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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Luis1p » Sun Sep 23, 2018 6:54 pm

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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:17 pm

March 4459

Massive explosion devastates Canrillaise Heritage Museum

The Canrillaise Heritage Museum in eastern Nouville, an institution devoted to showcasing Canrillaise (OOC: French) cultural achievements, has been rocked by an explosion causing huge structural damage, killing 27 people and leaving 86 injured.

The Malgy Liberation Army (MLA), a proscribed paramiltiary organisation dedicated to overthrowing the military government and instituting Malgy (OOC: Madagascan) Majority Rule, has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Following the explosion, the police and army stormed through the streets, arresting and questioning Malgy and breaking into and searching Malgy homes. These heavy-handed tactics both terrified and incensed the Malgy community, leading to rioting, damage to public and private property, and brutal clashes between Malgy and the police and army. It is estimated that 4 police officers, 5 army officers and 53 Malgy civilians have lost their lives in the events following on from the explosion.

General Blanchard has claimed the Malgy Liberation Army are being funded, supplied and aided by a radical terrorist group based in Istalia known as the Anarchist Front of the Combatant Proletarians" (FAPC). He also warned Istalia "and other liberal nations" that "you have lost sight of the traditional values your civilisation is founded upon, you have become weak and soft, and this is why you are suffering these problems". However, he also tried to present Noumonde as being "a key part of the international alliance against terror and chaos", arguing "I say to the rest of Terra: if we are to protect our societies and build a safer world, then we need you and you need us - we have to work together".

Many independent international security experts have cast doubt on the claim that there is any link between anarchists in Istalia and the Malgy Liberation Front. Professor Marie-Louise Bernier, a Noumon political scientist now living in Alduria, has commented:

A link is possible, but I just find it rather unlikely. It all seems too convenient for Blanchard's interests, as it suits his agenda too perfectly. He likes to make out that the Malgy don't have political aspirations of their own, and that whenever they do anything he doesn't like, it's because of nefarious overseas western agents. This is not the reality at all. I think he is also trying to encourage the Istalians to identify their struggle against the violent anarchists with his own struggle against the Malgy who are just asking for civil and democratic rights. That's not really an honest thing to do, and I don't think one bit that the Istalians will fall for it.
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:44 pm

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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:08 pm

July 4459

Malgy paramilitaries blast police station; Blanchard kicks all Malgy out of the police and army

A police station in central Renivohitra has been ripped apart by an explosion. The Malgy (OOC: Madagascan) Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for the attack. 7 people were killed and 29 injured.

In response, the Prime Minister, General Remy Blanchard, has issued an edict dismissing all Malgy employees of the army and the police service. He explained this was "necessary for national security, because we fear the people who planted this bomb may have had access to military technology and expertise", and also argued "this was necessary for the protection of the Malgy police officers and army service persons themselves, because they are being targeted by Malgy terrorists just for being Malgy members of the security services".

He promised the dismissed workers would receive financial compensations, although it is widely reported there has been no sign whatsoever that this is happening.
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:17 pm

July 4459

Malgy Liberation Front demands representation at Nowogard

The paramilitary Malgy Liberation Front (MLF), which largely represents the remnants of the old Alliance for Progress party after it was outlawed following the military coup, has demanded that it should be represented at the proposed Nowogard summit, which is aiming to halt the slide to war between Noumonde and the Canrille Federation.

In a statement, MLF leader Amadou Rakoto said it was "unfair and unthinkable that discussions should take place about Noumonde's future without Malgy representatives at the table".

General Blanchard has dismissed the MLF's proposal out of hand, denouncing the MLF as "a bastion of international terrorism" and warning that it "must be and will be crushed".
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:34 pm

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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Edmund » Mon Sep 24, 2018 8:09 pm

King Julien invites Androkae and Cormier to form a government

King Julien XIII has invited National Party leader Leon Cormier and Alliance leader Masoandro Androkae to join his
government-in-exile in Faronland and form a coalition. He clarified that he would serve as Prime Minister in such an
government, to show that the coalition will be neutral and represent Canrillaise and Malgy alike.
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:11 am

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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:20 pm

January 4460

General Blanchard responds to Valruzian ultimatum

Following the breakdown of talks at the Nowogard Summit and the ultimatum issued by Valruzia, General Blanchard has addressed the Noumon people on television to deliver his response.

He forcibly condemned Valruzia and the Canrille Federation for "aggressive warmongering" and also hit out at Istalia for "cravenly following the beat of the war drum and appeasing international law-breakers who are failing to respect either international law or the normal procedures of the World Congress".

On the other hand, he praised the "voices of moderation" in the international community who were calling for restraint, making specific mention of Selucia and Deltaria.

He described Valruzia's ultimatum as "disrespectful" and its terms as "unrealistic", insisting any international agreement on the situation in Noumonde would need to be based around Malgy and Canrillaise Working Together for a New Noumonde, a policy document issued by his regime proposing to move Noumonde towards Malgy Majority Rule in small incremental stages over a 400 year period.

The General did, however offer some last minute concessions:

- he offered to host elections for a National Consultative Assembly, which would not hold formal legislative powers but would act as an advisory chamber to the military government. However, persons connected to armed groups such as the Malgy Liberation Front would be prohibited from standing. This would, in effect, rule out the participation of almost all of the senior figures from the former Alliance for Progress.

- he offered to set up a Civil Rights Advisory Council, which would include representatives from the international community, including representatives from the World Congress and the Canrille Federation. He also promised Malgy members would be appointed to the Council, and suggested that Mahafaly Randrianasolo, a tame pro-junta Malgy member of the Supreme Court, could become the Council's first chairperson. He suggested also that the Council could begin work on drafting a Bill of Rights to ensure "all Noumons, whether Canrillaise or Malgy, are treated fairly".

- he offered to release a number of former Alliance leaders who are now in prison or under house arrest, provided they give a commitment not to supported illegal insurrection against the government in any way. This includes Masoandro Androkae, the Alliance's last chairperson, who also at one time served as Health Minister under the old power-sharing arrangement.

- he offered to create a new Cabinet position of Minister for Malgy Affairs and to establish a Malgy Community Council comprising "legitimate representatives of the Malgy community".

- he indicated "I am an elderly man, and whilst I am determined to fulfil my responsibilities to Noumonde, I am not intending to go on and on forever", which was seen as a hint that he might potentially be prepared to step down from office in favour of another military leader, if this was necessary in order to reach a peace agreement.

However, all of this came with one strict provisio, which he delivered at the end: "Under no circumstances will my government continue to negotiate with Valruzia, because they have no understanding whatsoever of my country or its history or its culture or its situation, and they have treated us with disrespect and acted in bad faith". He did say, however, that he would be prepared to negotiate with the Canrille Federation, with the World Congress and with "representatives of concerned, responsible nations".

He repeated this point later in an interview with journalists, demanding "Valruzia must take its aircraft carrier back home where it belongs and stand aside - they have no business in Noumonde and it is time for them to step aside". He also commented "I heard their aircraft carrier was manufactured for them by Istalians, so it will probably sink before it gets here anyway".
Last edited by Aquinas on Tue Sep 25, 2018 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:49 pm

February 4460

Land redistribution scheme could be restarted but international community must come up with the funding, says General Blanchard

Responding to news that Selucia is interested in funding a land redistribution scheme in Noumonde to help landless Malgy purchase land off wealthy Canrillaise landowners, General Blanchard has responded positively, saying he thinks the resumption of such a scheme "is definitely on the cards". However, he insisted that "Noumonde is a third world country and we are not made of money", that "a great deal of Noumon taxpayers money has been ploughed into land redistribution already over the years" and that "the bulk of the funding for any such scheme would need to come from the international community". He did not, however, rule out the possibility that the Noumon government might make some contribution.
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