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Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:36 pm
Madam Helga Bulow,

The candidate concerned was a man dressed in a lemur suit who promised to use the position to throw lavish parties. That is why he was disqualified. We didn't disagree with him, because there was no substance with which to agree or disagree. Thus, he was not a serious candidate and was eliminated for the good of the GA.

The WCA has nothing personal against this pretender to the Noumonde throne, we just do not believe he should be in charge of world diplomacy. The WCA decided what is legitimate and what is legal with regards to the World Congress, and as diplomatic as we have been we ask you to cease this ridiculousness.

World Congress Administration

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:11 pm
by Aquinas
Tombovelo Tsitohery, Prime Minister of Noumonde:

Baron Rnúf Herlkasrmko Ashur,

You are correct, indeed, that the third world nations are amongst the top exporters of tropical crops. Here in Noumonde, we particularly specialise in coffee, vanilla, sugarcane, cloves and cocoa.

Unfortunately, though, our exporters struggle to receive fair prices on the world markets, due to the powerful negotiating power of the big corporations from the richest countries, including your own.

Furthermore, there is the issue that here in Noumonde, the land is largely controlled by the Canrillaise (OOC: French) minority, whilst the majority of the rural population is landless and exploited. We are working to address, but this is difficult, since our government lacks funds and we have not received the international support we need in order to afford a far-reaching voluntary land redistribution program. The coffers of the International Noumonde Fund for Land Redistribution Fund stand almost empty.

We will be immensely grateful for any development assistance or fair and mutually advantageous trade deals Vanuku can offer us. However, we still hope Vanuku - and other wealthy countries - will carefully consider the merits of our argument that they aspire towards eliminating their agricultural subsidies and agricultural trade barriers by the year 4500.

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 9:05 am
by Sisyphus
Baron Rnúf Herlkasrmko Ashur, Vanukean Ambassador to the World Congress:

Prime Minister Noumonde,

Our Trade and Industry Minister, Jezklune Shtén, is willing to fly to Noumonde to discuss with you, and see first hand, the situation you have outlined. While there she will look at the opportunities to establish competitive trade deals for the commodities you have mentioned and to explore the option of investing into the fund you have cited to help the government redistribute land currently owned by the wealthy elite.

I hope you will be able to take us up on this offer, Prime Minister.

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 9:50 am
by Edmund
WCRC wrote:Madam Helga Bulow,

The candidate concerned was a man dressed in a lemur suit who promised to use the position to throw lavish parties. That is why he was disqualified. We didn't disagree with him, because there was no substance with which to agree or disagree. Thus, he was not a serious candidate and was eliminated for the good of the GA.

The WCA has nothing personal against this pretender to the Noumonde throne, we just do not believe he should be in charge of world diplomacy. The WCA decided what is legitimate and what is legal with regards to the World Congress, and as diplomatic as we have been we ask you to cease this ridiculousness.

World Congress Administration

President King Julien XIII presides over the General Assembly

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:42 pm
by IsleofSalkuo
The WCRC('s previous chairman) has already confirmed that there's no need for a re-election. Shall that change, I'll be more than happy to step down and do such re-election. I will need to confirm something first. Shall this re-election happen, I will not be running in it.

Regarding the Nuomonde situation, I shall be meeting with all leaders involved. After that, I shall be making a World Congress Resolution to ensure that 3rd World Countries can grow their economies. That way, 3rd World countries can raise their people from poverty without any difficulty.

~Kyle Mizzi, President of the General Assembly

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:19 am
by Axxell
Aldo Marino, delegates of the Istalian Republic into the General Assembly

Here it is clear that this desqualification is being used by the supporters of the Noumonde's pretender to gain support and visibility. About all the rest... collegues... please, let be serious!
To all those that oppose this decision, I would just ask this: how to elect as President of this August Institution someone like... the "King of the lemurs"? Are you serious? It seems that nobody here is underlining this, the ridicolousness of such candidate to cover such important role!

So, I invite all the other delegations to simply ignore such claims of irregularity, discrimination, and so on and to welcome the new President of the GA, a serious and respectable person to whom we wish a good job.
If any other delegates would like to express disappointment... well... I think that the most simple reponse should be: "so, why didn't you presented another candidate?". There are no restrictions for the candidature! Well... obviously I think that a certain seriousness and professionality should be always demanded.

Thank you

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:03 pm
by IsleofSalkuo
I sincerely thank the Istalian Delegates for their recent statement. We all need to look forward to the future. What happened however should be prevented in the future in order to encourage a good set of candidates in the next GA Presidential election.

~Kyle Mizzi, GA President

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:39 pm
by Edmund
Axxell wrote:Aldo Marino, delegates of the Istalian Republic into the General Assembly

Here it is clear that this desqualification is being used by the supporters of the Noumonde's pretender to gain support and visibility. About all the rest... collegues... please, let be serious!
To all those that oppose this decision, I would just ask this: how to elect as President of this August Institution someone like... the "King of the lemurs"? Are you serious? It seems that nobody here is underlining this, the ridicolousness of such candidate to cover such important role!

So, I invite all the other delegations to simply ignore such claims of irregularity, discrimination, and so on and to welcome the new President of the GA, a serious and respectable person to whom we wish a good job.
If any other delegates would like to express disappointment... well... I think that the most simple reponse should be: "so, why didn't you presented another candidate?". There are no restrictions for the candidature! Well... obviously I think that a certain seriousness and professionality should be always demanded.

Thank you

IsleofSalkuo wrote:
I sincerely thank the Istalian Delegates for their recent statement. We all need to look forward to the future. What happened however should be prevented in the future in order to encourage a good set of candidates in the next GA Presidential election.

~Kyle Mizzi, GA President

President King Julien XIII presides over the General Assembly

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 8:06 pm
by Rogue
Teodor Dušek, Deltarian representative to the World Congress

Dear members of the World Congress, i come before you to address the unbelievable situation that the deltarian government and people are in. A few nations that are present in our security council have threatened, blackmailed and sanctioned my government in an attempt to subjugate its people under their imperialist umbrella. They have decided to force their will upon the people of Deltaria even though they know nothing of its laws, traditions and values.

The new Federation of Deltarian Socialist Republics was created to ensure that every citizen in our beloved motherland could live in freedom and prosperity. Yes, our state is not what many would call a "democracy" and that is with reason. Democracy corrupts society, it eats away at the institutions of the state as power hungry individuals try to win election after election at the cost of the people. In our society the people are free by law, they can discuss freely on the streets, they can decide what to do with their own bodies and the government even aids in this. However we, the people of Deltaria, have chosen to live with this freedom without the burden of democracy, the people are sattisfied and this can be seen on the streets of Deltaria where the only thing you see is smiles! Just take a simple look at our lawbook and see the evidence for yourselves.

Vanuku and Istalia believe they know what is best for other nations on our planet, they believe that their corrupt "democratic" societies are better then others. I ask you, which nation dropped a nuclear bomb and killed thousands upon thousands of innocents? Which nation tried dominating majatra for centuries and has only brought death and despair in trying to force their "democracy" on others? Yes, those nations where Vanuku and Istalia.
Even while we wanted negotiations the istalians are now voting on the deployment of naval forces to our coasts!

I call upon the humanity and common sense of the honorouble representatives of the nations of terra. I call upon them to condemn the imperialist and hypocritical agenda of Vanuku and Istalia!

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:48 am
by Axxell
Aldo Marino, Istalian Ambassador to the General Assembly of the World Congress

as usual, we are witnessing to another attempt by part of a dictatorial regime to use the excuses of the "imperialistic attack" to hide indeed its criminal behavior, its actions which, despite all the lies expressed, are all but something related to liberty.

The people is so "free" in Deltaria that there are thousands that left or are living Deltaria to find refuge from persecutions unleashed against these people because of their name, their family, their social status, their ideas and opinions. Recently in Istalia one of these people was victim of the same ideology that is oppressing Deltaria and with him many in Deltaria already has fallen under the "justice" of this "socialist paradise".

Freedom... a biased freedom! The Deltarian people is free until they act as it wants its Government! But... once someone said that Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty. Is this the Communist dream? The Communist Freedom? The people that should have fear for what to say or for their personal opinions, this is freedom? I don't think so.

Furthermore, the actions of the Istalian Government, as well as of the Vanukean one, have not been taken due the fall of Deltaria under a communist dictature, but due to the fact that unilaterally, without evidences of the will of the locals, Deltarian occupation forces in south Jelbania established arbitrary a new nation and new Government, as well dictatorial like in Deltaria, destroying, once again, the unity of the Jelbanian nation and people.
For this reason we acted in this way, and for the same reason many other nations are preparing sanctions against Deltaria, like Cildania in Majatra.

What is sad, it's that there are fully democracy that, ignoring the fate of millions and millions of Deltarians and Jelbanians, are ready to support Deltaria. They are ready to support a one-party regime and they are ready to support that this regime creates its puppet state into another state infringing its territorial, political and social unity. For what? Just to goes against two other nations that could infringe their attempt to expand the global influence of their military organizations, and we are talking about Lourenne and Kazulia, and all the other nations of the Northern Council ready to intervene in any scenario of the world to undermine nations like the mine or Vanuku, which couragiously doesn't accept this global alliance and its goals.
This is probably the most sad thing of all this history! And I think that first of all Kazulia, as member of the Security Council, should responde of its support of a regime that infringe some of the most basical human rights, the political freedom and the freedom of expression first of all! And to me it seems that the Security Council established even an Office dedicated to the Human Rights, so... what we have to think about this behavior of Kazulia?

I'm closing saying: we want give an advice to any nation of the Northern Council: your forces are not welcomed in Majatra! Sending forces in Majatra to defend a one-party dictature will be see as an attempt to destabilize furthermore our Continent, and this will be no more accepted! Any further NC's forces that will attempt to approach in Majatra will be considered as a attempt to unleash a war! We warn you and with this we will no retourn anymore on this argoument, there are no more to say about this!