42nd General Assembly Session

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42nd General Assembly Session

Postby Vojvoda » Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:40 pm

Below are the archived discussions of the 42nd General Assembly Session.

Marc Weiß urges to get back Likatonia in World Congress

I am Prime Minister of Likatonia and I will put on voting to get Likatonia back in the World Congress because only together we are stronger and can cope with anti-democratic states. But before I put on voting I must know do I have your support to return Likatonia back in the World Congress.
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35th General Assembly Session

Postby Auditorii » Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:44 am

General Assembly Session: April 12th, 2020 through May 10th, 2020
Secretary-General of the World Congress: Nguyễn Sơn Hải (Kimlien, started term January, 4740)

”We would like to continue to welcome nations, political parties and groups to discuss Terran-wide issues and cooperate on Terran-wide initiatives.”

Nguyễn Sơn Hải,
Secretary-General of the World Congress
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Re: 35th General Assembly Session

Postby Locke1342 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:42 am

Temrmai Akedkáhe, Jelbanian Representative to the World Congress:

Honourable members of the World Congress. Jelbania wishes to present to you the issue of the current spread of the Reformed Hosian Church. Whilst our government, has, like many others, taken sensible steps to manage this spread without infringing upon religious freedom, or shutting borders, I fear that not enough attention has been placed on the radically authoritarian actions of several governments who have used this opportunity to place travel restrictions on Likatonian people by association of this new movement originating from Likatonia.

I particularly want to highlight the third article from the Travel Ban From Likatonia Act of 4740 which states that naval personel will be granted the use of "lethal force" to prevent Likatonians or Badarians from entering Keymonite waters. Whilst the Jelbanian government shares the concern of the Keymonite government regarding the spread of this movement, we deem it inappropriate to prevent all Likatonians from entering any country as if this was a plague and we were implementing quarantine measures.

It is perhaps also necessary to criticise Dorvik's response given its a member of the World Congress Security Council. Surely as a permanent member of the WCSC it should be looking for multilateral ways to manage the situation rather than the unilateral banning of its citizens from travelling to Likatonia, which again envokes imagery of a global pandemic rather than the emergence of a small time religious movement. Furthermore the vagueness of the fifth article of the State Security and Defense Council Directive 4740-01 is somewhat troubling. That the Dorvish government has not clarified what it means by "take whatever action is necessary" is something we would not expect from a world leading nation. The Jelbanian Government hence urges the Dorvik government to resolve any confusion on the extent of the powers it has provided itself, and to make sure that any powers it deems necessary are checked with reasonable protections in order to safeguard civil liberties.

For these reasons we call of the World Congress to create an international response to the new movement in order to prevent nations from taking such unwieldly actions. To prevent this situation being jumped on by despots and dictators all too eager to implement travel restrictions, and clamp down on religious freedom, we believe it necessary for the World Congress, through the guidance of the Security Council to come up with a managed international response.
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Re: 35th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:50 pm

Toprak Kunter, Jakanian Permanent Representative to the World Congress:
As permanent representative to the World Congress from the Republic of Jakania, I wish to raise an issue of vital importance to the international order that my government feels has been unfairly overlooked by this institution. At present there are three states in the world that ban free expression of religion. Our republic, like many on our continent is founded on a shared belief in the value of faith. How can it be that this vast restriction of freedom has been allowed to persist with virtually no consequence from the most powerful international forces?
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Re: 35th General Assembly Session

Postby John Cracker » Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:04 pm

John Benton representing the reformed Church

This disgust me! Truly, how can you justify the shutting of borders because of a church? We have caused no riots, I have urged Reformed Hosians to be peaceful, we do not want civil unrest or riots! You are the ones who cause unrest by shutting borders, you use military personnel to stop pastors, how can you call this "sensible"? We do not waste time rioting at your doorsteps, instead we have convert thousands, I ask for an explanation to these radical steps, you call yourselves "libertarians" "conservatives" "liberals" anyone who calls themselves this and supports those bills are liars! You even lie about us, people have blatenly said we believe in salvation through good works, how can this be so far from the truth? You spread lies, you are fear mongers, you shut borders to Likatonia for a church, ow much more can you do other than kill us in our homes? I tell you, you may strike me down but two more will instantly take my place! Not even you call kill every Reformed Hosian in Terra! I am open to any questions about our church, but please, refrain from lying.
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Re: 35th General Assembly Session

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:27 pm

Franklin Dupont
Hutorian Ambassador to the World Congress

Mr. President

With the greatest of respect to Mr. Benton, the Reformed Hosian Church is not a member of the World Congress, nor is the Federal Republic of Likatonia a member of this august body, as they themselves announced they were departing from the World Congress. Respectfully I request that Mr. Benton be removed from this chamber unless he is specifically invited.
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Re: 35th General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Apr 14, 2020 11:45 pm

Kristiāne Graudiņa
Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

Mr. President

Mr. Benton does not take into account that those countries that have put travel bans in Likatonia have every right to do so. Because we are sovereign countries we can make our own laws and do as we please. You Mr. Benton are the one who is talking about killing. We would not kill the Reformists unless they attacked. Secondly like the Hutorian Ambassador brought up your movement does not belong in this chamber. Again I will state that Dolgavia has it's reasons for the travel ban and we have every right to do so because we are sovereign. Likatonia made their decision to leave this place. We feel that should have some consequences.
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Re: 35th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Wed Apr 15, 2020 12:19 am

Toprak Kunter, Jakanian Permanent Representative to the World Congress:
The World Congress General Assembly has always been open to individuals from a broad range of political, religious and cultural groups. Yet now we see a Security Council member seeking to silence an individual based solely on his religious beliefs. Perhaps the anti-religious sentiment in this body goes further than originally thought!
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Re: 35th General Assembly Session

Postby John Cracker » Wed Apr 15, 2020 12:35 am

John Benton

"We would like to continue to welcome nations, political parties and groups to discuss Terran-wide issues and cooperate on Terran-wide initiatives.” We fall under groups, we do not represent a country, I will leave the chamber when I wish to, I am aware every country has a right to, but didn't every country have to legalize slavery? That doesn't make it right.
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Re: 35th General Assembly Session

Postby Locke1342 » Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:08 am

Temrmai Akedkáhe, Jelbanian Representative to the World Congress:

May I express my country's shock at the fact that a Security Council member does not seem to know the rules of World Congress. Even if we ignore for just a second the blatant anti-religious position the Hutorian delegation have staked out by objecting to Mr. Benton's appearance, they are still in fact wrong in their intepretation of who is and is not part of the this General Assembly Session. I refer the Hutorian Ambassador to this: http://forum.particracy.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=8453, where I wish to point out the line, "All parties, countries and organizations are allowed to participate in the General Assembly." Jelbania would certainly expect a Security Council member to have a thorough understanding of the rules and conventions of this august body, and their misinformation on the matter is concerning.
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