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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:33 pm

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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:16 pm

September 4462

Noumonde prepares for elections to Constitutional Convention

This will be Noumonde's first democratic election since the coup, over 5 years ago

General Fabien Leroux, the Federation-appointed Governor of Noumonde, has invited Noumons to participate in democratic elections for a Constitutional Convention, to discuss the country's future in terms of how it will be governed.

At a press conference last night, Leroux, a charismatic and experienced Lourennais military leader who also has considerable diplomatic experience, insisted "The Federation has no selfish motive for being in Noumonde" and that "what we are trying to do is rebuild this society from the bottom-up, and prepare it for democratic self-government, whilst also ensuring the rights and the interests of the Malgy and Canrillaise communities are both respected". He also spoke about how "democratic government is already coming into its own on a local level, with the re-establishment of local councils" but that "making this all happen on a national level is a lot more challenging, a lot more complicated - which is why we are offering the Noumon people an opportunity to choose their own democratic representatives to discuss what is going to happen next".

The Federation will ultimately be able to approve or reject whatever the Constitutional Convention proposes. That is assuming the Convention can actually agree on a proposal, that is. Leroux is expected to try to play the role of a neutral arbiter, trying to cajole the Canrillaise and the Malgy representatives into agreeing something they can both live with. He is believed to have had private conversations with senior Malgy and Canrillaise political leaders already, warning them that the Federation will not assist their causes unless they are amenable to compromise.

Malgy Liberation Army now "completely disarmed" but Canrillaise miltias "still out there", says General Leroux

General Leroux has confirmed the Malgy Liberation (MLA) is now "completely and verifiably disarmed" but warned "we have substantial intelligence telling us that armed Canrillaise groups are still out there, even if they are relatively quiet in Noumonde for the moment". He admitted it was "probable" that, as widely suspected, Noumonde's former military dictator, General Blanchard, distributed money, arms and equipment to ultra-conservative Canrillaise groups during the dying days of his regime.
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:37 am

January 4463

King Norbert abdicates

Prince Tristan

The Palace has announced that King Norbert has abdicated in favour of his son, Prince Tristan.

Tristan is now legally King of Noumonde, although he will not use the title of "King", and will not hold a formal coronation, unless and until the Constitutional Convention agrees to retain the monarchy.

The move is seen as an attempt by the royal family to ensure the survival of the monarchy, at a time when its future seems potentially in doubt. King Norbert is little loved by his Malgy subjects, who recall how he used his reign to defend Canrillaise privilege and undermine attempts at reform.

Tristan is a quiet man, much less outspoken and far less obviously "political" than his father, but he is believe to be a moderate in political terms, understanding the need for change in Noumonde. He has also travelled the world extensively, and is sensitive to international opinion.

He is, however, still unmarried - a situation he will now be under increasing pressure to rectify. However, Terra's most eligible princesses may be biding their time, waiting to see whether his crown survives the Constitutional Convention before evaluating how much of a catch he is.
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:05 pm

March 4463

Rousseau goons found guilty of raping Malgy women

Five Federation soldiers have been convicted by a military tribunal of gang raping up to 17 Malgy women in what the tribunal judge described as "a terrible spree of depravity, viciousness and barbarity".

The soldiers were all male, all belonged to the Aldurian army, and interestingly, had all faced charges in Alduria relating to alleged abuses they committed during the era of the dictator, Thomas Rousseau. However, the charges were eventually dropped as part of general amnesty.

This time, however, their army careers are definitely over: they have all been expelled from the army, and have been extradited back to Alduria, where they are likely to receive prison sentences.

Alliance chairman Masoandro Androkae has condemned the behaviour of the troops as "heinous" and warned that "they seem to form part of a bigger picture concerning the behaviour of a very small but still significant element within the Federation forces". He also renewed his call for Esinsindu troops, possibly from Talmoria and New Alduria, to supplement the Federation troops stationed in Noumonde in order to provide more "balance" within the occupation forces.
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:51 pm

August 4463

New competition for established parties

For decades, the main political contest in Noumonde has been between the Canrillaise-dominated National Party and the Malgy-dominated Alliance for Progress. Now, with Constitutional Convention elections fast approaching, that seems set to change.

Two new parties have registered with the Noumonde Electoral Commission, and appear to be receiving significant support.

On the ultra-conservative Canrillaise right, the Front Canrillaise or Canrillaise Front has been formed as a breakaway group from the National Party, which has become more moderate and centrist under the leadership of Leon Cormier. Many of its leading figures played a prominent role under General Blanchard's dictatorship, and some of them, including its leader, former Defence Minister Count Henri Beaumanoir, face possible trial over abuses they were alleged to be involved in. The Canrillaise Front is taking a hard-line approach to the constitutional talks, vowing to do everything it can to block any arrangement perceived to dilute the Canrillaise hold on power.

Meanwhile, on the Malgy side, a new group called the Antoko Politika Malgy or Malgy People's Party has emerged to represent the interests of the poorer and more "traditional" Malgy who live outside the cities and towns, and are more likely to work in agriculture, follow the traditional Malgyist religion (OOC: Madagascan paganism) rather than Hosianism, and to feel their traditional way of life is threatened by economic and cultural change. They are strongly opposed to the influence of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church in Noumonde, and are also vigorously opposed to the House of Demitreous remaining on the throne.

In principle, the Malgy People's Party supports what it calls a "Malgy Monarchy", although it does not seem decided on who it thinks that monarch should be, or how such a monarchy should work. However, there is a growing surge of support within rural Malgy communities, and also within the Malgy People's Party, for the infamous former Kalkalistani Empress, Lakshmi "the Black" to be crowned as "Queen of the Malgy". There are rumours that some Malgy village elders and senior Malgyist priests have been in contact with Lakshmi and are trying to persuade her to travel to Noumonde to support their cause.

Barijaona Rahantasoa, Leader of the Malgy People's Party

The Malgy People's Party is led by Barijaona Rahantasoa, a highly revered traditional Malgyist healer, who comes from a long line of traditional healers. Journalists who have met Rahantsoa say he is very friendly and approachable, but something of a novice when it comes to politics. They also say the Malgy People's Party is a far more disparate and disorganised movement than the other 3 parties, and that Rahantsoa is not able to give his party the same sense of central direction which the other 3 party leaders give to their parties.
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:31 am

October 4463

Leroux scouts around for peace talks chair

General Fabien Leroux, the Federation-appointed Governor of Noumonde, has let it be known he is searching for a top level international diplomat to chair Noumonde's upcoming Constitutional Convention, which it is hoped will prepare the way for long-term peaceful co-existence between the Canrillaise and the Malgy.

National Party Leon Cormier is believed to favour Tambethra Dyshini, the former General Assembly President who helped negotiate the old power-sharing agreement 30 years ago. However, Alliance leader Masoandro Androkae, who is now strongly opposed to any form of "Canrillaise veto", is said to be less keen on her, fearing she would be likely to push for a resumption of the previous arrangements.

Count Henri Beaumanoir, the leader of the Canrillaise Front, has proposed Deltaria's General Manosindus Von Thaller as peace talks chair, but Leroux vetoed this, saying he needs "someone with more experience of consensus-building and working within democratic frameworks".

Last month's conference of the Malgy People's Party passed a resolution calling on the former Kalkalistani Empress, Lakshmi "the black", to chair the peace talks, but Leroux vetoed this also, saying Lakshmi "probably lacks the required temperament and diplomatic skill-set".
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:57 pm

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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:14 pm

March 4464

Androkae asks for St. Pierre

Alliance leader Masoandro Androkae has responded warmly to New Alduria's offer to lend their World Congress Ambassador, Jacque St. Pierre, to chair the peace talks for Noumonde's upcoming Constitutional Convention. He praised St. Pierre as "a world-class diplomat without parallel" and "someone who understands Noumonde and understands the world more generally, and would be the perfect candidate to chair the talks".

Malgy People's Party leader Barijaona Rahantasoa has also endorsed St. Pierre for the role, although a little more cautiously. His party has been campaigning for the chair to be someone from the Malgy community - which St. Pierre technically is, even if he is a citizen of a neighbouring country.

On the Canrillaise side, there has been less enthusiasm. Canrillaise Front leader Count Henri Beaumanoir has openly opposed St. Pierre for the role, dismissing him as "an obvious pro-Malgy placeman". Leon Cormier, the National Party leader, has not so far commented. He is believed to have personal confidence in St. Pierre, who he got to know during his stint in the last power-sharing government. However, he is very sensitive to the fact that a large section of the Canrillaise community may feel hostile to the idea of the talks being chaired by a Malgy. According to sources close to Cormier, he could "work with" St. Pierre, but is still quietly lobbying for the position to be given to Tambethra Dyshini.

King Tristan has politely declined requests for him to put his name forward for the role, saying "I don't think this would be the right move for the monarchy at the moment" and also admitting candidly that "there are other candidates far more experienced and qualified than I am". He did, however, indicate that he is "extremely interested in and concerned about the Constitutional Convention", will be "following its developments very closely" and that "like the rest of Noumonde, I am hoping our political leaders can come to an agreement which is beneficial and fair to all".
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Re: Noumonde News Service

Postby Aquinas » Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:06 pm

April 4464

Riots erupt as Leroux issues arrest warrant for Lakshmi

Renivohitra yesterday

Much of the country faced civil unrest yesterday after General Fabien Leroux, the Federation-appointed Governor of Noumonde, issued an arrest warrant for the former Kalkalistani Empress, Lakshmi, amidst growing concerns that she is stirring up trouble in Vascania and now has a growing and dangerous movement of supporters in Noumonde as well. It is not known for sure whether she is currently in Noumonde, although it is rumoured that she is, and it is also being said that she has been sighted in Noumonde several times over the last year.

The rioting was worst in the eastern part of the country, where the Federation authorities are said to have temporarily lost control in some areas.

Lakshmi's notorious blood-drenched past has not prevented her cause from being pursued by many traditional Malgy, who look to her to "liberate" the country from western influence and become "Queen of the Malgy".

The "Lakshmi Movement", as it is known, is a particularly tricky issue for the Malgy People's Party (MPP), which is split over the matter. Barijaona Rahantasoa, the party's leader, is trying to fudge the issue, making clear the party wants a Malgy monarchy, but refusing as of yet to specifically state who the monarch should be. However, the party leadership is coming under growing pressure from competing camps within the party to either endorse Lakshmi, or explicitly condemn her and rule her out completely as a potential monarch or political leader for the Malgy.

Alliance leader Masoandro Androkae is being criticised for not condemning Lakshmi more loudly and forcibly. His allies say he is concerned speaking out too strongly might be counter-productive, fuelling her support and possibly also leading to more violence.

The National Party's Leon Cormier has praised Leroux's decision to issue the arrest warrant as "sensible and necessary", and also praised "the professionalism of the Federation officers in dealing with the rioting, which I think we all found very sad and unfortunate".

Count Henri Beaumanoir of the Canrillaise Front has called for Lakshmi "and all her supporters" to be "strung up and shot", and also argued Malgy support for her and the recent rioting is "the perfect proof of why the Malgy have not yet progressed far enough in civilisational terms to be fit to run this country, and why Malgy Majority Rule cannot be entertained as a remotely serious or intelligent option".
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