Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Martinulus » Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:27 am

The new Selucian Arch-Patriarch, Justus X, having taken his name from the ecumenically-minded Arch-Patriarch and Saint Justus III (also known as "Arch-Patriarch Justus the Great"), has taken great personal interest in the Council and is privately meeting with delegates. In the meantime, the Scriba of the Convocation for the Promotion of Hosian Reunification and the Scriba for the Convocation of the Doctrine give the following statement:

The Selucian Patriarchal Church recognises and professes the Supremacy of the See of St. Michael Vigilius as one of the key tenets of the apostolic and ecumenical faith. However, the succession to the Bishopric of Auroria, which proceeds from the Most Holy Apostle Michael, has been unbroken despite the dark ages. Theologically, there can be no question that the perceived transfer to Çachtiche is, with all due respect to our brothers and sisters, spurious and ill-informed. The now almost abandoned (praise be to God!) flirtation with heathen Deltarian polytheism is further proof of this - a true Apostolic Succession would never lead to such grave errors. If there is to be a single successor Michael Vigilius, we insist that his See must be in Auroria as that is the only proper interpretation of apostolic succession.

Important as the proper and right interpretation of the Supremacy of St. Michael is to mending the Great Patriarchal Schism and restoring the one true Apostolic and Ecumenical Hosian Church, the fathers of this Ecumenical Council should realise that this issue will likely break proceedings off before they properly begin. If there is sufficient common ground on the doctrine of the Ecumenical Church to mend the schism, this Council should examine if we can restore a single Patriarchal hierarchy under a new Ecumenical Arch-Patriarch in Auroria, irrespective of the denomination that Arch-Patriarch belongs to. The Arch-Patriarchal dignity could even be retained by the Sees of Ville-de-Saints and Çachtiche. There is precedent in the Selucian tradition for this as we had elected particular Patriarchs before in the Church Province of Keymon.

It is most heartening that all Patriarchal Churches still profess the Aurorian Creed. Regarding the Canon of Scripture, we think it imperative to salvation and doctrinal purity that the Council of Auroria's canon of the First Word consisting of the Yeudi scriptures and the New Word of the Annunciation be upheld, without any foreign supplements. The veneration of saints which have adopted aspects of old gods is common practice, but we will not ever legitimise the beliefs of any pagan religion in church doctrine. The Church has no need of such supplements, given that through the grace of Our Lord Eliyahu Hosios, God has made the whole world His people, a light first only revealed to the Yeudis.

We should continue based on the unadultered Aurorian Creed. In this, we are most gratified by the new openness of our Theognosian brothers and sisters.

(OOC: I am reassuming the SPC Arch-Patriarchate with the consent of egelian)
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Polites » Thu Jun 04, 2015 3:09 pm

Council Reconvened

The successor to Selucian Arch-Patriarch Justus X, His Holiness Thomas VI, calls upon the Aurorian Hosian Churches to reconvene in the Empyrean Temple and resume the Council. Due to political and religious difficulties in Selucia the Council had been unofficially cancelled, but now those negative circumstances have been brought to an end. The Jelbic War, the Barmenian Refugee Crisis, the successive dictatorships of Caius Cassius Sophus and Octavia Flavia Hadriana, the brief Selucian Civil War, and the rise in religiously-motivated violence, as well as the strong reemergence of Paganism left Selucia mired in civil and political strife, making Auroria unsafe for the purposes of an Ecumenical Council and negatively affecting relations between the Selucian Patriarchal Church and the young Selucian Republic. But now Selucia is again at peace, and the Church has reached a settlement with the Selucian state that will protect its rights and freedom; the most important provision of the agreement is the recognition of sovereignty for the Empyrean Temple and guarantees for the free practice of Selucian Hosianism.

So now that peace again reigns in Selucia Arch-Patriarch Thomas VI reconvenes the new Council of Auroria, hoping to reunite the Aurorian Patriarchal Churches under the same principles as those put forward by his predecessors: recognition of the Aurorian Creed, acceptance of Aurorian Churches with valid Apostolic Succession, the Primacy of the See of Saint Michael, the acceptance of the Aurorian biblical cannon, and the rejection of un-Hosian innovations in doctrinal matters.

Arch-Patriarch Thomas VI and Marius Cardinal Valentinianus, Scriba of the Convocation for the Doctrine of the Faith

OOC: As I have a leadership position in the SPC org, I assumed control over the Arch-Patriarch for RP purposes, with consent from SelCru, Egalion, and Kubrick, three leaders in the organization.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Antani Sfini » Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:26 am

Bishop Gregory of Romula was elected Arch-Patriarch of the Theognosian Church under the istalian name of Benedetto V


ROMULA - The Theognosian Church has a new ruler: his name is Benedict V, already known in the news around the world when, still a bishop, during the Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council he intervened opening the possibility of a reunification of the Churches under the guidance of the Patriarchal Pope. His regency, therefore, should usher in a season of openings and new ways, breaking centuries of enmity and violence that have separated the faithful hosian of the entire planet Terra.
After the appointment, Benedict V said: "The Holy One, the Merciful and the Gracious Eliyahu wanted me as his servant to bring peace, justice and love among all peoples of Terra and first of all among the faithful hosian. The division is the strenght of the evil, unity the seal of good".

Expect big news from this new course of the Theognosian Church. Can Benedict V satisfy alone the longing for unity of all the faithful? Its support for the Council could already make the sides in the other Churches and build an alliance able to realize the dream of unity in the short term.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Polites » Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:30 pm

Scriba Valentinianus invites Benedetto V to Auroria


On behalf of Selucian Arch-Patriarch Thomas VI, the Scriba of the Convocation for the Doctrine of the Faith Marius Cardinal Valentinianus congratulated His Holiness Benedetto V on his recent election as Arch-Patriarch of the Theognosian Church. The Scriba expressed his joy at the election of former Bishop Gregory of Romula, who was during the previous session of the Council the most ardent supporter of Aurorian reunification. Now that Benedetto leads the Theognosian Church, hopes for unification are very high, as the new Arch-Patriarch is also the first to break away from centuries of Canrillaise domination of Ville de Saints, as well as the first to adopt a non-Canrillaise pontifical name. Scriba Valentinianus thus invited Benedetto V to lead the Theognosian delegation and participate in the Council in the Empyrean Temple in person.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby TheNewGuy » Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:15 pm

Patriarch of Quanzar and Solentia to attend Patriarchal Churches Council

It is a title long disputed in Southern Majatra - "Patriarch of Quanzar and Solentia." The very existence of a title so prestigious as a Patriarchate of the Theognosian Church with overt reference to the long-extinct nation of Quanzar has been a thorn in the side of Istalians for centuries. But it was the decision of Thegnosian Church's founding fathers, and so it is difficult to discount, particularly in the ultra-conservative Theognosian faith.

Indri Maurin, Patriarch of Quanzar and Solentia, announced Monday that he would join the Arch-Patriarch - an Istalian - in the Empyrean Temple in Selucia for a council of Hosian Patriarchal Churches. The Patriarch's presence, however, is not seen as one of outright support for Arch-Patriarch Benedetto. Maurin was, in fact, Bishop Gregory of Romula's foremost opponent in the recent Arch-Patriarchal election. The two are said to share an "adversarial" relationship by some close to the pair.

The Patriarch of Quanzar and Solentia has been notably less inclined throughout his career toward reconciliation with the other Patriarchal churches. The Theognosian Church has a long history of independence, and the official line of the Theognosian Church is that the Ville de Saints - not the See of Saint Michael - is the center of legitimate Hosianism on Terra. The Patriarch has also objected to the Istalian name taken by Gregory - who styles himself Benedetto - upon his ascension, stating that it signifies "loyalty to the whims of man rather than to the commands of Eliyahu."

It remains to be seen what the delegation of Quanzar and Solentia will bring to the table in Selucia. Theirs is by far the most reticent delegation to accept the changes proposed by Thomas VI, and it is likely that significant communication will be necessary to convince the Patriarch to support reconciliation.
I once was full of promise. Oops.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby egalion » Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:12 am

Church in Egelion arrives to Auroria

This morning, a huge delegation of 11 cardinals, 20 Archbishops and a total of 300 bishops, priests, and theologians, have left Egelion to reach Auroria for the Council. THe King himself have paid salute to the members of the church attending, and has expressed his hopes in a successful outcome of this extraordinary event. "Hosianism can be a source of peace among nations, and I hope that this event will facilitate agreement among nations." The King has given a number of special gifts, including a golden crucifix and a beutiful painting, to give to the Arch-Patriarch and other leaders in the council.
The bishops of Egelion salute King Pedro Miguel and the Queen before they leave for Auroria

More than 300 participants to the council will come from Egelion; this number comes to no suprise, since Egelion is considered the most SPC country in Terra. More than 90 million Selucian Hosians are baptized, with more than 75% being active. Egelion is home to many beautiful churches and examples of Hosian art. Additionally, the Church has a huge role in the social care of Egelonian citizens, taking care of the poor and the needy. Many orders and congregations, including the Order of the Holy Eliauh and the Congrgation of Mercy, were born in Egelion. Many missionaries leave to go all around Terra and spread Hosianity.

The church in Egelion has a long history of dialogue for unity. Many consider the Second Council of Auroria to have been generated in Hosian circles in Egelion, that were seeking peace with fellow Hosians in Keris and all Terra. Egelonian people have shown their support to Peace and Unity with a huge manifestation in Demar Solad to honor the council. More than 4 million have participated.

The bishops of the province of Ghadrash

"We have great hopes" said BIshop Ramirez of Borianoburgo "This Council can be transformaive for Terra in these times of unstability and hate"
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Antani Sfini » Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:54 am

Benedetto V, Arch-Patriarch of the ☨ Theognosian Church ☨, arrives at the Council


AURORIA - Benedetto V arrived at the Council of Auroria with an impressive delegation as entourage. There are the five patriarchs head of the national Churches (Rildanor, Kanjor, Alduria, Lourenne, and Istalia-Solentia), 30 cardinals and 80 bishops with their sequels.

The new leader of the Theognosian Church took part in the Council and strongly wants the unity of the Churches. His position will be clarified by his intervention. For now it is rumored that the proposal of Benedetto is to bring together the various Churches under one official believe and one Pope, established in Auroria, while maintaining the traditions of the various denominations.

His idea will surely find resistances within the same Thegnosian family, but to this leader does not lack the ability to find a compromise as possible in compliance with all the current opinions.
Last edited by Antani Sfini on Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby TheNewGuy » Sat Jun 06, 2015 2:30 pm

Antani Sfini wrote:(snip)the five patriarchs of local national Churches(snip)

OOC: Ahem...
I once was full of promise. Oops.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby Polites » Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:38 pm

Council Begins


Co-chaired by the two Arch-Patriarchs of the orthodox Aurorian Churches, the second session of the Second Council of Auroria begins today, on the 14th of December 3857. Bishops, Cardinals, and Patriarchs representing most of the Aurorian Hosian world have assembled once again in the Empyrean Temple, after a sixty-year hiatus caused by political and religious conflict in Selucia. Now that the conflict has been brought to an end, Hosian unity seems to be closer than ever. The two Arch-Patriarchs chairing the Council have both expressed strong views in favour of unification under the See of Saint Michael. Conspicuously absent from the second session is the Terran Patriarchal Church, who had been present sixty years ago. It is likely that neither the TPC or the Churches currently in Council would be willing to accept unity, due to the former's continued acceptance of pagan deities and the reluctance of the Pápež to accept anyone as his superior or even equal.

The main issues to be discussed remain the same as for the previous session:
† The core beliefs of Hosianism
† The legacy of the Holy Apostolic Church of Terra
† The relationships between the Patriarchal Churches
† The role of Patriarchal Hosianism in Terra and the modern world
† Other Issues raised by the delegates

In his opening speech, Arch-Patriarch Thomas VI remarked that there remains no obstacle to full unification. He announced he would resign his Vigilate, provided his Theognosian counter-part did the same, so that a mutually acceptable single Arch-Patriarch can succeed them both in Auroria. He also emphasized the need for the new Church to avoid the opposite pitfalls of excessive centralization, as currently seen in the Terran Patriarchal Church, and excessive decentralization, as practiced by the Apostolic Church of the East. Instead, the Arch-Patriarch proposed that the new Church recognize individual component churches as self-governing particular churches, each based on a particular Rite and liturgic tradition, with the Arch-Patriarch in Auroria reigning as the Successor of Saint Michael over all. In terms of theology, His Holiness Thomas VI emphasized the Hosian Bible and Sacred Tradition as the only acceptable sources of Hosian dogma, repeating previous Arch-Patriarchs' condemnation of un-Hosian innovations such as Deltarian polytheism or Hosio-Felinism.

It appears that such sentiments are reflected throughout the Selucian and Theognosian hierarchies, meaning that full unification may remain a simple formality.
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Re: Holy Hosian Patriarchal Churches Council

Postby egalion » Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:25 am

In the Name of Elyon and Eliyahu
Unity and Peace in God
The Archbishop of Midmont, Patriarch of the Church in Egelion

The Archbishop of Midmont, head of the biggest local Church in Terra, has made a strong plea for unity in front of the council Fathers. His words came from the united efforts of 19 cardinals, 50+ bishops and countless clergy and laity in Egelion. He is also supported by a number or religious orders and many members of the church hierarchy outside of Egelion. His long speech addressed the issues brought forth by the Arch-Patriarch Thomas.

† The core beliefs of Hosianism

What we believe has already been put forth by out predessors, the council fathers of Auroria millenia ago. We shall not stray, nor change what has been given to us as word of Elyon. The Creed of Auroria shall remain imperishable for ever. Indeed, the faithful throughout Terra have lost their will to adhere the comandments of Elyon and terrible situation we live in is nothing but the consequences of this betrayal. We shall go back to our roots, and revive our beliefs.

† The legacy of the Holy Apostolic Church of Terra

The Holy Apostolic Church is not only the cornerstone of Hosianity, but the very cornerstone of Terra too. The unbent faith fo the Holy Fathers of Auroria has not extinguished and today runs in our blood. The survival of Terra is undoubtedly tied to the survival of the Gospel of Auroria. It's legacy gives us strength and unites us.

† The relationships between the Patriarchal Churches

Sin, war, greed and Terran imperfection have brought astray and divided the Hosians. Despite our differences, we are in dire need to look to what unites us. In all of us the teaching of the Holy Apostolic Church are still alive. Only together we will be able to spread the gospel to all men. Our churches desperately need to bring once again all Hosians under the true see of St. Michael.

† The role of Patriarchal Hosianism in Terra and the modern world

Many false gods inhabit Terra; and I'm not only referring to false religions, but also to the religions of power, money, greed, egoism, and war. It is fundamental that the Hosian Church may once again lead this world towards the truth of Elyon, peace and righteousness. For too many year divisions among us have prevented our legitimate efforts to bring Terra under the will of Elyon. Not only the true church has lost its unity, but indeed many altered, impure and imperfect forms of religion that call themselves Hosian were born: Luthoranism, Bishopalism, and many other subversive creeds have ruined the Hosian message. The True church, that we represent, shall unite and bring once again the true form of Hosianity.
Every day we hear of violence, fanaticism, and war throughout our planet. It is time to bring the peace and the righteousness to of Elyon. it is time to end Terra's obsession with false gods.

† Other Issues raised by the delegates

We indeed are in dire need of more codification of our rites and uniformity. More research on our faith must be performed by historians and the hierarchy needs to be reorganized.
Last edited by egalion on Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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