Dranland: a menace to international security?

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Dranland: a menace to international security?

Postby Aquinas » Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:07 pm

Dranland a menace to the security of Terra, warns Alvarado

by Hefina Bevan
8 December 4567

Fabricio Alvarado chatting to foreign policy experts yesterday

Hacia Casa leader Fabricio Alvarado has told an audience of foreign policy experts in Iglesia Mayor that "the Republic of Dranland represents a grave and growing menace to international security", warning that "unless the international community takes urgent action, we will start to see the consequences all over Terra".

Outlining his case, Alvarado argued:

The illegitimate and repressive Dranish Regime which illegally occupies eastern Egelia has shown again and again that it will do anything to cling to power and deny the Egelian people their right to unificación and nationhood. They are in the process of developing a weapons of mass destruction program so they can bully Egelians with nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. Curro Cabello, Hacia Casa's first political leader, was banned from entering Parliament, even though he was democratically elected and had committed no crime. Parliament has similarly threatened to ban me, and recently came close to outlawing Hacia Casa as a political organisation entirely. This is not a liberal or democratic regime we are dealing with here.

At the present time, Dranland is over-run with the Dranish supremacist terrorism of the Dranish National Guard and the Dranish Patriots League, and the organised crime of the Kyo international crime syndicate, Kanpa. Despite these threats, the incompetent Dranish government is doing nothing. In fact, they are doing worse than nothing. They have drastically cut back on the police and army spending needed to contain these villains. In Comares, where the City Council is virtually controlled by Kyo organised crime, the government has capitulated to the criminals and refused to step in to control the situation. Worse, they have just passed legislation to make it much more difficult to tackle criminals and terrorists. They have even withdrawn from Interpol, the organisation dedicated to co-ordinating the international effort against organised crime and terrorism.

Friends, it is not just us in eastern Egelia who are being let down here. The whole of Terra, and most especially our close neighbours - Kazulia, Hulstria and western Egelia - risk the terrorism and organised crime spilling over into their countries too. Unless the international community acts swiftly to bring Dranland to heel, I foresee a multitude of troubles ahead. Dranland is an artificial country, a non-country - and now it is a failed state. The only solution to this crisis is an end to Dranish oppression, the abolition of the Dranish State and the fulfilment of the aspiration of the Egelan people for a united Egelia. An Egelian solution - with a strong Egelia - is the only long way to return stability to our region.
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Re: Dranland: a menace to international security?

Postby Reddy » Tue Oct 29, 2013 9:34 pm

Qahtani to GPO: Do your job in Eastern Egelia
July 21, 3568

PM Qahtani

Badaran Prime Minister Yasser Qahtani has called on the Global Peacekeeping Organisation to intervene in Dranland before the current chaos becomes a 'permanent way of life'.

The GPO claims to stand for Terra wide peace and restoring peace at any costs. clearly Dra..um Eastern Egelia is at the brink of civil war, much like our own Badara was before the HSB took over and restored order. GPO has taken up the mantle of world peace, I call on you to rescue the poor Eastern Egelians from themselves, radical Draddwyrs holding more than a third of parliamentary seats, apparent local government - gangster luvving up in Elbian, terrorist pro-occupation groups running wild, numerous terorist attacks, separatism in Northern Dovani and of course, increasing political instability - as the recent elections prove before it spreads over Dovani and other continents. It would be shameful not to intervene and the GPO would lose all credibility

Asked about his own Government's ties to the Deltarian civil war, the PM had this to say.

This is not comparable at all. Majatra is um..different but at least our peoples largely govern themselves and mot do not live under brutal occupation regimes. I would love to pretend that liberal democracy is the best kind of government but it is not and Dranland proves that. The multi-party system confuses people and confusion causes despair which then turns into violence. We have no such problems in Badara.
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Re: Dranland: a menace to international security?

Postby matty.berry » Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:29 pm

Solentian Head of State, Amiele Clarke in a meeting with key members of the national press spoke out against the proposed Dranish Triumvirate,

Both the Triumvirate, and the misguided unification movement pose a real threat to the peace, prosperity, and stability of terra. The international community simply cannot stay silent as a historically recognised, sovereign state is torn apart in an attempt to appease terrorists and criminals. The consequences of allowing the Dranish state to crumble are too dire to contemplate. It would be like saying to every extremist and every racial nationalist, 'Hey, resort to violence, and rest assured the international community shall reward you'. I myself have family currently living in Dranland and I know that the Dranish people will once again come together in peace and prosperity...

Later Clarke indicated that several other terran leaders had expressed such views privately but were nervous about making them public.
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