Great Dovani War

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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby Jalal Al-e-Ahmad » Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:53 pm

EEL123 wrote:
radkid1994 wrote:We would like to point out Zardgul has never passed or even proposed a bill concerning the Colonies in Squibble.

That is precisely our point. The colonials are not treated as second-class citizens; they are considered the citizens of Zardugal and are not mistreated.

Because they are citizens of Zardugal, they are inherently mistreated. Zardic law is a bloated Corporate-funded Think-Tank farce of false liberty.

What of Positive Liberty?
Is this aspect represented in Zardugal? In the Congress For Liberty?
No. Only debates surrounding the virtues of Negative Liberty. Only freedom from State, freedom from Destiny.
What you aspire to as revolutionaries is a new master. You will get one. - Jacques Lacan
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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby PaleRider » Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:42 pm

Presidential Palace, Belgae
President DiGama was meeting with the Defense Minister Jack Howard along with key national security advisors forming a private War Council to prosecute the war. The Naval Chief of Operations, Rear Admiral Harold Jones rose and gave his account on the state of the fleet.
"Well gentlemen, we took a battering at Portsmouth. Nearly half the fleet was wipped out or crippled in the attack though with reserve ships called up we are at 3/4 pre-attack strength. The dockyards at Battle Creek and Kostandian Bay are running at full capacity building a new fleet to challenge the Indralan threat. However our current capacity is stretched at the moment and given the distance between ourselves and our colonies and enemies we have no choice but to wait a while longer before meaningful action is taken, sir."
"Well this is quite, unexpected. Not like we need the colonies anyways." mummered DiGama. "Tell me General Harkin, were our forces pulled out before the attack?"
Major General James Harkin was Chief of Army Operations,"Yes sir. The last troops arrived 2 days before the attack."
"Very good." said DiGama. "We will not be going to liberate the colonies. Instead we will concentrate our armed forces and efforts at challenging Indrala direcrtly. Order our submarines to start targeting Indralan naval and commerical ships along with what parts of the surface fleet we can spare. This session is over."
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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby Polites » Mon Aug 06, 2012 6:44 pm

Crusaders and Kalopians Land in Medina
May 3345

Kalopian Forces landing on Medina's eastern beaches

The allied troops of Indrala, the Barmenian Crusaders and the Kalopian armed forces, have landed in the Zardic colony of Medina, situated in Dovani's South Eastern peninsula. The allies are expected to link with the Indralan Eastern Army somewhere around the colony of Vasser, thus completing the conquest of the Federated States of Dovani, in several months. So far, the invading forces have met with only minimal resistance, consisting of several thousand colonial self-defense forces, after the Zardic Prime Minister's illegal declaration of independence for the colonies. It is likely that, except in the case of obvious violations of human rights and of ius in bello, Zardugal will not attempt to counterattack in the colonies themselves, and rather target Indrala's supply lines and hope that their overextended troops on the mainland run out of supplies.

Indrala Responds to Luthori and Zardic Accusations
"Zardugal and Luthori are the Real Warmongers" Says Prince Cao
November 3345

The imperialist devils in Luthori and Zardugal claim we are inhuman and criminal barbarians, and that we are power hungry warmongers. But I tell you this: Zardugal and Luthori are the real warmongers. They count on millions of troops and guns and warplanes, and have dedicated all their efforts into keeping their huge empires subjugated. Luthori wants to play a numbers game with us. They say that their budget and troops far surpass ours. And so it is. They spend more than 90 percent of their budget into military spending. More than 90! They keep their people starving, so they can satisfy their territorial appetites. Indrala, with a GDP only slightly smaller, spends only 20% of her budget on defense, while we keep our eyes on the needs of the people. Zardugal, too, spends almost half of her money on its armies. I do wonder who the colonials would love more, the white devils, who spend all their hard earned money on tanks and planes and guns, or us, who would feed them and offer them a decent life? The imperialists may have numbers on their side, but destiny is on ours.

Cao Yiji, His Grace the Most High, Noble, and Potent Prince
Foreign Minister of the Great Empire of Indrala and the Mingzhi Dynasty
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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby EEL123 » Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:09 pm

Campaign against Indralan shipping begins
Finance Minister John Carey and Trade & Industry Minister Suzan Brookhart gave a joint statement stating that
The stunning success of our emergency economic reforms has allowed us to produce an incredible amount of weaponry and supplies. The current rate of arms production is almost unprecedented in Zardic history. With our factories turning out guns, cannons, fighter jets and ships, we are now fully prepared, in terms of materiel, to engage the Indralan forces in battle.

With Zardic forces ready to attack, a large fleet of submarines has surreptitiously crept into Indralan waters, targeting their shipping and military supply ships. Several small ships have also been laying mines with the protection of larger ships, before the surface ships turned away for the safety of Kafuri, the Zardic, ports. The Zardic government states that it intends not to engage Indralan force in the colonies, but rather strangle them. However, supplies are being airdropped to colonials to prevent them from starving as well.
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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby Fred » Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:00 pm

The Imperial Seal-Bearer replied to Indralan sneers today in a statement to press, outside the Diet. Asked for his response to the accusation that people were starving in Luthori because of defence spending, he quipped: "Here in the civilised part of the world, the people are free to buy their own food."
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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby EEL123 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:29 am

Bombing of Indrala
Last night, hundreds of thousands of Indralan citizens awoke with a start as Zardugal, for the first time, returned fire against Indrala itself in retaliation for the attack on the Zardic fleet. A massive Zardic air armada flew over Indrala to lay waste to large tracts of strategic infrastructure, in a manner much akin to the protracted - and highly effective - air campaign against al'Badara a decade earlier. Another similarily between the attack on Indrala and the earlier bombing of al'Badara was the use of precision munitions to limit civilian casualties. The first raid was primarily aimed at four targets, the oil fields in Magsalaya, factories in urban areas, several major ports, and most importantly, the four large military airfields in the interior of the nation. The air campaing against Indrala went off to a smooth start, dealing extensive damage to Indrala's ability to produce for the war effort, ship supplies to their troops in the Zardic colonies, and defend its airspace. In contrast, the extensive planning that typifies senior Zardic commanders meant that any Indralan attempt to repel the attackers were unsuccessful, leading to very low casualties.
Dengzhou suffered extensive damage

The Zardic Air Force also got an opportunity to try out the Aeron Zardic Eagle, a state-of-the-art combat UAV. A Defence Ministry spokesman told assembled journalists about the drones' performace:
We're impressed - very impressed. Aeron Industries has produced a lethal and effective weapon, the likes of which have never been seen before. This unmanned aircraft is very promising, and lives up to the hype about its incredible potential. We will definitely be using it more in the future.

The Zardic Eagle during exercises

Regarding the raid, the Zardic Foreign Minister said that
This attack, struck in the name of liberty, has been a highly successful blow against the militaristic and oppressive Indralan government. I must congratulate the brave pilots who executed this attack so flawlessly, the commanders who led their men with incredible ability, and the workers - the backbone of the Zardic nation - at home who produced the arms that were needed for this air raid. It has been an amazing victory that surpassed even the most optimistic expectations. However, this is only the beginning. We have already set up a naval exclusion zone around Indralan waters to prevent ships from entering and exiting their waters. Now, blow by blow, we will push forwards until we achieve the golden prize of victory. I have said many times that it will not be easy. But if we are willing to suffer in the service of our nation, both on the battlefield and on the home front, eventual victory cannot be doubted.

However, along with his exhortations and praise, his message contained a darker element as he reiterated the threat of nuclear retaliation against Indrala:
I know that this air raid has severly damaged some Indralan infrastructure that their corrupt and evil overlords would surely like to have so that their aggressive goals are more easily obtained. I am sure that the Indralan government is at this very moment thinking of devious schemes of revenge. The government of Zardugal warns them that if they for a minute attempt to commit horrific atrocities against Dovani civilians, or mistreat Zardic prisoners, in response to the bombing, we will carry out our threat to use nuclear arms against Indrala.

Meawhile, the Zardic Air Force has also been engaged in supply drops to provide Dovani civilians with supplies, as Zardic ships would find it far more difficult to get through. The Indralan troops, on the other hand, are beginning to fear supply problems, which will surely begin within weeks or even days with the deteriorating supply situation due to the Zardic submarines patrolling the naval exclusion zone.
Supplies being dropped to civilians

Trade & Industry Minister Suzan Brookhart gave reporters an update on the situation in Zardugal itself:
The Zardic government is proud to announce that both of the Zardic aircraft carriers damaged in the Indralan surprise attack have now been fully repaired and will be beginning operations shortly. Additionally, a new aircraft carrier - among the most advanced in all of Terra, will be soon be joining them.

ZNS Belgae returns to service after sustaining heavy damage
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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby EEL123 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:13 pm

Indralan terrorist plot foiled
Today the Department of Military Intelligence, subordinate to the Defence Ministry, announced that several Indralan operatives were caught making explosives for a car-bombing against the Cabinet Building during a cabinet meeting in an attempt to 'decapitate' the Zardic government. The operatives, whose identities remain undisclosed, are being detained in a maximum-security military prison and may face trial for espionage and terrorism, both of which carry the maximum penalty of death. The Foreign Minister noted that while captured enemy soldiers could not be executed, spies and saboteurs were not granted such protection under international law.
One of the captured Indralan state-sponsored terrorists
According to information given by one of the operatives during interrogation by the Department of Military Intelligence, the bombers intended to detonate a bomb in a garbage bin in a busy street to act as a distraction for police. They would then drive a large truck filled with a mixture of ammonium nitrate and nitromethane, boosted with several hydrogen canisters, up to the Cabinet Building, and detonate it at approximately 10am. A similar but smaller explosive device in sedan would then detonate to disrupt the rescue operation, increasing the number of fatalities both directly and indirectly.
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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby Polites » Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:34 pm

Official transmission from the Indralan Imperial Gazette
Hundreds Killed in Zardic Attack on Hospital; Empress Consort Suffered Miscarriage
Dengzhou, 1nd month of the 6th year of the Xin Era (January 3346)


Zardugal's atrocities in this war know no bounds, and their actions go against all divine and human laws. Last night, the imperialist barbarians began a terror campaign against the Indralan civilians, on the territory of Indrala herself, bombing the innocents in their own homes. The most appalling of the devils' war crimes was the bombing of a hospital in Dengzhou, resulting in the loss of life of 247 patients and health workers, with many more left injured. And, oh blasphemy of blasphemies, among the injured is the wife of the Son of Heaven, Her Imperial Majesty Takanashi Akane the Empress Consort herself! While Her Imperial Majesty is now safe and stable, the Empress was with child when the bombing took place, resulting in the death of the Son of Heaven's son and future heir.

And this atrocity is not the only one of Zardugals numerous war crimes in Indrala. The devils claim that their bombing campaign is restricted to strategic targets, like military infrastructure and factories, and that they are doing their best to protect the civilians. These are all horrible lies! It is as if the barbarians did not know that most of Indrala's factories also house the workers, serving as both their home and their workplace. So whatever blatant lies the Zardic dogs may tell, what they are doing is bombing innocent civilians in their own homes!

Appalled by the unspeakable Zardic attrocities, and by the impious attack on the Empress Consort herself, millions of Indralans have taken to the streets to protest against Zardugal's war crimes. All of Terra ought to join them in indignation and condemnation, as there are the actions of heartless animals.

"Death to Zardugal!" chant the Indralan protesters

OOC: I began a wiki article about the war, here :
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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby Farsun » Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:58 am

Dorvish Foreign Minister blasts Indrala.

Haldor, Kordusia - The Dorvish Foreign Minister, Dmitrii Alkaev has blasted the nation of Indrala for their attacks on Dovani and attacking Zardugal in an unprovoked attack. Dorvik, a nominally neutral country has undergone a radical shift in it's political structure and has adapted be more international in the recent months, especially when it comes to conflict. The Dorvish Foreign Minister was questioned about the topic by reporters after a Council of Ministers meeting, he laughed and responded after a few moments of though. "The Indralans have displayed absolute ignorance and dishonesty. They have attacked a neutral nation, one that has been relatively peaceful since the end of the Great Majatran War. Indrala is not looking for "liberation" or "freedom" they are seeking to become an Empire. While Zardugal is not innocent, Indrala is merely playing to get more power and ground on Dovani. It's something that is expected from a nation after they undergo a revolution." The Minister was not rebuked by the President, Felix Bohm who echoed his Minister's words by offering aide to Zardugal.

President Bohm ordered wargame exercises for the Dorvish Navy just off the coast of Kordusia. It is unknown if Dorvik is preparing for war, but if they are it's widely believed that the Dorvish forces might swing the balance of power in favor of the Zardugal and their allies. No comment has come from either side regarding possible Dorvish intervention but it is believed that eventually they will relent and issue a statement.
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Re: Great Dovani War

Postby EEL123 » Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:55 am

Zardugal investigates bombing of hospital
The Zardic government has opened an official investigation into the bombing of an Indralan hospital, according to the Foreign Minister:
Zardugal is a country that has great respect for its obligations under international law, and we always take all possible measures to protect the lives of civilians during wartime. It is not the policy of the Zardic government - and will never be our policy - to attack hospitals, and nor do we condone such acts. Therefore, we take the recent incident in which a Zardic missile hit an Indralan hospital very seriously and will take all necessary steps to prevent such a thing from happening again. We deeply regret the fact that civilians were killed and injured.
The Zardic Defence Ministry and Justice Ministry have opened a joint investigation into the incident to ensure that we can pin down the reason for this tragedy and prevent its recurrence.
However, I must also point out the blatant and shameless hypocrisy of the Indralan government. We did not intend to attack this hospital, yet they accuse us of being 'barbarians', 'animals' and 'devils'. On the other hand, the Indralan government seems to find that their attacks on Zardic civilians, and surprise attacks too, that cost the lives of over five hundred non-combatants, are completely justified and morally right. This double standard should disgust the international community. The Indralans are the true criminals because they have absolutely no concern for human life; in contrast to this attitude, we are attempting to rectify past errors.

The Zardic Attorney-General at today's press conference
Attorney-General Malcolm Rochell also gave information on the status of the investigation:
We are of course very upset that civilians have been killed, so we have seriously pursued an investigation into the matter. The pilot who fired this missile has been suspended from service, and the missile used has also been grounded.
Our investigation has already begun. We have examined the aircraft concerned, and we have paid particularly close attention to the inputs that the computer received from the pilot. The missile, the ZFS C-77f, has also been been scrutinised for design flaws. Obviously, the pilot of the fighter jet has also been interviewed. While no definitive results have been obtained, a preliminary report has been drafted. So far, the evidence suggests that the missile misfired due to an electrical fault.

ZFS C-77f air-to-surface missile
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