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Tourist Promotion Programs

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 4:37 am
by CanadianEh
Name: Tourist Promotion Programs (Advertising the Nation Abroad)
Category: Foreign Policy
1. The Government actively invests large amounts of money yearly into national tourist programs, no private sector promotion is permitted.
2. The Government invests sensible amounts of money yearly into national tourist programs, small scale private sector promotions are permitted.
3. The Government invests small amounts of money yearly into national tourist programs, seizable private sector promotions are permitted.
4. The private sector is solely responsible for investing in national tourist promotion programs, the Government does not invest in tourist promotion at all.
5. The Government leaves tourist promotion programs for local governments to decide.
6. The Government bans all tourist promotion programs advertising the nation abroad.

1) Lrage Increase in Big Government, Regulator and Internationalism.
2) Medium Increase in Big Government, Small Increase in Regulator and Large Increase in Internationalism.
3) Small Increase in Big Government, Small Increase in Capitalism, Large Increase in Internationalism.
4) Large Increase in Small Government, Capitalism, Medium Increase in Internationalism.
5) Medium Increase in Federalism
6) Large Increase in Isolationism.

Thoughts, Questions or Comments? Inspired from SSLU's "Campaign to Attract Foreign Students".

Re: Tourist Promotion Programs

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:57 am
by RickCole12
1. The Government actively invests large amounts of money yearly into national tourist programs, no private sector promotion is permitted.
2. The Government actively invests large amounts of money yearly into national tourist programs, private sector promotions are permitted.
3. The Government invests small amounts of money yearly into national tourist programs, no private sector promotion is permitted.
4. The Government invests small amounts of money yearly into national tourist programs, private sector promotion is permitted. (Default)
5. Only private sector is responsible for tourist promotions.
6. The government leaves national tourism promotions up to the local governments
7. No tourist promotions are permitted.

1. Large increase in big government, regulator and internationalism
2. Small increase in big government and large increase in internationalism
3. Medium increase in big government, small increase in regulator and medium increase in internationalism
4. Medium increase in big government and medium increase in internationalism
5. Small increase in lassiez faire, small increase in internationalism
6. Small increase in devolution, small increase in internationalism
7. Medium increase in big government, regulator and isolationism.