Vorona open doors for million immigrants

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Vorona open doors for million immigrants

Postby reformist2024 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:37 pm

VORONA could be your home: A million immigrants will be welcomed in the country

In a Vorona's Foreign Affairs Ministry decision (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=702259), known as ** Pro Immigration Act 5464/FA/01M**, signed by the minister Mr. Noah Brown, Government of Vorona expressed "its unwavering commitment to human dignity and the collective prosperity of our global community".

Pro Immigration Act, clarifies that the laws of Vorona are immigrant friendly, and they will be open the border for a million citizen from other countries in Terra, who want to live a secure and prosper life, in a country which respect the freedom. As the Act affirms, Vorona "stands as a sanctuary for those fleeing oppression and seeking freedom".
Also, Vorona;s Government calculates that by accepting such a large number of immigrants, will give a big push to the economic development of the country.

VAID (Vorona Aid) and other relevant state departments shall oversee the implementation of this decision. Just one week after decision, Vorona's embassies across Terra have received thousands of requests for repatriation in Vorona, especially in dictatorial states, but also from ethnic minorities across Terra.
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