39th Security Council Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: 35th Session (WCSC)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jan 24, 2020 8:25 pm

The Kingdom believes that there are several issues in the world that we must address:

1. The rise of slavery in modern times, notably in Lodamun which possesses an unfortunate notable position due to the oddly continued strength of the Lodamese Dollar;

2. The situation developing on the Solentian-Istalian border.

Wulf Steitz,
General-Plenipotentiary to the World Congress
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Re: 35th Session (WCSC)

Postby Aethan » Sat Jan 25, 2020 2:11 pm

Alida Flammia, Istalian Ambassador to the World Congress,

Istalia has just launched a plan in an attempt to manage the refugee crisis on our border, but we also would need international collaboration and mediation to put an end to the conflict and this whole situation. viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4118&start=1520#p153184
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Re: 35th Session (WCSC)

Postby Doc » Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:17 pm

Louis Stevens, Ambassador to the World Congress Security Council from the United Republic of Kalistan:

Greetings, Comrades, and indeed, you are all Comrades, and absolute equals.

We have strangely returned to this august body through no effort on the part of Kalistan. As a matter of fact, our invitation to be seated among you is still inexplicable to us. However, we have been instructed to appear before this body to accept the appointment, and take our seat.

As a voting member of the 35th Session of the World Congress Security Council, it is our joyous task to announce Kalistan's foreign policy goals. It is toward these goals that Kalistan's representation seeks to work, and we are of the opinion that such goals will lead to peace and stability in Terra.

1) Kalistan seeks to expand the trading opportunities provided by nations of the Anantonese Ocean Rim to all corners of the planet. These nations are thoroughly modernized in their production models, and together, we export a significant portion of the world's raw materials, including steel, oil, technology, and services. Combined, the nations of the Anantonese Ocean represent an excellent opportunity to provide a trading pole which is quite apart from the older, more established corners of the world, and have generally adopted free or fair trade standards toward the rest of globe. It is in Kalistan's national interest that Anantonese Trade volume increase.

2) Kalistan seeks to promote an anti-nuclear armament accord within the World Congress that bans ALL weaponry, from the face of the globe, which possesses either a nuclear payload or a nuclear powerplant. Nuclear Technology is a menace to mankind, and those who possess it and use it with impunity imperil all those they come into contact with. Too long has the world been threatened by nuclear weapons, wither they be intercontinental ballistic missiles, or nuclear powered submarines who may park off some nation's coast and threaten them with annihilation. It is in the interest of all peace loving people that these horrible weapons of global atomic terrorism be outlawed and scrapped.

3) Kalistan stands with the nations of the world in the promotion of Republicanism and the condemnation of slavery. We have become aware that there is a nation on our very borders that subjects people to such human chattel subjugation. Kalistan stands opposed to this policy, and calls for the liberation of all people from the dreadful tyranny of both an economic system governed completely by violence and domination, as well as that of unelected and unaccountable tyrants, who stand above the law, and are not subjects to that law. We see the two things as one in the same! We support the establishment of Republican states, where the government rules in the interest of those governed, as well as rule of law and institutions where they exist.

4) Kalistan seeks the advancement of working people, even if it is at the expense of those who they work for, and call for the organization of an international syndicalist movement which fights to ensure that working people may live with dignity, and may realize their true potential as a class vis a vis their bosses. The ultimate goal is not only self determination in the Republic, but also worker control over the conditions of their work, and participation in the decision making of their workplaces.

5) Kalistan wishes to once more publicly endorse the ASCA agreement, and encourage all nations to sign onto the Treaty who have any interest in the region. This treaty represents the greatest opportunity for peace and prosperity in the Northern Anantonese Ocean, and therefore serves as a major security enhancement for not only Kalistan, but also for Lourenne, nations in Keris and other nations who pass through the Straits. We hope other nations will sign onto the Treaty.

6) Kalistan would like one more time to highlight the benefits of joining the ODEN III charter. This treaty represents the best vehicle for controlling black market sales of drugs within the nations of the Members. ODEN in any one country is forbidden from selling drugs to nationals of ANY OTHER ODEN signatory nation. This is found in our non-competition clauses. The best way to keep drugs originating from ODEN nations from coming into your country via the black market is to sign onto the Treaty. But ODEN is more than just a drug market for the world. ODEN also closely monitors and certifies purity and quality of drugs of ALL kinds, such as beneficial and therapeutic pharmaceuticals, as well as all paraphernalia associated with the use of drugs. If you have heroin addicts in your nations, who use ODEN certified hypodermic needles, you have already experienced a decline in communicable diseases associated with that dreadful scourge, such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and other types of diseases spread among drug addicts. ODEN guarantees the highest quality of all products that bear its stamp. There are currently 16 nations in compliance with the terms of the ODEN Charter right now, and less than 20% of those nations are members. Kalistan encourages all nations to consider their unjust prohibition of drugs, and alter their national drug policy in conformity to ODEN's terms, so they may join the treaty.

We yield.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: 35th Session (WCSC)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:51 am

"The Kingdom does not believe that the Security Council is the appropriate place to discuss Kalistan's personal foreign policy goals, that might be better suited for the General Assembly."

Wulf Steitz,
General-Plenipotentiary to the World Congress
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Re: 35th Session (WCSC)

Postby Doc » Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:39 am

Louis Stevens, Ambassador to the World Congress Security Council from the United Republic of Kalistan:

With respect:

Several of these points are matters of international security, stability and cooperation. We would draw the Council's attention specifically to Points 2, 3, (which by the way contains a matter which is already being considered by this Council, that of Lodamun), 4, 5 and 6. We will author resolutions on these topics for passage in the General Assembly.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: 35th Session (WCSC)

Postby Doc » Fri Jan 31, 2020 7:42 pm

Louis Stevens, Ambassador to the World Congress Security Council from the United Republic of Kalistan:

The United Republic of Kalistan hereby protests the smears of the Nation of Lourenne in their press.

They have made the following claims publicly, and we would demand either evidence of such claims or immediate recantation from Lourenne. If Lourenne refuses to recant its lies, we demand the right to respond unilaterally.

"The Royal Ministry of International affairs concluded that the Kalistani attitude towards Lourenne and Lourennais citizens has become increasingly negative. Lourennais citizens in Kalistan have faced discrimination and hate crimes since the Security Council voted to sanction Kalistan over their new pirate laws."

There have been ZERO hate crimes against Lourennais citizens in Kalistan, or anywhere else on the face of the globe by Kalistan. There is no evidence of any such hate crimes, and the accusation of this is both appalling, and absolutely scandalous on its face.

"The Royal Ministry of Defense is considering a massive naval blockade of the nation until the Kalistani government ends the active harassment and disturbing of international trade."

Kalistan has not disturbed trade, in any sense. The Straits currently remain open. Kalistan has taken NO steps to abrogate the Ananto Straits Agreement. As a matter of fact: the real threat to peace in the Ananto Strait and the Anantonese Ocean is Dorvik, who have put a bill on the floor to withdraw from the Treaty, which will have the effect of negating the treaty and calling the nation who withdrew to international adjudication. Those are the terms of the treaty. We have and continue to keep to the terms of that Treaty. And we have NOT harassed any international trade, not in the Strait and not in the Ocean. There is NO evidence of such harassment. Instead, we see immediate mobilization from two of the worlds largest navies. In response to Kalistan passing a piece of legislation! If ANYTHING has an effect on international trade, it is the immediate militarization of the Anantonese Ocean by the empires of Dorvik and Lourenne.

"High Chancellor Depaine in the the public statement, clearly explained that "Pirate Republics who seek to destroy international trade and defy international law must be
put into place as they do not have place within our region"."

Once more, we have not destroyed anything. Lourenne is slandering Kalistan, and does so with impunity.

We call upon the Nations of the World to address this bellicose action directed specifically at a sovereign Nation. You people claim to support international law and freedom of navigation. Can you REALLY countenance such a violation of sovereignty, international law and freedom of navigation of the seas as is reflected in the words of the Lourennaise warmongers?

This is absolutely ridiculous, it is saber rattling, and it REQUIRES a response from this body, if this body is to maintain any sort of legitimacy. Lourenne's actions designed to choke Kalistan's economy are an unprovoked act of war, and they need to be dealt with immediately.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: 35th Session (WCSC)

Postby Luis1p » Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:00 pm

Karle Secnatiel III, Lourennais Imperial Representative to the Security Council:

Members of the Security Council,

What we will discuss today is our mobilization of keeping our nation and our trade safe from the Republic of Kalistan, which has taken drastic measures to destabilize peace in our region. We would like to bring up the question of Kalistan's Legalization of Privateering. We have already had reports of illegal Kalistani ships raiding our valuable trade ships going through and around the Ananto Strait. How should we act when our neighbor, who is only miles away from our country, make privateering legal? Shall we encourage their actions? Shall we parade and celebrate this legislation? No. All that we have done in the past 48 hours has been to protect our Lourennais citizens and Lourennais trade.

For decades, Kalistan has contested the power and patience of the world's greater powers by denounce them on the international stage. But let's face the facts, Kalistan believes they can get away with shaming and undermining the great powers by complaining in this very chamber or through their won measures, which now includes their legalization of privateering. We cannot let their actions undermine our people and our national interests. It is time Kalistan stopped using this institution to justify their actions solely for the purpose of undermining the power status of my nation and my allies. Jealousy and envy do not have place here Mr.Stevens. If war is the only option to protect Lourennais interests and citizens, then so be it.
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