Badaran Civil War

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Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:22 pm

Opening Months : October-November 4246

Badaran Conscript Militia Assault Active Coalition Positions-Outskirts of Ras El-Haram, Marakesh

Sporadic fighting has occurred in the Union of Badara over the past two months, as Badaran forces come under fire from Coalition forces in the province of Marakesh. Heavy fighting is taking place in the city of Ras El-Haram, where Coalition Paramilitary fighters have taken up positions and formed no go areas, prompting a government attack.
With the outbreak of war the Badaran Military was taken off guard, with several militia convoys attacked and destroyed; their occupants decimated. There are reports that the elusive 'King', Leader of the Coalition's Central Command, was involved in these ambushes, although reports are currently sketchy.
As November began several oil refineries in the province of al-Samarya were attacked, with four destroyed. Badaran military forces guarding the refineries in question were killed and their workers and union leaders are missing, persumed dead.

Oil Refinery in ruins-Northern al-Samarya

Mass Conscription in the opening weeks of the war have led to an increase of 35,000 active military personnel. The government has seized vital industry, and a full war economy is in effect. Defence production is at its largest on record.
A defensive perimeter is being built around the capital, with trenches and bunker complexes, and areas flooded to form natural barriers. Offensive strategies are being formulated for the retaking of the Coalition enclaves in Ras El-Haram in the coming months. What's certain is this war is going to escalate over the winter.

Badaran Army Soldiers drill-outskirts of the Capital Dar as-Salam, al-Samarya
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:06 pm

Badaran Civil War : How Did It Begin?

Badaran T-47 MBT Tanks slowly advance into city-Ras El-Haram, Marakesh

The Badaran Civil War's origins lie in the passing of the Labour Emancipation Act of August 4245 and the subsequent Socialist Revolution that followed. With the universal creation of Democratic Worker's Councils, the capitalist class had all their exclusive private property rights removed, with the property given to the workers to be owned collectively. With the end of Private Property relations, the capitalist class was eliminated as a distinct class, all were now workers, and socialism had been achieved.
However after several months, major King of Mankind Party donors within the Conservative Union; which had still retained their profits from prior to the August Revolution; began plotting a military overthrow. The Leader of Mankind Party, who's members had initially supported the bill, now wanted to return to capitalism. However the early election had overturned their initial majority in the National Assembly, meaning they had no ability to legally and democratically overturn the vote.
Hence, in October 4246, a Coalition of The King of Mankind Party's MARINE Paramilitary, allied to Conservative Union funded Mercenary groups, declared the government of Badara illegitimate, and declared war on the Democratic Communist Party and all who support their aims.

Badaran Government Forces
-Badaran Military (30,000)
-Badaran Militia (5,000)

Coalition Central Command Forces
-MARINE Fighters (5,000 confirmed)
-Foreign fighters (15,000 confirmed)

*Combat Personnel
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:22 am

Operation Marakesh Shield Begins : December 4246

Badaran Attack Helicopters Strike Coalition Positions-Ras El-Haram, Marakesh

The Badaran Military has begun its assault on the Coalition's Enclaves in Ras El-Haram. Helicopter gunships pelted Coalition held buildings with Air to Ground Missiles, leading to retreat from the area. Hand held Anti Air rockets did cause a heavy blow however, when a Badaran helicopter was shot down with the loss of all onboard. Further fighting in the city continues, and doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon.

Wreck of Badaran Attack Helicopter-Outskirts of Ras El-Haram,Marakesh

Ambushes have also occurred throughout the country, with splinter cell units killing Colonel Abdulla Zakir as he drove to an army base in Dar as-Salam. The MARINE fighters responsible are yet to be found. Supply Convoys are also being targeted, with supplies destined from troops stationed in the Capital being destroyed between Marakesh and al-Samarya. The Military assures the BNC that they are looking into the attacks.

A Destroyed Supply Convoy-Eastern al-Samarya
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:20 am

Escalation in the South : January-March 4247

Explosions in the hills above Sutan, al-Salmania

The conflict has escalated in the past three months, as the Coalition invaded vast swaves of the province of al-Salmania, taking Badaran troops off guard. There are reports of Coalition tanks rolling into the cities of Sutan and Bab al-Mira. Badaran military units are being diverted to help push back the invaders.

Heavy fighting continues in the city of Ras El-Haram as Operation Marakesh Shield is in full effect. The Coalition enclaves continue to be rooted out, but at a heavy cost to Badaran Militia Units. The siege seems to not be ending any time soon.

In further news, UNION fighters in al-Samarya caught a convoy of Mercenaries near the town of al-Sharif, leading to heavy fighting and victory to the UNION. Evidence collected from the scene indicates the 'King' himself had spent time embedded in the unit, and that they had been responsible for several of the convoy ambushes which occurred past December. Badaran Military Police are continuing their investigation into the 'King's' identity and whereabouts.

Badaran Infantry engage Coalition forces-Ras El-Haram, Marakesh
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:10 pm

Who are MARINE? : The Coalition's Most Elite and Brutal Force

Image recovered from the body of a MARINE fighter-Ras El-Haram, Marakesh

MARINE is the paramilitary wing of the Leader of Mankind Party, formed after the passing of the Paramilitary Legalisation Act 4245.
Originally a small defensive force for the party, it is now the second largest component of the Coalition, and its most Elite Unit. It is composed of the 'King's' closest and best Fighters, and has been involved in many of the most serious Splinter Cell campaigns, such as the attacks of al-Samaryan Oil Refineries, and the assassination of Badaran colonel Abdulla Zakir in the very heart of Dar as-Salam.
Their brutality has been well documented, with tales of murder, kidnap and torture. Reports of deaths of Prisoners of War via beating with clubs and bats have led to them becoming infamous among Badaran Army troops. They remain the most feared unit in the Coalition's arsenal, and a force to be reckoned with on the battlefields of Badara.

Ambushed Oil Convoy-al-Samarya Oil Field
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:31 pm

Ceasefire : March 4247

Bullet Ridden Streets-Ras El-Haram, Marakesh

A ceasefire has been declared across the front line. Organised by the Security Council at the request of the Istalian Government, fighting has stopped in the provinces of Marakesh, al-Salmania and al-Samarya. Positions are still being held by both sides. There are reports of a possible negotiation to be held in Istalia, a neutral nation, some time in the coming months.
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:25 pm

Uneasy Peace Continues : March-June 4247

Badaran Soldier Relaxs As Ceasefire Continues-Sutan, al-Salmania

An uneasy peace has settled after months of war, as Badaran Soldiers dig in. Silence and mistrust replace violence and certainty. A new reality begins, one of vigilance, preparedness and boredom.
Civilians are using the lull in fighting to leave occupied areas. Refugee Camps are being set up in peaceful provinces, and empty houses in the cities are being given to refugees from the countryside.
Negotiations are still being made for peace talks set to be taking place in Romula, Istalia; although the Coalition has so far refused to send a representative.

Refugee Camp-Khabai, al-Fostat
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:47 am

Training Continues as Tensions Flare : July-October 4247

Badaran Military Police drill-Dar as-Salam, al-Samarya

Badaran Military training continues to improve, as mock military exercises are being carried out far behind the lines, with the support of paramilitary groups, most notably al-Aitihad al-Muqatilin (UNION Fighters).
Further fortifications are being dug in the cities of Sutan, Ras El-Haram and Dar as-Salam. The military is contracting new vehicles from abroad as part of a wider move to increase the size of the military and to provide significant firepower to the newly formed Badaran Conscript Militia. Bills are being prepared to minimise movement of weapons into the country via illegal channels, in an attempt to decrease the flow of arms into Coalition held areas.
The talks have so far still showed no signs of starting, promoting people to fear the worst. President of the Republic Amari said in a recent press release:
I assure the people of Badara that these negotiations are still going to take place. The current political situation between us and the Coalition is understandably tense. However I have faith that both sides are open to negotiating peace.

Coalition Forces Train-Unknown Location
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:47 pm

Negotiations Begin in Istalia : November 4247

Delegates at World Congress Office-Romula, Istalia

Negotiations have began at the World Congress Office in the Istalian capital, Romula, on the possibility of a peaceful end to the Badaran Civil War.
Abu Bakr Sharik, Delegate Minister for Foreign Affairs, began the negotiations with the following statement:
Firstly, the Government of Badara wishes to thank the Government of Istalia for organising these negotiations and for facilitating talks and communications between the two warring parties. They have been a great help in the peace process and we hope these negotiations will be successful.

The Negotiations have brought hope to millions, as peace signs are exchanged by all members of the public. There is a real feeling that these negotiations will bring about lasting change to a country, and a people, who have suffered a year of war.

Civilians at Khabi Refugee Camp, al-Fostat

The Conference can be seen here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=7473
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Re: Badaran Civil War

Postby RedReaper » Sat Jul 29, 2017 8:32 pm

Terrorist Attacks at the World Congress Office in Istalia, at the BNC and at the Istalian Embassy Prompt an end to the Ceasefire : November 4248

Paramedics treat wounded Outside World Congress Office-Romula, Istalia

Terrorist attacks have occurred at the World Congress Office in Romula, Istalia,the Badaran News Channel offices and the Istalian Embassy in Dar as-Salam, al-Samarya, aswell as thousands of raids, ambushes and massacres carried out throughout Badara. The attacks were carried out almost simultaneously, a total of 275 people have died in the attacks.
In Istalia, the attacks occurred during the Badaran Civil War Conference, and the Conference was specifically targeted by the gunman. 5 people are dead, including the Badaran Foreign Minister Abu Bakr Sharik and the gunman, and 7 are wounded, including the Istalian Prime Minister Fatima el-Nouri and President Lavinia Maggi. The gunman opened fire at point blank range in the Conference room. He screamed, "For the King!! Negotiations are over!", before being shot by Istalian Security Forces. The gunman was masked and was wearing MARINE paramilitary uniform and insignia.
The second attack occurred at the BNC offices while they reported the attack in Romula. Several gunmen burst into the office throwing grenades and firing wildly with their AKMs.13 people died, including Alya Shar live on air, and 21 were wounded. She was killed using a bat, wielded by a MARINE officer, while she was beginning her reporting. Claims that this officer was the 'King' himself have yet to be verified.
A third attack occurred at the Istalian Embassy in Dar as-Salam. A bomb went off and militants stormed the building. Several Istalian Soldiers and diplomats have been captured and hung by militants, the rest killed in the crossfire. A total of 21 people died and 62 were wounded. Aid workers have also been targeted, with a total of 237 killed in a series of raids, ambushes and massacres, prompting humanitarian aid in Badara to be withdrawn. MARINE have claimed all attacks.

Istalian Embassy On Fire After Attack-Dar as-Salam, al-Samarya

The Ceasefire ended as soon as news reached the front. Ras El-Haram returned to scenes of brutal fighting not seen in over a year. Abdul Amari has ordered a full frontal assault to, ''Destroy the terroristic fascist vermin wherever they hide!''
In other News, the Patriotic Guard, a paramilitary wing of the Gaduridos Coalition Government party United Party for Progress, have joined the Coalition Forces in Badara, landing in occupied territory in al-Salmania in ships disguised as cargo boats. Abdul Amari has stated that this will be regarded as a military invasion by the nation of Gaduridos, and that the Guard should leave Badara before a state of war is declared between our two nations. So far the Gaduridos government has remained silent.

Patriotic Guard Fighters in the Coastal Jungle-southern al-Salmania
Last edited by RedReaper on Sun Sep 17, 2017 3:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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