
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:33 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the unofficial but true news source of Medina, fighting for freedom from the tyranny of the dictator.
July 4772
After Two Years in Power, MJZ has Expanded Foreign Ties and Domestic Economy

With the MJZ in power for this long and elections not scheduled for another year, in June 4773, it's time to check in to see what they've been doing. Firstly, opening up the nation to outside investors (although regulated and restricted in what they can do) has skyrocketed many industries into a boom. With the average income per capita higher than any time in the last 100 years, the livelihoods of the people of Medina are incredible. Medina has looked to many foreign investors to modernise the systems which haven't received any upgrades from non-domestic sources in over 100 years.

The city of Khairpur, previously impoverished and overcrowded due to it's distance from the Dictator's palace and natural resource fields, now an international trading hub and growing to accommodate it's population.

The megacorporation 3M had officially been invited into Medina to modernise the nation's health industry. The health industry hadn't been very influential nor had it received the attention it probably needed over the last 100 years, but now 3M will be importing the latest of medical technology into Medina. This will revolutionize the care given and the ability to give said care, saving thousands of lives every year. It also goes hand in hand with the investments in other industries, such as media (private media other than the state media channels), defence industries (although they must share a large fraction of both production and profit with the Medinian government), and finance, with Medina being a large foreign tax haven (high tax for companies and people operating within the nation but low taxes for all those just dumping their money in and other foreigners, provided they don't operate in Medina).
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:36 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official and true news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
December 4772
Yingdala Promises Industrial and Military Aid to Medina

The enlightened government of Yingdala agreed to a deal in a show of benevolence and as restitution for colonialism. Medina will be importing billions of LODs worth of industrial equipment with Yingdalan experts to assist in its establishment and operation. The Yingdalan gift comes with no strings, although the negotiators did express a wish for Medina to distance itself from Vascanian influence and move closer to Yingdala. Economically speaking, this is a major boon for Medina, who for the last 100 years under an absolute dictatorship had not had much, if any, economic growth or focus on the economy. This aid will allow Medina to skip past the "resource extracting and selling to others who refine them" stage of economic development and move directly to refining those resources domestically for export to other nations.

One of the dozens of Yingdalan freighters that have arrived over the last month with industrial equipment and supplies.

The primary goal of the Medinian government in this new economic expansion is to reduce the influence of international owned factories and move into a stage where the government and domestic companies are doing most of the trade and economic activity. This includes general heavy industry and military production, with the national defence industry, under the Secretariat of Defence Production in the Ministry of Defence, taking a primary role in the development and production of the military equipment.

The new industrial district in the newly designated "industrial city" of Dhamabad.

The Yingdalan imports also included extraneous military aircraft, resources for military production and industry, and a special newly developed export fighter. The armed forces of Medina received all in all:
    - 38 JH-7A fighters, part of Yingdala's older fighter group;
    - 6 JF-17A fighters, developed for Medina and produced in Yingdala before hand;
    - the license for the JF-17A, with assistance in upgrading it to better versions as time goes on;
    - the materials and technology to assist in the production, as well as a deal to continue the import of these goods;
    - and various ground vehicles and equipment, as well as small arms and equipment.

These recent developments will certainly help Medina move up in its region and help the nation expand its influence and economic might. This massive event for Medina will help to skyrocket the nation's economy and quality of life forward as more and more international investors move in to find a place in Medina's rapidly growing economy. It's amazing how fast people will move to get their money in a country that's been closed for 99 years. The fact that Medina is acting as a small tax haven for foreign individuals certainly must be helping. As Medina moves closer to a decision between Vascania and Yingdala as an influencer, we will see how each nation will react. Perhaps Vascania is willing to make a show of benevolence like Yingdala did, with their newfound oil in the northern reefs.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
Grey Eminence (Likatonia)
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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Sun Jun 21, 2020 11:15 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official and true news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
June 4773
4773 Elections Completed, MJZ Increases Hold; Vicereine Announces New Residence and Position for Life

With the 4773 elections finished, the MJZ is celebrating their continued leadership in Medina, as well as their increase of seats as to have an absolute majority and no longer need confidence and supply from the religious members of the AoA (although they have pledged the Council of Ministers, which contains religious members, will not change composition).


The MJZ made significant advances in the Assembly of Deliberation as well, with many new elected members being MJZ supporters or those endorsed by them.

In other news, Her Eminence the Viceroy and Authority of the Zahiri Republic declared yesterday that she has put into motion a sequence of events designed to change the term of her position to that for life. It is expected to be adopted by the people (postmark: it was), the Assembly of Advisory (again, it was), and heavily debated in the Board of Experts (again passes), but should it be passed Her Eminence will serve for a life term until death, or more likely as she's stated many times, her stepping down once she finds a suitable successor to nominate.


She also stated her intention to gain access to a new retreat being built in the mountains in central Medina, costing an exorbitant 75m LOD for the estate, which consists of a main house, guest house, activities barn, lake, and many square kilometers of forested land, far away from other civilization (pictured above). Many see the move as establishing herself as a queen-like figure, but others see it as a place to gather government and foreign officials for official business, and her choice that should not be scrutinized by the people.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Tue Jun 23, 2020 3:26 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official and true news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
May 4774
Vicereine Announces Great Successes in Industrialization Attempts After Yingdalan Assistance, Vascania Offers Discount Oil in Bidding War For Medinian Influence

In an interview yesterday, Her Eminence stated that the industrialization process was going marvelously, better than previously expected. Although, she said, there were a few setbacks along the way when it came to transitioning people over to the industrial jobs. Other than that it was a breeze. With the 44 fighters donated from Yingdala, and the 3 that are currently in production to test Medina's industrial and manufacturing strength, Medina should have one of the strongest Air Forces in the region and be able to project its power on its neighbors, such as the weak state of Utembo.

Her Eminence during the interview.

After Yingdala's move to donate industrial supplies and older jets to Medina, Vascania has taken their turn to attempt to secure Medina's loyalty and place the nation under their influence. Their move was to offer heavily discounted oil from their refineries, especially cheap after finding more in the northern reefs they're now fighting Kurageri for. Will Yingdala respond in an attempt to move Medina closer to its influence? How long will this "bidding war" for Medina go on? These are the questions the people of Medina are asking themselves.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
Controller of Medina in the Third World
Sameinaður Göfuga Sósíalistaflokk (Telamon)
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Re: Medina

Postby Aquinas » Fri Jun 26, 2020 2:16 am

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Re: Medina

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:49 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby Lucipher » Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:59 pm

The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir
The Voice of Zahir al-Muntadhir (Voice of Zahir for short) is the official and true news source of Medina, fighting for the continuation of our great Zahiri Republic.
May 4774
Government Announces Rejection of First-World Investment; Liore-Medina Joint Trade Agreement Signed in Yamabiro

President Akburc Khorasani announced this week the immediate and rapid removal of so-called "First-World" businesses and investors today, in a shocking move that upsets the way Medina's economy had worked since the revolution. Companies like 3M, who had completely modernized the healthcare system in Medina and imported millions or billions of LODs worth of medical supplies, have been removed and their assets frozen and seized by the government. The claim His Excellency made for the reasoning was that: "these companies, these entitled persons of the first world, repeatedly and blatantly disrespected not only our sovereignty and our laws regulating worker conditions and pay, but our culture. Our religion. These are things that cannot be."

The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Finance Secretariat released a document Monday stating that the wages stolen from our people make up for the losses in the equipment "left behind" in Medina, and if not, the cost of our loss of pride certainly pays for it and then some. Shortly after, the Office of President announced that a new Secretariat was to be formed for the time, called "the Secretariat of Management and Planning", which would run the state-owned branch of Medina's economy, which now includes the healthcare and banking industries which were nationalized on the Vicereine's orders. Plans are bing made to potentially seize more private industry, but there has been nothing confirmed as of yet.

Secretary of Management and Planning Mufeed Khetran

To make up for the lack of international and first world economic connections, the International and Regional Trade Secretariat announced expanded ties with Dovani nations, including Liore, Hanzen, Utembo, Bazgaristan, and Vascania. Yesterday the Liore-Medina Joint Trade Agreement was signed in Yamabiro, to kick off positive relations between Liore and Medina. Liore will give Medinian buyers discounts when purchasing Liori metals, refined and raw, and in exchange Medina gives preferential status to Liore when importing metals. A similar policy will be offered in reverse for Medinian consumer goods and heavy machinery, to be sold in Liore at a discounted price and be given preferential status by Liore when importing industrial goods. The Medinian government also mentioned that any Dovanian nation that it trades with would also receive an offer of shipping protection from the Medinian Defence Force, as well as non-aggression pacts and the offer for Medina to construct a military base and military outposts to protect their allies and economic partners. This could be the beginning of Medinian power projection in the region.

The Secretariat released a statement saying that a deal would be planned with Vascania soon, for similar reasons with similar predicted results. This deal would set a precedent for Third World cooperation and co-development instead of reliance on western First World countries and companies. Medina, historically a purveyor of "colonial nationalism", the ideology that helped spark the Dovani War, is clearly at it again. Perhaps this can be a new age for Dovani, where nations cooperate to reduce dependence of the First World.
Objectist Front (Scionist Fraction) (Hobrazia)
Vienota Kreiso/Astaritistu Koalīcija (Dolgava)
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Re: Medina

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:36 am

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Re: Medina

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:51 pm

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Re: Medina

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:06 am

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