parties.
Just talking about the parties, in the last year were officialy registred several party organizations both in Mossavi and al-Najd which after the Assembly election of november have perfected structures, ideologies, and even alliances.
The major party into the Assembly is the Federal Party, followed by Common Democracy, then by the Wantunian National Party and finally, with only few seats, the Kalopian Nationalistic Front and the Socialist Workers Party (the only one which support a reunification with the rest of the Communist Kalopia-Wantuni).
About the security of the new Republic, the Kalopia-Wantuni Defence Forces, established already under the Protectorates, some months ago became the Federal Defence Forces and the Federal Committee promises that in the next year the FDF shall begin an important program to rebuilt themself, a process which should last several year and for this reason the Istalian forces will leave only progressively the central-majatran nation.
Istalia however, as per a recent agreeement, will continue to maintain three large bases in which will be maintained men and equipement to maintain the surveillance on the Iron Curtain and to be able to support the local forces in case of military threat.
The Government of Romula already announced that in the next time Istalia and Kalopia-Wantuni will establish even more agreement among them and that the Eastern Kalopia-Wantuni will become the real symbol of the triumph of the democracy in central-majatra.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Fri Jun 23, 2017 9:37 am

Election 4230: The newly founded Democratic Party led by Athanasios Karatasos gain over 42% of the seats!
The Democratic leader ready to led a Government together with the Federal Party while the Socialists are now the larger opposition party
The Democratic Party high ranks met after the electoral success

HELIOS - The Chairman Karatasos won the challenge launched to the Federal Republic gaining 189 seats into the Federal Assembly and gaining the leadership in both Mossavi and Wantuni states.
Karatasos this moorning was called by the President Walid ibn Mansur ibn Uthman to met him into the Presidential Palace in Helios ready to appoint the democratic leader as Prime Minister to form the next Government. The Democratic Party secretariat already announced that the National Chairman is ready to form a Government with the Federal Party which, after over a decades of domination of the political stage, today is only 4th party with 53 seats behind the Kalopian Nationalistic Party (57 seats) and the Socialist Workers Party (151 seats).

The success of Karatasos and the Democratic Party is due to the promises to put the brakes to an unbridled capitalism which since the formation of the Republic caused the increase of the social inequalities as well as to increase the defence of the Nation. The Federal Party, in fact, seems to have been punished due to the fact that during its Governments the defensive policies have proved to be disappointing: the Federal Party in fact conducted a policies to promote the internal defense industries, which however was not able to respond to the needs of the Military, but also a policies too less incisive towards the MRSF, so that the former leader of the party, Abdeel Sedki Aly, is today colloquially called the fearful.
Karatasos gained the large support of the workers and low-middle classes, promises to the Federal Republic to began a series of economic reforms to:

    introduce a real universal Welfare System,
    respond to the crisis of the nomadic wantunian people of the central wasteland (the Wantunian Nationalist Party in fact merged into the DP),
    change the current income tax, a flat tax at 18.5%, with a progressive system and introduces also high solidarity tax to be applied on the high net wealth individuals,
    introduce an Oil Solidarity Tax to the oil companies which operates in Kalopia-Wantuni

The Democratic leader assured that the new revenue for the State will be used for the new social security system and to continue the developement of the Federal Defensive Forces. Thank to this social and security political line, Karatasos however was able to gain the support also of large part of the Wantunian people: the nomadic wantunians in fact for years demanded some protection and social measures to contrast the oil giants which operate in the wasteland but also to solve a serious problem of under development and lack of educational programs for the children of the nomadic groups; the rest of the wantunians instead supported Karatasos for its politics aimed to contrast the MSRF, considered especially by the more conservative Wantunians as a menace for their lifestyle.

Athanasios Karatasos met the President Walid ibn Mansur ibn Uthman

Just about the FDF, Karatasos declared that the air force and the ground armoured divisions will be the sectors of the FDF which will benefit more of the improvement: the future Prime Minister has promised to provide the Army of over 3000 battle tank and the Air Force of at least 300 aircraft. For this reason Karatasos is convinced to make enter the Federal Republic into the international project about the XF-43 while for the battle tank probably a maxi order will be presented to the istalian giant Leonardi to purchaise the highly advanced Dragone main battle tank.
A decision which shows how the foreign policy of the next Government will maintain and rather will improve the closeness with the Istalian Government which continue to support numerous troops on the central majatran nation as well as an important naval base abroad.
Karatasos, despite an internal program very similar to the one of the Socialist Workers Party, was at the opposite of the SWP about the foreign and defense policies, leveraging on the constant menace of the Socialist Federation which he is decided to contrast in any way, a political line higly supported by the citizens whose majority expressed in a recent poll its fear for the Socialist Giant and its convintion about the need of a strong Defence.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:05 am

Karatasos: "The mobilization of Kafuristan forces is a direct threat for the security and independence of the Federal Republic!"
The riots in Wantuni forced the government to call the state of emergency: police and armed forces in the streets while the new armored cavalry divisions move north-east

HELIOS - Karatasos has summoned political leaders and Wantuni's leadership to talk about the recent outbreaks in the south of the country with which he agreed to declare the state of emergency and then send police and army forces to secure the territory.
The government wanted to point out that the disorder has no connection with the local leadership in the region, which in fact has pressured the federal government to be supported by the armed forces to counter events on which the government has not yet been exposed even though corridor voices point the finger against foreign powers.
But to allarm more the Federal Republic it was certainly the decision of the Kafuristan government to mobilize numerous troops along the border with Kalopia, about which the Prime Minister issued the following statement:

The Government of the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni does not understand the decision of the Government of Kafuristan to mobilize military forces in the vicinity of our borders, and especially the Federal Republic wishes to emphasize that no request for assistance was submitted to Helem's Government to which we formally request to demobilize their troops whose presence is officially considered as a serious threat for the sovereignty, security and independence of Kalopia-Wantuni, especially in light of Halem's ever closer ties with the Socialist Federation.
In order to ensure the security of our territory, I agreed with the Federal President to deploy three armored units along the north-eastern Mossavi-Kafuristan border.
In addition, the Federal Republic wishes to point out that its entry into the Majatrana Alliance has definitively aligned the country with the Democratic powers of the continent and that negotiations are under way to join the Organization for Collective and Security Cooperation, a decision taken in response to the Imperialist and hegemonic threats hanging on the Federal Republic, but we do not consider originally from Istalia, a country which we consider to be our closest and trusted friend, who has supported our young democracy since its foundation and which, following our requests, has provided the utmost assistance possible.
To the country and our citizens I want to ensure that this Government will do everything to stop the intrusion by foreign nations whose sole declared purpose is to see this nation collapse under the yoke of totalitarianism and that the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni will remain independent, free and democratic!

From Romula, the Istalian Government reiterated the total support for Helios and confirmed that important naval forces are converging towards the coasts of the Federal Republic. Furthermore the President Gasbarro announced that he would propose the creation of an Allied defensive Contingent within the Majatran Alliance in order to secure further support for Eastern Kalopia-Wantuni.
However, the military forces of the Federal Republic have, during the past two years, experienced a massive modernization and a substantial strengthening and increase of their capabilities: to benefit more were the ground forces which have seen a considerable increase in the number of the available equipement, including various versions of the versatile Lanciere armored vehicle but above all the Dragoge battle tank. The Karatasos' Government, as promised in the aftermath of the elections, has in fact followed up its intention to equip its armed forces with some of the most advanced military hardware currently in circulation and the number of Dragone tanks has already exceeded 500 units, a figure which will increase considerably over the next years, aiming to equip the army with thousands of armored vehicles to ensure the independence and security of the Republic by the threats from the western socialist giant and which, apparently, now seem to come from the east as well.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Thu Jun 29, 2017 9:01 am

The dawn of the next day: smoke and devastation at Helios but the military have finally restored the order
At least 500 people arrested and 41 dead, after the arrival of large military forces in support of local police forces finally the disorders were sedated

HELIOS - A heavy toll is what emerges after the end of the clashes in Helios which today is an armored city, with military vehicles in the streets largely closed to traffic and only rescue vehicles are running from side to side of the city.
The Presidential Palace and the Parliament have been heavily vandalized by rebels as well as commercial establishments, banks, malls, etc ...
The government this morning also issued a statement on recent events, these words of Karatasos:

Citizens of Kalopia-Wantuni, disgraceful facts have upset the capital for days. Trublemakers of not known origin have triggered protests and clashes not supported by any known motives. Helios authorities have stopped over 500 people during these three days of chaos, and what emerged was that they belong to anarchist and non-global groups but they were unable to provide useful information to understand the reasons for this chaos. What has been discovered is that, despite the apparent general chaos, the traces of a certain concertation appear to have emerged from those who planned and organized the explosion of these disorders.
The Republic's security forces are still investigating to find out who is behind these actions, but the Government of the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni is increasingly persuaded that those who are trying to destabilize this nation do not come from it. From 4219 the Republic has experienced a substantial normalization of the internal situation, there has not been a return of ethnic conflicts between the north and the south and above all any organized protest has never reached such excesses. Today, after fifteen years of peaceful growth and maturation, the explosion of such disorders is not found to be, the Socialist Party of Workers today is condemning such acts and I want to announce here that I'm about to form a government of coalition including PSL and Kalopian Nationalist Party.
In light of these findings and seeing how over 30,000 troops have already been deployed on the eastern border of the Republic, the Government of the Federal Republic can only conclude that the propaganda of the Kafuristan regime and its great interest in the destiny of this nation are in the eyes of Kalopia-Wantuni's Government at least suspect and dangerous.
Once again, I have to invite again the forces of the Majatran Republic of Kafuristan to immediately demobilize, since their presence is to be considered a threat to the sovereignty, independence and security of this Republic.

Finally, in support of the Kalopia-Wantuni Republic, at least 5000 men (who could increase soon) of the Istalian Army arrived in Mossavi, while a carrier and five missile destroyers are currently in the seabed between Kafuristan and Kalopia where Fighter and Helicopters are constantly flying to keep the area under control.
The news of more than 30,000 troops on the border has greatly alerted the Istalian Staff of Defence who has received the consent of the President of the Republic to declare the yellow warning status and then it released this message:

The presence of such a number of troops and vehicles on the Kalopian border can only create tensions in the allied government of Helios as well as in that of Romula. That is why we officially announce that the local forces in the area received precise orders: any action or movement of Kafuristan forces directed against the sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni will generate an immediate and adequate response from the Istalian Forces present in the area to back up the Kalopia-Wantunian forces and to defend the sovereignty of the Federal Republic.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:08 am

After years of diplomatic detente, the government re-deploys its forces along the western border
The Thallerist conquest campaign in West Kalopia has alerted the Federal Republic which declared: "Precautionary measure to secure the Republic

HELIOS - After months of uncertainty, with the takeover of power by part of the Thaller's forces in western Kalopia, the Government of the Federal Republic finally decided to act by massively re-deploying the Federal Armed Forces along the western border and again lifting the border controls where thousands of people are trying to move to escape the draconian laws introduced into the new Thallerist dominion. The Federal Government has already announced that it will welcome any western kalopian citizen who will apply for asylum.
East Kalopia-Wantuni's Government has appealed to the whole of Majatra denouncing the incumbent not Majatran invaders that came to the continent to cause destabilization and general chaos as well as the yet another criminal ready to trample on the most basic human rights, and the introduction of the practice of slavery under the Thallerist regime exposes the fears raised by the Federal Government perfectly.
With the takeover of the Thallerist regime, the population's hopes for the country's reunification have finally collapsed, a hope that has become more and more concrete since the fall of the Socialists in the West and therefore with the dialogues between the two Kalopia-Wantuni sustained by Istalia.
The Federal Government, for about six years, led by a reformist party (Progressive Democratic Party, Reformist Socialists, Liberal Republican Party), despite the policies that have tried to make the country more independent from the point of view of defense (Istalia had recently withdrew another 2,000 men from the country also to foster the dialogue between the two Kalopia) finally asked for the Istalian assistance that is already bringing back two armored divisions in the country while the Central Majatran Naval Division will return to rely on a aircraft carrier (the newest Fortezza which will leave Istalia for the first time) and then on three of the new Imperator class missile destroyers.
The Federal Government then issued this statement directly addressed to the new Thallerist regime:

The Federal Government of Kalopia-Wantuni wants to warn this new "Kalopia tyrant" from carrying out any military action against the Federal Republic or against its citizens.
The Federal Republic also officially declares that it does not recognize the new regime in Western Kalopia, a regime of criminals, foreign conquerors and slavers, an illegitime submission through the force of arms.
Finally, the Federal Republic asks the peoples and nations of Majatra not to ignore this threat, this cancer that has been violently installed in Kalopia and which is likely to propagate in other nations.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Reddy » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:23 am

Revolution in al-Najd
February 4262

A new state "the Majatran Republic of al-Najd" has been born today. The secession of al-Najd from the secessionist Kalopia-Wantuni came after months following mass protests by Majatran nationalist groups thought to be egged on by the Kalopian Thallerist regime. The unusually well organised protesters managed to cow the State Shura to pass a number of declarations, most notably one declaring independence from Kalopia-Wantuni, another one purchasing arms helpfully supplied by a neighbourly Kalopia to "defend the revolution." The most controversial declaration by the State Shura was an invitation to Kalopian Tyrant Malgus III Thaller to send in his very close-by troops to "help secure the Majatran Republic's independence", something that Thaller promptly responded to most positively, sending in 25,000 men into al-Najd. It was at this moment that many realised that the whole deployment by Thaller had been nothing but part of a trick to secure a piece of the east when his intrigues had ripened.

Protesters in Malah

The move, clearly orchestrated from Kalopia has seen the Federal Republic in a single stroke, lose its entire southern half. Thaller already facing sanctions from a few individual nations such as Endralon and even worse ones from the Security Council has secured the oil rich al-Najd under his informal rule. Keeping it a formally separate republic is to his benefit as it will be exempt from any sanctions imposed on Kalopia while enjoying the benefits of its oil wealth. That will probably prevent outright annexation of al-Najd but in the eyes of many foreign capitals,, knowing Thaller, the difference is virtually none.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:44 pm

The President of the Republic condamn the rebels and their uprising into the south
The Federal Government considers the Thallerist Hegemony as responsable of this farce leaded by foreign fighters and few wantunian rebels:
the Armed Forces however, taken by surprise, have to retire to the north

The Federal President Karim ibn Yusef Al Nusri has released an adress to the Nation condamning the so called "revolution" which upset the southern Federal State of Al-Najd.
The President stated that what is showed by the thallerist propaganda as a Wantunian revolution is in effect the results of months of underground clandestin operations and in fact the President showed many photos and videos of some of the "revolutionaries": many are clearly foreign fighters.
But the President admitted that they didn't worked alone: a group of few but powerful wantunian tribal chiefs is cooperating with the Thallerist forces and are presenting themself as the new legitime government of the Majatran Republic of Al-Najd.
The President condamned these people as traitors and colaborators of the enemy, which is supporting the Thallerist forces only to put their hands on the rich oil deposit and facilities of Al-Najd:

they are betraying their Nation for some money, nothing else! Thousand of refugees are floding Mossavi from the south and already we have reports and testimony of persecution against political exponents and officials of the Federal Government as well as of the police and the armed forces: I received the reports of an entire police station in Malah which resisted for five days before to be taken by the rebels which murdered all the people inside, where also civilians were present, finding protection into the police station. The Federal Republic will not allow that this horror will continue. I'm ready to authorize the Government to Armed Forces which are reorganizing into the north to proceed as soon as possible to retake what is only a rebel region led by foreign forces with the cooperation of who me, personally, as Wantunian of Al-Najd, don't recognize anymore as Wantunian, Majatran or Federal citizens, but only as traitors of their nation and people.

The Prime Minister Venizelos already counter-signed the passage to the Alert Level 2 while the Foreign Minister Palma Metaxas already sent a communication to the Thallerist Hegemony demanding the retirement of any force in support of the southern rebels within 30 days, after which the Federal Republic will consider the Hegemony intervention as an invasion which will lead to a declaration of the war.
The Federal Republic in fact first of all is acting to deny any form of recognition of the southern republic (doesn't officially recognizing it even as a puppet state in the hand of the Thallers, but describing the rebels only like traitors which is upsetting the souther State of the Federal Republic), but in effect, allegations apart, for the moment there are not legal and full-blow evidence of the connection between the foreign fighters, the rebels and the Thallers. Despite it is clear to the public opinion the connection, without legal and full-blow evidences the Thallers will be always able to oppose this lack of legal and recognized ties showing only an intervention after the revolution and the sold of weapons to the rebels, a less serious position diplomatically and legally if they will recognize the new souther republic as a close ally which "required" an external intervention, and unfurtunately the Thallers always were able to exploit at best the finer points and possible gaps of the International Law, but at the same time this will avoid to the Federal Republic to respect the international law on engagement and war matters which should be respected between two nations and will graant to the northern forces to operate under the domestic rules and laws.

The Federal Forces is retiring from the south covered by the Istalian forces, taken by surprise and attacked from the back when all the forces expected an assault from the Thallerist Hegemony. Furthermore, the Allied forces have been surprised also by brutal form of fighting among them the use of civilians as human shield but also the use of child as soldiers of explosive kamikaze. The Federal Forces, as said, will join the forces into the north to reorganize itself and then proceed to retake the south.
But almost 1000 istalian soldiers are besieged into the most southern istalian base in Al-Najd, close to the city of Dersaadet, whose fate for the moment is uncertain, cut off from any form of possibility to be reached by allied forces.
Istalia seems ready to release a statement toward the situation and sure it will be alongside the Federal Republic but it is ready also to call in support all the members of the Majatran Alliance as well as other Majatran nations which are condamning the Thallerist invasion, and not only:

Even more nations is recognizing the Federal Republic as a Sovereign, legitime and indipendent nation:

Jakania http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535008

Zardugal http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535106

Cildania http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535026

Baltusia http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535117

New Endralon/Kizenia which offered also its active support to defend the independence of the Federal Republic: http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535049

Endralon http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535054

Malivia http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535012

Beluzia http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535092

Likatonia http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535046

Dundorf http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535068

Lourenne http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535241

Dorvik http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=535198
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Reddy » Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:13 pm

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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:56 pm

Al-Najd: the Hell on Terra!
The Federal Defence Forces retook the northernmost cities but dirty tactics and enemies armed to the tooth make hard the advance

The Federal State of Al-Najd doesn't exist anymore, by now devastations and violences transformed Al-Najd into a no-man's-land where terrorist groups, foreign mercenaries and rebels find home.
After the Thallerist forces from Western Kalopia withdrew their support for the Majatran Republic of Al-Najd, the latter was ravaged by the numerous foreign fighters, mercenaries and foreign rebel groups present into the region, arrived in large numbers on invitation of the Thallerist hegemony to fight the Federal Republic but which then, found themself without "financial support" from Western Kalopia, generated the most absolute caos.
The Majatran Republics is reduced to control the inner lands into the center of Al-Najd and a larger area into the east: they fortified the oil fields in the region, on the border of the desertic area which extends dividing the region from Mossavi, the main and most important resource of the Republic which trenched and mined kilometers of desert and deplaced advanced anti-airwarfare missilistic battery, all equipement seized by the reserves of the Federal Defence Force in the south, an area always heavily protected by the Federal Republic for the same necessity to defend the rich oil fields of the southern Federal State.
The rest of the territory is a caoting and fragmented series of "principalities" controlled by war lords, mercenaries and rebels groups, but also international terroristic and criminals organizations which like vultures are profiting of the caos: buying-selling of arms and slave recruitment, then drugs activites as well as the exploitation of the blackmarkets of the refugees (mainly transport and protection since the borders through the war zone in exchange of high ammount of money, but often these people then sell the migrants to the slavers).
The Federal Forces for the moment retook the northermost cities and are taking control of the countryside, especially in the west. But the defensive measures of the east and experienced rebels and mercenaries well armed are slowing the advance.
To generate many difficulties the large use of dirty tactics from the enemies forces: foreign fighters and rebel groups in fact are moving close to sensible places prisoners from all the area, innocent people captured during the caos to be human shields; the placement of bases, weapon facilities, warehouse and so on into urban areas heavily-populated, where the rebels are holding the inhabitants, and use of unconventional warfare tactics increase the difficult of the Federal Forces.
The Federal Republic furthermore have to face now a real exodus from the southern region of people which is escaping the war and the violences. In three years of conflict almost two milion of people moved to the north, placed into refugees camps which borders the desert in southern Mossavi and the situation is became by now openly critically for the Government: it is infact the most serious refugees crisis in Majatra for centuries (which is involving also Jakania).
Venizelos, at his third term as Prime Minister, stated that the financial committement to supoort the war efforts and the refugees crisis are extremely close to become unsustainable for the Federal Republic.
For this reason Vanizelos called for an extraordinary reunion of the Allied Common Executive Committee of the Majatran Alliance to meet the heads of Government of the other State members.
The office of the Prime Minister doesn't announced in details the object of the meeting, but it is clear that the Federal Republic will demand a consistent aid from the Alliance.
The support from Istalia and Zardugal it is virtually sure, but concerns arises looking to Deltaria, which, despite confirmed to want remain part of the Alliance, is also in a critical position given its support for the international front opposite to the sanctions against Western Kalopia.
However, the news about the istalian proposal to the World Congress Security Council to ease the sanctions for the delivering of essential goods aids and to begin the normalization process with the new Western Kalopian Government, could make decrease also the tensions inside the MA.
Vanizelos already two years ago expressed the hope that the Alliance could be able to become even more united focusing its efforts to contrast the foreign and criminals invasion and devastation of an entire nation, now probably he will call for a real humanitarian efforts.
For the moment in Al-Najd the situation remain critics, with the Federal Forces which are organizing the next steps to continue the war which however is consider largely far from over.
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