World Congress Directory of Organisations

Posts and topics related to the World Congress, the primary intergovernmental institution in the game.

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World Congress Directory of Organisations

Postby TRA » Thu Jul 06, 2023 7:31 am

Welcome to the World Congress, an international organisation seeking to promote supranational cooperation in a number of areas. The two primary organs of the organization are the General Assembly and the Security Council, although it maintains an affiliation with multiple services and other organisations, as well.


- Learn about the World Congress & the Security Council
- Visit the digital portal of the World Congress
- Read the news

General Assembly / Security Council:

- Engage in the General Assembly, for all representatives of nations, organisations, parties and other entities
- View resolutions passed by the Security Council
- Engage/observe the Security Council, for members of the Security Council
- Review election results and history of the Security Council

Other Services / Organisations:

- Offices
- Departments
- Agencies
- Archives

Discussions (OOC):

- World Congress
- General Assembly
- Security Council
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