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50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:36 pm
by jamescfm
Below are the archived discussions of the 50th Security Council Session, which lasted from 4854 to 4869.

Image Ms. Afiríyie Danso, General-Secretary of the World Congress:
Following the 4854 Security Council elections, the World Congress welcomes members to the 50th Security Council Session.

The elected members of the Security Council at the commencement of this term are Endralon, Istalia, Valruzia, Telamon and Liore. Elected members have eighteen months to present a representative to the Security Council or they will forfeit their position for the duration of the term and the runner-up in their seat will replace them.

Members are encouraged to move quickly to elect an individual as the President of the Security Council, I shall chair discussions in the meantime.

Re: 50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:56 pm
by robmark0000
Image Ms. Zobor Réka
Representative of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon to the World Congress Security Council

Honored Chamber!

I'd solemnly confirm that the Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our Directorial Republic Mr. Antall-Kecske Tibor appointed me to represent our Country in this council, according to Our laws.

Its an honor to be here, and hope we will can work together with our fellow Ambassadors and Representatives to make Terra a safer, richer and freer planet.

Re: 50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:02 am
by ChitinKal
Neema Oyenusi, World Congress Representative of the Socialist State of Liore
Comrade representatives, as Liore once again has the honor of serving as the representative of the Terran east in this body of equals, I have been given the honor of representing Liore and all peoples of Dovani, Vascania, and Temania on this council. I hope as brothers and sisters we may use our time in this Security Council session to further the ideals of justice and equality for the common man of Terra, and work to defend the liberty of all peoples and sovereignty of all nations.

I shall vote for myself, the representative of Liore and the East, as President of the Security Council.

Re: 50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:10 am
by robmark0000
Image Ms. Zobor Réka
Representative of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon to the World Congress Security Council

Reflecting on what the Honorable Person from Liore said, I also nominating myself for the Presidency of the Security Council. We call Valruzia, Istalia and Telamon to vote for me as bastion of liberty, free trade and social progress.

I vote for MYSELF.

Thank you and gratitude in advance.

Re: 50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 12:53 am
by ChitinKal
Neema Oyenusi, World Congress Representative of the Socialist State of Liore
Comrade representatives, I wish I could share Ms. Réka's belief that Endralon serving as President of this Council would usher in her ideals of liberty and social progress, but I do not see that as a possibility coming from a nation like Endralon. In fact, I am quite surprised that Endralon is even permitted to sit on this council given her history of corruption and the imperialistic and exploitative nature of her corporate overlords, such as 3M. Is it safe to put at the head of Terra's most powerful and preeminent supranational organization the top pick of a neo-colonialist corporate oligarchy? How can we be sure that Endralon will lead this council with the best interests of the people of Terra at heart, and not only the best interests of her corporate puppet-masters and the bankrollers of her politicians?

Comrade representatives, I urge for you to vote for myself and for the East in this most important of elections. Liore regards the sovereignty of nations as the most important ideal to be protected by this organization, and as such we will work against the use of this body as a tool for imperialism, as I no doubt believe Endralon or her corporations will attempt the opposite as they and 3M did with Medina. As we promised our comrades back home in the East, our tenure in this body will be dedicated to the defense of national sovereignty and the furthering of such ideals as equality and justice for the common man, ideals which Endralon only wishes to deliver to the corporate elite.

Thank you comrade representatives, that is all I have to say on this matter. I hope you will make the correct choice and vote against corporate empires and for your sovereignties.

Re: 50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 8:54 am
by robmark0000
Image Ms. Zobor Réka
Representative of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon to the World Congress Security Council

Honorable Chamber!

I am really disappointed that the Honorable Person from Liore such a rude person. First, the human who called himself to represent national sovereignty and differences of cultures, called me Ms. Réka, however the right Endralonian term, Ms. Zobor would be. I think this wasn't the best way for proving Your commitment for the equality of all cultures and peoples. I wish that this mistake would be the only one in this previous speech, full with anger, hate and immoral desire for power; but this wasn't the only one.

Looks like the Liori Representative does not recognize the language of diplomacy, and he tries to make votes by hate rhetoric, he just forgot this Honorable Chamber is not the streets of his Country, but the leading council of the World. He tries to make votes by populistic, hate phrases, such as 'Endralon shouldn't be permitted to be here', and with it, the Representative doubt the right of a sovereign nation to be here, the meeting place of sovereign nations. Or such when the Representative states that Endralon is a 'neo-colonalist corporate oligarchy'. I would like to ask you, are You a sociologist? How many months, years are behind your sociological researches that resulted this statement from you? I would be really curious for the answer of this question. However, we, Endralonians, who also spent many time on analyse our country (because this is how we get votes), we think there is just a few countries who deserve title 'liberal democracy' more than the free, rich and safe Directorial Republic.

Also, I do solemnly announce, now and forever, there is NO background corporate powers behind Endralonian politicians, or behind me. I am, just as every public official, from my party, the Direct Democrats, are democratically elected by the people, last time we got 18.42% of the total vote, and before it, we got 20.96% of it. Tens of millions of peoples voting for our party that you always charge with corporate oligarchic believer. What do you think, wouldn't the people of Endralon know that if we would doing something bad? Also, with our allies, we could form a government for the umpteenth time. Except a few exceptions, we always were in the Endralonian government, we always were. So if you critize us with building a corporate oligarchy, you critizes the decision of the Endralonian people; and it is also not the best way to express your commitment for national sovereignty.

Just as that you are worship national sovereignty here, however your country also not fully sovereign; a truly imperialist power, that unlike us who are modest merchants, trying to achieve its goals with military tools, in the most dangerous way, currently is on Your soil with thousands of soldiers who are hunting down and defeating YOUR own citizens, even if they're terrorists. I think it is not a secret that this imperialist power is Deltaria. Tell me, Representative, could that happen that Deltarian forces confusing innocent people with terrorists, and killing them also? Or that could happen that Deltarian forces rigging a Liori election? However that is a little bit suspicious that the anti-Deltarian Liori political party National Movement cannot win just because somebody suspended the election in a Department what usually favored them. Interesting, I must say.

Also, while we are speaking, Liore also created a medicament corporation, with the goal to make its Dovani's number one in that industry. We wish them good luck with it, they will compete with the largest corporation Terra ever had. However, with this they just proved that they're not interested in their principles, and just doing right that what they accuse Endralon with. You know, there could be nice words, about liberating Dovani from 3M and make it free across this corporate entity, but a for-profit company will be a for-profit company, especially if that run together with Dorvik.

This is Your country, Representative, a country in the grabs of Western powers such as Deltaria and Dorvik, and this debate is not about liberating the East from Western corporations, just the two mentioned countries' fight against their rivals, Us. I have to add, Vascania's words on liberating the East would be far more honest, especially because they're a fully sovereign nation, great power and strong economy on their own. Wish good luck for the Liori Representative for his further campaign, but I won't endorse, and I will still be stand as the free world's candidate for Presidency.

Thank you!

Re: 50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 2:27 pm
by Mr. F49
Nikolai Olafsson,
Ambassador of the Autonomous State of Telamon in the World Congress Security Council.

Our goal will remain the same, to make dialogue the resolution of conflicts and bring peace to Terra. Telamon defends the culture of peace and wishes to extend it to Terra.

My vote for SC President goes to Zobor Réka

Re: 50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 3:04 pm
by robmark0000
Image Ms. Zobor Réka
Representative of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon to the World Congress Security Council

Gratitude for the Honorable Person from Telamon. I am really glad that the Ambassador of Telamon and the entire North are such a wise and good person.

Re: 50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:06 pm
by jamescfm
Image Ms. Afiríyie Danso, General-Secretary of the World Congress:
I would like to remind all representatives that the function of the President is to act in the best interest of all members to resolve tension and reach compromise. In the past there has been a particular emphasis on the requirement that this individual has the consensus of the whole body and they have often been non-partisan. Representatives should bear this mind when deciding whether to approve someone for the role.

Re: 50th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:40 pm
by ChitinKal
Neema Oyenusi, World Congress Representative of the Socialist State of Liore
Comrade representatives, if we had the time I would go in depth to debunk and critique this long, rambling diatribe given to us by Ms. Zobor, but as this body has issues to attend to, I wish only to defend the honor of my nation, which this corporate puppet decries as controlled by Deltaria and Dorvik. You should be glad that we allow Deltarian troops onto our soil to combat the murderous Dovani Liberation Organization, that way these terrorists are destroyed quickly and easily. Ms. Zobor, no doubt you'd be glad that white westerners are allowed to come and hunt black and brown Dovanians who oppose your global imperialism, not only because Endralon is bigoted towards our people but also as I'm sure your nation's capital of Want Street would be their next target. We are not controlled by Deltaria because we has a strategic military partnership with them, saying such would be the equivalent of calling Davostan the imperialistic master of Endralon, and I'm sure we all know who really runs Endralon. And as for Dorvik, we have indeed recently concluded a trade deal with them, which I don't see how Endralon confuses for imperialism as Ms. Zobor herself puts on a pedestal the ideal of "free trade." I will not take these accusations of imperialistic control from a nation owned by corporate shareholders and who uses its corporations to imperialize the world, and I'm insulted that Ms. Zobor would dare compare the humanitarian efforts of Lidor Pharmaceuticals to 3M. This is an effort by Liore and Dorvik to provide low-cost pharmaceuticals to low-income nations in Dovani, precisely because western companies like 3M try their damnedest to exploit and squeeze as much money as possible out of non-white Dovanians who have no other pharmaceutical alternative.

I concur with Ms. Uí Macdha, the President of this body should be chosen unanimously. It is for such a reason that I instead endorse Istalia for the Presidency of the Security Council, as it is clear that Ms. Zobor will not tolerate a human she considers lesser to her to hold this spot, and the Gods know I will never betray my morals and vote for a corporate puppet.