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89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:05 am
by jamescfm
Image Ms Julia de la Cavallería, General-Secretary of the World Congress:
Following the 5447 Security Council elections, the World Congress welcomes members to the 89th Security Council Session.

The elected members of the Security Council at the commencement of this term are Kundrati, Beiteynu, Tukarali, Lourenne, and Vascania. Elected members have eighteen months to present a representative to the Security Council or they will forfeit their position for the duration of the term and the runner-up in their seat will replace them.

Members are encouraged to move quickly to elect an individual as the President of the Security Council, I will chair discussions in the meantime.

Re: 89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:34 pm
by Augustus Germanus
Image Mr Lier Arsuaga, Security Council Representative of the Kundrati Union
We thank the nations of Terra for this opportunity and the General-Secretary, Ms de la Cavallería, for allowing Kundrati to sit in these honorable chambers. We look forward to cooperate not only with the other countries of the Security Council, but the rest of the world as well, to bring about a more cohesive and united front against all the various injustices that we continually face. Thank you.

Re: 89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:39 pm
by jamescfm
Image Mr Rishikeshnath Vyamajala, Representative of the Vascanian Empire to the World Congress:
I am honoured to represent the Vascanian Empire for this Security Council session.

Re: 89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:55 pm
by _nicolo_02
Jonathan Levinsky, Permanent Representative of the Homeland State of Beiteynu to the World Congress:
I will be representing my Homeland State of Beiteynu in this council.

Re: 89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:30 am
by Luis1p
Sylvain Forestier, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom of Lourenne and the Union of Canrille to the World Congress.

Esteemed Ambassadors and Representatives,

I am honored to represent the United Kingdom and the Canrillaise world at the Security Council.

We are prepared to tackle the world's concerns with you all.

Re: 89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:09 pm
by jamescfm
Image Ms Julia de la Cavallería, General-Secretary of the World Congress:
Tukarali has failed to present a representative to the Security Council and has therefore forfeited its seat for the current session. As the country with the next highest number of votes, Yingdala is invited to present a representative to the Security Council.

Re: 89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:34 pm
by Liu Che/Zhuli
His Royal Highness Prince Wu Zhao, Yingdalan Ambassador to the World Congress
I am most honored to remain the Yingdalan representative to the Security Council.

Re: 89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:54 pm
by Liu Che/Zhuli
His Royal Highness Prince Wu Zhao, Yingdalan Ambassador to the World Congress
Your Excellencies, given the situation in Kirlawa, I urge the Security Council to approve an investigation into their chemical and biologic stockpiles in line with SC Resolution 73b.

Additionally, I urge the Security Council to consider a new resolution to ban nuclear weapons stockpiles, except for research use, to close a large gap in the global non-proliferation regime.

Re: 89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 5:13 am
by Luis1p
Sylvain Forestier, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom of Lourenne and the Union of Canrille to the World Congress.

Esteemed representatives,

We recognize and consider the motion by the Yingdalan Prince and Ambassador. The United Kingdom also believes this situation to be extremely dangerous and deteriorating. To avoid further conflict and tensions in a highly volatile region, the United Kingdom proposes this resolution for debate:

Proposed at the 89th Session of the Security Council.

The Security Council,

Recognizes the humanitarian crisis and the dangerous military escalation in Kirlawa and the surrounding region.

Condemns the Military State of Kirlawa for its extremist ideology, its persecution of human rights, and its escalation of military tensions in the greater Artanian region.

Sanctions the Military State of Kirlawa for its involvement in the potential development of chemical and biological weapons, going against international law stated in Resolution 73b of the Security Council.

Establishes a humanitarian corridor and liaison point for those affected by the crisis in Kundrati, set to be led by the World Congress Security Council.

Acknowledges that military assistance and security measures may be necessary on behalf of the World Congress Peacekeeping Task Force, set to be led by Kundrati and Lourenne.

We invite our colleagues to debate and enhance this resolution where needed.

Re: 89th Security Council Session

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:12 am
by GreekIdiot
Zaarim Yavolim, Deputy Representative to the Security Council, Homeland State of Beiteynu

The Homeland State of Beiteynu votes nay on R139.

First and foremost, this body seems very keen in recent decades in overshadowing states and regional organisations alike in its pursuit of shaping the world.

Just like the MSCO wasn't consulted on the nuclear weapons inquiry in Beiteynu, Artania's vehicles are now being sidestepped in the same manner. Despite the Artanian Union's difficulties in presenting an active role in continental politics, it still offers a means of supranational coordination, not to mention that a Kundrati-led summit is currently in progress in Aethansk on the formation and establishment of operations for a security organisation in Artania.

Why is not the Security Council placing leadership of regional affairs to regional organisations - or even a mere consult?

Secondly, it seems to us that Lourenne is leveraging its membership in the Security Council to advance its own foreign policy agenda. Why is the World Congress Peacekeeping Task Force set to be led by Kundrati and Lourenne? Are you purposefully disregarding 25 states which have placed their trust in Beiteynu? By that measure, why is Lourenne directly involved in an Artanian affair and not just Kundrati? Is Kasaema incapable of representing the will of the World Congress?

We are not blind to the risks and concerns of the current situation, but Mr. Forestier, my my, the world is not Lourennais.