Suggestion on making a law on what the government policy is on religious text. (Like the bible and Torah ans so on)
LAW: State policy on religious text.
CATEGORY: Religion
1. The government has no stance on owning religious text.
2. Owning religious text of any sort is banned.
3. Its compulsory to own certain religious text.
4. Only the ownership of state recognized religious text is allowed.
5. Local Governments decide on the ownership of religious text.
Don't know if this is right but ill give it ago
1. Slight decrease to no change in Secularism, slight decrease to no change in religious
2. Huge increase in Secularism, slight increase in progressivism, Big Decrease in Religious
3. Huge Increase in Religion, slight decrease in progressivism, Big Decrease in Secularism
4. Slight Decrease to no change in Religion , Slight Increase to no change in Secularism
5. Slight increase to no change in Religion, Slight Increase to no change in Secularism