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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Martinulus » Thu Dec 14, 2017 6:44 am

Congress Party dominates after first democratic elections'

Abo Airo, the President of the Congress Party, secured a large mandate to become Ostland's first post-apartheid Minister-President

Zibon - As Ostlanders went to the polls to elect their first post-apartheid government, everyone expected a victory for the Septembrist Crownland Congress (SCC) and its leader, the high-profile face of reconciliation, Abo Airo. They were not disappointed: the final result, announced today in Zibon, shows the Congress winning a dominant majority of over 60% of the seats in Parliament, supported by what appears to be a large part of the Crownland's Hulstrian population and a block vote from the newly-enfranchised Kunihito. Observers noted the elections were quiet and without incidents, and appeared to be entirely fair.

Meanwhile, Congress candidate Rudolph Pieterspalz, a minor relative of the Hulstrian aristocratic Von Donnelshoffen zu Pieterspalz family, was elected on the first ballot as the first Governor-General to represent Emperor Morihito in Ostland. He promised to "be a worthy Governor-General in the best Septembrist traditions - a unifying force sitting above normal party politics that can help the heavy work of bringing this nation together."

The Congress ran a tight campaign which brooked no antics. Earlier in the campaign, Abo personally caused the nomination of a candidate who had sung the anti-Dundorfian protest song "Shoot the Junker" at a campaign event for Kunihito to be withdrawn, saying "there is no room in the new Ostland-Touryou for that sort of thing." International analysts predict more trouble for Abo's incoming government of this variety, as the large degree of support among Kunihito might pressure some Congress parliamentarians to advocate measures against the Dundorfian population. In his victory speech, the new Minister-President dispelled all such worries: "We know our future can only be achieved together. We shall work for an Ostland where all have a stake in the state, as we have done in the Constitutional Convention. We cannot simply replace one form of exclusion with another. And we will not."
Hosianisch-Demokratisches Verbund - Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Folkepartiet (People's Party) - Kazulia
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Feb 20, 2018 12:26 pm

Ostland State Association storms into electoral victory
September, 4351

Wolfsheim - The Ostland State Association, the organization of right-wing, far-right and conservative politicians which governed Ostland prior to the establishment of the Hulstrian-dominated Independent Crownland reformed itself earlier this summer and campaigned vigorously. The OSA, as it is known in Luthorian, ran on a platform of "...political and ethnic harmony...and firmly believes in the restoration of a true democracy underneath the leadership of the Grand Duke of Ostland and not as a pawn of the liberal Hulstrian government." The Ostland State Association won 75% of seats in the Ostlander Diet as well as winning the seat of the Governor-General; the new Governor-General is Reinhard Weyrauch a conservative member of the Ostland State Association as well as a noted ethnic nationalist. Ethnic nationalism is nothing new in Ostland and it remains to be seen what will happen with the relatively larger Kunikata ethnic majority. Incoming Governor-General Weyrauch stated that the situation will be examined and that the Ostlander Diet will be debating on a new constitution that is to be proposed in November 4351 and voted on shortly after it's proposal at the end of November 4351.

Rumors have filled local newspapers as the return of the Oberlander-Schwarzhelm family have been seen re-occupying their palatial lands and seen in the company of government officials from the interior department. It is possible that the Grand Duke of Ostland will be returned to power very soon and one of the most powerful independent nations will once again have a seat at the table.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:43 pm

Grand Duke of Ostland restored!
December, 4251

Wolfsheim - Outside of the Ostland Diet building the Grand Duke of Ostland Horst I entered into the Ostland Diet building to sign the new constitution of the restored Grand Duchy of Ostland. The Grand Duchy of Ostland was folded after the establishment of the Independent Crownland of Ostland-Touryou was restored underneath the boot of Hulstrian rule; much to chagrin of the landed and military nobility of the often neglected Ostland Hulstrians. Grand Duke Horst I spoke today despite having come stricken with the flu, the Grand Duke gave a rousing speech and stated that the new Grand Duchy of Ostland would be a model nation for those who wish to "...cast off the shroud of colonialism and prosper!" The Grand Duke was flanked by Governor-General Reinhard Weyrauch, a member of the Ostland Conservative Party, the now largest political faction of the Ostland State Association. The Grand Duke announced that Reinhard Weyrauch would now serve as the ironically named "State Minister" (Dundorfian: Staatsminister) of the Grand Duchy of Ostland and the new government of Ostland would be organized in a "...less colonial or occupying fashion." The Staatsminister's speech was focused on efforts of the new Ostland government and their intention to re-build and re-focus on being a leading nation on Dovani.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Feb 25, 2018 4:20 pm

Ostland Landwehr announces exercises
April 4354

Wolfsheim - Chief of the Landwehr General Staff and General-Admiral of the Ostland Marine Joachim von Fellgiebel-Riesch announced today the execution of several planned military exercises related to the establishment of "tactical capabilities". In what the the Chief of General Staff states is a "...fundamental neglect of defense and offensive capabilities towards the people of Ostland." The Grand Duke, who retains the Commander-in-Chief title and authority, has welcomed the military exercises and are said to be under the oversight of foreign observers. The Grand Duke in a speech prior to the military exercises also stated that the League of Independent Nations, which serves as a cooperative regional organization, needs to revive itself in the face of "...renewed Imperialist aggression in Dovani and other parts of the newly de-colonized world. We cannot accept foreign governments telling us what to do and what not to do. We must be wholly independent and we cannot and will not settle for less." The move is likely aimed at Ostland hegemony over the League of Independent Nations which was formed following the decolonailization period in history where many of these former countries became independent.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:10 am

Ostland announces military cooperation with Dorvik
December 4355

Wolfsheim - Chief of the Landwehr General Staff and General-Admiral of the Ostland Marine Joachim von Fellgiebel-Riesch and State Minister Reinhard Weyrauch met today with officials from the Dorvish Armed Forces and have announced that at the port city of Eisenhausen, the Port of Eisenhausen, will become the site of a joint Ostland-Dorvish military base. It is the first military base for the Dorvish Kingdom on Dovani, it is widely seen as a means to extend assistance to the fledgling Ostland Grand Duchy, which has had several meetings with the Dorvish King and Kaiser. Generaladmiral Joachim von Fellgiebel-Riesch spoke today as he was joined by a large cadre of Dorvish Armed Forces officials and the two spoke at length at the cultural ties that the Dorvish and Ostlander's have. The Ostland State Minister announced alongside the foundation of Grand Duke Ludwig Naval Base that the Ostland government would be reaching out to Hulstria to potentially open a joint naval installation.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:54 pm

Grand Duke tours Southern Ostland
December, 4358

Wolfsheim - Grand Duke Horst I toured southern Ostland earlier this week as a part of his Hallowtide tours in southern Ostland. The Grand Duke was joined by a myriad of Ostland officials, including the State Secretary of the Interior for Kunihito Welfare Konrad Dehne. The tours of southern Ostland were joined with a harsh crackdown on Kunihito protests which were announced by the Ministry of the Interior as "...problematic and disruptive to civil order." and the Grand Duke spoke regarding the violence that had been caused by "...radical, violent groups that have been attacking Ostland's stability and way of life. Unfortunately, with violent and disruptive protester's some casualties will happen and we have our people's heart's at mind." The tour of southern Ostland is expected to take several weeks and the Grand Duke is travelling underneath the heavy security and is travelling with an entourage of several dozen high-ranking Ostland officials.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:58 am

State Bank of Ostland set to increase share in International Development and Stability Bank
January, 4360

Wolfsheim - Managing Director of the International Development and Stability Bank was the guest of honor of the Grand Duke at the New Years celebrations in the Ostland capital of Wolfsheim. The Managing Director Matthäus von Prochnow, a former executive of the Eastern Development Bank, a branch of the Dorvish Development Bank originally founded in Dolgavia and still operating a branch in Dolgavia, spoke at a state banquet which he announced that alongside the Dorvish investment of $20b LOD the Ostland government and State Bank had agreed to increase their share of the IDSB by $4b LOD up to $5b LOD total. Managing Director von Prochnow stated that he would be speaking to the Security Council in Summer 4360 about future investment and recognition of the International Development and Stability Bank.

Ostland has been a rising economic power in recent years as they have served as a source of fresh investment following the years of miss-management and neglect underneath the anarchist Septembrist regime. Grand Duke Horst I announced that he would begin grooming his heir Crown Prince, Archduke Ferdinand Alexander von Oberlander-Schwarzhelm in the "...ways of economics and war. Ostland needs strong leadership such as our State Minister and the future Grand Duke will be a prized asset to the people of Ostland."
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:38 pm

Influx of Dorvish refugees expected
November 4364

Wolfsheim - The Ostland Ministry of the Interior and the State Ministry is expecting an influx of Dorvish refugees following the collapse of the All-Dorvish League and the rise of a heavily anti-Dorvish and anti-Lorman movement within Dorvik. It is likely that Ostland, the eastern retreat for many Dorvish, will become a semi-permanent home to them. The Grand Duke of Ostland Horst I welcomed the Dorvish with open arms. It is unlikely that the Dorvish royal family will flee Dorvik as they maintain several business and cultural interest in the nation but the Grand Duke has welcomed the aging King and Kaiser to Ostland if necessary. Ostland is likely to receive a massive influx of capital and manpower resources from those that move their financial resources into Ostland.
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Mar 22, 2018 4:07 am

Main Office of Settlement taking up new interest in southern Ostland
July 4366

Wolfsheim - The aging Grand Duke of Ostland Horst I, assisted by the Crown Prince Wilhelm II announced today in a joint statement with Minister of Public Welfare Horst Höhmann and Chief of the Main Office of Settlement Ekkehard Dorn would begin a new settlement program in southern Ostland. The Grand Duke has made it obvious that the Kunihito problem needs to be solved in the southern portion of Ostland and that if the Hulstrian's would take them, they would be returned to whichever country would accept them. During the initial period of the Grand Duchy of Ostland the policies that targeted the Kunihito population slumped their birth numbers into the low single digits, however they surged when the Independent Crownland of Ostland was returned, leaping into double digits.

The Chief of the Main Office of Settlement Ekkegard Dorn would focus on using mandatory conscription and after a 12 year period of service those who want would be granted land, send down to the southern portion of Ostland and placed in farming settlements. These settlements would be "...the model of a true Ostlander." and would focus on complete autarky and focus on the traditionally cultural tenants of the Ostlander. Other state agencies have signed on, notably the State Labor Service and the State Construction Service which would benefit from contracts of the developments and areas to be made.

Minor news stories
-- Crown Prince named State Secretary of Defense alongside granting the title of Major General within the Landwehr;
-- State Labor Service and State Construction Service adopt VDKV organization;
-- Ministry of the Interior raids continue to crack-down on "violent, radical separatist terrorist" in majority Kunihito areas;
-- Wolfsheim government quarter renovation planned, focus on preventing health outbreaks;
-- Ostland interested in building military capabilities with newer equipment
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Re: Ostland General Newspaper (Ostland Allgemeine Zeitung)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:13 am

State Minister releases press statement

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