by Amazeroth » Sat May 14, 2011 3:05 pm
Generally I support this, but I think that there is no real difference between
1. The government has no policy concerning vivisection.
2. Vivisection is legal and unregulated.
at least not as long as there is a law on murder. I don't think that this law is too far out per se, but I think that a law that is so different from the usual particracy laws should be a bit better formulated (although the far out part only concerns the idea of vivisection of humans, animals fit well into the environmental category). I think that there should be an option there for the state not caring what its citizens do to each other, but I don't see why that should be done in a law about vivisection (and not, for example, murder).
For example,
1. The government has no policy concerning vivisection.
makes only sense if there is a more general law concerning murder. If there is no such law - which there isn't - this proposal is completely senseless and would basically mean that vivisection is completely irrelevant to the government - which means that everyone can do it to anyone, and nobody cares, and thus basically what option Nr. 2 already states.
2. Vivisection is legal and unregulated.
is also a bit of a problem by itself. In general, I have nothing against the possibilities to create incredibly sinister states (on the contrary, I've sometimes created some or helped with it). But seeing that there isn't even a law that regulates murder, it is quite strange to have a law that not only has the option to allow murder, but also a very cruel variant of murder. Now, if we were to implement such a law, it would be much better if it would come as a law in its own right, something like
Law: The legality of killing
Category: Civil rights (although there should be a new category for these laws, called penal laws or something like this)
1. Murder is completely illegal.
2. Murder is illegal, except as last method of self-defence
3. Murder is illegal, except with a government license
- then any other exceptions -
and finally:
x. Murder is legal.
Eines Tages traf Karl der Große eine alte Frau.
"Guten Tag, alte Frau", sagte Karl der Große.
"Guten Tag, Karl der Große", sagte die alte Frau.
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