16th General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Wilderberg III » Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:03 pm

Honourable Members of the General Assembly,

My name is Joseph Hertzinger. I represent the Communist Revolutionary Party and I'm afraid that I don't bring good news today. The nation of Dorvik which was once heralded as the beacon of freedom and democracy isn't that anymore.
The currently governing self-described nationalist Dorvish Workers' Party is doing what they can to silence opposition and any views that either do not align with their own or do not bend to their will. As the leader of the only opposition party in Dorvik right now it is my duty to ask the General Assembly to act on this issue before it's too late.

In October 4351 merely few days after our party was founded, as part of the effort to not only silence, but also imprison us for our views the DWP proposed the Bill on "State Self-Defense and Protection of the Dorvish People" which aimed to ban all socialist and communist organizations of all branches be they parties, activist groups, labour unions and news organizations among others. We decided to not take it to the international community since this seemed to be an isolated event. However now I can say that the situation is no longer the same. The DWP-controlled Minstry of the Interior started producing intelligence reports on the very same organizations they wanted to ban just two years ago.
In addition numerous left-wing trade union leaders have been arrested over what we see as a false-flag, falsified, non-existent terror plot. At the same time the government released a new domestic terror watch list which contents are unknown, but it's fair to say that after what we've seen for the past two years I myself might as well be on it, because this government will stop at nothing in their quest to hold on to power for the sake of having power. They do not see it as means to achieve something, but rather as an end goal, as something to benefit themselves.

So this is why I'd like to reapeat my plea to the General Assembly requesting your aid in solving this situation.

Joseph Hertzinger,
Leader of the KRP

Useful Links:
"Law (Bill) on State Self-Defense and Protection of the Dorvish People"
DNS where you can easily find the information about intelligence reports and politically charged arrests.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Yolo04 » Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:55 pm

Wilderberg III wrote:
Honourable Members of the General Assembly,

My name is Joseph Hertzinger. I represent the Communist Revolutionary Party and I'm afraid that I don't bring good news today. The nation of Dorvik which was once heralded as the beacon of freedom and democracy isn't that anymore.
The currently governing self-described nationalist Dorvish Workers' Party is doing what they can to silence opposition and any views that either do not align with their own or do not bend to their will. As the leader of the only opposition party in Dorvik right now it is my duty to ask the General Assembly to act on this issue before it's too late.

In October 4351 merely few days after our party was founded, as part of the effort to not only silence, but also imprison us for our views the DWP proposed the Bill on "State Self-Defense and Protection of the Dorvish People" which aimed to ban all socialist and communist organizations of all branches be they parties, activist groups, labour unions and news organizations among others. We decided to not take it to the international community since this seemed to be an isolated event. However now I can say that the situation is no longer the same. The DWP-controlled Minstry of the Interior started producing intelligence reports on the very same organizations they wanted to ban just two years ago.
In addition numerous left-wing trade union leaders have been arrested over what we see as a false-flag, falsified, non-existent terror plot. At the same time the government released a new domestic terror watch list which contents are unknown, but it's fair to say that after what we've seen for the past two years I myself might as well be on it, because this government will stop at nothing in their quest to hold on to power for the sake of having power. They do not see it as means to achieve something, but rather as an end goal, as something to benefit themselves.

So this is why I'd like to reapeat my plea to the General Assembly requesting your aid in solving this situation.

Joseph Hertzinger,
Leader of the KRP

Useful Links:
"Law (Bill) on State Self-Defense and Protection of the Dorvish People"
DNS where you can easily find the information about intelligence reports and politically charged arrests.

Klavia will discuss this decision with the Dorvik government and we shall talk about it
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Re: General Assembly

Postby cm9777 » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:18 am

The Interim President of the Deltarian Republic Alikskander Masur

It is an odd situation in Deltaria. I, a member of the Thallerist Party stood with the socialist government when the Czar tried to seize power in a coup. I went against my own father who sided with the Czar in the name of freedom and democracy. The socialist Government called early elections within the republic and my party won this most recent election and are in the process of forming a clear majority cabinet. We've had some negotiations with the Czar's forces and Doron Akigo to end the conflict. We've come up with a compromise that does not restore the monarchy but puts Augustin Von Thaller as Govenor General, a man who went against the majority of his own family in the name of those values of liberty and freedom that we all hold dear. The Socialists think the Thallers are all the same and are stubbornly trying to continue even though a ceasefire is about to go into effect. They have managed to convince some soldiers to defect and rebel against the government they basically helped create. The ceasefire goes into effect the moment the bill gets passed and no one on either side will fight each other as the peace treaty will need to be ratified. As you know, treaties require a 2/3 majority meaning that the socialists can block any agreement that doesn't suit them. Its simply disgraceful how stubborn they are. Thallers are not the same. Norbert I did not initiate a war of aggression against Kalopia that was all Nikolai. In fact I'm pretty sure that Nikolai orchestrated that bombing to get him out of the picture and take the throne for himself. Under Nikolai, we've started a war we couldn't win and oppressed many innocents within our own country. We've been suspeneded from the Majatran Alliance and been increasingly isolated. We call upon the nations of the international community to mediate this dispute. Under the treaty, Deltaria will become a decentralised confederation with Augustin, a Thaller who did not support his autocratic relative as Govenor General yet retain all functions of a republic save for the name. This is about all we can do for all sides to meet each other halfway.

Note: The Bill is here

http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=559251
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Sisyphus » Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:48 am

Zar Safk, Vanukean Ambassador to World Congress:

Mr Hertzinger,
Our new republican government is concerned to hear of your plight. However we assume your recent electoral gains have helped to negate the problems you faced?

We also urge you that peaceful democratic progress is the way forward and to take heart from our situation. In our own country we faced an almost unmoveable autocrat who wielded a royal veto over our legislation. Well, within eight years we have gained the trust of the people and democratically removed our hereditary monarch and, for the first time in many decades, installed a democratic head of state.

You see, the people abandoned the king and his party because they were taken for granted but the monarch was too full of misplaced pride to realise what was happening.

We wish you well in your peaceful and democratic endeavours.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Auditorii » Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:13 pm

"The Dorvish will ignore the cries of an illegally operated and corrupt Communist and Socialist party that attempted at every venture to act illegally and cause violence within the stable and prosperous Dorvish state; they have also since collapsed due to their morally absent ideology. The Dorvish delegation is here to simply state that we are fully aware of the Deltarian situation and are exploring all options for it.

I have been informed by the Government of the Kingdom of Dorvik that the situation regarding the abuses of the Socialist within Deltaria is becoming well known. In cooperation with elements of the Deltarian Government-in-Exile, we are becoming aware of human rights abuses, political murders and extrajudicial sentences being carried out by roving bands of Socialist political commissar's. It would appear that the Dorvish are going to support the Deltarian government-in-exile due to their more favorable stance on political rights and human rights."

Claus Freisler,
General-Plenipotentiary to the World Congress
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Reddy » Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:26 pm

Beije Eksandr Genzisrmko Vrn, Jelbanian Ambassador to the World Congress:

The Khanate wishes to congratulate the winners of the ree and fair elections held in Deltaria. We took part in the monitoring of these elections and were much heartened by the civil and fair-minded manner in which the good people of Deltaria conducted themselves in. Hopefully, a solution can be found soon and the parties involved in the conflict can return to peacefully rebuilding the country. Jelbania will offer her support in any capacity in this peace-building exercise.

* * *

We are sad to hear that far-left agitation has now reached the Kingdom of Dorvik. Knowing well from our history the wicked nature of Metzists and such other rabble, the Khanate offers its full moral and political support to the Dorvish and hopes that all freedom and liberty-loving nations will stand together in rejecting the dark and hate-filled religion that is Metzism.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby PhilG » Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:45 pm

Edgard Laurent, Representative of Rildanor's Official Opposition

Ladies and gentlemen of the General Assembly, I appeal to you to please disregard the obvious propaganda being spouted in this room. It is despicable that two of Terra's governments would accuse the victims of an attempted violent government takeover of violating human rights, whilst supporting the same group that initiated said violent takeover in the first place. We formally request that the governments of Dorvik and Jelbania provide evidence of these supposed "leftist atrocities" in Deltaria.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby menkiller755 » Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:45 am

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Reddy » Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:36 pm

Beije Eksandr Genzisrmko Vrn, Jelbanian Ambassador to the World Congress:

Not sure if the Dorvish socialist misheard me. I did not accuse him or his party of anything other than the wickedness inherent in all such parties. I certainly do not recall using the word "atrocities" I will not lie - my country's sympathies lie with the Dorvish government and support any legal acts taken to suppress the rise of socialism - socialism is a disease which has to be wiped out otherwise the whole of Terra shall suffer terribly under it.

Bravo to the Deltarians for coming to a peace agreement!
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Antonio Cañamares, Egelion Ambassador to the World Congress

Postby MarcGM » Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:37 pm

ladies and gentlemen, from our republic we can not accept the insults that have been heard in this chamber aimed at a dignified ideology such as the Communist. It is disgusting that the Dorvik kingdom says that socialism is authoritarian when everyone knows that Dorvik is currently a clearly fascist dictatorship represented by a person who has not voted for and that has been given the freedom to declare himself emperor of Dundorf! Let this assembly know that the government I represent is Communist, and all the capitalist parties of Egelion have parliamentary representation and do not suffer any kind of political persecution. therefore before defaming think. I would also like the representative of Dorvik to explain how his government is so hypocritical, because he says that the socialist government of Deltaria is illegitimate when his government supported the Thallers. thank you so much
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