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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:43 pm


Tropica 6th Generals elections

The last Tropican general elections did not saw many changes. in the political land spaces. Multiples parties disbanded, the last members of the Freedom alliance and the People's coalition have joined the Liberal Club. while the Tourism coalition and the Tropican Science Party did not get a single representative elected. the NSA took the lead over the Tribe Union and the Green party was able to win over 30 seats for the first time in its history.
But the most remarking fact of this elections, is the arrival of two new parties, the Maxia party and the Safiosina party, both who won enough votes to elect multiple representatives, but only got 1, because their submitted list only had 1 name. Helina Makan of the Maxia Party admitted that her party is nothing more then a lure to get elected as independent politicians. Maleka Aolani, of the Safiosina party refused to comment on her election and her high results, but said there is no mistake with her (party).
To get elected in Tropica, you need a party, but I am independent and I want to remain independent, ICitizen who have been ignored by all parties.
Helina Makan

This election also mark the arrival of several new young politicians, among who we can count Makoto Darklight and Leon Kinney-Darklight. Maya Darklight, now 57 years old, is expected to keep her position as prime of Tropica, if she is able to correctly negotiate with the others parties.

Communist Party of Tropica = 47 Seats
Tribe Union = 30 Seats
Native Satanailist Alliance = 34 Seats
Tropican Green Party = 31 Seats
Luthoran Assemble = 29 Seats
New Democratic Party = 16
Labor Party = 20 Seats
Liberal Club = 19 Seats
Friends of animal = 7 Seats
Feminist league = 2 Seats
Maxia Party (independent) = 1 seat
Safiosina Party (independent) = 1 seat
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Dec 08, 2018 8:27 pm


Frazia, Goddess of snow.

In the Tropican religion, Frazia is described to be a goddess of snow and a rival of the more popular Maxia. One of the most popular tales, is the tales of the conflict between Frazia and Maxia. According to the legend, Frazia used to take parts in Tropican Lava Sledding competition with mortals, on the east side of the Kamehamehan Mountain. One day, she was challenged by a beautiful stranger, another woman, who did not had a sled, but she was allowed to borrow one from the mortals. Frazia won the first Descent. For the seconds, Frazia agreed to trade her sled with her challenger in order to prove that it was not the sled that allowed her to win, and she won again. During the third, the stranger revealed herself to be the goddess and decided to open stream of lava to slow down Frazia. This actions would force Frazia to abandon the competition, she ran to the top of mountain and froze the lava by throwing snow at it. To this day, it is said that Frazia Rule over Kamehamehan prevented the mountain from becoming a volcano, however Maxia still kept the control of multiple mountains in the world who become volcanoes. Sometimes Frazia is able to close one, but Maxia is able to open another or to reopen the mountain who was closed.

a recent reference to this legend was made in the parliament, when a member of trade union, accused the prime minister, Maya Darklight to ignore the possibility that Maxia could activate the Tropican Volcano, while the prime minister said the locations used for Hydro-Power and the cities are not threatened by the possible eruption of the Tropican volcano
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Dec 10, 2018 6:02 am


13 november 4497

Maya Darklight Prime minister, Speak about the economic development of Tropica.

Maya Darklight, the Prime minister of Tropica, has given a speech about the economic development of Tropica and the future of the country. She explained that the current government project are giving the expected results and that Tropica Economy is growing faster then anticipated, thanks to the various green energy project and the foreign aid the country receive from Kanjor. So far, the Kanjor has given a total of 20. 064 Billion LOD to the Tropica, that the country has been using to develop multiple energy projects like Offshore wind Farms and Solar station. With Kanjor continued support, this sum is expected to raise to around 30 billion LOD.

We can't ever thanks enough the Government of Kanjor, and Mosie Nadeau, for the foreign they provide Tropica. Without it, our plans would be next to impossible. But thanks to it, Tropica is going to become a green energy giant in the third-world. Right now, our current plan is to develop hydro power stations, next to the major cities, this will boost Tropica energy generation and will make it easier for our country to support various business, especially electronics. Before, the country was doomed with nightly black-outs. I can assure the people, that my government will give everything it has, to make sure the economic development of our country is completed. And it won't just limited to Solar stations, we are also working on a project that will make the houses of tropica generates energy, we can assure that more offeshore windmills are going to be used. We are also developping an agricultural plan, that could allow our nation to become somewhat self-reliable when it come to feeding our population. Yes, Tropica will be great, once again.
Maya Darklight, prime minister of Tropica

However, Maya Darklight refused to answer question on the truth libertarian or on the poyan cults. it is rumoured that both groups saw some of their get captured in the last days, but the police did not confirm any facts.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:17 am


Tropica announce the arrestation of 4 True Real Libertarians.

The news where confirmed by the prime minister, Maya Darklight and by the sheriff of Tropica City, Alano Kaeo. The authorities confirmed that only 1 members of the True Real Libertarians remain hidden. however it is rumored that this person has already left the country. The True Real Libertarian became famous for their terrorists actions, notably, attacking a super market, and shooting people in the lone cinema of the country. But they never hold any legitimate grounds in Tropica. They were apparently created by the ex-leader from the new democratic party, Kaliko Metua, however the authorities are not certain if Mr. Metua created this movement or was converted into the movement. Is known that the question surrounding the True Real Libertarians will remain without answers. It is said the captured Terrorists might face death penalty for their crimes, and finally, the Tropican police has decided to reopen a lot of recent crimes unsolved, they fear the True Real Libertarians might have choose to commit low-crimes, rather then high profile terrorists actions.

This is one of the news the people waited to hear, for so long. Tropica is free from the terrorists.
Maya Darklight
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:17 pm


Kalistani company installed in Tropica complained against the law surrounding breastfeeding.

Alexander Smith-Jones, a Kalistani operating a newly founded seafood restaurant chain, Sea-life, in Liamderson, is complaining about Tropica's law that forbid him form preventing women from showing their breasts or from breast-feeding their kids. Very woman use this law to bear naked breasts, but many women use it to breast-feeding their child. Even employee of Sea-Life can be found breastfeeding their children in public.

This is counter-productive for the our business. When you can serve a client because your waitress is busy breast-feeding, its a sign that our business is not correctly serving their clients. I tried to talk with the prime minister or the minister of industry about this situation, but no one returned my call. We need a new law around breast-feeding.

This country does not need to be Kalistopica. Right now, I feel like I am still operating in Tropica.

Recently, the tribe Union and the Native satanailist alliance have passed the Kicia law, in honor of the goddess of milk, Kicia, who is credited with giving women the ability to feed others. According to their legend, Tropica was once struck by famine and people where unable to feed their child, that's when Kicia appeared and enchanted the breasts of the women, giving them the ability o feed others.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:16 am


Kalistani Sea-Food Restaurant Patron found to be smoking Bath Salts.

month ago, Alexander Smith-Jones complained about the lax Tropica laws are with breast-feeding. But recently, he was found by his employee smoking bath salt and seemed totally delusional. This is the first strange behavior Mr Smite-Jones made, last week, he tried to accuse his female employee to have raped him, however, his claim was rejected by the Tropican Tribunal.

According to the workers, he said this when he was found.

Darklight is evil, that Kalistani president is spying on us, she plan to exploit us and transform us all into crazy sex-minded, and we are going right down the path of deprivation with her.... She's going to get rid of all males in the country, she's going to feminize us all. We're going to be offered to Satanail. its over, we are all going to die. we are doomed, the Kalistani President has taken control of Terra. Why did you elect her ? I know it, she's going to rape, someone save me.

Multiple workers, came forwards to say they are going to submit Mr Smith-Jones to a Spiritual exorcism. Apparently. the workers have kidnapped their boss in order to perform an exorcism on him.

Its a sacred ritual where we call forward Rivia and Slirio, and have them, over a certain period of time, take away the evils spirits that may possess a person. This guy is clearly nut, we think he got possessed by an evil spirit when he consumed the Bath Salts.

According to the Tropican Deities Discovery program, spirit Possession exist in the Tropican Culture, According to some Tropican clan, the Goddess of Death Poya is said to corrupt the spirit of evil person and to send them to possess humans, in a effort to bring them down , so she get to consume two bodies, and only the Star God Rivia, is able to free the spirit from the possessed person. However, spirits can only be control by Slirio, the spirits lord. According to the legend, Slirio was once a sick Chieftain, friendly with the gods. Rivia was able to save Slirio once. But during a surf competition, the chieftain was mortally wounded, and this time, Rivia was unable to save Sliriot. However Rivia was able to raise Slirio away from Poya's reach, by transforming him into the lord of the spirits. Apparently, Slirio is able to reincarnate the spirits of good persons into future baby, while returning the evil spirit to Poya. Slirio is also creating multiple spirit, like the peace spirit Kaliff, from the spirits of notable humans being.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:45 am


Tropican police arrested the head of the Poyan Cult

Alano Kaeo, Sheriff of Tropica and Hakina Tiki, Sheriff of Liamderson, have announced that they have capture of the leader of the Poyan Cult, Mokihi Tame, along the arrestation of the director of Keymon's Revolu-Gaming, Kyriakos Vidales, as well as the arrestation of multiple cult members, for hiding cannibalistic activities. The police has thanks the Krugari force for their cooperation in the manhunt. Multiple members of the cult, along the leader, face death penalty, as they face charges of Terrorists, Murders, kidnapping, cannibalisme, Assaults, rape, Sexual Aggression, brainwashing, among others. The Police also found that the DNA of Mokihi Tame correspond with a unknown DNA, from an unsolved case, in which a young woman was brutally raped and murdered, without the culprit being found over 15 years ago, the police found DNA, but was not unable to find to who this belong. However, in the present, the police's test have showed that there is 60% that the DNA, belong to Mikohi Tame. The Police has decided to reopen all case of unconcluded murders to see if it is possible that Mokihi Tame might have committed those crimes.

We caught the guy, We caught the cult leader. Yes, he will certainly be remplaced by a new leader, but we must bring himto justice. For his victims and for the famillies of thoses victims.
Alano Kaeo

Since Mokihi Tame was an important members of the Rain Clan of Liamderson, this news was met with strong comments from the Matai, Piripi Rara

Mikohi was my friend and one of my most trusted advisor, I can't believe he was a cannibal and a serial killer, this is a shock to all of us, who know him to be a good willing man.
Piripi Rara

Darklight familly rumored to quit Tropica

it is heavily rumored that the Darklight familly may quit Tropica. the Current Prime minister of Tropica, Maya Darklight will not seek a third mandate, She say that those negociation are tiring and too demanding for her. It is not known who is going to remplaced her. She also she accepted the position under pressure from Milana Metua, because Milana Metua could not present herself as a candidate, since she does not belong the the Communist party of Tropica.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Dec 15, 2018 2:55 am


Tropica land a deal with TLG écologies

Today, the government of Tropica has announced they land a deal with a Lourennian company, TLG Écologies.
For a sum of 12 Billions of Lourennian Francs, Tropica has given 6 contracts, worth 2 billion lourennian francs each, for the construction of hydro-power station, located near the most important cities of the country. The completion of these projects will allow Tropica to generate even more energy, Milana Metua, minister of energy and one of the candidate for the post of prime minister of Tropica, has assured the international community that this deal will allow the country to welcome more business and more economic activities on their lands.
The Hydro-power station locations have been decided. They willl be located in, Tropica City, New Kosmos, Liamderson, Kapele City, Haukawi and Near the cities of Keahiahi and Waiwai in the North of Tropica. However, it is unsure if these project will allow Tropica to bring economic activity outside the Metropole, New Kosmos, or the Capital region formed by Tropica City and Liamderson.

The most recent map of Tropica
the pink W represent Tropican Offshore windmill farms
the pink S represent the Tropican Solar Photo-voltaic power stations
the red H represent the place where TLG écologies is going to construct the hydro-power station.
a represent the city of Keahiahi, b represent the city of Waiwai, c represent the city of Tropicerson, d represent the city of Haukawi, e represent the city of Muriwhata,
f represent the city of New Kosmo, h represent the city of Kekaimoana, g represent the city of Lakeifo, I represent the city of Fangoii, J represent the city of Liehale
K represent the city of Rokasi, L represent the city of Kikiwai, M represent the city of Nowrie, N represent the city of Altany, O represent Kapele City
P represent the city of Liamderson and q Represent the Capital of Tropica City.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Dec 15, 2018 6:38 am


Tropica Deity discovery Program

Today on Tropica Discovery, we have decided to present the views, a few tropican gods, that we did not present in the last editions. Because they are not worshiped, nor prayed to the tropicans, but their names are mentioned in the Tropican mythology, and in multiple Stories. Today, we present the god of sun Kau, the Sky God Mokuna, the god of Ocean Meakanu, and the God of lizards Liziau.

According to the Tropican legend, Kau is the God who gives shine upon Terra, his presence is necessary to everyone's life. Tropican count story of Kau sleeping on his jobs, an so he was chased down and wake by Kofio. Originally, Kofio wanted to kill him and was able to defeat Kau, but since Kau death would have a terrible effect on humans, Kofio choose to kick the sun God instead, causing to rotate around the earth. Also, it said that Kau has two wife, Kauwela-Wahine, the summer lady and Kahoilo-Wahine, the winter lady. And since Kahoilo-Wanie is more demanding then her summer counter, winter day's would be shorter then summers.

The Sky God, Mokuna is described to be the husband, as well as the son of the great Mother Tassia. In english, Mokuna means Space.

The Ocean God Moana, is described to be a guardian of the ocean and the father of all sea creatures, though his unions with multiples spirits, Fishes, Crabs, Eels, Lampreys, Octupus, Seaweed, Cockles, Mollusks, sharks as well as all others creatures that lives in sea. The Tropican used to make offering to the Oceans God, In hope that the Ocean god would allow them to get more sea creatures on their plates. Octopus, Crab and Lamprey are very popular dishes in Tropica.

And Finally, Liziau is a a Lizard Goddess, who is said to the creators of all lizards. Apparently, she chose and a Matai named Kalili, as Lovers and brought him to her cave, as a prisonner. But with time, Kalili wanted to surf once more, Liziau gave him his wish, but demand that he does not speak about her true form. But while, he was surfing with the others, Kalili speak about Liziau true form, anyway. In consequences, Kalili would never be allowed to Liziau anymore. Liziau had various others loves contest, but since they always end the same way as relations with Kalili, Liziau began to prefer the presence of lizard to the presence of humans and decided to give birth to the millions of lizards. Liziau is also considered to the mother of all reptiles, like crocodiles. The number of different reptilian species in the world apparently represent how many lovers she had.

Here, at Tropica news, we are not saying those stories are truth, we simple have the mission to present Tropican mythology to the people of world.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Tue Dec 25, 2018 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:27 pm


1 Mars 4501
Tropica 7th general election, easier negociation for the Communist party

Tropica shall now be lead by Prime minister, Milana Metua, now a member of the communist party of Tropica. The current prime minister of Tropica, Maya Darklight, has decided to resign. To support her decision. Maya Darklight pointed the 75% rules that force the prime minister to negotiate an accord that would get the approval of 75% of the parties of the national assemble and the constant opposition of the Luthoran Assemble, who made the negotiation much harder then needed. Even if she announced her resignation. The Next prime minister had to negotiate during 4 months, from November 4501 to March 4501, in order to be allowed to form the government.

In Tropica, nominating a prime minister is easy, forming a government is a nightmare. As you need to negotiate with every parties and all of them will try to use their position, in a attempt to pass their agenda. The Green Party was pretty formal about banning the idea of nuclear plants, the Native Satanailist Alliance force us to fund the construction of churches with public funds. The friends of animals forced us to upkeep the ban on dairy products and nearly forced us to enact vegetarianism, if it was not green party intervention, we would not be able to form a government. And thanks for Milana Metua cooperation from the start. But some others parties, especially the friends of animals, it was extremely hard. I did not count the white nights I had to endure, nor the multiple times I though I might give up. Forming a government in Tropica, its only for a select few. And it please me to see that Milana Metua was finally able to pass the test as well. Apparently she also struggled with the friends of animals.
Maya Darklight

Today, Milana Metua Appear in front the press, and declared she was finally to negotiate a government with the others, even though the Luthoran Assemble and the New Democratic Party refused to talk with her. She even had to negotiate with 4 independents politicians, who were elected under parties who submitted a single name on the list of representatives. However, expert are not certain that the government of Milana can continue for long without the support of the Labor party, or if the Tribe Union decided to drop their support.

I am pleased to tell all my citizen that I did it, I was able to negotiate a compromise between the Tribe Union, the Native Satanailist Alliance, the Green Party, the Liberal Club, the Friends of Animals and the 4 independents politicians. We will work, to make Tropica better for everyone.
Milana Metua, Prime minister of Tropica

The opposition parties had very different reaction to this event. The Labor Party was happy to see the Communist party was able to negociate with the Tribe Union, is show that the Tribe Union is open to the left-wing. The New democratic Party branded Milana Metua as an opportunistic traitors who betrayed her voters for power, while the Luthoran Assemble has spoke of vast electoral fraud committed by the communists and branded Milana Metua as a demon, However Bill Graham is once again facing opposition in his rank and 7 members of the party voted in favor of the government.

These where the results of the last Tropican general elections
Communist Party of Tropica = 52 Seats
Tribe Union = 27 Seats
Native Satanailist Alliance = 34 Seats
Tropican Green Party = 37 Seats
Luthoran Assemble = 22 Seats
New Democratic Party = 13
Labor Party = 23 Seats
Liberal Club = 17 Seats
Friends of animal = 8 Seats
Maxia Party, Safiosina Party, Frazia Party, Kaniu Party = 1 Seat (theses are independents politicians, whose parties only have 1 names on the lists.) But Tropica proportional representation does not allow independents politicians to present their candidatures.
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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