45th General Assembly Session

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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:39 pm

Image Mr. Birtan Gozubuyuk, Jakanian Permanent Representative to the World Congress:
In the most recent Security Council election, Jakania received more votes than every other country in Seat B combined, and the most votes in the six-hundred year history of the World Congress. Dolgava received exactly one vote in their seat and that vote was cast by their own country. I think it is fair to say that the nations of the world have shown their support for our international policy.

The imperialist international order simply do not seem to be getting the message. Perhaps they are just too caught up in their own propaganda that they cannot understand how others might disagree with them. The principles being articulated here are not complex, they are not new, and they are not controversial. The nations of the world want this body to uphold the principle of state sovereignty, they believe that it is fair that they should govern their own countries. Jakania has asked for nothing more than this.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jul 01, 2020 10:51 pm

Zigmārs Salmiņš Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

Stop changing the subject Mr. Representative, First off, Dolgavia did not campaign for the SC seat but now that we see the true colors of said "international leaders". We can see the corruption and cynical nature. You and your government think you can run Terra into the ground. You want this body to be stripped of its power. You call yourself a world leader. Jakania's true colors are emerging. They keep using the word "imperialist or imperialism" to label anyone who does not disagree with them. May I remind the Jakanian representative that the world does not revolve around Dokuz. You may not accept this fact but, many countries that have monarchies are not imperialistic. You can't wrap your minds around this. We are soverign, we have a lovely Queen and we will not change because some country across Terra is calling us isolationist...

Your party is severely isolationist that is fine but do not drag the rest of Terra with you. We did not vote for you, we do not support you and we see your actions as childish unacceptable and clearly an attempt to expand your sphere of influence to include the Security Council... Even countries that supported you are rebuking your actions. Get your hand out of the Jakanian sand and wake up. Your policies may work in your country but not for all of Terra. We are an international organization. We are not going to submit to your bullying...
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:03 pm

Image Mr. Birtan Gozubuyuk, Jakanian Permanent Representative to the World Congress:
The imperialist dogma runs too deep in the veins of the so-called international order that they cannot help but resort to offensive stereotypes and nonsensical accusations. Jakania does not want to run the world. In fact that is the exact point of disagreement between our nations. The Dolgavan delegation believes that the World Congress should have its own army and that it should police the conduct of other countries, while the Jakanian position is that national governments should be left to govern their own affairs and cooperate on matters of mutual concern. The nations of the world have made clear which system they prefer.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:28 pm

Zigmārs Salmiņš Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

Just because your country was voted in does not mean that you have unanimous support. In fact the nations of Terra have made themselves clear. The Right Honorable Representative from Vascania quite plainly said

"The Jakanians may be frightened dogs, unwilling to put up a fight in the name of good order and sense, but we Vascanians are not. The Jakanians want us to be a useless little girl's tea party, chatting idly amongst ourselves as the world burns around us". The Vascanians are not what you would call an "imperialist power" and they have our deepest respect for shutting your failed proposal down.

Our neighbors and friends in Telamon said

"Although was well do not want to see the rise of imperialism and neo-colonialism, we object to the abolishment of the WC Peacekeeping Office as it will leave nations open to commit actions they know will have no consequences—therefore we'd like to ask a permanent member of the Security Council to veto this as soon as possible". Quite frankly the WC should not be used for offensive wars or invasions to push agendas... However YOU Jakania are using the WC and the SC to push your agenda... You are hypocrites.

Also the Honorable Representative from Endralon

"We would be inhuman, if we wouldn't enforce these international norms during wars, revolutions or crises by the Peacekeeping Office. The World Congress, the largest (not the most powerful!) institution of the mankind cannot be inhuman". You are not getting this. We are not pushing a Imperialist agenda. We want to help people and save people.

Dolgavia saved many Keymonese people from death and made their lives better by just showing up and giving our food blankets and such. Did we have an agenda, No. Were we looking to invade, No. We don't get what your arguing. No other country has supported you in this. NO OTHER COUNTRY! If I voted for Jakania for the WC I would be proposing to vote for someone else because you are laughable. You will go down in history as a failure...

I almost forgot let me address the issue in Bianje. You deny that fact that chemical weapons were used? You say that no war crimes were committed... I wonder how much you were payed to say that. You really are in support of a defunct Fascist Regime... Can I take Jakania seriously anymore...

This brings me to my next point. Your country put sanctions on Kalopia for what again... Oh yes because they were a regime you disagree with. I stand in solidarity with Kalopia. I think we can switch the title of "rogue state" from Liktonia to Jakania now. Jakania is now a rouge state which has to have a lot of power.... It won't be long before the International Community gets tired of Jakania's bumbling, and bullying... That is all Thank You
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:37 pm

Image Mr. Birtan Gozubuyuk, Jakanian Permanent Representative to the World Congress:
If there are fellow respected delegates who were able to make sense of the words that we just heard, I encourage them to share this with the Jakanian delegation. Unless there were issues with translation it appears that the Dolgavan delegation was engaged in incoherent rambling.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:43 pm

Zigmārs Salmiņš Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

This fellow representatives is a classic Jakanian Move. When they don't want to argue or they are losing an argument they act like they cannot understand. We are not rambling, this is an important issue that needs to be addressed promptly but the Jakanian representative does not care and has to be rude about it, quite frankly the rudeness shown by the Jakanian representative is unacceptable...
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby Aquinas » Thu Jul 02, 2020 2:28 am

Vrikodara Mahalanabis, Foreign Minister of the Greater Malivian Empire:

Fellow delegates,

On behalf of the Greater Malivian Empire, I can assure this august Assembly that the claims about our country attempting to deluge Keymon with sewage are completely false, originally based on irresponsible journalism, and then exploited for purely political purposes by Keymon. The fact of the matter is that Keymon has neglected to take care of its beaches for many years, due to civil war, economic disruption and administrative dislocation. This is the sole reason Keymon's once pristine beaches are now filthily disgusting, and despite the propagation of lies to the contrary, they were no less filthily disgusting the day before the alleged sewage discharge than they were the day after.

Keymon's she-tyrant Eva has not only waged a brutal war of oppression on her own people against King Carlu's legitimate claim to the throne, leaving her country a shadow of its former self, but has also in recent years been engaging in the most reckless way in matters of international affairs. She has, as an example, placed a 50 million KED bounty on her own brother and Sovereign Lord, King Carlu, who is our guest here in Maliva, and has orchestrated an assassination attempt on him, here on Malivian soil, in a despicable and cowardly attack which left several people killed or injured. She has also refused our very reasonable requests for her to co-operate in our investigation of that deplorable act of terrorism. Not content with just that, she has furthermore imposed a serious of spiteful economic and travel sanctions against Malivia which everybody knows will hurt her own people far, far more than it will the citizens of our own fast-developing economy.

Fellow delegates, in circumstances as dire as these, most countries in our position would wash our hands of Keymon and leave it to wallow in its own excrement. However, the Malivian people share a strong link of kinship with the people of Keymon, who we recognise and cherish as the monkey children of Yekmon. Keymon is part of our ancestral heritage, and part of the Greater Malivia which once was, and we still hope - Aculaguna (OOC: the supreme divinity) willing - will one day, through peaceful and democratic means, come in to form again. And so, for the sake of the love that we bear for the land of Keymon and its people, we have offered to host peace talks on power-sharing between King Carlu and Eva in order to bring about peace and stability on a more long-term basis to that poor, suffering, war-weary island.

I am disappointed to report that so far Keymon has not responded to this invitation. They are, however, now asking us for 25 million KED in order to help them clean up their beaches. Fellow delegates, it is no secret we are a poor country with a significant budget deficit, and cannot easily afford to give away money. Nevertheless, as a gesture of our goodwill and our commitment to Keymon's future, Prime Minister Patanjali Ganapuli has asked me to offer the Keymon government 9 million KED on the condition they agree to attend the power-sharing peace talks which we have offered to host.

The international community will, I hope, understand and respect the position Malivia is taking on this issue.


Turning now to other matters on the World Congress' agenda...

In regard to Kalopia, the Greater Malivian Empire respects the outcome of Kalopia's last democratic election, and understands the Kalopian government's aspiration to preserve its nation's culture and way of life. We see no need for international sanctions to be implemented against Kalopia, and indeed, if these were imposed, we are concerned they might prove to strengthen the very tendencies which the supporters of sanctions were opposed to in the first place.

We oppose the proposal to abolish the World Congress Peacekeeping Office, as we believe there is a potential role for World Congress Peacekeepers to play in current and future conflict situations around the world. As a gesture of support for this institution, we are prepared to offer to second 1000 of our soldiers to the Office.

We support the proposal to eliminate the veto power of permanent members of the Security Council, although if this was to be done, we would prefer Security Council resolutions required a "super majority" - perhaps three-fifths or two-thirds. Given the unlikelihood that such a scheme will be approved, as an alternative proposal, we call instead upon the current permanent members - Dorvik, Hutori and Yingdala - to provide an assurance that they will, at least, agree to consider very carefully before utilising a veto, and agree to only do so in circumstances where they genuinely can see no alternative.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Jul 02, 2020 3:03 am

Kgosi Adebayo, World Council Representative of the Socialist State of Liore

Comrade representatives, it is sad to see what international discourse has devolved to in these chambers. The Jakanian delegation and Representative Gozubuyuk have been asymmetrically abused by their Security Council comrades and the Representative of Dolgava. Shame I say! We are all but brothers and sisters in a grand quest to make Terra better, yet any attempts to make our world greater are met with vitriol and hate. The Liori delegation stands firmly against the flippant and baseless proposal to denounce Jakania, and we must state our own denunciation of the tactics employed by Representative Salmiņš.

We must also state our total support of both proposals of the Jakanian delegation in the Security Council. Though we see the World Council and a beautiful tool of facilitating discourse between nations, we believe firmly that it cannot be allowed to grow too powerful so that it can interfere with the national sovereignty of the nations of Terra, and the interventionist militarization of this body is one-hundred percent a danger to national independence. With that I am forced also to denounce any attempts to grow the powers of this body and to make it supreme over the nations of Terra as imperialistic and against the interests of the third world, due to the domination of the Security Council by a select few economic powers of the west. On the topic of Security Council veto, we believe that the veto is a power that makes Terra's superpowers unequal among a body of equal nations, and thus you support the motion to remove this power. We must also concur with the opinion of Malivian Representative Mahalanabis that Security Council resolutions require a super majority in order to pass.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Jul 02, 2020 6:05 am

High Diplomatic Representative of Lodamun, Nathaniel Levitt

We concur with the Jakanian and Liorean sayings on the matter, as well on abolishing the veto. We believe that, as representatives of the Socialist Government of Lodamun, that the peacekeeping office must be abolished, as it's often a tool by the imperialists and bourgeoisie to exploit the poorer nations and impose their neoliberal fetishes upon the rest. We wish for this to go away and give the nations possibility to breath without the hissing of an international body ready to strike them down if their not doing the will of this body, as well all know, which is formed of rich persons. On the veto issue, we believe that it should be replaced with resolutions requiring two thirds of the powers to agree on a given issue, as such abolishing the gap between permanent and temporary SC members.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby Drax » Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:46 pm

Jumhuriat al-Badara Representative Magdalena al-Sadr

We concur with the view of the Representative from Lodamun.
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