
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Xsampa Daily Post

Postby jamescfm » Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:46 am

Royalists Elect New Leader
Choezom Gyaltsen becomes sixth consecutive Sikyong from the conservative party

Friday 22nd October, 4486

Desi Bhuchung II approved the formation of a new government this evening, following a change in leadership for the governing Royalist Party. Choezom Gyaltsen has been appointed as Sikyong, shortly after he was elected leader of the Royalists in a vote of the party's governing body. Gyaltsen's election makes him the sixth consecutive premier to come from the Royalist Party and they have now governed Xsampa for over twenty years since the collapse of the republican system in 4463.

Elections are scheduled to be held for the Legislative Assembly, the Parliament's lower house, next April but these are unlikely to impact the legislature's overall composition. The upper house, the Spiritual Assembly, is dominated by conservative religious delegates who are perceived as extremely loyal to the Desi. Consequently, they can be relied on to vote in favour of Royalist legislation on most occasions. Even so Gyaltsen spoke of his hope of increasing the party's majority.

Like his predecessors, the new Sikyong is an experienced politician. A former lawyer, he spent half a decade as the Desi's most senior legal adviser prior to his election to Parliament. Unlike his predecessors, however, Gyaltsen is identified with the ultra-conservative wing of the party and has promised that his priority for governance will be restoring traditional Xsampan values to society. Critics in the outlawed National Republican Party have argued that in reality, this will mean further curtailment of political freedom is to be expected.
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Re: Xsampa Daily Post (Xsampa)

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Dec 23, 2018 4:49 pm

Xsampan Daily is the largest independent newspaper in Xsampa, covering all major issues in the nation
Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen Announces New Economic Program
November 4486(backlogged)
Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen has announced a series of economic programs to-in his own words-“better the ailing nation”.

The new economic programs will mainly focus on three things, according to Mr. Gyaltsen himself.

The first and most important is industrial expansion. Mr. Gyaltsen has stated his willingness to lower tax rates and tariffs to entice businesses to set up factories and regional headquarters in the country.

Next, Mr. Gyaltsen stated his willingness to enter a free trade agreement with nations such as Kimlien, Lourenne, and Indrala.

Finally, Mr. Gyaltsen has announced a domestic business initiative, where the government would subsidies the costs of domestic companies in exchange for them keeping there business in Xsampa and continuing to pay taxes to the Xsampan government.

Several companies have already begun talks with the government concerting opening up regional headquarters.

The Antone Corporation announced there intentions to open a casino and a Keymon electronics store within Xsampa. They also announced there plans to construct a regional headquarter within the country.

The Sikyong’s initiatives have been met with public backlash however. Members of the banned National Republican Party have criticized the move as a “populist push”.

Backlash has also come from members of the hated Xsampan Communist Party or XCP. They’ve complained that the working conditions in Xsampa need to be reformed and have also criticized the government’s decision to allow foreign companies to invest drastically in Xsampa.

However the government has stuck to its guns and hasn’t backed down from the plans.

We will continue to update you.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Xsampa Daily Post (Xsampa)

Postby Yolo04 » Tue Dec 25, 2018 2:55 am

Xsampan Daily is the largest independent newspaper in Xsampa, covering all major issues in the nation
Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen Proposes Anti-Communist Legislation
April 4486(backlogged)
Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen has proposed anti-communist legislation into the Legislative Assembly, currently being dominated by the Royalist Party.

Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen

Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen has continuously criticized the Xsampan Communist Party as a-“destabilizing agent of foreign socialist demands”.

The legislation proposed, if passed, will forbid the XCP(Xsampan Communist Party) from maintaining a paramilitary, which would make the Royalist Party the only party to have a paramilitary.

The legislation would also forbid registered members of the XCP from owning any firearms in the future and all XCP members would also have to turn in there existing firearms.

This change has been met with immense backlash from the XCP and has caused small acts of violence. It is currently being reported that a small group of XCP members have vandalized a local city hall.

The XCP has officially condemned the legislation and the acts of violence committed by some of its members in an official press statement.

The XCP however has been met with violence from royalist paramilitary forces and from armed citizens, officially called “vigilantes” by the government.

However, the Legislative Assembly at this point is merely a rubber stamp for Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen.

The bill is almost certain to pass both the Legislative Assembly and the Spiritual Assembly, both of which have become rubber stamps for the royalists.

It is also unlikely for the courts to overturn this decision, as the constitution does not state that citizens have the right to keep and bear arms, therefore the government can take whatever actions it wishes, concerning firearms.

We will continue to update you
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Xsampa Daily Post (Xsampa)

Postby Yolo04 » Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:24 am

Xsampan Communist Party Pamphlet is the official party pamphlet, covering all major issues concerning the party
Xsampn Communist Party Holds Protest in Capital City
May 2nd, 4486, 6:25 P.M
After legislation that banned us from maintaining a paramilitary and preventing our members from owning firearms, we’ve decided to protests this decision by marching in the capital city Lhasa.

This march is to prove to the Sikyong that we are not rebels. We are political opponents and that we have a voice. A strong loud voice.

We shall all meet together at the courthouse, then we shall march towards governmental offices and buildings.

We are not to use force against police and counter-protesters. We are peaceful, not violent.

We shall bring a petition right to Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen to allow our members to carry firearms, like all other citizens are allowed to do.

We hope that he will accept this petition due to our numbers. However we must also be prepared to accept failure.

We hope to see you all there.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Xsampa Daily Post (Xsampa)

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Dec 29, 2018 2:30 am

Xsampan Daily is the largest independent newspaper in Xsampa, covering all major issues in the nation
Communist Protest Begins In Lhasa, Police in Riot Gear Appear
May 3rd, 4486, 10:00 A.M
The Xsampan Communist Party or XCP has begun protests against the governments decision to ban XCP members from owning firearms, as well as the banning of the XCP from maintaining a paramilitary.

Multiple XCP members have begun protests in the capital surrounding the Palace and Legislative Assembly Building.

XCP Members Protest Outside Legislative Assembly

The Xsampan Federal Police have already begun setting up defensive positions and they’ve already equipped riot gear.

The Xsampan Federal Police have also announced a curfew of 9 PM.

So far, the protests have been peaceful with only a few reported incidents of violence, mainly from more radical sects of the party.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Xsampa Daily Post (Xsampa)

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Dec 30, 2018 2:36 am

Xsampan Daily is the largest independent newspaper in Xsampa, covering all major issues in the nation
Police Begins Cracking Down On Xsampan Communist Protesters, Uses Bullets and Tear Gas
May 3rd, 4486, 7 P.M
The Xsampan Federal Police have begun using live ammunition and tear gas against protesters in Lhasa.

Tear Gas Used Against Protesters

The protests have been brutally broken up, yet the police are still making arrests against protestors.

The Xsampan Federal Police also requested that the Sikyong order a state of emergency and the allowance of the military to intervene against the protesters, which the Sikyong approved.

Xsampan Federal Police Cracking Down on Protesters

The Xsampan Communist Party has condemned this crackdown on protests, which would violate the constitutional right to protest and free speech.

The Xsampan Communist Party has also condemned the usage of live ammunition and tear gas against protestors.

The Xsampan Constitutional Army (X.C.A) has entered into Lhasa to enforce the curfew and state of emergency.

The right to protest and free speech has been suspended.

We will continue to update you
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Xsampa Daily Post (Xsampa)

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:23 pm

Xsampan Daily is the largest independent newspaper in Xsampa, covering all major issues in the nation
Xsampan Communist Party Banned!

May 8th, 4486
The Xsampan Communist Party has been banned by the majority monarchist government.

The Legislative Assmebly and Spiritual Assmebly have approved proposals to legally ban the Xsampan Communist Party.

The Ministry of Internal Stability has already shut down the headquarters of the Xsampan Communist Party & has arrested the leaders of the Xsampan Communist Party.

The Xsampan Communist Party Pamphlet Headquarters has been raided and all journalists in the building have been arrested.

Communists in Xsampa have begun a workers strike in response to the dissolution of the Xsampan Communist Party.

However these strikes have already been broken up by the Xsampan Federal Police and no further strikes have been planned.

Critics of the Xsampan Monarchy and the Sinkyong have criticized this action as an attempt to crack down on opposition to the monarchy.

We will continue to update you
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Xsampa Daily Post (Xsampa)

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:44 pm

Xsampan Daily is the largest independent newspaper in Xsampa, covering all major issues in the nation
Xsampan Ministry of War Threatens War Against Tropica

August 10th, 4486
The Minister of War, in response to the Prime Minister of Tropica calling Xsampa a “dictatorship”, has threatened to “destroy” Tropica.

The Minister of War, in a televised address , claimed that the Tropican government should resend that statement or face-“total destruction from the military forces of Xsampan”.

The Minister of War also stated that Tropica would be a “great place to be destroyed”.

The Minister of War has already, at the order of the Sikyong, begun a modernization campaign of the countries military forces.

The Minister of War has also sent Xsampan Navy ships close to Tropican national waters, though technically outside.

This has prompted Legislative Assembly and the Spiritual Assmebly to call an emergency meeting with the Sikyong and the Minister of War, to discuss the possibility of war and the results of war.

There has been no official response from the Tropican government, yet independent media have reported there is a scare that the Minister of War may be serious.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Xsampa Daily Post (Xsampa)

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Jan 12, 2019 9:53 pm

Xsampan Daily is the largest independent newspaper in Xsampa, covering all major issues in the nation
’We are Not Fascist’ Says Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen, In Response to Tropican Prime Minister

September 4514
Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen has condemned the Tropican Prime Minister Malina Metua for calling Xsampan a “fascist nation”.

The Tropican Prime Minister recently announced that she’d accept all political refugees from “fascist dictatorships”.

In her address concerning this idea, she named Xsampa alongside, Kanjor & Llore, as “fascist regimes in Dovani”.

Sikyong Choezom Gyaltsen has responded to the Prime Minister by condemning both her and her speech.

Mrs. Metua has continuously made slanderous comments to our nation and it isn’t surprising that she tries and slander our glorious democratic nation once again.

Xsampa is a constitutional monarchy where independent parties may vote representatives into the Spiritual Assembly and the Legislative Assembly.

If Mrs. Metua continues to make such slanderous comments against our glorious nation, then we will have no choice but to declare war and invade Tropica.

This is her last warning!

The Ministry of War has announced that the Xsampan Royal Army has been ordered to begin preparing a possible invasion of Tropica.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a travel warning for citizens traveling to Tropica and has designated Tropica a “dangerous” nation to travel to.

We will continue to update you
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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