Body Cameras for Police Officers

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Body Cameras for Police Officers

Postby Violeta » Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:43 pm

Name of the Law/Policy: Body cameras for police officers.
Law/Policy Category: Justice

1) No police officers are required to wear body cameras.
2) All police officers are required to wear body cameras.
3) National police are not required to wear body cameras. Local governments decide whether local police officers are required to wear body cameras.
4) National police are required to wear body cameras. Local governments decide whether local police officers are required to wear body cameras.

1) Makes the party less permissive on civil rights.
2) Makes the party more permissive on civil rights.
3) Makes the party less permissive on civil rights and less federalist when it comes to centralization.
4) Makes the party more permissive on civil rights and less federalist when it comes to centralization.

In theory body cameras decrease the likelihood of police brutality/misconduct.
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Joined: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:04 pm

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