Utari Mosir

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Utari Mosir

Postby FPC » Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:27 pm

More unrest as Emperor Ipetamo dissolves parliament and calls early election

Protesters have clashed with police on the streets of several cities around Utari Mosir accusing the supposedly unbiased Emperor of interfering in democracy, and abusing his power. Many groups are announcing they will be boycotting polling stations and instructing people to abstain.
Last edited by FPC on Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby FPC » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:38 am

New Government elected, as inflation reaches all time high

After a 4 month long election campaign in which rumours of corruption and scandal dogged all parties, a new government has been elected. Turnout was at an unprecedented low due to many believing the Royal Emperor Ipetamo was interfering in their democracy. This resulted in the Royalist party winning by a thin majority, the Royalists are extremely supportive of the Monarchy and pledge to crack down on "enemies of the state" who protest against the Emperor and campaign for a free Republic. Many believe the end of the monarchy is fast approaching Utari Mosir due to the meddling of the Emperor, rumours are swirling of plots to remove him from power and install his son, Shinzo as the new Emperor. Meanwhile the economy is collapsing and inflation is at a record high. Miners, Doctors, and Firemen have gone on strike due to little pay and poor working conditions. Opposition parties are calling for the government to announce an emergency budget but their request are ignored. The Royalists are only concerned with maintaining their monarchy.
Last edited by FPC on Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby FPC » Fri Jun 30, 2017 9:13 pm

Prime Minister announces crackdown on anti-Royalist propaganda


Today recently appointed Royalist Prime Minister Ozawa Yasou announced his government's first set of legislative reforms they intend to pass through the National Peoples Congress. The Reforms grant more power to police and secret service whilst removing civil freedoms granted under the last government, including the right to protest, and the right to print anti-Royalist material. Additionally he announced that several leading members of the Republican party have been arrested for High-treason and their elected Congressmen will be barred from taking their seats.

An extract from his speech:
"republicanism is the cancer within our society and should be exterminated at all costs, my government will crack down on these enemies of the state and cleanse our nation of the filth that they spread."

These are troubling times for democracy and civil rights in Utari Mosir, allegations of corruption are commonplace across the country, and many accuse Emperor Ipetamo of being the source of this toxic atmosphere that dogs political life in Utari Mosir.
Last edited by FPC on Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby FPC » Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:28 pm

Breaking: Assassination Attempt on Prime Minister Foiled

Breaking News: An attempt has just been made on the life of royalist PM Ozawa Yasou. An attacker armed with a small, concealable revolver opened fire at Mr Ozawa as he was addressing the crowd at a rally. The attacker was arrested and subsequently executed by armed officials. A statement from the Prime Ministers office said he was shaken but uninjured, many have already condemned the way the attacker, whose identity remains unknown, was executed on site. It brings renewed calls for a fairer justice system and more civil rights, as well the abolition of the death penalty. Many have already taken to the streets protesting against the execution of the attacker, claiming he deserved a fair trial. A government spokesperson said that these claims were ridiculous, unpatriotic and verging on treasonous.

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日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby FPC » Sun Jul 23, 2017 2:34 pm

Daily Supplement

Today Mr Oishi Toyokazu has been confirmed as the leader of the main Opposition Party, the SJP, after the previous leader and former Prime Minister, Naegi Eishi, was arrested and executed by the new authoritarian Royalist Government. Mr Oishi was widely touted as Mr Naegi's natural succesor for a long time, and was seen as a highly successful minister in Naegi's government. Unfortunately his dreams of glory were cut short when the SJP were thrown out of government and Naegi Eishi was subsequently arrested and executed for treason after accusing the Royalist Party of election fraud. Mr Oishi pledged to expose the corruption and abuse of human rights within the Royalist Government and the monarchy, and sent out a plea to nations across Terra for monetary donations so the party can afford Private Security and anti-government propaganda. Leading members of the SJP including the new leader have already gone underground and advise others who do not support the government to do the same.

An extract from his acceptance speech:
I would like to thank the party members who have come here today to vote for me in this leaderhsip election, I am truly honoured and humbled to have been selected. However I recognise that my victory comes at a grave time for Utari Mosir. The Facist Royalist Government have cheated their way into power and are now abusing that power to crush anyone who opposes them. Prime Minister Ozawa is merely a puppet of a corrupt monarchy and a dying party. Since the Emperor Ipetamo took over our country has faced decline in civil rights and economic prowess, which is why I am today for the first time ever calling for a republican state to be created and the monarchy to be cast out. Our nation badly needs change and I believe Republicanism is the only thing that can bring it! Lets save our nation!

Mr Oishi addressing SJP party members last year

In response to this a join press release from the Imperial Palace and the Prime Minister's Office said:
The SJP has elected a treacherous dissident to be their leader. We utterly condemn the deranged words he speaks and believe them to be high treason. Our nation has been a monarchy for thousands of years and it is not time to change. Republicanism is treason and anyone who supports it will be executed on site by Royal Decree.
This is the first official statement from either the Imperial Palace or the Government since the would-be assassin who attempted to kill the Prime Minister was executed without trial. Both institutions have completed avoided the fact that many are rioting on the streets and 6 civilian deaths have occurred in the last 2 weeks alone because of police brutality.

Anti-government rioting

In other news inflation continues to rise after the government announced a new budget, which raises taxes and public spending, in what is being called an "ignorant failure" by other parties. The Financial spokesperson for the Liberal Party, Okada Kuri, said:
This budget clearly demonstrates a lack of economic vision and understanding in the Royalist party, and completely fails to address the economic needs of our nation!
The Government is yet to comment on opposition to the new budget but it is widely believed they will ignore the comments of others and push it through the parliament nonetheless.
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日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby FPC » Mon Jul 24, 2017 11:25 am

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日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby FPC » Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:37 pm

Prime Minister claims that Kamphon rightfully belongs to Utari Mosir

Today the Prime Minister, Ozawa Yasou, used a foreign policy speech as a launch pad for a campaign to reclaim the island of Kamphon, just south of UM. The rightful owner of the island has long be disputed and is a recurring source of tension between the two main claimants, Utari Mosir and Ciftugan. The island is currently under the control of Cifitugan, and has been for the last hundred or so years. However it is much closer to Utari Mosir and originally belonged to Utari Mosir. However after a large part of Northern Dovani was taken over by the Hulstrians Utari Mosir lost control of the island, and after the wars for independence they unsuccesfully tried to reclaim it, resulting in it being taken over by Cifitugan.

The island of Kampon in relation to Utari Mosir

Prime Minister Ozawa said in his speech:

The Island of Kamphon rightfully belongs to Utari Mosir, and it is not the intention of my government to allow others to steal what is ours. We want to open negotiations with Cifitugan where we will demand ownership of the island be returned to us. If they refuse we will have no option other than to take military action. Whilst we do not want a war, we feel it is necessary for us to reclaim our property and I fully intend to do so, no matter what the consequences!

The government are now waiting on an official response from Cifitugan.

Prime Minister Ozawa Yasou claiming ownership of the Island of Kamphon
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Re: 日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:11 am

January 4418
For over 2 years the country has had no functioning government. many blame the Emperor who is ready to abdicate

Emperor Shozo has been trying for 2 years to get the different parties around the table. For 2 years he has negotiated and has given concessions to make sure a government could be formed. But today it is evident that the Emperor has failed. Parties have refused to cooperate and form a government following severe ideological differences. What makes the situation even harder is the fact that neither the right nor the left has a clear majority, making it necessary for left and right to work together which has not been succesfull until now.

Emperor Shozo during his last photoshoot before his abdication

This situation has increased pressure on the Emperor to abdicate. And this morning we heard the final news. At 12:30 PM on the 23rd of January 4418 Emperor Shozo has abdicated in favour of his son Mito making Mito the new Emperor of Utari Mosir. However Mito is only 16 years old and barely of ruling age. This has caused unrest in parliament the military and the population itself.

With massive riotting on the streets of the capital and police barely holding on we wonder what will happen next in this dark episode of Utari history.
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Re: 日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:08 am

July 4422
After riots in the streets and years of unrest the Utarian military has announced the arrest of the Emperor and the creation of a new state

It was early July 4422 when the few tanks of the Utarian military rolled into the streets of the capital heading towards the imperial palace. The young emperor looking out of his window seeing the soldiers storm his palace and killing his guards before being arrested.

The Emperor had been arrested and only an hour later he was forced by the army to abdicate on television. Emperor Mito has abdicated with no clear heir to the thrown making a military takeover a clear fact. Under the leadership of the old general Benedict Felgenhauer the military announced the abolishment of the monarchy and the dissolvement of parliament while also announcing the creation of a "Democratic Republic" which would be called the "Democratic Republic of Utari (DRU)" But as many would have guessed this "republic" was far from democratic.

Felgenhauer was a man of Dorvish origins who's family had emigrated to Utari Mosir during its colonial dundorfian period. The problem was and still is that after the independence of the country most of the military was still white dundorfian. This was kept this way because of the strong military tradition of this now minority and the effectiveness in their combat. However this has now worked against the Utari people.

General (now president) Felgenhauer during a state baguette just days before his coup

With the creation of the DRU Felgenhauer established himself as "President" and changed the constitution to make his new party called the "Republican Jingoist Alliance (RJA)" the only legal party in the country and also changed the power of the assembly by only making it a advisory body while he himself had all power. He even put the entire judiciary system under state control and nationalized all media companies (including this one) to become state owned and managed.

This is the end of Utari democracy..... With Felgenhauer solidifying his power and the military firmly in his hands people can easily identify Utari Mosir as a "Presidential dictatorship" or "Military dictatorship" now.
What will happen to the young former Emperor Mito is unclear, as is the location of former emperor Shozo.
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Re: 日刊新聞 (Daily Newspaper)~ Utari Mosir

Postby Rogue » Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:05 am

July 4424
With the war between the Dovani Union and western powers ongoing the new Republican regime sees its chance at once again claiming Kamphon, The Felgenhauser regime is consolidating power with a new ideology at its back

It has been 2 years since the new Democratic Republic of Utari was declared and General Felgenhauer took control of it as president, creating a new party called the Republican Jingoist Alliance and taking over all layers of government.
Now that Felgenhauer is firmly in his seat and most of the world is focussed on the Dovani war he sees his chances. Once again the Utari government has claimed the island of Kamphon of the coast of Utari. The island is currently under control of Cifitugan and was already disputed a long time ago and was even claimed by the former Utari government. Now with the world mostly focussed on the great Dovani conflict Felgenhauer has once again formally claimed the island.

We will start negotiations with the Cifutingan government into giving back this island to its rightfull owners. Utari has tolerated the illegal occupation of the island for to long and this has to end now

Said president Felgenhauer.

President Felgenhauer with his military staff

July 4424

Meanwhile the president is also consolidating his power and expanding his influence in the region. After initial struggle by his regime to maintain order in the country Felgenhauer has now managed to keep things quiet with the help of a unusual ideology.....
Haukism is a ideology which promotes the ruralisation of society. It wants to bring back national pride but also wants to hand power over from the urban class to the farmer class. Felgenhauer reportedly encountered this ideology in a recently written book on Dorvish ideologies. It is reported that Felgenhauer is even planning on embedding Haukism into the constitution.

The reason for this is because it has helped the president into maintaining order. After the people in the cities started to protest Felgenhauer and his regime were looking for ways to stop the protesters. When they encountered haukism they immediately started to work. Deporting thousands of urban citizens to the countryside and building hundreds of new farms accros the country. While this increased debt it completely reshaped Utari Mosir. From the urban country it was becoming, to a rural country with farmers being in the majority.
These deportations however have been met with great opposition. International organizations accused the Utari government of taking away the freedom to choose from their people. On which the government responded "Our history was shaped by agriculture, the people should be proud on that and on the fact they can continue this tradition."

Apart from the Haukist ideology spreading the Felgenhauer government is also showing its white supremacist nature. Their have been reports of non whites being harassed by police and some even being kidnapped. Organizations accros dovani have announced investigations into this matter.

With the president and RJA party becoming increasingly obsessed with the Haukist ideology we will keep a close eye on how this radicalized behaviour will develop.

A group of men just before being deported out of the cities into the countryside
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