Military Drafting

Propose and review new legislative variables for the game.

Military Drafting

Postby jellybean » Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:34 am

Name of the Law/Policy: The government's policy concerning the military draft
Law/Policy Category: Military

    1. The government can never draft citizens for the military.
    2. The government may draft citizens only in times of severe national emergency.
    3. The government may draft citizens during any time of war.
    4. The government may draft citizens at any time, even if no war is declared.

    1.--Military, ++Civil Rights
    2.+Military, -Civil Rights
    3.+Military, --Civil Rights
    4.++Military, --Civil Rights

Comments: Although we have a variable that allows the government to enlist everyone after reaching adulthood, we don't have a variable that addresses the draft during war. I think this is an important addition.
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Re: Military Drafting

Postby Random Military 2930 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 4:00 am

I like this. I would change the effects to look like this though.

1. -Military, +Civil Rights
2. N/A Military, -Civil Rights
3. +Military, --Civil Rights
4. ++Military, --Civil Rights

The reason for the change on 1 is that banning the government from drafting doesn’t severely weaken the military or strengthen civil rights. For reason 2, only allowing them to draft during national emergency is pretty broad and unclear, but generally it doesn’t strengthen the military since its only for national emergencies. It should slightly decrease civil rights still, but have no effect on the military.
Random Military 2930
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