Whale Island

National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Whale Island

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:27 am

OOC: This thread is reserved for RP from Whale Island, the place where the World Congress and other supranational agencies and organisations reside.
Last edited by GreekIdiot on Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Moved from World Congress and renamed to Whale Island
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: World Congress News Service

Postby Auditorii » Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:43 am

Secretary-General Jalagonia announces sanctioned world organizations

Whale Island - Secretary-General Spartak Jalagonia (Hobrazia) signed a resolution today declaring a number of international institutions as official partners of the World Congress and formally declared a revised structure of the World Congress. The revised structure of the World Congress removed the position of "President of the General Assembly" and handed the authority formally over to the Deputy Secretary-General after a period of transition and getting consensus with other member states. The new Secretary-General also formally signed off on the complete formation of the World Congress Human Rights Office and the World Congress Peacekeeping and Assistance Force which will be administered through the World Congress Peacekeeping and Assistance Office.

Underneath the Office of the Secretary-General will be the Office of the World Congress Secretary-General, the Office of the World Congress News Service, the Secretariat of the World Congress, the Office of the World Congress Deputy Secretary-General, the Office of International Institutions and Organizations, the World Congress General Assembly, the World Congress Security Council and the two respective organs agencies and executives.

The institutions below that were confirmed to be recognized "partners" of the World Congress are as follows:

1. International Football Federation (IFF)
2. Human Rights Foundation (HRF)
3. International Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (IESCO)
4. Institution of Biological and Ecological Research (IBER)
5. Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs
6. International Multidisciplinary Academic Journal
7. International Arms Trade Commission (IATC)
8. International Exchange Commission
9. International Development and Stability Bank
10. International Society for the Study of Terran Civilisations
11. Gath Defense Collective
12. International Organization of Petroleum Exporting States (IOPES/IPES)
13. Zardic Institute of International Relations
14. Terran Police Association (TerraPol)
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
Controller of Mina
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Re: World Congress News Service

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jan 04, 2020 7:49 pm

World Congress News Service
"Tomorrows news, today."
Secretary-General Urban Grosz approves WC Peacekeeping and Assistance Force mission in East Dovani
July, 4690

The following article has been taken from Der Globus, a Dorvish news paper.

"Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
Supreme General Staff approves peacekeeping mission in East Dovani
July 4690

Haldor, Kordusia - The Dorvish government, in agreement with the World Congress has joined a multination coalition of nations to address the growing number of issues in East Dovani. Dorvik is no stranger to issues in East Dovani as it was involved in a conflict within Suyu Llaqta several decades ago and has remained a proponent of assistance to East Dovani nations. The leadership of the Supreme General Staff and the Ministry of Defense approved the contribution of Dorvish forces to a number of peacekeeping missions in East Dovani. Officially, the World Congress and the Security Council approved the formation of the "World Congress Peacekeeping and Assistance Force in East Dovani" (WCPAFORED) commonly called "PAFOR East Dovani" by members of the World Congress and the Security Council. The membership of the PAFOR East Dovani will include several dozen nations, the most prominent of them being Dorvik, Deltaria, Istalia, Kazulia, Lourenne, Ostland, the Vascanian Empire, Midway, Medina and Istapali. It was noted that the PAFOR East Dovani will shift its membership and composition overtime according to the overall head of the PAFOR East Dovani, ethnic Endralonian Fodor Géza, an ethnic Endralonian who serves as a high-ranking official within the World Congress Peacekeeping and Assistance Force. The duration of the mission has not been defined by the World Congress or the members of the Security Council but will be "...as needed." according to Fodor Géza.

Dorvish forces will set up shop in the ad hoc naval Port of Lusaketi and will begin their peacekeeping and stability operations in Suyu Llaqta before deploying elsewhere to assist the PAFOR East Dovani. The leadership of PAFOR East Dovani has divided up areas of operation to specific countries and mixed countries up to provide a sense of "...cooperation and to show willingness for international peace..." according to Fodor Géza. In North Dovani the PAFOR will be primarily consisting of Kazulia, Lourenne and Ostaldn focusing on taking down numerous, well armed cartels (criminal) that have terrorized the native population and render large swathes of the government inoperable. Dorvish forces alongside Ostlandic forces will provide peacekeeping and stability operations in Suyu Llaqta before departing for other parts of East Dovani to assist other countries. In Kurageri, Deltarian, Istalian and Vascanian Empire forces will conduct peacekeeping operations to attempt to curb religious (Hosian vs. Ahamdi) tensions within the region. Kazulian, Lourennian and Medinan forces will be dispatched to Liore to assist the government in peacekeeping operations related to a number of violent economic and political protests that have broken out.

The main base of operations will be in Istapali which will serve as the base of operations for the World Congress Peacekeeping and Assistance Force and all nations involved with the PAFOR mission in East Dovani will provide support to the government of Istapali in whatever crisis arise in Istapali. The PAFOR will be based out of the city of Kaseshi, a "military city" that houses a large military airport and a large-scale "field of mars" type area for military formations. It is located some ways outside of the Istapali capital of Kalibaka. One notable, important component of the PAFOR East Dovani is the prohibition of building formal military bases within any of the countries within the mission, bases that are built will be underneath the command and control of the World Congress' Peacekeeping and Assistance Forces and any contributions to such bases will be underneath the command and control of the alleged permanency of the PAFOR East Dovani. To entice the member nations, the PAFOR East Dovani has built a vast majority of the bases and locations required to house, train and assist in the missions.

Controller: January 4th, Mr.God
Military ranking: Small power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: Istapali is melting pot of East Dovani cultures, it has Dovani Majatran (African Arab), Kitembo (Swahili), Keobi (Igbo), Orun (Yoruba), Watembo (Somali), Huhoa (Hausa) and Douwu (Chicewa), a former colony of Hulstria. After achieving independence, it has become one of the largest economies in the Third World, governed mostly as a federal presidential republic. In addition to the various native languages spoken throughout the country, Dundorfian (German) retains a prominent position.
Real Life Inspirations: Chad, Cameroon, Central African Republic

PAFOR Mission in Istapali will serve as the base of operations for the World Congress Peacekeeping and Assistance Force and all nations involved with the PAFOR mission in East Dovani will provide support to the government of Istapali in whatever crisis arise in Istapali. The PAFOR will be based out of the city of Kaseshi, a "military city" that houses a large military airport and a large-scale "field of mars" type area for military formations. It is located some ways outside of the Istapali capital of Kalibaka.

North Dovani
Controller: Open
Military ranking: Small power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: North Dovani was formerly a colony of Kyoseon (Dankuk/Dranland) and was at one point home to a Draddwyr (Welsh) and Kyo (Korean) minority rule. However, the native Keobi (Igbo) and Huhoa (Hausa) population eventually took back control and a vast majority of the Draddwyr (Welsh) and Kyo (Korean) have returned to their home countries or been pushed to the very western fringes of the country. North Dovani has a history of federal republicanism, it absorbed the former country of Degalogesa after its native Keobi (Igbo) and Huhoa (Hausa) populations voted in a referendum to join North Dovani.

PAFOR mission in North Dovani will be Kazulia, Lourenne and Ostland attempting to tackle rampant cartel (criminal) violence throughout East Dovani. Special attention should be paid to the western portion of East Dovani which comprises a wide array of "stable" areas that are dominated by Kazulian, Kyo and Draddwyr cities and towns that well known for being havens for safety and security.

Suyu Llaqta
Controller: Open
Military ranking: No power
Economic ranking: In need of development
Background: The indigenous peoples of Suyu Llaqta are diverse, with the Kitembo (Swahili) people being the most notable. Prior to independence, the country was governed by Hulstria and it has a Hulstrian (Austrian) colonial overlay as a result. Since then, it has experienced a number of military coups and generally been governed as an authoritarian one-party state, though there was a period where the country was divided by civil war. Dundorfian (German) is among the nation's most important languages and shares official status alongside Kitembi (Swahili) which is the official de facto language.
Real Life Inspirations: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo

PAFOR mission in Suyu Llaqta will be a stability operation by the Dorvish alongside Midway forces.

Controller: Auditorii
Military ranking: Small Power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: A former colony of Hulstria and Gao-Soto, Cifutingan has been a relatively (by Dovani standards) stable presidential republic since achieving independence. The impact of colonisation has been the dominance of the Dundorfian (German) and Kunikata (Japanese) languages. The native population are diverse but the largest groups speak a derivative of Majatran known as Dovani Majatran (African Arab) and share minority groups with other East Dovani nations.
Real Life Inspirations: Sudan, South Sudan

Dorvish and Ostlandic forces will assist in peacekeeping operations, other nations will send special forces to Mina to combat the growth of radical Ahmadism that is potentially linked to terrorist attacks across the globe.

Controller: Open
Military ranking: Small Power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: Kurageri is a nation primarily inhabited by the Kuragao or Kitembo (Swahili) people, who speak the Kitembo (Swahili) language. A former colony of Sekowo, it has a Kunihito (Japanese) minority as a result. Since achieving independence, Kurageri has primarily been governed as a presidential republic.
Real Life Inspirations: Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda

The PAFOR mission in Kurageri consists of forces from Deltaria, Istalia and Vascanian which will focus on curbing and keeping the peace between religious groups (Hosians and Ahmadis).

Controller: Open
Military ranking: Small power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: Formerly a colony of Sekowo, Liore is dominated by the Kitembo (Swahili) people and their language Kitembi (Swahili). Since independence, it has been governed in various ways, from presidential republic to military junta, but the Kunikata (Japanese) language remains a notable language used in the country.
Real Life Inspirations: Kenya

The PAFOR mission in Liore will consist of Kazulia, Medinan and Lourennian forces to assist the government in a wide series of economic and political protests that have developed into violence.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: World Congress News Service

Postby jamescfm » Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:15 pm

World Congress welcomes members to new session
4 March 4749

Nasim Jabarzadeh, the newly appointed General-Secretary of the World Congress has welcomed governments and leaders from across Terra to the new session of the international organisation's General Assembly and Security Council. In the latest Security Council elections, Luthori, Selucia, Indrala and Lourenne were elected as non-permanent members. Hutori joined Dorvik, Istalia and Kazulia as the Council's permanent members.

Among the likely subjects for discussion in the coming term are internal tensions in Vanuku, accusations of ethnic cleansing in Bianjie, and the creation of an organisation aiming to improve food security and strengthen the agriculture industry across the globe.

World Congress News Service provides updates about developments in the General Assembly, Security Council and other organisations.
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Re: World Congress News Service

Postby jamescfm » Sat May 30, 2020 5:01 pm

First election for new Security Council seat announced
4 March 4761

General-Secretary of the World Congress Nasim Jabarzadeh has confirmed official plans to expand the Security Council. At present there are around twenty-five countries who are excluded from elections to the World Congress' governing authority for a variety of historic reasons. Most of these countries are former colonies of the world's historic great powers who were reluctant to become involved with the World Congress upon its original foundation.

Over time though almost all of these countries have become members of the international organisation and have been granted official recognition in the General Assembly. Until now though they remained excluded from the Security Council despite a desire for inclusion from both sides. Discussions and meetings have been taking part in a sporadic fashion for decades but only recently were all parties able to reach a mutual agreement.

In recognition of the special position of these previously excluded countries, they will be allocated a "quota seat". Unlike the four current non-permanent seats, elections in this new "Seat E" will not be open to all members, instead the countries will have an election among themselves for the seat. The eventual decision follows much compromise. The decision to separate these countries out was reached as a compromise with the formerly excluded group of countries, who had originally demanded veto power for their representative.

Unlike ordinary World Congress business, the new settlement was not subject to a Security Council vote, instead bureaucrats held an ad hoc approval vote of all countries. The first election for the newly formed seat will take place shortly before the next World Congress term begins. In addition to a new member, the election is expected to significantly shake up the composition of the other elected seats with Yingdala, Luthori and Vanuku all currently on track to lose their non-permanent status on the Council.

World Congress News Service provides updates about developments in the General Assembly, Security Council and other organisations.
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Re: World Congress News Service

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:59 pm

Number of organisations disaffiliated from the World Congress
13 December 4871

Several organisations that previously had partner status with the World Congress have had this status withdrawn at the direction of the General-Secretary. The organisations were originally granted partner status under previous administrations but have prompted controversy for a variety of reasons. The role of partner organisations is to provide close advice and support to the World Congress in a variety of areas of international concern.

Four organisations were included in an official announcement from the General-Secretary: the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs, the International Arms Trade Commission, the Gath Defense Collective and the International Organization of Petroleum Exporting States. In each case the World Congress promised to continue to work with the organisations as appropriate while making clear that partner status was no longer desirable.

The decision follows a significant change in the make-up of the World Congress Security Council. At the beginning of the latest term, four new countries were elected to the institution's governing authority, with only Liore retaining its position from the previous term. In the relatively short tenure so far, all five members appear to have a significantly different focus for the organisation than has been the case for previous incarnations of the body, favouring national sovereignty and international cooperation over military intervention and forced globalism.

World Congress News Service provides updates about developments in the General Assembly, Security Council and other organisations.
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Re: World Congress News Service

Postby imperialpearl » Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:06 pm

Security Council passes R127, authorising investigation into North Dovani war crimes

With the passing of World Congress Security Resolution 127, a fact-finding mission has been launched to investigate allegations related to potential war crimes and human rights violations perpetrated at the hands of the numerous warring factions in North Dovani's most recent civil war. The resolution as outlined appoints a neutral intermediator, the Republic of Midway, the lead the fact-finding mission coined WCMND (World Congress Mission in North Dovani), with the intention of determining whether the allegations raised by representatives are indeed factual and to provide recommendations to the Security Council on potential avenues for justice or correction. To ensure the investigation comes to both a speedy and agreeable conclusion, the resolution mandates that the mission be given wide-ranging access to the resources of the World Congress. In a brief statement following Resolution 127's approval, General Secretary of the World Congress Lucius Pertinax said:
The seriousness of the allegations laid squarely at the feet of North Dovani warrants an investigation. To do otherwise would be to turn a blind eye to the suffering of innocent civilians during what I could only describe as a very dark chapter in North Dovani history. We hope the new administration in Chinasa will allow the mission to conduct its work without interruption or interference.

World Congress News Service provides updates about developments in the General Assembly, Security Council and other organisations.
Last edited by imperialpearl on Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: World Congress News Service

Postby Rogue » Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:18 pm

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Re: World Congress News Service

Postby TRA » Sun Jul 02, 2023 6:45 pm

World Congress upgrades its digital infrastructure
February 5326

As the world witnesses an unprecedented period of peace in recent centuries, for more than 100 years, the World Congress and the Security Council have created a task force of special advisors, consultants and experts in the field of digital transformation and governance, with representatives from but not limited to Dorvik, Luthori, Cildania, Dundorf, Keymon, Beiteynu, Lourenne and Tukarali, with the goal of upgrading the organisation's overall digital infrastructure to better serve the international community as the world's beacon of justice, prosperity and supranational cooperation.

The organisation's central administration will work with multiple government agencies across the world to further invest in the World Congress's digital infrastructure pertaining to both the management and upkeep of information hubs for the citizens of Terra.

Access the new digital portal at https://prtcy.com/congress/.

OOC: This is a side website created to enhance (not replace) the roleplaying experience of the game and the forums, made for all players. You can ask for help or make requests either on Discord or at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9387.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: World Congress - News Service

Postby TRA » Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:13 pm

Central administration continues digitisation efforts
December 5356

In making the World Congress and its main bodies more accessible to the citizens of Terra, and thus, more efficient, the central administration of the World Congress continues its measures of further digitisation of its infrastructure. The latest updates bring forth a campaign directory that makes campaigns quickly and readily available for citizens and diplomats of Terra to explore and discover possible candidates for their precious nominations. Another update includes the further organisation of the World Congress's main areas of information and collections which will hopefully provide further ease of access, as well as a direct feed of both the World Congress News Service and the General Secretary to The Terran Times (OOC: Discord / https://prtcy.com/congress/).

Thus, the World Congress will stay committed to its mission of representing Terra's beacon of justice, prosperity and supranational cooperation.
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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