50th Security Council Session

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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby robmark0000 » Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:31 pm

Image Ms. Zobor Réka
Representative of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon to the World Congress Security Council

Honorable Chamber!

We could heard a desperate explanation from the Honorable Person from Liore, but nothing more, nothing real points. Just the usual populistic, hate rhetoric what we should get used to, because it seemingly will follow and make us sad during the entire 50th Session.

He called me 'corporate puppet' two times, but he doesn't explained to this Honorable Chamber why the anti-Deltarian National Movement couldn't win in their last election (details in my previous speech). He called me 'corporate puppet' two times, but he even couldn't say sorry for why he disrespected our culture and called me in my first name, however he promises to fight for the equality of all cultures. He called me 'corporate puppet' two times, however he still cannot name his famous and recognized, trusted sociological sources when he calls our country a corporate oligarchy (spoiler: because we're not), and still insulting the sovereign Endralonian people with calling its democratically elected representatives puppets. Representative, maybe you should has points instead populism and pointless phrases.

To make a better point, a recognized sociological group, the Terran Democracy Index recognized Endralon as a DEMOCRACY, right after the end of the 3M-Medina dispute in 4784 (that is considered the highest point of Endralonian corpocracy by critics). To mention it, Liore was a HYBRID REGIME based on this research, so I guess you should have more worries about oligarchy. And about the company Lidor Pharmaceuticals, it will be a for-profit corporation, if you would be truly a humanitarian organization you wouldn't expect money in exchange of your services; I am sure if Dorvik and Liore would really want to help, they could afford to help Dovanian people for free. As if it isn't happening your corporation will stay a for-profit predator corporation, using other poor people's health as a political tool. You are no better than the picture you have about 3M in your minds.

The insults won't break me, I ask the Istalian Representative to vote for me to the Presidency of the Security Council, we had negotiations with the Istalian delegation a few months ago, I hope they still remember to it. Dai, make this planet a better place!
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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Dec 01, 2020 6:11 pm

Neema Oyenusi, World Congress Representative of the Socialist State of Liore
Ms. Zobor, I will not apologize for mixing up your name until Endralon and 3M apologizes for the exploitation they commit against the peoples of the East, and I maintain the stance that you and all in the Endralonian government are corporate puppets. I don't need outdated sociological analyses from decades ago to tell me such facts, any man can see with the unaided eye what exactly Endralon is. And please Ms. Zobor, do not speak to topics you obviously know nothing of. Lidor Pharmaceutical is not a "for-profit company" as 3M is, it is designed just to be the opposite so that prices cannot be influenced by the need to deliver profit to shareholders, and the Liori government also subsidizes its efforts to make her products as low-cost as possible. I'm frankly tired of your trying to draw comparisons between Liori and Endralonian companies. I know the Endralonian mindset revolves around profit and exploitation, so it must be hard to believe that there are some governments and some groups across Terra that genuinely care for the downtrodden.

Comrade representatives, we have wasted enough time, there are important issues that this body must address. I move that for the sake of addressing these issues, we choose compromise on a President other than myself or Ms. Zobor. I have already given my support to Istalia, and I urge all members of this body to do the same.
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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Dec 02, 2020 2:19 pm

Image Ms. Zobor Réka
Representative of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon to the World Congress Security Council

Honorable Chamber!

Its obvious that the Liori Representative is an uneducated, who even cannot how to debate in a cultured way. I hope your country will see this sooner or later, and ordering you back to the Third World; if not, the problem is with your country, but I guess it won't be a problem for them if they become free from a Honorable Person, who cannot defend their interests with facts and points, numbers, just making a populistic and hate rhetoric against the Endralonian people itself. I would propose you that even if you can afford it, please, do not enter Endralonian soil, especially more patriotic regions.

As you can see, I'm tryin to be just as low and insulting as the Liori Representative and some Liori officials, including their new, elected President (who's anti-Deltarian policies by-the-way supportable) is. Your President called our entire nation 'foul', while you saying your racist and non-tolerant idea about Endralonian mindset is all about 'profits and exploitation', here, in the long-standing building of racial equality and world peace. You still cannot apologize because you disrespected our culture and in Endralon, that disrespect would be also a sign of superiority of men; you still cannot explain while Deltarian or pro-Deltarian Liori people doing election fraud in your country; and you still cannot answer why the relatively rich Dorvik and Liore couldn't create a real humanitarian organisation, what do not asking money for their services instead the obviously for-profit company Lidor, what just call itself humanitarian, as an advertising trick, however even if it asking low-prizes, but still, it asking prizes.

By-the-way, while the Liori Representative trying to insult me and my people in the palace of world peace, I have to call you to see a great sign of sexual freedom and the reborning of polygamy in Davostan. I have to say congratulations and gratitude for Her Majesty, the Princeps Civitatis Viktoriana Reinhardt, and Chancellor of the Realm Alice Hemming for keeping this great act of sexual liberty and tolerance of the government in private life across decades and will keep it. (Yes, Dear Honorable Person from Liore, it was a thrown bone to you, who already believes that Endralon is the 'dog' of the Union of Davostan and Kivonia, come on, make hate and make conspiracy theories more popular!) Also, we hope, especially me and my party, that we can follow Davostan in Its way of Liberty in the sooner future regarding of polygamy.

Thank you!
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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:44 pm

Neema Oyenusi, World Congress Representative of the Socialist State of Liore
Comrade representatives, I am frankly appalled and even surprised at the words of the Endralonian representative. I knew Endralon was a nation of a racist, imperialist elite class, but I had no expectation whatsoever that they'd have the gall to label a black Dovanian as "uneducated," to say that he is uncultured in discussion, and to "ordering you back to the Third World" so openly, and I definitely would not believe that any representative no matter how racist would dare use such bigoted language in this body where all peoples and nations are equal. This is a complete mask-off moment for the representative who refuses to end this petty bickering and continue to attack the merits of my country at every time I attempt to move on to more pressing matters. This displays the complete inability for the Endralonian representative to serve within this body, and as such I would like to bring the following resolution to debate:

SC Resolution XX
ACKNOWLEDGING that the Security Council is a body of the utmost importance to global foreign affairs and thus must be kept above petty bickering, and

ACKNOWLEDGING that the Security Council is a body of equal nations and peoples that must treat one-another in a non-racial and non-bigoted way, and

ACKNOWLEDGING that racism in all its forms and magnitudes is evil and immoral and leads only to the oppression and division of people, and

ACKNOWLEDGING that it is the duty of the World Council and the Security Council to combat this racial hatred and division.

WHEREAS Ms. Zobor the Representative of Endralon refuses at all attempts to shift discussion towards the imperative topics of international news and relations, and

WHEREAS Ms. Zobor has blatantly and unapologetically referred to Dovanians as "uneducated" and uncultured, stating "who even cannot how to debate in a cultured way," and

WHEREAS Ms. Zobor "ordered" the Liori representative, the sole non-white representative sitting on the Security Council and representative of billions of non-white Dovanians, Temanians, and Vascanians, to crawl back to the "third world."

The Endralonian Representative Ms. Zobor Reka is hereby susbended from the Security Council for a period of two years and her attempts to stir up racial hatred and derail the processes of the Security Council are hereby condemned by this body.
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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:59 pm

Image Ms. Zobor Réka
Representative of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon to the World Congress Security Council

Honorable Chamber!

Basically the same draft, just this one what you will read from me will containing the truth. If you have doubts, please, just read back this debate.

Thank you!

SC Resolution XXX
ACKNOWLEDGING that the Security Council is a body of the utmost importance to global foreign affairs and thus must be kept above petty bickering, and

ACKNOWLEDGING that the Security Council is a body of equal nations and peoples that must treat one-another in a non-misogynistic and non-bigoted way, and

ACKNOWLEDGING that misogyny in all its forms and magnitudes is evil and immoral and leads only to the oppression and division of women people, and

ACKNOWLEDGING that it is the duty of the World Council and the Security Council to combat this gender unequality.

WHEREAS Mr. Neema Oyenusi the Representative of Liore refuses to apologize because he made a misogynistic comment on the Endralonian Representative Ms. Zobor Réka, and

WHEREAS Mr. Neema Oyenusi lying without conscience and accuse without base the Endralonian Representative Ms. Zobor Réka with the accusation of racism, just because she is a woman.

The Liori Representative Mr. Neema Oyenusi is hereby suspended from the Security Council for a period of two years and his attempts to stir up gender unequality and derail the processes of the Security Council are hereby condemned by this body.
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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby Mr. F49 » Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:22 pm

Nikolai Olafsson,
Ambassador of the Confederation of Telamon in the World Congress Security Council.

Ms. Zobor,

The now Confederation of Telamon, does not consider appropriate and less diplomatic the words you addressed to Liore's representative. First of all I must make it clear that Telamon is against racism and xenophobia, secondly, it is the duty of the President of the Security Council to respect the nations that make up the body.

The entire North is willing to defend social freedoms and progress, but you have corrupted one of the ideals of the SC, which is anti-racism, by calling Liore's representative uneducated and sending her back to the Third World. For now I do not consider it conscious to continue with my vote for you, I will withdraw my vote and analyze the other options.

I respectfully end my speech.
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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby robmark0000 » Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:34 pm

Image Mrs. Vass Natália
Representative of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon to the World Congress Security Council

Honorable Chamber!

I have to announce, that you surely can realize, that I will replace Ms. Zobor Réka in this council, by the will of Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Directorial Republic of Endralon Antall-Kecske Tibor and the will of the Endralonian people. First things first, I have to publicly apologize to Mr. Neema Oyenusi, and every other Dovanian or Eastern people who felt offended because of this, in the name of both Ms. Zobor and the Directorial Republic itself. I hope my apology will be accepted by the Honorable Person from Liore, and by the Honorable Persons of the lands of the East.

I am interested in dealing with international affairs rather than making ideological debates in the council, unlike my predecessor did. I will ignore every populistic and hate rhetoric from Mr. Neema Oyenusi, if this phrases makes him politically successful, then he should do them, I won't assist them with making myself offended by them. Also, would be curious, and I might enter the General Assembly Chamber to speaking about this with the affected people, that why a Deltarian political party trying to intervene in the World Congress Security Council election process of the Seat A. This is not the first time that the mentioned party trying to manipulate people regarding to World Congress elections, I might be interested why are they doing this.

I already brought two international problems, both from the Western part of the continent Artania. The first one is from the Commonwealth of Rutania, where the serious question of temporary anti-democratic governance in a liberal democracy should be or shouldn't be allowed, is on the table. Currently the government of the Honorable Person called Claire Peters facing a giant democratic crisis, because there is two vacant seats (Finance and Food and Agriculture) in her cabinet and she trying to govern with a defective Commonwealth Assembly, where is only 390 members right now, instead the usual 500. Millions of Rutanians aren't represented. The tensions and the problems are increased when the new-old Most Noble Order of Stage, a historical Rutanian political party returned and want to propose an early election to solve this democratic crisis, however the party of Ms/Mrs Peters, the National Party of Rutania denied that request. I know the World Congress should not be an organization what intervene in the elections of the member-states, however, I do believe you should join to me in encouraging Rutanian people to let their voice heard.

The second one is the oppression of the trade unions in Narikaton and Darnussia. The so-called 'Fritzist' ruling political party (currently governing in a one-party system) in the country passed a bill about firing of strikers who are 'went to strike without reasonable reason'. This bill would lead back that country into the depth and darkness of authoritarian capitalism, where the emplooye are Gods and the workers are nothing. (Endralon is a proudly libertarian capitalist nation, but we value the fundamental rights of workers and you can see, we are cooperating with socialist nations in economics, also.) The newly founded Workers' Party in Darnussia could make a difference, and even wanted to make with proposing a bill about a more just alternative for trade unions, but it was easily defeated by the so-called 'Fritzists'. I would call all members in this Security Council to stand up against authoritarian capitalism and condemn the happenings currently in Darnussia.

Thank You!
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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby XanderOne » Thu Dec 03, 2020 4:46 pm

Stefano Giallini, Istalian Representative to the World Congress

I'm the new Istalian Representative to the World Congress. It is sad to see at the beginning of this new session a debate like the one arised between Liore and Endralon representatives.

We cannot ignore the undiplomatically and unkind, racist, words by the Endralonian representative and we cannot accept it here. However, I can understand that probably the Endralonian Representative was pushed to the extreme by part of allegations by part of Liore led by particular interests and contrasts, probably ideological ones.

How many times within this body people said that no one should comment how nations are governed by their leaders and peoples? Despite this, what happens in Endralon and how work Endralonian society and politics became the major issue for Liore. It is clear that the assumption according to which nations should coexist respecting foreign governments and regimes is a utopia. Most of what happen within a nation has repercussion also outside and this collide with the words of many here.

Istalia doesn't share the concerns by Liore for 3M corporation, and doesn't share at all the idea of an Endralon led by a tyrannical 3M, because we recognize Endralon as a well working democracy, however, we cannot ignore the fact that issues about how a nation is government can be matter of international affairs when there are great issues which can put in danger the life and the well being of peoples.

Istalia would like focus in work so that the World Congress can identify the most blatant violations around the world of human rights as well as foundamental democratic rules, because we cannot deny the fact that human rights can be adeguately protected only within a pluralist and democratic regime, and thus adopt a protocol to face such situation providing measures and line of actions.

If this program of identification and the following protocol of action will be created, every nation of Terra will be able to bring to the attention of this structure possible infringments but an independent body will be the one to evaluate the situation and to propose the most adeguate line of action based on the mentioned protocol to be created.

About issues between nations and private corporations, I think that the local judiciary halls are the most adeguate place where to discuss such issues, not at all the Security Council of the World Congress.

Finally, some Governments contacted Istalia to propose it to assume the presidency of the Security Council in order to overcome the current stalemate between Liore and Endralon Governments and my Government thinks that Istalia could work well to try to ease the tensions.

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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 03, 2020 5:03 pm

Image Ms. Afiríyie Danso, General-Secretary of the World Congress:
A resolution has been drafted by the bureaucracy to this effect, please vote upon it now.
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Re: 50th Security Council Session

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:24 pm

Neema Oyenusi, World Congress Representative of the Socialist State of Liore
Comrade representatives, I'm glad we can put an end to this bickering. I accept the apology from the Endralonian delegation for the racist remarks of their previous representative, and I offer my own to the Security Council for my part in the continuation of this squabble. However, my views on the 3M corporation remain unchanged and I must disagree with the Istalian representative's view on the role of this particular corporation in global affairs and their analysis of my own argument, but obviously this is a topic that is not worth continuing. I will withdraw my proposed resolution to suspend the Endralonian representative in interest of finally moving past this, and I will continue my support for the Istalian representative Stefano Giallini to assume the Presidency of the Security Council.

To address the issues raised by the Endralonian representative, I must respectfully disagree on all accounts.

On the issue of "why a Deltarian political party trying to intervene in the World Congress Security Council election process of the Seat A," I honestly see no issue. All nations of the West are permitted to vote in the elections of each Security Council Seat, with the exception of Seat C which is left to the East to appoint, and it is the right of all Westerners to campaign and vote for who they see as fit to sit in this council. This right to campaign seems to be one shared by at least two Endralonian parties, the Direct Democrats and the Ndrálon People's Party, evident by their participation in an organization campaigning for all five Security Council Seats. Mrs. Vass, you are a representative of a government made up of these two parties and if I'm not mistaken you are a member of the Direct Democrats, so I fail to see the issue you are trying to raise and I hope you can elaborate further on this topic in case there is something I am missing.

On the other two topics that are brought up, I must express the opinion that the scope of the Security Council must be heavily restricted so as not to interfere in the national sovereignty of the nations we are meant to mediate rather than legislate to. In Rutania I see another non-issue, as there is no threat to Rutanian democracy in this scenario. The state of Rutania's Commonwealth Assembly as being short members is not because of the work of some cabal of authoritarians, but because of the decision by those Assembly members to willingly vacate their position, and the decision by the ruling National Party and any of her colleagues to not alter their nation's electoral cycle is most definitely not a threat to democracy. In the end, I see no issue, and I must agree with Mrs. Vass that the World Congress is not an organization that should have the power to interfere with the elections of its member-states.

On the issue of Narikaton and Darnussia, again I see no issue. The legislation you've provided to us that has been passed with the support of the Fritzites and the Arbeiterpartei for the most part shows progress in the accumulation of labour rights in Narikaton and Darnussia. You pointed out specifically that this bill allows employers to fire striking workers who have gone on strike without "reasonable reasons," but fail to mention that this was a proposal to change the previous policy of allowing employers to fire striking workers in any and all scenarios. All of the proposals in this bill you've provided us show the advancement of workers rights. Collective bargaining is legalized for public sector employees, trade unions are legalized and democratized, and the right to stirke itself is expanded. As a socialist, I must say that I'm disappointed at the slow progress of the liberation of workers in Narikaton and Darnussia, but I recognize the progress that is being made as invaluable. To stray off a bit, I would agree to a general condemnation of the exploitation of workers by the Security Council, but again I must reaffirm my commitment to national sovereignty and reject any attempt to interfere in Narikaton and Darnussia.

I thank the Endralonian representative for raising these issues and giving me the chance to make my stances on them and on the role of the Security Council known, and I'd like to call attention to the global economic crisis that Terra now faces. As we all know, this crisis was caused by the collapse of Deltarian markets and threatens to put at risk the prosperity and health of the residents of the countries most effected, particularly lower and working class residents. I believe it is our imperative responsibility to foster discussion on how the nations of Terra can brace themselves for this crisis and prevent a wide-scale humanitarian nightmare. It is the opinion of my government that the nations least affected by this crisis should focus on delivering humanitarian aid to the people of the nations who are. My government, who's stable mixed-market policies have prevented us from feeling the worst of this crisis, is currently securing the welfare of our people employed by failing western businesses, and we plan soon to assist our neighboring Dovanian nations, many of whom have unfortunately become reliant on now falling western investment and business, in their recovery through humanitarian aid and economic investment aimed at growing local economies and lessening their reliance on unstable western markets. We implore our fellow members of the Security Council and the World Congress to assist in granting humanitarian aid first to their own people and then to their hard-effected neighbors, and we invite further discussion on how to address this crisis.

Thank you.
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