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Re: Vascania News

Postby Pragma » Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:33 pm

Vascanian Navy Asserts Oil Claims
Above: VIS Rakta and VIS Dolostipe steaming towards Gayata Island.

The Vascanian Navy has today asserted Vascania's claims to the uninhabited reefs to its direct north. In a show of force, four of the Empire's most powerful warships steamed towards Gayata Island. An amphibious warfare craft then placed a Vascanian flag upon the 60km2 island, the largest in a group of islands known as the Avara archipelago. The sailors then cheered and held a party aboard the North Fleet's flagship, VIS Dolostipe. The news was received with great celebration in the northern states of Kalam Nadu and Avidangana, where the soldiers are from. The Vascanian National Anthem was also played on the island, and prayers were recited to bless it as Vascanian territory.

The small island group has previously been claimed by Kurageri, but was considered mostly useless until the Vascanian Ministry of Energy published a paper finding that the area was likely to be rich in oil. This is considered by many commentators to be a key motivating factor of the display, as Vascania will soon be incorporating the islands into its expanding 'unincorporated territory' grouping. The list of places on the group includes the many undisputed claims on nearby islands, as well as the controversial addition of Udakha archipelago off the western coast of Khond state. The Udakhas are also rich in oil, and new oil platforms are being built in the area to extract the oil.

Commentators expect little response from the Kurageri government, which has made no attempt to settle the island since a disastrous attempt two hundreds years ago. Most islands in the chain are less than 10km2, and would likely cost money to maintain a population upon in of itself. However, with the potential for oil in the region, the Kurageri government may respond angrily and demand the islands be recognised as their territory. Kurageri is less capable, technologically speaking, of settling the islands or extracting the oil that is expected to surround them. Kurageri also has a new, populist President who has so-far abstained from making grand international displays.

Vascania News is the national public broadcaster and information outlet for the Vascanian Empire.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vascania News

Postby Pragma » Sun Jun 21, 2020 6:57 pm

Naval Clash Leaves ~70 Dead Off Gayata Island
Above: VIS Paristan fired upon the rocket boats and left them in retreat.

The Vascanian navy has been forced to engage its Kurageri counterpart in a deadly altercation off the coast of the disputed Gayata Island. A flotilla of around two dozen Kurageri ships approached the small Vascanian presence in the area before launching a number of rockets and torpedoes at the four imperial ships. A rocket hit the side of the corvette VIS Paristan and a torpedo hit and sank a Vascanian patrol boat, leaving 28 dead. In response, the VIS Paristan was forced to defend itself through retaliatory fire on the Kurageri ships, hitting at least two of their torpedo boats and one of the patrol boats. Estimates are that 50 to 70 Kurageri sailors will have died as a result. The Kurageri force quickly retreated back to the coast.

The altercation, though unsuccessful on the Kurageri end, has been described as 'deeply troubling' by the Vascanian government - who dispute Kurageri's claim to the island chain that is equidistant between the two nations and that Kurageri is technologically incapable of utilising. The attack also illustrates the recklessness of the much smaller Kurageri navy, which is mostly made up of rocket ships and torpedo boats that are exceptionally vulnerable to fire from Vascania's larger ships. The Kurageri boats are also filled with exceptionally dangerous, highly explosive missiles that are primarily designed for brutal offensive tactics against pirates. Their technological difficulties make the weapons inaccurate, but a direct hit can cause serious damage.

The Vascanian government has taken the act as a declaration of hostility, though they are hesitant to suggest we are now at war with Kurageri. The area will soon be empowered with the full force of the Vascanian northern fleet, as the Kurageri flotilla could approach again at any time and use their concentrated firepower to target Vascania's largest ships. Commentators have expressed surprise at Kurageri's willingness to engage a much larger and more technologically powerful nation, when their largest ships are patrol boats incapable of penetrating the thick armour of the Vascanian destroyers soon to be on their way. The Vascanian navy can certainly defeat the Kurageri one, but there are concerns that Kurageri's tactic of concentrating explosive
weaponry in attacks on larger ships could lead to major damages in terms of equipment and lives.

Vascanian Government 'Horrified' By Bianjie News

Vascanian Defence Minister Aaliya Kamal has responded to the Ostlandic report on Bianjie at the end of her press conference about the Gayata Island clash. She told reporters that the government is 'horrified' by the findings of Ostland's report and thanked the new government of Bianjie for cooperating with the investigation. Though the weapons are not known to have been used as part of the genocide of ethnic minorities, the existence of such weapons was called 'deeply disturbing and cause for thought' by the Minister, who said that the Security Council 'was woefully inactive' in response to the original genocide.

The Vascanian government has been hesitant up until now to comment on the investigation before firm findings were published, but Vascania currently operates a policy of opposing biological and chemical weaponry in the global far-east. Vascania itself has made illegal the use of such weapons and Minister Kamal has announced today that: 'Vascania will be working with all other sensible Dovani nations to locate any other biological or chemical weapons in the region and ensure their safe destruction'. Possible pathways towards this may include an international committee on chemical weapons mapping, though this would require large-scale cooperation and likely help from the Security Council. Vascania will soon be on the Security Council as the far-east representative, a position the government says they will use to 'push for more action' internationally.

Vascania News is the national public broadcaster and information outlet for the Vascanian Empire.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vascania News

Postby Pragma » Sun Jun 21, 2020 7:23 pm

Vascania's Oil Ultimatum; Upamash Gives Sultan & Zogu Safe-Haven

Vascania's Prime Minister, Durga Upamash, has responded to Kafuri threats by promising to 'bring Kafuristan to its knees' if any attempt at attacking Vascania is made, as well as mocking the Kafuris by confirming that the Sultan is in Vacanian care. Vascania's air force and navy 'could easily destroy the Kafuri military if forced to', Upamash noted, after an unprompted attack by the new dictator of Kafuristan on Vascania. The Ba'athist dictator has promised to overtake Vascania's oil production as well, retaking its former spot at the world number one oil producer. Vascania's lead in oil production has grown after nearly a decade of major investment in drilling around the Great Vascanian Lake and off Vascania's western coast. Off-sea oil remains a point of contention between Vascania and Kurageri, who have recently clashed dramatically off the northern coast of Kalam Nadu.

The Vascanian government has further announced that the Sultan and his former right-hand, Dardana Zogu, have fled via Kalopia to Vascania. Originally given access into Kalopia by the partially Siphinan government of the country, the Sultan and Zogu then fled to Kayal Island and have now been given political asylum in a symbolic snub of the Ba'athist regime. Zogu, currently 60, is the only known member of the Sultan's government to be living and well. The remaining ministers are presumed dead. The Sultan has made no statements as of yet about his plans for the future or his response to being overthrown.

Vascania has also informed the Malivian government, with whom it was seen as developing a bond, that any oil purchases made by Malivia from Kafuristan would lead to the Artanian nation being 'blacklisted' and unable to purchase any of Vascania's oil or natural gas. The possibility of Malivia engaging in oil talks with the dictator comes after Medina's choice to move towards Yingdalan influence, capping a season of instability in Vascania's international relations. This ultimatum has been extended to all other nations in Terra, who must now choose between the two nations. Vascania's oil and natural gas are notably more reliable and stable in price that Kafuristan's, even after the clash between Vascania and Kurageri.

Vascania News is the national public broadcaster and information outlet for the Vascanian Empire.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vascanian Empire

Postby Aquinas » Mon Jun 22, 2020 1:58 am

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Re: Vascania News

Postby Pragma » Mon Jun 22, 2020 3:01 pm

Vascania Plans New Oil Terminals In Malivia

The Vascanian Ministry of Trade has announced a major investment in the nation of Malivia. The Artanian nation has recently seen its petrol and electricity prices increase sharply after the Vascanian government pressured them to refuse oil from Kafuristan - a nation whose leader has repeatedly eluded to going to war with Vascania over oil. The Vascanian government, seeing the effect the move has had on the already very underdeveloped nation - and hoping to expand its sphere of influence beyond Dovani, has announced that along with Prince Madhu, Malivia will soon be visited by a number of naval construction experts from Dolostipe dockyard who will scope out at least two locations for oil terminals.

The oil terminals will be fairly large, larger than any the Malivians currently have. It will also come with the significant catch that the ports themselves will be the property of the Vascanian government, with an as of yet undefined plan to transfer it to Malivian control. All non-Vascanian imports at the terminals will need approval from the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. All four ministries and the Prime Minister will have to sign off on any other uses for the oil depots.

The terminals will allow for a massively increased ability on the Malivian side to import Vascanian oil, and all expenses will be paid by the Vascanian government as a gesture of good will. The ports should pay for themselves within seven to twelve years, depending on exactly how much oil Malivia chooses to import. The two oceanic convoys that will supply the depots will require naval protection, especially after Kurageri and Kafuri threats on Vascanian shipping. The journey from Dolostipe to Malivia will also probably take around 2-3 weeks depending on the weather. Vascania's aircraft carrier, VIS Sagana, is still under construction but will eventually be housed on the north-eastern coast to respond to dangers in the area. The Vascanian government plans do not currently include a project to help Malivia tap into their own natural gas reserves in the north-east.

Vascania News is the national public broadcaster and information outlet for the Vascanian Empire.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vascania News

Postby Pragma » Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:23 pm

VIS Paristan Sank By Kurageri; 152 Dead

The corvette VIS Paristan has been sank after engaging with the Kurageri naval flotilla. The corvette, travelling alone, was ambushed by the small and mobile Kurageri vessels. The vessels were armed to the teeth with rockets and torpedoes, unleashing volley after volley on the Paristan. Despite firing back and successfully sinking at least one of their vessels, the Paristan was unable to withstand the firepire unleashed upon it. The Vascanian Navy has confirmed that 152 sailors have been killed in the attack, and has promised retribution against the Kurageri state - whom it has officially declared an enemy in the escalating war.

Vascanian Prime Minister Durga Upamash had promised to quickly neutralise the technologically limited flotilla of the Kurageri Navy, but has so far been unable to meet the swift boats in a major engagement. The destroyer VIS Dolostipe has apparently been targeted by Kurageri, so it will receive extra protection in a the search-and-destroy mission officiated by the navy in response to the sinking. Defence Minister Aaliya Kamal has promised that the full weight of the Vascanian military will be 'unleashed' to combat the Kurageri flotilla. The Vascanian Air Force will be used to track down the ships.

Vascania News is the national public broadcaster and information outlet for the Vascanian Empire.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vascanian Empire

Postby Lucipher » Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:28 pm

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Re: Vascania News

Postby Pragma » Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:50 pm

Vascanian Navy Routs Kurageri Flotilla; Hundreds Presumed Dead
Above: A Kurageri ship on fire after the altercation.

A major altercation between the Vascanian and Kurageri navies has left hundreds of Kurageri sailors dead and 28 Vascanian with burns, 12 of which are in a serious condition. According to the Ministry of Defence, the Kurageri flotilla had been moving towards the Kalam Nadu coastline when it was attacked by two squadrons of the Vascanian air force, targeting the torpedo boats and sinking four of the seven at the scene. The air force the signalled the location of the Kurageri ships to the rapid-response fleet on standby in the area. The group, led by the destroyer VIS Dolostipe, then engaged the flotilla. Taken unawares, the Kurageri ships were unable to close the distance between the fleets and as such were fired upon ferociously by the Vascanian side.

Seven Vascanian vessels - one destroy, two frigates, three corvettes and a small submarine - were involved in the altercation against what is thought to be 20 out of around 30 major ships in the Kurageri fleet. All but two Kurageri patrol boats were destroyed, leaving the Kurageri navy even less capable of contesting its claim to the oil-rich reefs between the two nations. According to the MoD, the submarine VIS Lakshadwipe successfully circled around the fleet, leaving them surrounded and unable to retreat. The better equipt and more modern Vascanian fleet is thought to have made very short work of the Kurageri ships, who were unable to utilise their superior mobility after the air force's bombardment.

The casualties on the Kurageri side are believed to be near-total, according to Minister of Defence Aaliya Kamal - who also noted that the near-full destruction of the fleet was 'the only way of neutralising the threat to our ships'. The attack has been criticised by some commentators as having gone too far, as the total number of dead on the Kurageri side are in the hundreds and they were not given opportunity to surrender after the initial shot by VIS Dolostipe destroyed the head patrol boat of the flotilla. The MoD has defended the 'battle' by saying that Kurageri 'has signalled a complete unwillingness to negotiate and a fixation on killing Vascanian servicemen and women'.

The Kurageri president has been given 48 hours by Prime Minister Durga Upamash to surrender, or the Vascanian Empire will begin plans to conduct a series of air strikes on the Kurageri mainland. The targets will be military, and the PM has stated that 'every care will be taken to ensure not one civilian is killed'. The President of Kurageri has as-of-yet shown little interest in conceding defeat, though the annihilation of the nation's fleet and the lack of well-developed aerial defences are noted by commentators as factors that may change his mind. The Vascanian air force has 472 combat aircraft, the Kurageri air force has 29.

Vascania News is the national public broadcaster and information outlet for the Vascanian Empire.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vascania News

Postby Pragma » Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:32 pm

Prince Madhu Finds Many Friends In Malivia
Above: Prince Madhu interacts with Malivia's world-renowned cows.

Prince Madhu, the Emperor's youngest son, has made significant diplomatic progress with a number of major sections of Malivian society after his recent visit to the nation. Prince Madhu met with Patanjali Ganapuli, the President of Malivia, with an eye to bringing the two culturally connected nations closer together. The two talked about economic development, a pathway to helping Malivia tap into its own natural gas reserves in the north and social issues in the nation. The Prince was firm in his commitment to the Malivian leader that 'Vascania will always be a reliable friend to Malivia' and that the recent construction of two oil depots in the nation by Vascania is 'just the first step in helping Malivia develop in terms of energy'. The meeting is noted to have gone well according to insiders, and the Prince also got along with the cabinet members he met in his visit.

The Prince also met with a number of minority concern groups, including the National Esinsindu Forum and Hosian-Luthorian leaders. These groups painted a more negative picture of the current affairs of the nation, and were met with a great deal of sympathy from the Prince - who assured them that Vascania would invest in minority communities as part of their economic development plan for Malivia. The Prince also told members of the NEF and the Luthorian minority archbishop in a meeting that he had told the Malivian President that 'Vascania wants to invest in all Malivians, including minorities'. Once again, those with inside information on the meeting said that the minority leaders were impressed with the ability of the Prince to talk diplomatically with them and listen to their concerns.

Aside from formal meetings, the Prince also took a tour of Malivia's most scenic sites as well as the signs of development already in existence. He first visited one of the oil depots, still partially under construction, that Vascania had built at their own expense for Malivia. The Prince said that such investment 'is a clear sign that Vascania wants to be Malivia's friend, and does not just want to use Malivia as a geopolitical pawn'. This is about as pointedly political as the prince got in his visit, and some commentators have suggested that this is a veiled attack on Deltaria with whom Vascania is fighting for Malivia's favour - one of several battles for favour the Vascanian government has engaged in.

The Prince later visited some of the nation's prised sacred cows, which he said was 'a deeply spiritual and humbling experience' - he also said he felt 'greatly honoured' to help with a blessing of the cows by a Malivian brahmin. The Prince also met with a number of the common folk and asked about their key concerns. Responses largely involved regional and infrastructural development, which the Prince was all too happy to promise to the villagers. He ended his visit with a speech to the national parliament, in which he reflected upon his time in Malivia and doubled down on his government's promises to invest in the nation. He received a thunderous applause from the parliament, and spent an hour meeting individual members before departing. Some have suggested this is a not-too-subtle gesture to get votes in favour of adopting the Vascanian monarchy. All-in-all, the visit is widely viewed as having gone well by commentators on both sides of the ocean.

Government Confirms Major Trade Deals With Keymon & Endralon

The Vascanian government has engaged in a successful series of trade talks with the nations of Keymon and Endralon, whom it will soon begin the process of exporting oil to - and in the former case, aluminium. The Endralon trade deal will consist of the exportation of 100,000 barrels of oil regularly at a price of ~70 per barrel. The deal is supported by the government of the Artanian nation and will help to boost their energy capacity in the immediate future. The move also expands Vascania's exports further north than has ever been done before, empowering Vascania's claim to being a truly international power. The move was agreed to by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister Durga Upamash, who called it 'a great step forward in our relations'.

The Keymon trade deal consists of oil at ~70 per barrel as well as aluminium exports. The deal will be beneficial to the nation's post-war government, who is hoping to rebuild in terms of its military and its infrastructure which it hopes to revive in the short term. Aluminium has not been a priority in the government's export deals so far, but it will be a key part of the agreement with Keymon and could open the Vascanian metal extraction and refinement industry to new opportunities overseas. The move has been announced alongside plans by the victorious Queen Éva to meet Prime Minister Upamash and Emperor Manas in Kamalata next year, to formalise a new agreement on anti-piracy activity in the seas between the two island nations.

Both deals represent a renewed commitment by the Vascanian oil industry which had struggled to overcome environmental regulations previously imposed by the Progressive government of Subhas Luitail. Some critics have asked how much the carbon footprint of all this oil trade will be for Vascania, but the government has defending its exports by saying that economic development abroad and at home 'helps move us towards new technology that can combat our environmental problems'. Further deals with Rapa Pile, Malivia, Medina and other nations are expected in the near future. This is in spite of Vascania's war with Kurageri, which is internationally expected to be a clear victory for Vascania. Vascania is also seen as having the upper hand in its bid to woo Medina and Malivia into its sphere of influence, besting Yingdala and Deltaria respectively.

Vascania News is the national public broadcaster and information outlet for the Vascanian Empire.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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