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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:56 pm

Elections are a Socialist Victory
July 2, 4564

The results for this years elections are in and the results are quite surprising: the Workers' Liberation Front won the plurality and presidency. Since the return to republicanism and recreation of the Legislative Assembly after the death of Sultan Azeez, the National Assembly has been dominated mostly by small parties centered around individual warlords and military officers rather than actual ideologies. The switch to ideologically based parties began two election cycles ago in 4556 when ideology based parties won forty percent of the vote. The next election in 4560 saw them move up to a little more than half of the vote. This election, the ideology based parties solidified their dominance in winning seventy-five percent of the vote, which has forced the smaller warlord parties to unify under a single leader and party. In a meeting between Medina's warlords which was held in the capital last night, right before the election results came in, it was decided that Medina's warlords would rally under the leadership of ex-President and current Field Marshal Sabithan Chaudhari who has already come out to denounce the election results and claim that the Workers' Liberation Front had agents planted in the vote tallying group who had tampered with the ballots in order to sway the elections away from himself and in favor of the socialists.

The success of the Workers' Liberation Front seems to have shocked the nation, as they have won both one-hundred-twenty-seven seats in the Legislative Assembly and secured the Presidency. President-elect Sree Singh has already met with the incumbent President Yahan Patil, a warlord who has dissolved his party before the July first election, and the powerless Sultan Barani Narang, a descendant of the general Kharanyan Narang who seized power after the death of Sultan Azeez but returned power to the legislature and reduced his position to one of ceremony, and has assured the nation that a peaceful transfer of power would occur once Singh takes office on the first of January. But these victories do not mean that the leadership of the socialists will be a smooth road. Already, the Party of Sabithan Chaudhari and Akim's Faithful have made it clear that they would not work with a socialist government, and many even suggest that these two parties will cause trouble for the socialists in more ways than just blocking legislation. The only route for the socialists to take in order to form a functioning government would be to win over the support of the Medina National Liberty Front and the Revolutionary Communist Party, but both of these parties have had disputes with the socialists in the past.

Results of the 4564 Elections

Workers' Liberation Front 127 seats
Party of Sabithan Chaudhari 103 seats
Medina National Liberty Party 64 seats
Akim's Faithful 63 seats
Revolutionary Communist Party 43 seats
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:51 pm

Warlords Denounce Socialist Government
July 12, 4565

A year after his failed run for the Presidency and six months after the inauguration of socialist President Sree Singh, Field Marshal Sabithan Chaudhari has officially denounced the socialist-controlled government and has mobilized the army against the President. Multiple warlords have declared support Marshal Chaudhari while others have stood up in support of the government. The party paramilitaries of Akim's Faithful and the Revolutionary Communist Party have also risen up, with the Army of Akim declaring a jihad against Medina's socialists and communists and the People's Revolutionary Army declaring support for the government. Sultan Narang has proclaimed neutrality in this matter and has called back the Royal Guard to his palace outside of the capital, but it is expected that he'll be forced to break his neutrality before the end of the year.

So far, the capital has fallen under the occupation of the army, with small pockets of pro-government warlords defending pockets throughout the city including the the Assembly Hall where President Singh is personally leading the defense of the building. There are no reports of fighting outside of the capital, with areas of land falling under the clear control of one faction or another.

Pro-Government Forces Manpower
    Presidential Honor Guard: 1,000
    People's Revolutionary Army: 20,000
    Loyal Warlords: 40,000
    Total: 61,000

Pro-Chaudhari Forces Manpower
    Army: 75,000
    Rebellious Warlords: 50,000
    Total: 125,000

Revolutionary Ahmadi Manpower
    Army of Akim: 25,000
    Rebellious Warlords: 5,000
    Total: 30,000
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:54 pm

President Singh Captured
August 30, 4566

The Legislative Assembly Hall fell this afternoon after more than thirteen months of siege by the forces of Sabithan Chaudhari. President Singh was dragged out of the embassy by soldiers of the national military and was paraded through the streets where soldiers and anti-socialist citizens hurled taunts and rotting fruits until he reached the field base of Marshal Chaudhari and was brought before the victorious warlord. Later, President Singh addressed the nation over radio and announced both his abdication and surrender to Marshal Chaudhari. So far numerous pro-Singh warlords have laid down their arms and sent their men back home, but others along with the People's Revolutionary Army have issued statements declaring that their still existed between the "rightful government" and the "warlord usurpers."

Despite increasing pressure from all sides of the conflict, Sultan Narang continues to officially maintain his neutrality, however an unnamed whistler blower within his court has indicated that the Sultan hold pro-Chaudhari convictions due to the leftist and anti-royalist sentiment of the Workers' Liberation Front and Revolutionary Communist Party.

Ahmadist forces have officially untied under the leadership of Imam Manjeet Misra, a preacher from the small town of Liniwatura. Under his charismatic leadership, the Ahmadists have been able to establish stable control over the countryside and have seen the ranks of his forces swell with eager volunteers. So far, the Ahmadists have only been in conflict with government forces and have maintained relatively cordial relations with Chaudhari, who is a devout Ahmadist, and his warlords.
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Re: The Medina Courier

Postby ChitinKal » Fri May 03, 2019 5:14 pm

Last Socialist Pocket Encircled
January 8, 4570

Civil war has been waged for nearly four years now, with the elected socialist government slowly being pushed further and further out of power, with the last pocket of organized resistance being encircled in the city of Daukau, where they seem to be putting up their last stand. The fighting in Daukau has been fierce, and thousands of civilians have been caught in the crossfire along with the already high belligerent casualties. Since the capture of President Singh, the leadership of the socialist forces and territories has fallen to Neeraj Patel, the socialist warlord of Daukau, who has been commanding the defense of the city from his penthouse in the city. Marshal Chaudhari has issued death sentence to Patel and his advisors, and Imam Misra has ordered a fatwa against him, though there are no Ahmadist fighters in the city to execute the sentence before Chaudhari's troops can capture Patel. There seems to be no way for the socialists to break out from their encirclement, but their defense has grown even more fierce. The battle is estimated to not end for a while, but when it does, thousands more victims will be left by this war.
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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:19 pm

The Breath of Chaudhari
The Breath of Chaudhari is the official state news source of the National State of Medina, with the will of Admiral General Sabithan Haffaz Chaudhari IX
January 4768
The Events of the Last 98 Years

As it's been a while since the last time foreign officials heard anything from the grand nation of Medina, who has since the fall of the old, corrupt, and un-Medinan President Singh and other warlords, experienced a golden age alone under the guidance of the variously titled leaders. Our current leader is the grand and gracious Admiral General Sabithan Haffaz Chaudhari IX, who is 41 years young and politely and oh so humbly requests his loving and adoring people as Haffaz. (He is pictured below)

The امير بحر لشکر (Amīruʼl-baḥr Lashkar) Haffaz

Fortunately for his supreme and ultimate magnificence, the nation is thriving and loves him. In the first election since his many great grandfather won the War of Freedom, there was 17,977,078 (of the population of 17,977,079) votes for his supreme and ultimate magnificence. It turns out Haffaz had intentionally misspelled his own name to test his subjects' loyalty. Other than the one vote out of line, there is absolutely no resistance or opposition to his supreme and ultimate magnificence.
Good day, foreigners, and do not attempt to enter the nation on penalty of death!

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the unofficial but true news source of Medina, fighting for freedom from the tyranny of the dictator.
January 4768
The Real Events of the Last 98 Years

When the first Chaudhari took power in 4670, he restricted the nation to the edge of collapse. He executed thousands for breathing the wrong thing. His many times great grandson, Chaudhari IX is worse. He has taken the nation as a pleasure palace for his whims, and has driven the nation's economy into the ground while frivolously spending what's left of his money on the search for nuclear weapons. You might ask yourself, "who is telling me this?", and you'd be asking a good question. I am Rayyana Kohli, head of the militant revolutionary organization called the Waras̤a Zahīr (Heirs of Zahir). We seek to reinstall Zahirist Ahmadi truth into our nation, overthrow this terrible fiend, and open our nation to the wonders of the world. We have been fighting from the inside for many years, slowly whittling away at the usurper's power. It will not take long to overthrow him once we begin. We are asking everyone who can help to do so, do leave a mark on the world that will last forever as our new nation will when it rises from the ashes of this already burnt one.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:38 pm

The Breath of Chaudhari
The Breath of Chaudhari is the official state news source of the National State of Medina, with the will of Admiral General Sabithan Haffaz Chaudhari IX
June 4768
Impromptu War-Games Have Begun!

On a glorious morning last week, our never-before-annual War-Games began, in the city of Madinat es-Salaam, where we hosted 20 "rebel fighters" against the 4000 strong National Guard! In an attempt to make the fight more fair, the "rebels" were allowed by his supreme and ultimate magnificence to "capture" the city. Citizens, if you hear "gunfire" or "explosions", fear not and cheer on the noble National Guardsmen in their "fight" against "rebels". Do not, we repeat do not, interfere with the War-Games, as you could inadvertently help the "rebels"!

Three of his supreme and ultimate magnificence's vehicles, too precious for the War-Games but still in fighting shape!

His supreme and ultimate magnificence addressed his people from his lovely palace today, definitely not sweating from worry, and if e was sweating, it would be from the glorious sunshine that follows him everywhere he goes. He told his people not to worry, and that within 6-8 weeks (it may have been 68 weeks, we were unable to tell) the War-Games would be over and life would be back to normal. His people have been in the streets with excitement for when their town will be hosting the War-Games, and have been so happy, the industry of the nation has been shut down due to their wildly fun times! Unfortunately, the police have been called in to keep them working and reduce their oh so contagious happiness!

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the unofficial but true news source of Medina, fighting for freedom from the tyranny of the dictator.
June 4768
The Resistance Has Begun

We have started our fight for freedom this year, and should all go the way Akim wills it, we shall know the first of June to be the day of freedom. We have already seized the capital city of Madinat es-Salaam, ironically named the city of peace in the Majatran language. Our 200 soldiers valiantly fought and defeated the 400 drunks the dictator calls the "National Guard". We are marching our main force of 3,000 soldiers to the city of Khairpur, or خيرپُور‎, the largest city in the nation. Within the next 3 to 4 months we expect to have full control of the nation, and install our new government to bring freedom to the people of Medina. May Zahir be with us.

The people protesting the violence against them.

Luckily for us, the people of Medina are on our side, fighting and protesting in the streets, awaiting our arrival. The police were called in to keep them toiling in their factories, but have not been enough. Our fight has paralyzed the nation, and only freedom will restore its movement. We seek the day where the words of Zahir and Ahmad move the people and motivate the government.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:44 pm

The Breath of Chaudhari
The Breath of Chaudhari is the official state news source of the National State of Medina, with the will of Admiral General Sabithan Haffaz Chaudhari IX
December 4768
War-Games Testing the Mettle of Our Troops!

Now that the War-Games have been going on for about 6 months, we believe that our soldiers are better than ever. Our glorious army of well over 600,000 men is always ready to fight off invaders of our sovereign lands and oils, and they have, in good spirit of the Games, allowed the "rebels to control a little less than half of the nation in an attempt to make it more fair.

A few of our glorious and clearly well-armed and armoured soldiers having a great time!

His supreme and ultimate magnificence announced that the War-Games were going excellently, and to ensure that no "fighting" got too close to his palace, he was ordering the conscription of 45,000 men to protect it's gracious estates.

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the unofficial but true news source of Medina, fighting for freedom from the tyranny of the dictator.
June 4768
Well over Two-Thirds of Medina under Rebel Control.

After 6 months of fighting, we have managed to capture all but 1 province, which is the personal stronghold of the dictator. Now we have no chance of losing. We have hailed the dictator many times now, asking for his surrender. He has not responded. We now have no choice but to attack his stronghold, where the remnants of his 6,000 men and 450 new conscripts are, against our 17,000 well trained soldiers.

The valiant soldiers of our rebellion marching in recently captured Khairpur.

Again, the people of Medina are on our side, giving us food, shelter, weapons, and themselves to support our cause. With their help we are now better supplied and a larger force than the dictator's men, and are on track to succeed in our endeavor before end of the year in three weeks time. May the spirit of Zahir be with you all.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Sat Jun 13, 2020 2:59 am

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the unofficial but true news source of Medina, fighting for freedom from the tyranny of the dictator.
January 4769

After many months of fighting, we have defeated the corrupt and tyrannical Admiral General Chaudhari IX. Our brave soldiers fought of the enslaved and embattled militia the dictator called an army, liberating the country. We now seek to start a new nation, with us at the helm. The Waras̤a Zahīr (Heirs of Zahir) will now form our own government, an Ahmadist Democracy, based around the principles of Zahirist Ahmadism, deliberative democracy, and freedom of speech and expression.

People celebrating in the streets for the first time in 99 years.

We have broken the 99 year chain that controlled our people, and we now laugh ourselves back into the world. In the next 4 months, we will start our government, free our people, and become involved in the international community again. We are no longer a loner state. We are the bastion of true Ahmadism, the rightful heirs of every Ahmadist state. We will have freedom, prosperity, and righteousness. May the words of Zahir guide you. Rayyana Kohli, out.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Sat Jun 13, 2020 7:32 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the unofficial but true news source of Medina, fighting for freedom from the tyranny of the dictator.
May 4769
New Ahmadist Government Created, Nation on Track to Become Great Again.

With our victory in the rebellion secured and Chaudhari arrested and scheduled for trial and execution, we have established our government as of this glorious month. The National Day of Freedom shall be a holiday on the 18th of May every year from now on, along with the Day of Resistance on 1 June. The structure of our government is as determined below, in the style of a newly created theory of Ahmadi democracy. The nation's ideals are based on direct and deliberative democracy, Zahirist Ahmadi theory, and responsibility and accountability of those in power.

Medina's new Zahirist Ahmadi government structure.

The form of government is designed to amplify the power of debate and deliberation within the halls of government, and to allow the people to have a say. Bill proposals are chosen by the Committee of Selection (Majlis-ě Muntaḵẖab), then passed onto the Assembly of Deliberation (Jalsa-ě Tadbīr) where they are debated every Friday (which is a holiday, both for this purpose and religiously). The debates go on from 12:00 to 14:00, and voting opens from 15:00 to 17:00. At the same time, the Assembly of Advisory (Jalsa-ě Shūrā) votes to pass the bill or not. Should they agree, the people and the Assembly, the bill is law provided the Viceroy and Authority (Nāʼib-aur Iqtidār) signs it. If both the people and Assembly vote against, the bill is dead. If only one group passes it, it moves to the Board of Experts (Hafl-ě Ćatur) and they make the decision. At any point the Viceroy may force the bill to be enforced by the Council of Ministers (Majlis-ě Wazraa).

The new flag of the Zahiri Republic of Medinah (Jamāhīr-ě Zahīriyya ke Madinah)

After long debate, the new flag of the republic was made, with the green of Ahmadism, the white of our righteousness, and the black of the darkness we fought for our freedom from. The symbol in the corner, the crescent moon with two stars surrounded by the wreath is the national emblem of the nation. The crescent and stars is the symbol of Zahirism, based off of the Ahmadi crescent and one star, with the second, smaller star symbolizing Zahir himself with Ahmad being the larger one. The text is the Shahadah of Zahirism, stating: "I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Akeem, that Ahmad is His Messenger and that Zahir is the Last Imam". The first Viceroy and Authority (Nāʼib-aur Iqtidār) is expected to be yours truly, Rayyana Kohli. We have our first elections next month in June.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
Grey Eminence (Likatonia)
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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Mon Jun 15, 2020 5:30 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the unofficial but true news source of Medina, fighting for freedom from the tyranny of the dictator.
June 4769 (OOC: Postdated)
Election Results Announced, Medina Zahirist Order Wins.

After the first elections in almost 99 years were announced, the Medina Zahirist Order, a Nationalist, Pan-Dovani, Ahmadist Democratic party led by now-President Akburc Khorasani and endorsed by now-Vicereine Rayyana Kohli. Coming close together in second and third were the Assembly of Ahmadi Clerics and People's Socialist Movement of Medina, as different from one another as possible.

The election results from the Assembly of Advisory.

The MJZ (Medina Zahirist Order) came off as a massive success, taking a majority of the elected seats in the AoA. That combined with their candidate being elected President meant they could fill the Assembly of Selection, the body that assigns what bills are debated, with their own people. From the AoS, the President then chose members to sit on the Council of Ministers, forming the government under the MJZ and a few independent religious members of the AoA.

Despite being non-partisan, the Assembly of Deliberation (AoD), which has electoral lists of like-minded candidates, was dominated in 18 of its 25 elected positions by MJZ-endorsed candidates in the List of Order. The other candidates were from 2 other lists backed by the 2 other large parties in the AoA, the JUA (Assembly of Ahmadi Clerics) and MPIT (People's Socialist Movement of Medina).

Rayyana Kohli was selected by the newly elected Board of Experts to become the Viceroy and Authority (commonly called Vicereine) for a life term. The Board, made up of experts and scholars, was also dominated by MJZ backed candidates in their 8 year term. The Vicereine has vast powers in selecting candidates for various bodies and in making executive actions on her own.

The next elections for the AoD and AoA are in 4773, whereas the next elections for the BoE (Board of Experts) are in 4777.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
Grey Eminence (Likatonia)
Posts: 245
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