Final Draft Approval Thread

Propose and review new legislative variables for the game.

Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby LuxemburgistComrade » Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:59 pm

I found this old proposal from 2017 that the game would benefit alot from, there have been no comments, positive or negative under this but I think it can create a lot of iteresting debates. The debate over splitting parental leave equaly is one of the most prominent political debates in my home country and something I've missed in this game.


Name of the Law/Policy: Government policy on parental leave
Law/Policy Catagory: Economics


1. There is no requirement for employers to provide parental leave to their employees.
2. Both male and female employees have the right to paid parental leave and the government requires parents to split their parental leave equally.
3. Both male and female employees have the right to paid parental leave.
4. Both male and female employees have the right to unpaid parental leave.
5. Both male and female employees have the right to parental leave, but it is required to be paid only for female employees.
6. Female employees have the right to paid parental leave.
7. Female employees have the right to unpaid parental leave.
8. Trade unions and employer associations are required to negotiate on parental leave.
9. Parental leave is not allowed. Newborn children are taken care of in state institutions during the work-day.
10. Policy on parental leave is decided by local governments.


1. -govt responsibility, -regulation
2. ++govt responsibility, ++regulation, ++progressive
3. ++regulation, +progressive
4. +regulation, +progressive
5. ++regulation, -progressive
6. ++regulation, --progressive
7. +regulation, --progressive
8. +regulation
9. ++govt responsibility, ----civil rights
10. +devolution
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Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby Auditorii » Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:52 am

The following variable has been added to "Policy on the appointment of judges/magistrates"

"Judges/Magistrates are appointed by an independent commission."
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby Auditorii » Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:57 am

The following variable has been changed from "Organisation of the police" to "Policy on the organization of police/law enforcement" and has had the following variable added:

"The government funds a police force that operates by religious standards."
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby Auditorii » Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:11 am

Law: Policy on membership in the national cabinet
Law Category: Administrative

1. Members of the national cabinet must be elected members of the national legislature.
2. Members of the national cabinet are not required to be members of the national legislature. (Default)
3. Members of the national cabinet are not allowed to be members of the national legislature.

This has been added as a law. Please note that this, similar to the procedure to appoint the head of the legislature is a "flavor law" and provides no movement to stances.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby Auditorii » Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:23 am

Law: Policy on the funding of mandates by the government
Law Category: Administrative

1. The government has no stance on funding mandates by law. (Default)
2. The government must provide funding for mandates. (Fully funded mandates)
3. The government provides partial funding for mandates. (Partially funded mandates)
4. The government is not required to provide funding for mandates. (Unfunded mandates)

This law has been added. Please note any sort of issues with new laws, we appreciate the feedback.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:35 pm

Religion is allowed but the state promotes atheism.

This has been added as a variable for "Government policy concerning religions."
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby jamescfm » Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:22 pm

Government policy concerning sex reassignment surgery.

Sex reassignment surgery is legal but regulated.
The government funds sex reassignment surgery for people with low incomes.
Sex reassignment surgery is illegal.
There is no policy on sex reassignment surgery.
Local governments decide on this.

This law has been updated.
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Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby Auditorii » Sat Oct 30, 2021 9:29 pm

Law: Policy on the appointment of diplomatic officers
Law Category: Foreign Affairs

(1) The head of state appoints diplomatic officers (ambassadors, consul-generals, etc.)
(2) The head of government appoints diplomatic officers (ambassadors, consul-generals, etc.)
(3) The foreign affairs ministry appoints diplomatic officers (ambassadors, consul-generals, etc.) (DEFAULT)

Law: Policy on national government funding to subnational governments
Law Category: Administrative

(1) The national government provides no funding to subnational governments.
(2) The national government provides some funding to subnational governments. (DEFAULT)
(3) The national government provides significant funding to subnational governments.
(4) The national government provides total funding to subnational governments.

Law: The title of the national cabinet
Law Category: Administrative

(1) Cabinet (DEFAULT)
(2) Council of Ministers
(3) State Council

*Note this a "flavor law" and provides no ideological shifts/changes to any party.

Law: The title of the presiding officer of the national legislature
Law Category: Administrative

(1) Speaker (DEFAULT)
(2) President
(3) Chairman/Chairwoman

*Note this a "flavor law" and provides no ideological shifts/changes to any party.

These laws have been added.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby EdmundMaurice » Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:19 am

Implemented. An error on my part, I had meant to implement another one which is on this thread. Apologies to Hrafn, if you have any changes in mind to the version proposed by Moderation, you can still bring them forward for consideration.


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Re: Final Draft Approval Thread

Postby Auditorii » Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:36 pm

Several new additions, largely inspired by some political variable discussions from PT Alpha (credit to scienceman, etc.) in addition to some variable discussion on the forums here.

Law Category:


Law: Policy on the endorsement of candidates and parties by religions and religious figures
Law Category: Religion

(1) Religious figures and religions are allowed to publicly endorse candidates, political parties and policies. (DEFAULT)
(2) Religious figures and religions are allowed to publicly endorse political parties and policies, but not individual candidates.
(3) Religious figures and religions are allowed to publicly endorse policies, but not political parties and individual candidates.
(4) Religious figures and religions are now allowed to publicly endorse candidates, political parties and policies.

Law: Policy on political advertisements
Law Category: Civil liberties

(1) Political advertisements are legal without restrictions. (DEFAULT)
(2) Political advertisements are legal, however carry restrictions on the amount being shown.
(3) Political advertisements are legal but cannot be shown on public owned media, only private owned media.
(4) Political advertisements are legal but is prohibited on TV but allowed in other forms.
(5) Political advertisements is illegal in any form.

Law: Policy on age required to purchase and drink alcohol
Law Category: Health

(1) The age to purchase and consume alcohol is the same as the age of adulthood. (DEFAULT)
(2) The age to purchase and consume alcohol is different from the age of adulthood.
(3) The age to purchase and consume alcohol is different from the age of adulthood but has some restrictions.
(4) The sale, use and age restrictions on alcohol do not matter as they are outlawed. (see government policy towards alcoholic beverages)
(5) The age to purchase and consume alcohol is decided on by local governments.

Law: Policy on the funding of the initiatives and institutions of the World Congress
Law Category: Foreign Policy

(1) The government does not provide funding for World Congress initiatives and institutions. (DEFAULT)
(2) The government provides funding for specific World Congress initiatives and institutions that meet certain criteria.
(3) The government provides funding for all World Congress initiatives and institutions.

Law: Policy on pharmaceutical advertisement
Law Category: Health

(1) Pharmaceutical advertising is permitted without any regulation.
(2) Pharmaceutical advertising is permitted with limited regulation.
(3) Pharmaceutical advertising may only be in printed material.
(4) Pharmaceutical advertising may only be in televised or digital material.
(5) Pharmaceutical advertising has to meet religious criteria.
(6) No specific policy exists on pharmaceutical advertising. (DEFAULT)
(7) Local governments determine pharmaceutical advertising policies.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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