The Deeds of the Great Houses

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The Deeds of the Great Houses

Postby Captain-Socialist » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:07 pm

Imperial Summer Palace, Miyako, Hilgar Reikusugō, Gurōraiku Mikuni-Harusutoria

"So, Your Majesty, it is clear that the Khaganate and the Indralans are planning some kind of action against Zardugal, possibly in the next few years" the Princess-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yukio-Labsburg Yuno - read off a hand held tablet which she flicked at from time to time with a nimble finger.

"Whatever it is, we should make it clear we want in" chimed in Beatrix, the Princess-Minister of Defence "we are elevating more and more families to Great House status. A foreign war will be a test of their loyalty. Besides, we can't be sure of our militaries real quality without practice in the field. The Crownlands barely went to war in the last few centuries. Soldiers hardly knew what their own field gear looked like because they spent their whole lives in ceremonial parade uniform, so actual officer experience is basically nil underneath all the fancy theory and equipment."

"We've spent enough time building up" the Empress mused, tapping her ceremonial sword "but what would we specifically have to gain, experience aside? We shouldn't offer unconditional support, we should suggest we might be interested - make them ask us to join in return for something, not just blunder into the Khagan's embassy and offer our swords out of the blue. That would be vassal-like behaviour. So, what would we expect to gain?"

"Support for our claim on Sekowo, a permanent military alliance with the Khaganate and Indralan in return for our aid" Yuno instantly jumped in, most of the cabinet knew this was the agenda, these meetings were only 10% discussion, the other 90% was a test to see who was learning the best.

"In other words, we go to war with Zardugal some time in the near - maybe they go to war with Sekowo some time in the far future, when we are ready" the Empress nodded, satisfied with the answer, she gave a small smile "time is relative. We do everything a little bit at a time so we get everything done eventually, that is the Arisocratic way of politics. Gradual, over generations, we don't have term limits. Maybe we will be ready to take the throne of Sekowo is ten years, maybe in ten centuries, but until then we build relationships bit by bit till we are ready to sit on that throne our ancestors sat on. We already sit on the throne of our former enemies. That's foresight, that is what a dynastic system is about. The Jelbics and the Indralans understand that too, that's why we're offering support to them and not the fifthly Zards. Of course, try and keep the Zards out of the loop for as long as possible, they are probably already weary of us. Let's make no open moves, no big treaties. Just send out feelers, make our mood know to our friends but not to our enemies."

"What about the logistics?" asked Jo, the Prince-Minister of Finance "our military is expensive enough as it is, moving it off continent while maintaining homeland security will cost a fortune. We might only be able to make a minor contribution, hardly anything that would impress our allies."

"Ja, a good point" the Empress seemingly conceded the point, but pointed a finger at Jo in a manner indicating a incoming lecture "but one which applies to Indrala too, and one which we are trying to remedy. Beatrix mentioned the new Great Houses, well, there is a reason why we are creating them. We will not exclusively pay for this war, in the manner of a modern democratic nation-state, but will expect our vassals to contribute their own assets to ours. That's why we have made sure to appoint Imperial Monopolists in all industries relevant to war production, supplies, logistics and such. It why we allow private armies. It why we've given all the Northern costal towns to that fat man, the Baron. I've made it clear to his fat brain that he can have all the profits he wants only if every warship in those docks is updated to the best of modern technology and in perfect ship-shape condition. This is why we need a aristocracy, to delegate to."

She raised a glass in mock toast, "to war, the health of the state!"
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The Tenth Year of the Mizuki Era

Postby Baron_Harkonnen » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:45 pm

The Daimyo-Baron Addresses the Landsraad

Honourable Lords and Ladies,

The tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Mizuki Dynasty is the tenth anniversary of the salvation of our nation! Under the strong, wise and benevolent guidance of our Sovereign, this Empire has gone from to strength to strength and beyond! Can there be any doubt that Her Imperial and Heavenly Majesty is a daughter of providence? Chosen to guide our people into the proudest pages of a history still unwritten? It is in the spirit of this future, this potential for greatness that lies at the heart both ruler and ruled, that I have recently proposed to the Sovereign of the Eastern Sun proposals to allow for the storage of chemical and biological weaponry, and to take a stand against the superstitious distrust many feel towards the settled-science of vaccination.

I know that there are those among you who feel that our Sovereign has taken a step too far in authorising the production of chemical and biological weaponry. We must be under no illusions! The world is a cold and cruel place, and there are many who would dearly love to see our land crippled, if not destroyed outright. We must be ready to strike without mercy, without compassion, to defend our destiny. Our Sovereign realises this also.

And so, I say to you, not 'Ten more years!' Not 'One Hundred more years!' I say: 'A THOUSAND, THOUSAND MORE YEARS!'
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Re: The Deeds of the Great Houses

Postby Captain-Socialist » Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:35 pm

The Empress, in her capacity as President and Imperial Chancellor of the Landsraad, in which she represents herself and chairs her own cabinet.

"We thank the esteemed Daimyo-Baron, Herr Ottokar-dono, for his passionate speech and wise council. Despite what outward appearances and relatively humble ancestry may suggest, the Daimyo-Baron's contributions to this chamber are highly valued. His flaming red hair may be a sign of his hallowed Luthori blood, but it is also the outward mark of a passion that is entirely Hulstro-Mikun. We gladly accept his words as a sign of his utmost loyalty to Our throne and mission."

"On the matter of weapons, that esteemed Daimyo-Baron raised in his speech, We have further announcements to make. We are to implement laws to increase the involvement of the Great Houses in the Our Imperial defence industries, for the mutual benefit of both trade and war. We shall, of course, retain under the direct control of the Imperial Estate the greatest share of the industry - but those Great Houses who enjoy our favour and trust shall now be expected to aid us in the production, development and deployment of ever more efficient and powerful weapons. This our Tenth Annivesary comes at a time of global upset, for those regions of Terra that remain beyond the influence of Ourselves and Our allies remain committed to anarchic and populist doctrines and therefore conspire against our and all Monarchial states. We must be vigilant, and we must be strong,"
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