OOC: This thread is reserved for RP from Whale Island, the place where the World Congress and other supranational agencies and organisations reside.
OOC: This thread is reserved for RP from Whale Island, the place where the World Congress and other supranational agencies and organisations reside.
Controller: January 4th, Mr.God
Military ranking: Small power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: Istapali is melting pot of East Dovani cultures, it has Dovani Majatran (African Arab), Kitembo (Swahili), Keobi (Igbo), Orun (Yoruba), Watembo (Somali), Huhoa (Hausa) and Douwu (Chicewa), a former colony of Hulstria. After achieving independence, it has become one of the largest economies in the Third World, governed mostly as a federal presidential republic. In addition to the various native languages spoken throughout the country, Dundorfian (German) retains a prominent position.
Real Life Inspirations: Chad, Cameroon, Central African Republic
PAFOR Mission in Istapali will serve as the base of operations for the World Congress Peacekeeping and Assistance Force and all nations involved with the PAFOR mission in East Dovani will provide support to the government of Istapali in whatever crisis arise in Istapali. The PAFOR will be based out of the city of Kaseshi, a "military city" that houses a large military airport and a large-scale "field of mars" type area for military formations. It is located some ways outside of the Istapali capital of Kalibaka.
North Dovani
Controller: Open
Military ranking: Small power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: North Dovani was formerly a colony of Kyoseon (Dankuk/Dranland) and was at one point home to a Draddwyr (Welsh) and Kyo (Korean) minority rule. However, the native Keobi (Igbo) and Huhoa (Hausa) population eventually took back control and a vast majority of the Draddwyr (Welsh) and Kyo (Korean) have returned to their home countries or been pushed to the very western fringes of the country. North Dovani has a history of federal republicanism, it absorbed the former country of Degalogesa after its native Keobi (Igbo) and Huhoa (Hausa) populations voted in a referendum to join North Dovani.
PAFOR mission in North Dovani will be Kazulia, Lourenne and Ostland attempting to tackle rampant cartel (criminal) violence throughout East Dovani. Special attention should be paid to the western portion of East Dovani which comprises a wide array of "stable" areas that are dominated by Kazulian, Kyo and Draddwyr cities and towns that well known for being havens for safety and security.
Suyu Llaqta
Controller: Open
Military ranking: No power
Economic ranking: In need of development
Background: The indigenous peoples of Suyu Llaqta are diverse, with the Kitembo (Swahili) people being the most notable. Prior to independence, the country was governed by Hulstria and it has a Hulstrian (Austrian) colonial overlay as a result. Since then, it has experienced a number of military coups and generally been governed as an authoritarian one-party state, though there was a period where the country was divided by civil war. Dundorfian (German) is among the nation's most important languages and shares official status alongside Kitembi (Swahili) which is the official de facto language.
Real Life Inspirations: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo
PAFOR mission in Suyu Llaqta will be a stability operation by the Dorvish alongside Midway forces.
Controller: Auditorii
Military ranking: Small Power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: A former colony of Hulstria and Gao-Soto, Cifutingan has been a relatively (by Dovani standards) stable presidential republic since achieving independence. The impact of colonisation has been the dominance of the Dundorfian (German) and Kunikata (Japanese) languages. The native population are diverse but the largest groups speak a derivative of Majatran known as Dovani Majatran (African Arab) and share minority groups with other East Dovani nations.
Real Life Inspirations: Sudan, South Sudan
Dorvish and Ostlandic forces will assist in peacekeeping operations, other nations will send special forces to Mina to combat the growth of radical Ahmadism that is potentially linked to terrorist attacks across the globe.
Controller: Open
Military ranking: Small Power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: Kurageri is a nation primarily inhabited by the Kuragao or Kitembo (Swahili) people, who speak the Kitembo (Swahili) language. A former colony of Sekowo, it has a Kunihito (Japanese) minority as a result. Since achieving independence, Kurageri has primarily been governed as a presidential republic.
Real Life Inspirations: Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda
The PAFOR mission in Kurageri consists of forces from Deltaria, Istalia and Vascanian which will focus on curbing and keeping the peace between religious groups (Hosians and Ahmadis).
Controller: Open
Military ranking: Small power
Economic ranking: Weak
Background: Formerly a colony of Sekowo, Liore is dominated by the Kitembo (Swahili) people and their language Kitembi (Swahili). Since independence, it has been governed in various ways, from presidential republic to military junta, but the Kunikata (Japanese) language remains a notable language used in the country.
Real Life Inspirations: Kenya
The PAFOR mission in Liore will consist of Kazulia, Medinan and Lourennian forces to assist the government in a wide series of economic and political protests that have developed into violence.
The seriousness of the allegations laid squarely at the feet of North Dovani warrants an investigation. To do otherwise would be to turn a blind eye to the suffering of innocent civilians during what I could only describe as a very dark chapter in North Dovani history. We hope the new administration in Chinasa will allow the mission to conduct its work without interruption or interference.
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