Legality of traveling.

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Legality of traveling.

Postby Frizzlemonkey3000 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:45 pm

The Legality of nationals leaving the country
Foreign Policy

Travel for nationals is unrestricted.
Nationals must have a passport to travel.
Nationals must get government permission on a case to case basis to travel.
Only male nationals may travel.
Only Nationals of Nobility may travel (if there is Nobles).
No National is aloud to leave the country

1. +++ Internationalism + Civil Rights
2. + Internationalism
3. - Internationalism
4. - Internationalism - Civil Rights -Progressiveness
5. - Internationalism -- Civil Rights -Progressiveness
6. --- Internationalism --- Civil Rights + Militarism

I have this here because in the real world many countries have different policies on travelling.
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Joined: Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:51 pm

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